Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 184 Fighting Ryukyu

Nurhachi is in the offensive to unify the Haixi Jurchen.Ula's vitality was seriously injured, and Hada and Huifa perished one after another. The situation was quite favorable for Jianzhou, and Ula was about to perish;From a big hidden danger in the northeast of the Ming Dynasty, it is becoming a serious trouble.

In the eyes of very few bureaucrats in the capital who are still sober.Yin Feng and Nurhachi are one south and one north.One is on the southeast coast, and the other is on the black land in the northeast.They are all potential threats to the Ming Dynasty.But such sober people are too few.The vast majority of the bureaucracy is still partisan.Intrigues and intrigues.Although everyone is in the name of state affairs.In fact, no one has ever cared about the real "state affairs".No one regards Nu Chief and Yin Feng as serious confidantes. "Establishing a prince" and "The Kingdom of the King of Fortune" are major events.In their eyes, the emperor's family affairs are more important than military affairs and the general trend of the world.

compare.Most of the relatively pedantic Qingliu class in the imperial court still regard Yin Feng's Chinese company as a pirate.Think of the so-called slogan of "opening the sea to enrich the country. Doing business and benefiting the people".It is purely demagogic and endangers social stability.

In this era, the extensive development of the Chinese mainland market has almost been basically completed.The population of the people is increasing day by day.In the situation where the contradiction between population and land is becoming increasingly prominent, especially in coastal areas such as Fujian.The focus of the country's economic development and the solution to the problem of feeding the population are shifted to the sea.It is a better way to solve the social crisis at that time.certainly.within the scope of traditional Chinese culture.and the international environment at that time.It takes a lot of courage to make such a choice.Making such a choice means shifting the focus of the national economic strategy and starting the modern transformation of the economic system.The development of an export-oriented economy will inevitably lead to the transformation of the natural economy and the destruction of the production form of small farmers.This was intolerable to mainstream Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism at the time.therefore.Most of the court bureaucrats deeply influenced by Confucian culture.Whether you really believe in Confucian Neo-Confucianism or not.But he dared not do it anyway.It is also impossible to think how to do it.

The attitude of the rulers at that time towards private overseas trade was still to control as much as possible and prevent adverse effects on themselves.Instead of giving strong support and encouragement like the governments of Western countries at that time.The vigorous private overseas trade in the late Ming Dynasty was carried forward by the people alone without the backing of the state power.It started with the destruction of Zheng He's fleet.This is no longer the tragedy of an ocean-going fleet.It is a tragedy for a country and a nation.in a certain sense.The Ming Dynasty easily gave up a possible breakthrough in the bottleneck of economic and social development at the beginning.It is an important opportunity to promote the transformation of Chinese society to modern times.Abandoned relying on private economic forces to control trade routes in Southeast Asia.Thus, it is a godsend opportunity to reconstruct China's southeast sea border defense line, open up new geographical space for China's economic growth, and expand China's regional influence in the Asia-Pacific region.This is very regrettable.

Yin Feng already felt that the burden on his body was getting heavier and heavier.He is making up lessons for the development of Chinese history.Patch.Or modify the source code.It made him feel a lot of pressure.out of breath.

Yin Feng made a tour of Fuzhou.I went to Nanjing again.A round of gifts was given to the eunuch guarding Nanjing and others.Then rushed back to Taiwan.All affairs of the Ming Dynasty.Basically, he is still walking towards death according to his own inertia.The influence of Chinese companies is limited to the southeast.Although Yin Feng knew the ending.However, he was still very disappointed with the political situation of the court.After he returned to Taiwan.Leave everything to do with the government to his father-in-law Zeng Qi.Transfer Han Jing to Luzon to serve as the treasurer of the Luzon branch.Yin Feng himself devoted himself to the construction of the army.The joy brought about by the pregnancy of the main wife, Zeng Qian, lasted only a few days.He started again as he did during the initial founding of the Chinese company.Busy day and night.

The Ryukyu matter did not involve him too much energy.Yin Feng is busy these days with the reorganization of Huaxing Qianhao's banking system and mainland intelligence agencies.He also ran between factories and barracks.Busy developing new grenades and flowering shells.

