Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 149 Battle in Penghu

The defense of Fengguiweibaozhai in Penghu has been going on for almost a month.

Zhao Xuanming is not worried at all.His troops can still find time every day to conduct routine drills in the open space in the stockade.The fortress was originally the warehouse of the commercial hall.The food that was supposed to be sold to the mainland and the garrison hoarded sweet potatoes, corn and other easy-to-storage foods piled up like a mountain.In the stockade, there are more than a dozen company clerks and book offices. More than 560 defenders can eat for three months if they let go of their stomachs; water.That's fine too.There are two wells in the village.The water was indeed a little salty.But still drinkable.

The only thing to worry about is the consumption of gunpowder bullets and shells.Zhao Xuanming has tried his best to save money.In addition to reducing the number of times to go out to attack officers and soldiers at night.It is also stipulated that ammunition should be economized in combat; when the cannon fires cannonballs.They even used stones picked up outside the stockade instead of iron sand.Anyway, stones and iron.When hit on the head of which unlucky guy.The effect is similar.

General Luo Yiwen, general Qinyi of Tongshanshui village, could not think of any other way to deal with this small fortress.Since the assault of the whole army suffered heavy casualties.His soldiers no longer had the courage and interest to fight.Every day is basically a work without effort.The soldiers were driven to the front of the battle.Basically, they were already lying on the ground collectively outside the range of the muskets of the Chinese company garrison.No matter how the officers urged them, whipped them with hands, or promised huge sums of money.The soldiers were determined not to stand up.Life and death do not want to go to the front line.In their view.To be slaughtered without a fight back.Meaningless.

After the second batch of reinforcements arrived.Luo Yiwen organized another attack; this time he sent people to detour behind the tail of the wind cabinet.Attack from the north and east.Shen Yourong's subordinates also participated in the battle this time.Luo Yiwen was so scolded by the general Zhu Wenda that he couldn't help it.He had no choice but to lick his face and ask Shen Yourong for help.fine.Shen Yourong didn't care about his previous attitude.Take his subordinates to obey his command.

But Luo Yiwen let the officers and soldiers of Wuyu Water Village take the lead.Shen Yourong had no choice.Take the lead and lead the team to charge.

Shen Yourong's first charge.The officers and soldiers were able to rush all the way to the trench.Shen Yourong told his soldiers not to form a group and charge forward like before.Spread out within a mile of the fort.A small team of dozens of people.The distance between soldiers was also kept as far as possible.Reduce the lethality of bullets.The power of the Chinese company's firearms has been greatly reduced.

Shen Yourong's troops encountered trouble in front of the trench.The trench is one person deep.After the officers and soldiers jumped into the trench.The wall of the stockade became as high as two people.The improvised ladder just barely reached the top of the wall.While they were busy building the ladder.A string of grenades thrown by the garrison inside the fortress.Blow them out of their wits.At this moment, it protrudes from the watchtowers and enemy platforms outside the wall.The guns and artillery have all shifted direction.Bullets and shells threw dust around the trench.Shen Yourong's soldiers were hit by shrapnel piles in the narrow space of the trench.Many died in the trenches.If at this moment Luo Yiwen could take advantage of the firepower on the wall to divert the direction.The opportunity to launch a general offensive when the frontal firepower is weakened.Maybe it can change the deadlock on the battlefield.but.Luo Yiwen sat back and watched Shen Yourong's troops fall in large numbers on the front line.It just didn't let the follow-up troops rush up.The opportunity that the officers and soldiers of Wuyu Water Village exchanged for their lives was wasted in vain.

Shen Yourong was stunned by a grenade.It was carried back by loyal subordinates.Soldiers without command also retreated.

The officers and soldiers of the other route attacked the fortress above under the rugged mountain road.But the Nanri Mountain sentry officer who led the troops was not willing to fight at all.Fired a bird gun into the sky for a while.After waving the flag and shouting, they retreated.Zhao Xuanming was confused.Thought it was a scam.

The officers and soldiers of this battle lacked cooperation.More than 140 officers and soldiers of Shen Yourong's navy died in vain.More than 200 people were injured.The casualty rate of Wuyu Shuizhai troops has reached 40.00%.Basically lost the fighting power.thereafter.The offensive by the officers and soldiers was limited to the daily routine of firing bird guns on the beach of Magong Harbor.Waving the flag and shouting.Determined not to charge anymore.

actually.Many naval officers and soldiers do not want to make life difficult for the Chinese company.Some low-level military officers such as Sentinels, Baihu, and Xiaoqi still have trade relations with Chinese companies in the station.therefore.Officers and soldiers from the coast have no will to fight.Most of the soldiers in the inland guards have degenerated into farmers.Lack of tactical training and poor equipment.Once fighting, they know how to gather together and charge forward.Crash at the first setback.The Penghu war dragged on for a long time.

