Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 180 The Storm Is Coming. Toyo

but.Yin Feng brought Chen Zhongji into the study.It's not about women's bound feet.He handed over a bunch of documents to Chen Zhongji.He said seriously: "You will take the company's merchant ship to Nagasaki to go to Ryukyu in ten days. During these ten days, you must read the information. There are also some information about Ryukyu that I found for you. Before departure, you must Familiarize yourself with the situation in Ryukyu."

Chen Zhongji was taken aback.His expression was a little flustered: "What. I'm leaving in ten days. So... this... ah."

Yin Feng didn't notice his strange expression.Open a map conveniently.Depicted above is a rough map of the Ryukyu Islands.Although the Ming Dynasty and Ryukyu have been in contact for hundreds of years.However, there is almost no relatively accurate map of Ryukyu in Ming Dynasty.so.This map by Yin Feng comes from the Jesuit missionaries in Japan.He pointed at the map angrily and said: "The Japanese are ambitious. They tried to get involved in the Jilongdanshui area of ​​Taipei four years ago. Among them, the Xiongnan Satsuma Shimadzu family is eyeing Ryukyu. They will definitely fight Ryukyu within a few years. Once Ryukyu is captured by Satsuma There will be no barriers to the north of Taiwan Island. We will directly face the harassment of Japanese pirates. Therefore, Ryukyu must not fall into the hands of Japanese pirates."

Chen Zhongji nodded again and again: "What the ship owner said is true. This pirate is too arrogant. He even injured our shopkeeper Lu. He even asked our company to leave Ryukyu."

Ji Zai suddenly remembered something.Quickly asked Yin Feng: "When I was in Luzon, I heard from Uncle Zeng that this Ryukyu is a vassal state of my Ming Dynasty. The Japanese pirates behaved like this. How could the court ignore it. That. Really, I will leave in ten days."

"The imperial court. The imperial court will send envoys to canonize the next king after the death of the previous king of Zhongshan. They will not care about the rest. Ryukyu is too far away from the capital. The masters of the capital have no time to care about us Chinese. Life and death there." Yin Feng said with a sneer.In the original historical time and space.After the Ming court annexed Ryukyu in Satsuma.Basically know nothing.Fuzhou Rouyuan Pavilion still received Ryukyu tribute envoys.Send envoys canonize the king of Ryukyu.I don't understand that many of these tribute envoys are actually Japanese in disguise.I don't know that the King of Ryukyu has been completely controlled by Japanese pirates.He was in a daze until the Ming Dynasty perished.

Yin Feng patted the map on the table and said: "You have arrived in Ryukyu. Get in touch with Mr. Xie Mingqinfang as soon as possible. Through him and other Chinese officials. Try to get the King of Ryukyu to allow our company to establish an independent business office in Naha Port. Secretly Turn the trading house into a fortress. At the same time, we must also seek the king's permission to establish farms and trading branch branches on several large subsidiary islands such as Amami Oshima. If it is not possible, we will secretly contact the local officials who hold real power Let’s go. Build a few bases in secret.”

He took a letter.On the letterhead is Zeng Qi's name: "A letter from the second master. The new warship has been launched at the Cavite shipyard in Luzon. I named it Manila. Another warship can be completed and launched before the end of the year. Will be the Flying Wolf."

Chen Zhongji immediately understood: "That is to say. By the beginning of next year, we will have four warships."

Yin Feng nodded and said: "I will call the new 'Flying Wolf' a battleship. This will be the Chinese company. It is also the first giant battleship with a hundred cannons in my Ming Dynasty."

Chen Zhongji opened his mouth wide.He took a deep breath: "Oh my God. Mazu is on board. Is it really a giant ship with a hundred cannons?"

Yin Feng nodded somewhat triumphantly: "Of course. The designed cannons are 102. Pay attention. This is a secret. Don't tell anyone outside this door."

In fact, Yin Feng picked up a bargain.When they took Manila last year.Three huge karak-sized galleons are under construction at the Cavite shipyard.Two of them had only just laid their keels.No ribs installed yet.but.A large amount of fine wood piled up in the shipyard.Moreover, two Spanish naval architects were captured.then.Yin Feng ordered a Dutch shipbuilder to come to Cavite.A Karak-type merchant ship was built using local indigenous labor.It was assigned to the Luzon tutelary government of the Chinese company.While the other two ships had a completely changed design.Spearheaded by Dutch Shipwrights.Helped by Fujian boatmen who came one after another.It took a year of hard work to finally build two giant sailing warships with Galen-type hulls combined with Fuchuan-type sail cable structures.

Since the wood is a ready-made product left by the Spaniards.The loaded cannons were also from the Spanish arsenal in Manila.There is also the unpaid participation of a large number of Aboriginal laborers.In fact, the cost of these two warships is very low.But it became the largest and most advanced warship in the entire East Asian waters at that time.

"Flying Wolf needs to modify the sail structure, strengthen the inner cabin, and install iron armor on key parts. Therefore, it will not be fully built until the end of the year. After launching, it will come to Taiwan. It will be under the command of the old battalion of the Hong Kong Navy. In any case. Personnel training It will take time to test firearms equipment and become proficient in ship operation. I hope that the battle with Japanese pirates in Ryukyu can be delayed as soon as possible.”

Chen Zhongji said excitedly: "Okay. With the three giant ships of the Feizihao, plus our other warships, we will definitely be able to beat the Japanese pirates to pieces..."

