Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 176 The Storm Is Coming. Nanyang

The National Day of Japan lasted for 13 years (1608).Date Masamune, the lord of the Sendai domain, sent the "Keicho Mission to Europe" represented by his retainer Hasekura Tsunecho.It is different from the "Tianzheng Youth Mission" more than 20 years ago.That time the Japanese arrived in Lisbon on a Portuguese ship via the Asia-India Ocean-Africa-Atlantic-Europe route.This time, Hasekura Changcho and others took a large ship built by Japan by learning Western shipbuilding techniques-a Western ship built with the help of the British Miura Osho.First cross the Pacific Ocean to land in the Spanish colony of Mexico.It is planned to go overland to the east coast of America and then cross the Atlantic Ocean to reach Europe.

The mission to Europe was the result of the efforts of the Jesuit Das Marinas monks.With the help of this "Qingchang Mission to Europe".Das Marinas placed two Japanese believers he had trained in the mission team.For him to bring a letter to the Mexican "vice" in the Spanish colony.The letter was written in the name of the new Governor of Manila, Silva.The main thing is to ask the Spanish colonial authorities for reinforcements.Counterattack the Philippines and recapture Manila.

During his smuggling to Taiwan.I once wanted to get in touch with the hapless Governor Silva.But the unlucky guy who rushed to Manila to take office but ended up being a prisoner of the Chinese was detained by Lin Xiao in a secret place of the Ministry of Security.Das Marinas simply couldn't get close.

In order to encourage Spain to send troops to counterattack Manila.He was desperate to forge Silva's name.I also gave a brief overview of my trip to Taiwan Island.Made up a lie about the emptiness of Taiwan Island's defense.It is proposed that the troops can be divided into two groups to attack Taiwan Island and Manila at the same time.

Friar Dasmarinas was the last male of his family.The missionary, who came from a small noble family, had been a soldier.After being wounded in a battle in France, he vowed to join the Society of Jesus.He was in the second year (1604) after the Manila Massacre.Via the West Indies, Mexico.Sail across the Pacific Ocean to Manila on a carrack galleon.Then moved to Japan.Missionary within the sphere of influence of the Shimadzu family in the Satsuma domain.

He understands very well.Spain's colonial policy is to keep the Americas.As for the Philippines and other places in Asia.Just extra income.Extra money.When Spain and Portugal "merged".There was an agreement with the Portuguese Noble Council.Everything in Asia is maintained by Portugal itself.Spain will not pay a penny.therefore.The Portuguese once complained: "The King of Spain regards Asia as his concubine. When necessary, she can fend for herself. But she does not care about maintaining America. Because he regards America as his legal wife. He Cherish her in every possible way. Resolutely defend her. Keep her inviolable."

Das Marinas therefore in a letter to the "vice" of the Mexican colonies.Deliberately lowered the strength of the Chinese by several levels.He strongly encouraged him to send troops to restore the Philippine colony.

at this time.The Ye Hua fleet sent by Yin Feng is still anchored in Malacca.The first Chinese merchant fleet to go to Europe on their own initiative met with obstacles from the Portuguese.

The Portuguese monopolized the Europe-Africa-Indian Ocean-Asia route in the 15th and early 16th centuries.Later, although the monopoly power was broken by the Dutch and the British one after another.But the Portuguese still dreamed of high commodity profits.Hopefully the fewer competitors the better.Now the Chinese want to take the initiative to go to Europe.Open up the first China-Europe commercial route in history.This will cause great damage to Portugal's commercial interests.

but.This is the fleet of the Chinese company.It is the fleet of Portugal's largest business partner in East Asia.It is also a powerful armed force that captured Macau.The Portuguese maritime empire was weakened.Even countries have been annexed by others.They are in East Asia at the moment.There is no power to fight against the power of emerging Chinese companies.

powerless.But the unwilling Portuguese tried to make trouble for the China United Company.In an attempt to prevent them from continuing westward through the Strait of Malacca.The first is the excuse that there are pirates in the Strait of Malacca.Persuade the Chinese company's fleet to return; and then try to detain the merchant ship in the name of checking the cargo.But among the goods carried by the Chinese company.Many of them belonged to Portuguese merchants in Macau.Of course, these cargo owners do not want their cargo damaged.Threatening Malacca customs officials to report to Lisbon;

at last.The Portuguese found an excuse to seize the Portuguese guide of the fleet.And issued an order not to allow any Portuguese sailors to work for the Chinese fleet.In an attempt to make the Chinese lose their guide.Get out of trouble.

When Zheng He sailed to the West.Passed through the Strait of Malacca many times.But now Chinese ships have not passed Malacca for almost 150 years.It has been a long time since we saw Chinese in the Indian Ocean.Zheng He's voyage materials have all been burned by court officials.Even there are saves.It is also impossible for Yin Feng to get it from the inner court of the imperial palace.If there is no nautical route map or guide familiar with sea routes on the vast sea.It's up to you to find your way.That's a very dangerous thing.

Malacca is an important sea traffic route.Ships from all over the world come and go.There is an endless stream of personnel exchanges.There are people from all countries.A large number of adventurers from here to the Bay of Bengal, Southeast Asia and the Far East.Compare to Goa, Cochin or even Hormuz.Here is a crossroads.It is here that the Malay world engages with the Indian world.This is where people from all over the world gather.There are Tamils, Javanese, Chinese from the southeast coast, Vietnamese and Portuguese.

However, the Portuguese, Dutch, and British are mainly familiar with the Indian Ocean-Africa-Europe route.Although there are some European merchants and craftsmen in the Chinese company fleet.But none of them knew how to sail.Only experience with boats.No knowledge of sailing.