News of the assembly of Zhejiang soldiers in Quanzhou spread to Taiwan.Mai De and Lin Xiao disregarded the pleas of the distraught Han family father and son, Lu Shitou, Huang Cheng and other major shareholders.Insist on not letting the Flying Leopard, which had just returned to Taiwan, attack.Because the Flying Leopard encountered a storm on the return journey.The foremast snapped off.Hull damaged.Cannot play until it is repaired.In order to support the defenders on Penghu Island.The quasi-clipping ship Haihun was dispatched.Smuggled across the Strait with more than 100 Zhuangding reserve soldiers who were about to reinforce Penghu.

The Wuyu Shuizhai navy, which is in charge of patrolling around the Penghu Islands, has just suffered heavy casualties in a land battle.Shen Yourong was also injured.All of a sudden, the combat readiness of the entire army was lax and morale was low.As a result, he was taken by the Sea Soul on a rainy night.It is close to the coast around Fenggui Cave.More than 100 reinforcements, some weapons and ammunition, and several special forces sharpshooters were secretly sent ashore.However, the coastal terrain around Fengguidong is too rough.There is really no way to move ashore with two guns.The captain of the Sea Soul had to turn around and head back.

Two officers and sailors from Nanri Shanshuizhai spotted the Haihun in the morning.But I could only see its black attire from top to bottom.In an instant, he was thrown over by this strange ship.There is no way to catch up.The two sentry officers who led the Nanri Shanshui Division discussed it.I think this boat is so weird.They had never seen such a ship on the sea of ​​Fujian.It must be reported to the superior.

This rainy night.Luo Yiwen was encouraged by Shen Yourong who insisted not to return to the mainland despite being injured.Another night raid.The rain made the flintlock muskets and steel wheel mines useless.This night attack was indeed a chance for officers and soldiers with backward firearms technology to succeed.but.A unit of officers and men capable of fighting on a rainy night.I'm afraid it will have to rely on Wuyu Water Village to provide it.Luo Yiwen gritted his teeth.He also sent out more than 100 personal guards.Including Shen Yourong's department.Some officers and soldiers in the water villages such as Fenghuomen and Nanrishan.A total of more than 900 people participated in the night raid.

but.Zhao Xuanming, the garrison captain of the Chinese company Penghu Commercial Center Fortress, was also prepared for the night attack.He ordered the use of wood and cloth in the warehouse to build a canopy for each fort.So that the cannon can still be fired in rainy days; at the same time.The soldiers on duty that night were all warship sailors with bows and crossbows; watchtowers, watchtowers, and enemy towers also prepared a large number of straight rockets.

The night attack of the officers and soldiers approached the fortress wall.Spotted by sailors on night watch.It was too late to fire the cannon.After a crossbow arrow shot, the two sides began hand-to-hand combat on the wall of the fort; rockets fired from the watchtower of the fort and the enemy tower exploded on the ground more than 100 steps away from the fort.Tung oil splashed out.Burning up irresistibly.Even set a few officers and soldiers on fire.There were screams like howling ghosts and wolves in the night sky.The sailors and the soldiers and officers of the garrison who came later engaged in the most intense hand-to-hand combat since the beginning of the war on the wall.The sound of clashes of swords and guns, the screams of dying soldiers and the sound of rain were mixed.

The watchtowers everywhere insisted on firing rockets without interruption.Eventually a wall of fire was formed around the fortress.Cut off the offensive route of the follow-up troops of officers and soldiers.The officers and soldiers on the forward line were weak.In the end, he was driven off the wall by the troops of the Chinese company.The casualties were heavy.

Fight hard all night.The heavy rain stopped suddenly.A string of iron grenades emitting black smoke was thrown from the wall of the Zhonghua company.After a series of explosions.The officers and soldiers' attack was eventually repelled.At this time.More than 100 reinforcements from Taiwan also arrived at the fort.And launched an attack on the retreating officers and soldiers.As a result, many officers and soldiers stumbled and fell from the rugged mountain road to the seaside reef during their escape.Killed for no reason.

"It's Uncle Zhang. You came too timely. It's really timely rain. It's just that there are too few people. We suffered a lot of casualties last night." Zhao Xuanming said to the captain of the Zhuang Ding team who came to reinforce.

Zhuang Ding team captain Zhang Hai is Lu Shitou's old buddy.Almost 40 years old.But still the old pirate style.Come up and give Zhao Xuanming a punch: "Good boy. The stockade has been guarded for a month. Not even a hair has fallen out. You are lucky. Look. My brother chased the officers and soldiers for you just now. Two of them were injured .How. How many people do you have?"

Zhao Xuanming smiled wryly and said: "Last night was the worst casualty. More than 40 brothers died. More than 100 brothers were injured. Nearly half of the injured brothers were seriously injured. There is no way to help them in a short time. Manpower. There are more than 400 people who can fight here.”

