Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 153 Business Negotiations

Another half month has passed.The warring parties on Penghu Island are generally at peace.Although the officers, soldiers and navy still blocked the coast of Fengguiwei.But at night.The elusive Sea Soul often docked at the coast unimpeded.Send personnel and supplies to the island.Then pick up the wounded.

At first, there were indeed serious and responsible naval ships that wanted to chase the Haihun.But often they can only watch this strange black ship easily throw them away.walk away.at last.The officers and soldiers of the navy were already too hungry to patrol.Turned into a fisherman.Fishing around Penghu Island all day.Brothers in the infantry can't live off growing wheat on an island.The limited food and grass must first meet the personal barracks of the officers and soldiers.

These days.Zhao Xuanming also took the initiative to attack; the land route at the end of the wind cabinet has been tightly sealed by officers and soldiers with multiple camps.They used small sampans to row from the south coast of Magong Port to the vicinity of the officers and soldiers barracks. After firing a string of rockets with a 'swoosh', he turned around and returned quickly. Zhao Xuanming, who had tasted the sweetness, made continuous attacks. He must come every night. He never got tired of it.

On one occasion, a rocket attack set fire to a warship of officers and soldiers moored in Magong Harbor.The fire spread all of a sudden.More than 50 ships were burned.thereafter.Shen Yourong, who had been refrigerated after Zongbing Zhu's arrival, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the navy.Shen Yourong managed to mobilize the morale of some people.Go into battle personally.The defense of the sea area along the tail of Fenggui has been strengthened.Finally, the maritime guerrilla warfare of the Chinese company army was temporarily suppressed.

As hunger spreads day by day.The emotions of officers and soldiers began to be explosive.The troops of the Zhejiang guest army were the first to start making trouble; they came all the way to Fujian.The battle was not going well.And I can't eat or sleep well.So I have been clamoring to go home.

for the distribution of food.Repeated fighting broke out between Zhejiang soldiers and Fujian soldiers.

The logistics, food and salaries of the Zhejiang soldiers are mainly coordinated by the generals of the Wen Department of the Zhejiang Capital.General Wen Chu still had a lot of grain shipped from Zhejiang stockpiled in Quanzhou and Xiamen Jinzuo.However, the sea is blocked and cannot be transported.The more serious problem is.When the sea route was still smooth in the early stage.He had no shipping; mentioned earlier.The ships of the Zhejiang Navy are suitable for sailing in the shallow waters along the coast of Zhejiang.Not suitable for crossing the Taiwan Strait.therefore.He wants to borrow ships from Fujian to transport supplies to his troops.And Zhu Wenda, the general soldier of Fujian, treated Yiwu soldiers well.The rest of the troops were treated less well.After Yin Feng began to attack the coast of Fujian.Grain shipments by sea are dwindling.Zhu Zongbing couldn't care less about guest soldiers.Put all the very rare grains into your own barracks and Fujian soldiers.

The grain depot of Zhejiang soldiers bottomed out first.So fire and fighting broke out between the officers and soldiers of the two provinces.Zhejiang soldiers rely on a lot of firearms.In one breath, several camps of Fujian soldiers were flattened.Looted a large amount of food and grass.The Fujian soldiers then relied on their numbers.swarm.In one fell swoop, most of the grain and grass were regained.Both sides used firearms and knives.I had a great time playing.Great movement.Zhao Xuanming was woken up early in the morning.I thought the officers and soldiers were going to attack again.He hurried up to the watchtower.Only then did I discover that it was an internal strife between officers and soldiers.

A few days.Some officers and soldiers sneaked out of Penghu Bay by boat.Flee towards the mainland.

The naval warships of the Chinese company have already been patrolling and monitoring around the Penghu Islands.When deserters were found, they pursued them unceremoniously.Bombarded from afar.The officers and soldiers were forced to stop and surrender.The people of the Chinese company did not make things difficult for them.It's just that all their weapons and ammunition were confiscated.Just let them go.A kind-hearted sailor.Some food will also be given to the officers and soldiers.

