Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 174 The storm is coming. Nanyang

The north wind blows from Siberia. When it reaches the Philippine Islands, the entire Luzon has entered the dry season. There are already [-] Chinese residents in Manila, some of whom are not settled immigrants. The Chinese, as well as many Tagalog natives, Portuguese, Dutch, British, French, Japanese, Annan, etc., although the Spanish "gallon trade" has been interrupted, Manila as a Chinese product The status of the transshipment center for shipments to the Americas and Europe has ended, but the local area is relatively close to various parts of Southeast Asia, and the arrival of a large number of Chinese businessmen has formed a trading place for Chinese products and Western goods in Manila.

The unjustly named "Luzon Township Mansion" seems to have become a government, exercising effective rule and management over the entire Luzon area. After all, Zeng Qi has decades of administrative experience, and Yin Feng's Chinese company provides With a whole set of central overall management experience, and the help of [-] escort soldiers and [-] and a half full-time Zhuang Ding, they have been able to implement various development plans in various places.

Zeng Qi felt that the original Fanyi place names in Luzon were too ugly and difficult to remember, so he simply divided Luzon Island into five counties, east, west, south, north, Luzon, and Manila. The land was divided, and a large amount of land suitable for farming was assigned to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chinese Company and distributed to the soldiers of the escort team who had made great achievements in combat.

Of course, the company has launched a contract farming system. The guards have to serve the company for 20 years before they can get all the land and pass it on to their descendants. Soldiers share [-]/[-] with the company --- the divided part is not distributed to the soldiers immediately, but is arranged by the company to be distributed to their families once a year.

Soldiers who are discharged from the army or due to disability can immediately get the [-] acres of land they were allocated, and they can cultivate it by themselves, as long as they pay one-twentieth of the total income of the company and the tutelary mansion every year. Of course, they are obliged to Take up arms to fight for the company in times of crisis, and one of their children must also join the army. Veterans can also let the company send people to manage and cultivate the land, and they can sit and receive [-]% of the total annual income; of course, they can also Mortgage these properties and invest the funds in the company's commercial trade. The company offers special discounts for soldiers to buy shares, and usually gives them some shares. This is an unprecedented military welfare system in Chinese history. Taiwan has also begun to implement this military welfare system. Welfare system, so under the rule of the Chinese company, being a guard soldier is the job with the best welfare. Not only can you get a share of the spoils of war, but also your family life is guaranteed without any worries.

For thousands of years, Chinese dynasties have immigrated to the frontier many times, but lack of unified planning and long-term management, and let the small peasant economy go it alone. The southwest and southeast of the land of China are scattered from generation to generation. Developed spontaneously by small farmers, the Chinese company uses unified planning, complete planning in advance, strong financial guarantee, armed force escort, and organizes a large number of manpower to invest in a targeted and planned manner, which is similar to the planned economy of the great republic period. Therefore, , the development effect in the short term is very impressive; less than a year after the Chinese company occupied Luzon, ten farms covering an area of ​​[-] mu have begun to produce crops, and a large number of sugarcane, corn, and rice have been piled up in the company's warehouse Like a mountain.

During the process of controlling the entire Luzon, the guards occupied hundreds of aboriginal villages, drove many aboriginal people into the mountains, and made many aboriginal villages sign alliance contracts, allowing Chinese immigrants to enter and live. It is estimated that the residents of these aboriginal villages will basically be assimilated by the Chinese in less than half a century.

During the process of organizing land reclamation and farming, Yin Feng specially stipulated that immigrants from different regions should be organized into a group to develop a place, with those retired veterans who had participated in the escort and Zhuang Ding team as the leaders, completely breaking the original rules of the immigrants. Some folks have clan relations in order to weaken the clan power.

After some division, the land of a large number of Spanish colonists on Luzon Island, except for the part occupied by the company, part of which was distributed to the officers and soldiers of the guard according to the order of military merit; in addition, there are other lands belonging to the church, and from The land snatched by the aborigines is hundreds of thousands of acres. These lands may not be arable, but they include mines, woodlands, fish ponds, and lakes. They can definitely produce benefits in the hands of hardworking Chinese.

Thus, the unprecedented overseas land auction conference in Chinese history kicked off.