After staying in Malacca for more than half a month.Ye Hua discussed with Bernardo.It was decided to openly recruit guides and sailors to ships from various countries in the port.

The Portuguese will not come.Because of a government ban.The Dutch are also unwilling to be guides for the Chinese.

The Dutch occupied Batavia at the same time.In order to break the commercial monopoly of Chinese companies.Want to get Chinese goods from other Chinese businessmen.The Dutch East India Company instructed the Dutch merchant houses in Siam, Vietnam, and Japan to do everything possible to trade with Chinese merchants.At the same time, preferential policies are used to attract various Chinese businessmen to come to Batavia.

But at this time, the China United Company occupied the monopoly position of China's southeast coastal routes.It is also more powerful than other scattered traders.Able to purchase more and better commodities from the source.therefore.Those merchants who do not belong to the Chinese company system ship goods from China in bits and pieces.In terms of quality and quantity, it is far inferior to that of Chinese companies.The quality of Chinese goods shipped by businessmen from various countries in Banten, Jinshi, Pattani and the Maluku Islands is also unsatisfactory.And they are second-hand monopoly.Long-distance transshipment also greatly increases the cost.therefore.The Dutch did not want the Chinese company to throw off the East India Company as an intermediary.Go and open up the China-Europe air route by yourself.Therefore, the East India Company in Batavia also issued a ban on the Dutch business houses all over Southeast Asia: "No Dutchman is allowed to work for the fleet of the Chinese company."

Ye Hua is a studious Danmin youth.Probably Yin Feng was the one who learned the hardest from the Dan people brought from Yazhou, Hainan Island.He can now talk to Bernardo in Portuguese.

He leaned anxiously against the mainmast of the Dragon.Watching the sailors practicing shooting and fighting on the deck.

Parked on the left side of Feilong is Xinxing, which has undergone repeated renovations.Behind them are the two three-masted blessing ships "Xinghai" and "Xingye" in the fleet.There are also five two-masted blessing ships.All Chinese company sailors are hurrying to train.It's not just about maintaining good fitness and technique.It is also to pass and kill the boring time docked in the port.

A young sailor came running from the quarterdeck.Said hurriedly: "Report to the captain. Mr. Pei is back."

Bernardo entered Ye Hua's captain's cabin with a smile on his face.This seems to indicate that his running around the Portuguese Governor's Palace for several days has had an effect.

Ye Hua asked suspiciously: "Mr. Bernardo. You met the Portuguese governor. We will go south to Sumatra. We will find a new route by ourselves. Have you told him about this?"

Bernardo said with a smile: "When it comes to money, there is no door that cannot be opened. Now the Portuguese have something to ask us. We don't have to find the way by ourselves."

"What do you mean? They want something from us." Ye Hua was puzzled.

"The governor said. As long as we help carry a group of Portuguese soldiers. And help them fight. They can provide us with sailors and guides. They can let us sail all the way to Europe."

"We can't fight the Dutch. The Zhonghua Company signed an agreement with the Dutch." Ye Hua shook his head.

Bernardo smiled.Open a rough map of Asia on the table.Pointing to the area around the Bay of Bengal, he said: "Not to deal with the Dutch. It is to help the Portuguese deal with the Rakhine rulers. Oh. It is the kingdom that you Chinese call Burma. Their army is besieging the Portuguese castle of Shanlian. This castle It is the most important stronghold for the Portuguese to control the Bay of Bengal."

Ye Hua shook his head hesitantly: "The owner of the ship said before we set sail. Try not to conflict with the countries we pass by..."

Bernardo spread his hands.With a wry smile, he said: "Shanlian in the Bay of Bengal is on our voyage to the West. It is one of the most important strongholds of the Portuguese. If Thanlyin Castle is occupied by the Burmese king's army, it will have a great impact on our voyage to the West."

Barnardo looked at Ye Hua's expression.Seeing him seemed to have been touched.He said with a smile: "Actually, we only need to transport the Portuguese soldiers from Malacca to Than Lian Castle. We can continue westward and cross the Indian Ocean. Time cannot be delayed any longer. The northeast monsoon has been blowing for several months."

Fort Santiago of Thamren.Is a small castle in the Ayeyarwady Delta: 1570.Felipe de Brito-Nicot.A veteran Portuguese mercenary and adventurer.He served as a military adviser to the king of Bago, a separate state in Myanmar at that time.Because of his meritorious service, he obtained the Shalian area that the king conferred on him.

De Brito thus entered the mainstream of Portuguese Asian society.He sought relations with Goa, and by extension Lisbon and Madrid.

then.Except Malacca.Portuguese India did not have a single fort, customs house or dominion along the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal.The trade in the Bay of Bengal has been growing rapidly in the 1570s and 1580s.New ports have emerged.Such as Mosuri Nandham.Its trade network was completely outside the control of Portuguese India. Therefore.Than Lien is an ideal partner for Malacca: station a fleet at Than Lien.And set up customs there.Will control the trade from Rakhine to Tanintharyi.And encircled all ports in Burma and the northern part of the Malaya world.The governor of Goa, Aires de Saldanha, was very appreciative of the adventurer's achievements.De Brito has been successful in creating wealth.Not only was he appointed by the Portuguese royal family as the lifelong governor of Shalian.His first-generation descendants can still succeed; the governor of Goa also let de Brito marry his niece Dona Luisa de Saldanha.He returned to Burma with a small fleet and customs administration. In the early 17th century.The Dutch once attacked the port of Santiago Castle built by the Portuguese in Thanlian.did not succeed.

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