The battle has come to this point.All as long as they are not idiots.We all know that the days when the officers and soldiers fail completely are numbered.The governor, Xu Xueju, was completely remorseful.There is still one year before I am transferred from Fujian.However, because he advocated fighting "pirates", the entire navy of the province was wiped out.All the infantry capable of fighting in Fujian were trapped on the isolated island.As a result, his official career is in jeopardy.

Moreover, this time it is at war with the Chinese company.It also offended many local gentry and officials who were related to the interests of Chinese companies.There is no shortage of these people who have someone in the court who can speak.If they tell the truth again in the court.Next year will be the year of performance appraisal.If I don't do it well, I will have to be relegated to some barren mountains and mountains to be a petty official.Xu Xueju has always been at odds with the powerful eunuchs in the court.When he was working in Fujian, he also had serious conflicts with Gao Cai, the tax collector and eunuch.therefore.He was really worried about his fate now.

Gao Cai, the eunuch of the tax envoy, also had his own worries; he paid so much money and food in advance for this expedition.Once it fails.Then not only will he not be able to complete the amount of tax and silver paid by Fujian this year.Moreover, he will be sued in Beijing for offending all the officials and gentry in Fujian.Maybe he will be transferred back to Beijing because of this.End his domineering career in Fujian.He had to go to the governor's office to ask for help.Governor Xu was as troubled as he was.He dismissed him without saying anything good.

after one day.Xu Huai, the trusted housekeeper of Fujian governor Xu Xueju.And Xie Huimin, the master of the governor's yamen, came to Quanzhou again.They found the Zeng family compound.As a result, there were only a few old servants in the Zeng family to look after the house.The rest moved to Taiwan.

Butler Xu was helpless.I had no choice but to find the Huaxing Lianhao shop next to Zeng's house.

Xu Xinsu participated in several recruitment negotiations with Zeng Qi.Know these two errands.While he was warmly entertaining Governor Xu's housekeeper.While sending people out to sea to inform Yin Feng who is on Haitan Island.At the same time, he also expressed contempt and disdain for the governor and officials in Fujian province from the bottom of his heart.

The Penghu Islands at the same moment.The Zhejiang soldiers who had been hungry for a few days made trouble again.They led by Yiwu soldiers.In one fell swoop, they seized the temporary wharf of the Navy near Niangma Palace in Magong Port.Then send someone to guard the pier.Start boarding in batches.I plan to go to sea and return to Zhejiang.The previous conflict between officers and soldiers of the two provinces.Zhu Wenda, the commander-in-chief, favored the soldiers of the headquarters.Zhejiang Bing completely lost his trust in him.They decided that since they stayed on the island, they would either starve to death or be beaten to death.Then go back to Zhejiang.Never mind the mess.and.Their chief general, Wen Chushen, was far away in Quanzhou to raise food and grass.There is no general on Penghu Island who can suppress these soldiers.

Zhu Wenda trembled with anger when he heard the news.Order the soldiers of the headquarters to take back the pier.And asked Shen Yourong to send a navy to intercept it.result.Half of the Zhejiang soldiers escaped from Penghu Bay.The other half were either killed or arrested.Nearly a thousand people were disarmed and locked up in Xiyu.Half of those who escaped failed to return to Zhejiang.They were intercepted by the Second Battle Fleet of the Chinese Company Navy in the waters north of Penghu.The Zhejiang soldiers who were not familiar with water warfare had no choice but to surrender.According to Yin Feng's order.There is no politeness to deal with these foreign soldiers.More than 700 prisoners of Zhejiang soldiers were escorted to Taiwan Port.Imprisoned temporarily.

You can't fight.Can't eat well or drink well.In the camp of officers and soldiers whose morale plummeted.Funk has become the fashion.Many officers and soldiers fled.There are not only those who escaped by kelp boats.Others directly surrendered to the army of Fengguiwei Zhonghua Company.Zhao Xuanming came here with more than a dozen flag soldiers from the Zhangzhou Guard.Leading the team is Zhangzhou Wei Baihu Qiyue.