Yin Feng shook his head and said: "Time. We need time now. The rebellion in Dadufan is still going on. The headhunters in the eastern mountains have also cut off our road to Hualien. There are still pirates in Fujian and Guangdong. Nanyang There are still a lot of troublesome things to deal with. And the government is still thinking about taxation in Taiwan and Hong Kong... We need time. You are going to Ryukyu. Not only to prepare for the war, but also to delay the start of the war as much as possible. In a short time. Stop fighting with the Japanese The samurai clashed in Ryukyu. Moreover, the king of Ryukyu must be encouraged to reorganize his armaments. Once the war starts, try to delay the development of the war. We must try to keep the Naha port on the main island of Ryukyu. Until the arrival of Chinese company reinforcements."

Chen Zhongji stood up straight.He raised his head and patted his chest dignifiedly: "Don't worry, the owner. I will persist until the arrival of the Chinese warship." Turning his head.Chen Zhongji approached with a smile.The serious look changed into a playful look: "Then the captain. Will the Japanese pirates definitely attack Ryukyu? In case they don't go to war for a long time, don't I want to stay in Ryukyu forever. Or let Xilan follow me go."

Yin Feng was startled.With a wry smile, he patted Chen Zhongji on the shoulder: "Brother, you thought you were going to do business. What you have to deal with are Japanese pirates. Then you will fight the dead. You also brought your own wife. Your brain... Wait. Kid, do you mean you want to have a wedding before going to Ryukyu. Kid, go round and round with me."

Chen Zhongji scratched his scalp in embarrassment.With a blushing face, she whispered, "When I went back to Taiwan, I didn't know that I was going to Ryukyu so soon. That...that..."

Yin Feng looked curiously at his favorite disciple and little brother.He giggled and said, "What's going on? Just now you were very surprised that you were going to leave in ten days. There must be some reason. Is the wedding postponed? Xi Lan will not be happy."

Ji Zai blushed.Muttering: "That. It was supposed to be done next month. That. Our..."

"Boy. Tell the truth. Otherwise I'm out of your business."

Chen Zhongji gritted his teeth.Make up your mind and say in a mosquito-like voice: "Xilan is pregnant..."

Yin Feng almost fell off the chair.He jumped up and widened his eyes: "You guys know that. Have you seen a doctor yet?" He thought it was the time before he traveled.There are specialized family planning hospitals that deal with early pregnancy and early childbearing issues.

Chen Zhongji bowed his head and said coyly: "How can you go to the doctor for such a thing...Xilan is the descendant of priests in their tribal village. This kind of knowledge has been passed down from their ancestors. She is right..."

Yin Feng thought curiously: It looks like.Or the woman takes the initiative.

"Hahahaha." He laughed uncontrollably.

Ji Zai blushed.I thought it was inevitable to scold.Unexpectedly, Yin Feng laughed out loud.

Yin Feng stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "Promising. Boy. Good. You have a sense of responsibility. I'll talk to your sister-in-law right now. I'll take care of your wedding in a few days."

Ji Zai was puzzled.How can this be considered "promising".but.At least.A piece of his heart disease has been put down.


ten days later. At the end of June in 1608 (the 36th year of Ming Wanli).A Chinese company merchant fleet consisting of six merchant ships and an escorting three-masted fuchuan warship.Sail out of Taiwan port to Nagasaki, Japan.On the way, we will stop at Naha Port in Ryukyu.

Chen Zhongji, the shopkeeper of the Ryukyu Merchant Store of the newlywed Chinese company.At the same time, he is also the head of the East Ocean of the Military Intelligence Department of the Chinese Army.Standing on the bow.Reluctantly watching the emerald green island of Taiwan drift away.

He went to Ryukyu with him on the same boat.There were 100 veterans of the 20th Infantry Regiment.100 sharpshooters and novice catchers from the Luo Aquan Special Battalion (the special team has just been renamed the Special Battalion).Among the fleet, there are two merchant ships that will berth in Naha to do business with the Ryukyu people.One of them was loaded with [-] new flintlock guns in the bilge.Large quantities of gunpowder and packaged paper ammunition.There was also a small three-pounder field gun.

Lu Yun, the treasurer of the Ryukyu Chinese Merchant Store, was seriously injured and could no longer see things.The left-behind personnel of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall have no unified command.In the past few months, I have been bullied by Japanese warriors.Takaaki Kawayama, the business agent of the Satsuma Domain stationed in Naha Port, continued to lead people to attack the Chinese business hall.And almost set fire to the store building.If it weren't for the royal guards sent by the Ryukyu king to drive away the Satsuma warriors.Dozens of people in the shop may be on the streets.At this time, no Chinese merchant ships came to Naha.Therefore, the dozens of Chinese people in the shop seemed very isolated.

The Okinawa Islands have always been inhabited by Chinese.In the early Ming Dynasty, the Ming court even allowed 36 families from Fujian to immigrate to Ryukyu.He brought shipbuilding technology and various agricultural and handicraft technologies to the King of Ryukyu.

compare.The Japanese have always been a serious problem in the north of the Ryukyu Kingdom.Japanese pirates spread poison everywhere.Ryukyu is always the first to suffer.so.Ordinary Ryukyu people are very friendly to Chinese people.I also have a strong sense of identity with China.but.It doesn't mean.The Ryukyu ruling class will very much want to cooperate with Chinese companies.

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