Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 169 Iron Cannon. Flowering Bullets

Among the four young men.Lin Qing stood out the most.He is a descendant of Quanzhou craftsmen.I went to school for eight years since I was a child.Very interested in miscellaneous science.After coming to Taiwan.He learned Latin and Portuguese from missionaries.Now it is possible to roughly understand some Western scientific and technological works brought by missionaries.for example.The originator of ballistics, Italian Niccolo? Tattegler's book "New Science".


Use mathematical axioms in scientific research.This is the first step towards modern science.It is a pity that ancient China never took this step.

playground. More than half of the 200 sentinels formed by nominal black soldiers have been "killed".The formation has been completely disrupted.The 200 fighters of Zhao Xuanming's "Iron Wall Regiment" repelled their three attacks.Launch a counterattack.In one fell swoop defeated the Yiwu sentry.

This Yiwu bird gunslinger voluntarily stayed to fight for the Chinese company.After the Battle of Penghu.About 900 Zhejiang soldiers were captured.After Yin Feng negotiated peace with the government.Those hopeless guard soldiers were all let go.There are more than 200 nominal black soldiers who are willing to stay in Taiwan to serve as soldiers for Chinese companies.

They were originally mercenaries recruited by the court.


but.Since then, it has been used in wars such as aiding North Korea and suppressing rebellion in the Southwest.Yiwu soldiers appeared everywhere.The local area is originally dominated by mountains.The people live in poverty.Serving as soldiers is the main means for them to go out to earn a living.Moreover, Yiwu people do not have the custom of resettlement and resettlement.I am used to wandering around to make a living.therefore.Yin Feng led his troops to summon security.He tried his best to recruit them to stay in the army.And they feel that working for the Chinese company is the same thing as serving as a soldier for the imperial court.And the salary is much higher.So I voluntarily stayed.

Yin Feng asked them to form a sentry team alone.Directly under the old battalion of the guards.They mainly play the roles of officers and soldiers in various drills and exercises.Use their familiar combat methods of the Ming army to conduct confrontation exercises with the guards.

The sound of shouting and killing on the playground was loud.Attracted everyone's attention.Zeng Rui was young after all.And has always yearned for a combat career.Looking at it, he couldn't help shouting: "Yiwu is defeated. Their formation is out of order..." He suddenly found that Yin Feng was looking at him with a half-smile.Quickly restrained a bit.

Yin Feng nodded: "Their problem is that they copied General Qi's mandarin duck formation. The mandarin duck formation was originally used to deal with small groups of Japanese pirates in the Jiangnan water network. It is also used to deal with Japanese pirates who basically use cold weapons. However, our troops use firearms to fight. Concentrate the troops and arrange them in a dense formation. They rely on firepower output to kill the enemy. The mandarin duck formation has a small number of firearms. It is simply impossible to counter our escorts with firepower."

He suddenly turned his head and asked Lin Qing: "Look. If you equip Yiwu soldiers with a few cannons, what will happen?"

Lin Qing thought about it.He shook his head and said, "Back to the Commander. We have the best light field artillery now. Use the most skilled gunners. It can only be fired once every two minutes. And people's physical strength is limited. After continuous firing, the movement will be more rapid. It's getting slower and slower. I think. Even if the Yiwu soldiers have a few cannons, one shell can knock down two or three people...the situation will not change much."

Yin Feng smiled: "If the shells fired by the cannon can explode like the grenade you invented, then what will happen."

The firearms quartet looked at each other together.Lin Qing immediately understood what Yin Feng meant.Surprised and said: "This. Isn't this just a flowering shell. Shoot the grenade out with a cannon. We thought about throwing the grenade with a trebuchet before. It's just too inconvenient. Now we understand. Let's go back and do the experiment right away .”

Yin Feng smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "That's why I called you here to say this. Flintlocks will soon be popular among our enemies. We need to invent better and stronger weapons. Only in this way can we protect our Brother Guard. Go. It's the same old saying: stay safe."

Four young firearms inventors bowed to Yin Feng.Then go.

The confrontation drill on the playground is over.The soldiers marched in formation.I am preparing to go to the camp to do field training.

Yin Feng walked Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui slowly around the playground.The oncoming soldiers hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.Yin Feng likes the orderly and lively atmosphere of the military camp.Ask him to deal with the official gentry.He would rather roll in the muddy water with the soldiers.

They boarded the main gate of the barracks.Looking to the south of Taiwan's Hong Kong City.The guard barracks had become a small city surrounded by eight forts.therefore.There are also many immigrant villages and towns in the surrounding areas.

Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui stood behind Yin Feng.looked at each other.Up and down very restless.