"Oh, Lord Baihu. Have you come to persuade me to surrender again?"

Zhao Xuanming greeted these officers and soldiers at the gate of the village.Qi Yue, whose face was flushed a month ago, had become dark and thin.Can't help teasing: "What kind of conditions does the commander-in-chief bring this time?"

Qi Yue smiled wryly: "My fellow. Don't make fun of me. Hurry up and give me something to eat. Damn Mr. Zhu. Just care about the life and death of his own soldiers. He won't give us any food. My fellow. Hurry up and give it to my brothers. There is a little to eat. There is a little brother who hasn’t eaten for three days.” Sure enough, someone behind him was carrying a soldier who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.People are already unconscious.

Zhao Xuanming's family was originally descended from military households.There is still a little incense with the officers and soldiers.So let people in without saying a word.Quickly find a medical officer to treat this little soldier.

Not everyone sympathizes with officers and soldiers like Zhao Xuanming.Fan Tao, commander of the Second Battle Fleet, led the flagship "Haiyan" three-masted sailing ship.And ten brigantine converted Fuchuan warships.These days are responsible for blocking the mouth of Penghu Bay.

When he was a pirate before.He was chased and beaten by officers and soldiers every day.When you see a ship of officers and sailors, you have to turn around and flee.But now he has changed the shotgun.My own boat is a three-masted blessing boat.Three decks.It is a large sailing ship with a combination of Chinese and Western styles with a rib structure and a reinforced keel.A combination of soft and hard canvas.There are two cannons with a thousand catties. There are 3 cannons ranging from 6 to [-] pounds; there are countless other muskets, rockets, and powder kegs.The quantity and quality of cannons alone can be compared with the equipment of a whole battalion of officers and soldiers.

therefore.All officers, sailors and ships that escaped before his fleet.None of them survived the fate of being sunk.Fan Tao must beat the opponent's ship to the ground and then go up to capture the personnel.Then set the wreck on fire.To relieve the grievances of being chased and killed by officers and soldiers many years ago.

The supervisor officer of the Second Battle Fleet reported the incident to Mai Dahai.In the end, Fan Tao was recruited by Yin Feng to scold him.He transferred his second battle fleet to Haitan Island to station.Specially block the coast of Fuzhou.Mai Dahai personally took the main battleship "Flying Leopard" to blockade Penghu.Just bring Xu Huai, the confidant of the governor Xu Xueju, the butler, and Xie Huimin, the master.

As soon as the Flying Leopard appeared.The patrol ships in Penghu Bay retreated to Penghu Bay.Say nothing and come out.so far.The control of the sea around Penghu is also completely controlled by the Chinese company.Penghu has really become an isolated island.

The Flying Leopard will not rush to Penghu Bay in a foolish way.After all, if more than 200 ships in the bay swarmed up.Many ants kill elephants.The Flying Leopard will surely die.Mai Dahai is only docked off the coast of Penghu.Several ships were sent to dock at the stern of the wind cabinet swaggeringly.Unload bulk supplies.Food, weapons, ammunition, etc. are piled up by the sea.The officers and sailors cruising not far away can definitely see it clearly.

at the same time.The full-time errand runners of the two governors also went ashore.evening.A small sampan carrying two people quietly landed at the Magong Port Wharf.At this time, Magong Port was completely guarded by Zhu Wenda's personal battalion.Zhu Zongbing was afraid that the ships docked at the dock would suffer further losses.Then there is no means of escape.So let your own barracks guard the pier day and night.in.Yuan Jin and Li Zhong also led people to squat at the pier.

They recognized Xu Huai, the governor's housekeeper, and Xie Huimin, the master.These two are representatives of the governor.When the Governor, Gao Cai, and Zhu Wenda had any secret matters to discuss.These two always show up.therefore.The two were quickly and secretly brought in front of the commander-in-chief Zhu Wenda.


Excuse me.The end of the year is our busiest time.These days are spent on the highway.forgive me

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