"The brothers I brought. They all fought against the native headhunters in the mountainous area. They fought hand-to-hand and shot twice. They also brought ammunition, food and grass. Now it's all under your command. Commander Mai and Director Lin said. Great victory in Luzon. Will return to Taiwan soon."

"Really. We won." Zhao Xuanming was overjoyed.Grabbing Zhang Hai, he asked suspiciously: "Really. Have we also occupied Manila City?"

"That's still a lie. The captain personally went out. There is nothing to be done. I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, it is right to win."

The whole castle cheered.Everyone is celebrating the victory.Not just celebrating last night's victory.It was also for Yin Feng's big victory in Luzon Island.

Although it has been more than a month since they were surrounded.The arrival of reinforcements and the victory of Luzon Island are two things.The morale in the fortress rose imperceptibly.the second night.The newly arrived Zhuang Ding team launched a night attack on the officers and soldiers' camp at Shili Beach.In one fell swoop, the temporary camp of officers and soldiers was burned to ruins.The officers and soldiers were driven away from the tail end of the wind cabinet.

Luo Yiwen completely lost the will to fight.He concentrated on hiding in his camp and waited for the arrival of the third batch of officers and soldiers.

in a few days.The Haihun ship landed at the southern beach of Fengguiwei in the middle of the night.More than 100 elite infantrymen from the second regiment, the Maid "Gale regiment", landed.Bring a lot of gunpowder, bullets and food.He even carried two three-pound bronze cannons.Entered the fortress without any hindrance.


a day later.The brigade's sailboats of officers and soldiers appeared off the coast of Penghu Bay.The line stretched all the way to the basalt coast on the West Key side.Until now.The Fujian government has increased its troops three times.A total of more than 13000 troops were sent to the small place of the Penghu Islands.There were close to 2000 casualties before and after.The total number of officers and soldiers stationed on the island has exceeded 11000.And Fengguiwei is in the fortress of the Chinese Commercial Center.The defenders were less than 700 people.If it is not for the superior terrain conditions.It is really possible to be drowned by the crowd tactics of officers and soldiers.

Zhu Wenda went to the battlefield in person.Unified command of naval forces.Including Wuyu, Nanri Mountain, Fenghuomen, Xiaocheng, Tongshan and other water villages.The main force of the navy of Fujian officers and soldiers has all assembled in Penghu Bay.A dense line of warship patrols was organized around the island.The Chinese company could no longer secretly transport troops and supplies to the island.

Fengguiwei Fortress is full of dangers.The situation is precarious.

at this time.Yin Feng finally returned to Taiwan with his troops.

There are still a lot of people welcoming the victory and triumphant return.Yin Feng and his subordinates disembarked with high morale.People on the pier commented one after another: "It will be good if the owner of the ship comes back. The battle on Penghu Island will be resolved soon."

"Why didn't the ship owner bring back the other two giant ships? Can it be done just by relying on those warships?"

"Why not? Relying on the 50 cannons on the Flying Leopard, it can also take all the officers, soldiers and sailors to the bottom of the sea."

Yin Feng himself is not so arrogant that he can fight against the entire Fujian navy with only one warship.The welcoming crowd on the pier.Numerous fathers and folks surrounded him to express their gratitude and respect.Congratulations from the top management of the company for the big victory in Manila.None of this would make him feel any easier now.

Zeng Jingshan, An Heping, Li Yue and others are still in Manila.Now the company is responsible for business and trade, factory production, agriculture, urban infrastructure, etc. are Han Ping and his son, Lu Shitou, and newly promoted Haicheng rich businessman Luo Xuri, Quanzhou Huang Cheng (uncle Zheng Zhilong) and others.These people don't want to fight with the imperial court.But it is also worried that officers and soldiers will overthrow Taiwan and destroy the increasingly prosperous base of Chinese companies.

In Yin Feng's study.When senior members of the company's board of directors and officers above the commander level of the guard are present.Lin Xiao handed a letter to Yin Feng: "This is a secret letter sent by the defenders of the Jilonggang Fortress in Taipei on a fast horse. It is said that Zhejiang sent a ship to them."

Lin Xiao presided over the internal intelligence collection work is still very effective.The information this time was Yin Feng's business partner when he smuggled silk from Jiangnan earlier.The original Chang Guoshui camp prepared the Japanese general Luo Qing.Now he is the General Wen Chu under the jurisdiction of the Chief Military Officer of Zhejiang Province.In the past few years, the business between Luo Qing and Zhonghua Company has been booming.Not only do you get rich yourself.He also bribed his boss with a lot of money to get into the position of General Wen Chu.He is already a mid-to-high-ranking military officer of the imperial court.

This time the Fujian government "encircled and suppressed pirates".Luo Qing was also ordered to send troops for reinforcements.By the way, the information about dispatching troops was also sent to the branch of Huaxing United in Wenzhou.After tossing and turning a few hands.It finally came to Yin Feng's hands.

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