In fact, only [-] merchants participated in the auction, most of them were rich merchants from the coastal areas of Guangdong, Fujian, and Zhejiang. At that time, the Hui merchants with the strongest financial strength were dealing in Huaiyan. Auctions are similar to Anhui merchants. Those inland merchants such as Shanxi merchants and Jiangxi merchants who are enthusiastic about colluding with officials and trying their best to gain a foothold in the officialdom, only a very small number of merchants participated in overseas land auctions, and those merchants still focused on In terms of government-business collusion, all attention is on the mainland market, and there is no interest in overseas markets with ultra-high returns and profit margins.

In recent years, Fujian merchants have attacked everywhere and occupied many inland markets, especially overseas luxury goods, Western goods, chime clocks and other commodities are almost monopolized by Chinese companies. The Dashang Gang is still following the same old path: combining government and business, combining government with business, and striving to become a vassal of the government.

Although overseas land auctions seem a bit deserted, nearly 50 acres of land in Luzon islands were auctioned off. Although the Zhonghua Company only recovered a few 10 taels of money from the land sale, it tied up the rich merchants along the coast. In the future, whether it is the Spaniards or the Dutch, anyone who wants to get involved in Luzon will become the public enemy of the merchants on the southeast coast of China.

In 1607, marked by the change of ownership in Luzon, a new era in the history of the Western Pacific began.

At the end of the year, Zhonghua Company kept a low profile in the country. After the anti-tax supervision incident passed, it took the initiative to send a sum of "suppressing money" to the tax envoy. In more than a dozen counties, the governor Chen Xingxue had to devote all his attention to suppressing the White Lotus Sect uprising, not caring about tracking down the murderer who killed the tax supervisor, and completely forgot about Taiwan affairs.

Therefore, after Yin Feng returned to Taiwan, he issued instructions to various places in Southeast Asia. At the end of this year and the whole year of 1608, the Chinese company occupied more than 20 gold mining areas in various parts of Borneo (Kalimantan). More than 20 small Malay kingdoms were simply unable to resist the force of the Chinese United Corporation and Chinese pirates.

The gold mining areas are mainly in Sanba, Nanbawa, Vanna and other places in West Borneo. Before occupying the Philippines, Chinese companies have sent a large number of sailors disguised as pirates to operate in this area. Mai Xiaoliu was once in West Borneo. A stronghold was established along the coast of Zhouzhou, and it was named after Nanya Prefecture.

At the beginning of 1607, a large number of Chinese pirates left West Borneo and went northward to participate in the war against the Philippines. The Dutch took advantage of the opportunity to enter. However, the red-haired foreigners were beaten dizzy by the indigenous residents in this area. They were driven away. When the Chinese pirates came back from the Philippines, the team was even bigger. Yin Feng transferred part of the navy to Mai Xiaoliu's control, and the Chinese marched again to various parts of Southeast Asia. The Chinese character flag of the China United Company on a blue background.

This time, many of the Chinese company personnel who participated in the southward fleet were Hakka people from the border of Fujian and Guangdong. They were good at dealing with foreigners. There are basically no obstacles to activities in the west of Borneo. Since the local aborigines and Chinese businessmen have been in contact for nearly a thousand years, they generally have a good impression of the Chinese, so the attitude towards the Chinese is completely different from that of the Dutch. Those chiefs and nobles are very Welcome them, and even strongly invite them to their territory. The reason for this is not only the good image of the Chinese people here for thousands of years, but these natives also saw the warships, soldiers and cannons brought by the Chinese company. People regard them as powerful protectors, and at the same time, they also regard them as a favorable factor that can make their country rich.

Although the Chinese at that time had a sense of superiority in traditional culture, Chinese cultural traditions had never had the concept of racial discrimination, and the common people along the coast were traditionally good at getting along with people of any race. It can go deep into the headhunting area in the interior of Borneo. Chinese immigrants can live in harmony with the headhunting Dayak people. Many Chinese bachelors immediately marry local aboriginal women. From stable trade exchanges, that is, a large amount of trade income.

The Chinese immigrants in southern Fujian also entered Borneo with the development team of the Chinese company. They are good at agriculture, and the fields they reclaimed are the land that the Malays would never grow crops in the past, such as gravel land, swamp land, forest land, etc. Wait, Chinese farmers are miraculously able to grow crops on these lands, and the harvest far exceeds those of the natives. It is precisely because these lands were originally deserted and unowned that Chinese immigrants and local aboriginals did not What land disputes, generally can get along with each other.

Of course, there will also be natives who are not very smart. Once, the chief of a small indigenous state threatened the lives of the Chinese company's gold mine prospectors out of various greed or simply xenophobia.

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