Yin Feng suddenly said: "You two are the people I trust the most. Ruizai. Your elder brother Zeng Yue. He was the first person to help me after I returned to Daming; brother Guangze. You and I can't make a deal either. Friends."

Lin Xiao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Captain. Look at what you said. I, Lin Xiao, have been working with you all my life. If you want to scold me, just scold me. I know. If you want to blame me for arresting people again..."

Yin Feng waved his hand and said: "Forget it. Forget it. Shine. Just try to follow the rules in the future. I want to tell you two. I want you to be more careful in handling things in the future. Our Chinese company was just a thousand fleeing at first. It is not easy to get to this point. In fact, this is also speaking to myself; I am also responsible for some negligence and mistakes. The road ahead will be even more difficult. The company has more people, There is too much money. People’s hearts are not aligned. There used to be a Guanla person in front of us. The enemy is now. Everyone can work together; now Luzon is occupied by us. The government has negotiated peace with us. The company has no enemy for the time being. I'm worried that people's hearts will be scattered."

Both Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui nodded.Lin Xiao said: "Yes. Corruption has increased a lot in various business houses recently. Many people on Taiwan Island are smuggling for profit. Poaching the corners of the company; many of them are done by internal people."

Yin Feng patted the railing of the watchtower.He let out a long sigh and said, "Yes. You have to pay close attention to this aspect. The most important thing now is to reunite the whole company."

"Then. What should I do?" Zeng Rui asked.

"Find us another enemy." Yin Feng said with a sneer.

Lin and Zeng were taken aback: "What."

Yin Feng nodded: "Yes. We need an enemy. The Ganla people will counterattack Luzon. At least until the end of next year. During this period, you have to work hard. Whether it is the indigenous people or the coastal pirates. Or Japanese pirates. We must Get rid of a few."


Flower bombs are not so easy to do.

火器四人组一开始把因重量太大而沒有列装部队的原始手雷用來做实验。但是如何把炮弹引信点着成了难題。这时候的欧洲已经近代雷酸汞火药的原型出现。但是开花弹的还是用臼炮发射的。巴拉达斯主教手下有修道士是意大利人。曾经告诉尹峰:意大利有个军事技术家保希(Guiliano Bassi) ,曾使用锑或水银(汞)同硝酸(HNo3)起化学反应。其生成的沉淀物可以用來制造烈性火药。他的一种配方是用2一3格令(1格令=64.8毫克)的金属粉末。同硝酸反应后的沉淀物。?再加人氯化铵。同酒石混合成固体。用这种方法制成的火药已其有近代雷酸汞火药的性能。其威力远大于黑色火药。甚到用锤子一击就会爆炸。在保希的配方中被称为雷酸金炸药。

but.This monk is half a bucket of water.Let him do the gold dynamite himself.But he shook his hands in fright.Said it was too dangerous.therefore.It is hopeless to produce explosive bombs that trigger detonation now.

The quartet worked hard for three months.Finally, a cannon capable of firing flower shells was produced.It is similar to the European mortar style.It must be fired twice when fired; after the shell is placed in the barrel.First light the fuse for the flower bomb.Then ignite the propellant in the barrel.Then launch.

This firing efficiency is too low.But the foursome made the cannon barrel as short and thick as a small water tank.It was almost used to launch soil planes with the People's Liberation Army in the Huaihai Campaign. .It's the same as the iron barrel around the heartless cannon.This made Yin Feng amazed for a long time.However, the probability of duds is higher.Therefore, this mortar was named after the Zhentian Cannon.Only produced in small quantities.Yin Feng intends to equip this gun on the port fort.There are also plans to build a bombardment ship.In the future, it will be specially used to bombard coastal cities.

The firearms quartet continued their efforts.A month later, a new flowering ammunition with propellant and shells packaged in sackcloth was introduced.Such shells are usually stored separately from quantitatively packaged propellant charges.When launching, put the flowering bullet into the propellant bag.Then stuff them into the barrel together.While the gunner lit the propellant.The long fuse drawn from the flower bomb was also ignited by the detonated propellant at the same time.Therefore, it has become a real flowering shell.

This invention was immediately adopted by Yin Feng.Named the bombardment.

at the same time.The method of packing quantitative propellants in sackcloth was popularized for the firing of all cannons.No matter shipboard artillery or field artillery, city defense artillery, flowering bombs.In the future, the artillery teams of the Chinese United Corps escort will all use custom-loaded propellants.The charging hand does not need to work hard with the medicine shovel to charge the powder by feel and experience like this.It is also convenient for the gunner to adjust the shooting distance and angle.Corrected shooting effects.

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