When Han Jing brought Luo Aquan and Pessoa back to Taiwan.Taiwan Harbor is starting a new round of urban expansion.The arrival of a large number of new immigrants.The city of Taiwan's Hong Kong is expanding day by day.The pre-planning and unified urban construction plan that Yin Feng insisted on originally could not keep up with the reality of the rapid population increase.Outside the port and the area around Anping Port in the south.Residential areas spontaneously established by mainland Han immigrants have appeared.therefore.Han Jing was surprised to see that he had only been away from Taiwan for half a year.I can't recognize the style of Taiwan and Hong Kong anymore.

He brought people to the urban area where the company headquarters is located.Surprised to see a group of artisans digging foundations along the streets of the headquarters area.

"What are you doing?" Han Jing asked a craftsman in surprise.This craftsman is probably newly recruited.I don't know Han Jing who often goes in and out of the headquarters.He replied angrily: "This is the expansion of the inspection department's stronghold. Don't let the idlers wait around to watch..."

"Inspection Division City Walled."

Yin Feng is not at the headquarters.Not at home either.

Han Jing took people all over the port and factory area.Finally found Yin Feng in the weapon research department.

"Big boss, what's going on with the inspector's city wall?"

Yin Feng was watching a batch of trial-manufactured iron-cased grenades explode one by one at the test site.He answered absent-mindedly: "It's Brother Han. This journey is good. The city walled by the inspection department will surround the company headquarters in the city wall fortress. This is just in case."

"Building a city without permission is against the law of the court." The smiling expression on Han Jing's face didn't seem to show any worry.

Yin Feng smiled faintly: "Brother Han. Do you think the Fujian government still has time to take care of our trivial matters? Come on. Let's get down to business. When passing by Liuqiu, did you see Ji Zai?"

Han Jing restrained his smile: "The Japanese pirates are planning to attack Ryukyu after March next year. Moreover, they will attack Taiwan at the same time..."


When Han Jing returned to Taiwan Port.It is already the end of the year.Originally, this year in Taiwan, except for the rebellion of the indigenous people.Basically no fighting.People are thinking about having a safe year.but.Yin Feng suddenly issued a large number of orders.The entire island of Taiwan has entered a state of combat readiness and mobilization.

Guard soldiers train day in and day out.There's nothing unusual about this; they're used to fighting anywhere, anytime.Those new mainland immigrants feel a little strange; the workers who are used to being loose in the farmland of their own villages are managed by a strict system of commuting and resting.Never let up.Working overtime every day to produce gunpowder, muskets and various equipment; the new labor force in the farm was driven by Zhuangtou and Zhuangding to participate in military training in batches; people who came to Taiwan with their families suddenly found out.The farms, factories, and workshops here are seriously short of labor.Even women were recruited to work.Especially textile, weaving and dyeing factories.Fortunately, the people along the coast have a tradition of women participating in labor.For a living.The newcomers had no complaints.

Under the armed protection of the brigade escort.Migrant workers recruited to clear the road to Taipei traverse the burned-out Dadufan village community.See piles of indigenous corpses.Trembling with trepidation, a large number of stone materials were transported to the north.A large amount of food, ammunition and weapons were transported to the two fortresses of Chicken Coop and Danshui in Taipei.hoarded in warehouses.

same period.All over the island of Taiwan.A large number of guards were divided into small teams and went deep into the mountains.Search and suppress those rebellious natives.They were followed by a large number of Han immigrants.Immigrant villages were established one by one following their footsteps.

Another group of newly arrived Fujian immigrants joined the escort.Most of these people are people from the mountainous areas of western Fujian.Some are followers of the White Lotus Sect.After the rebellion, he was defeated and hunted down by officers and soldiers.Not allowed to come to Taiwan; some came to Taiwan to escape the war.There are almost no children of military households in this group of people.But there is a small group of bandits who used to be bandits in the mountainous areas of western Fujian.This group of mixed people was thrown into the new barracks at once.With the development of military training.People are constantly being eliminated to the Zhuang Ding team or to work on the farm.

Zhao Tie's troops switched defenses with the Zhao Xuanming Department of the Fourth Regiment.Returned from Luzon.At this time, the Zhao Tie Hurricane Group has expanded to 5000 people.Has four infantry battalions.An artillery battalion.Several professional auxiliary teams.It also includes 500 Pampanga indigenous auxiliary soldiers brought back from Luzon.Will be used against native rebellion on the main island.

Zhao Tie watched a large number of recruits begin long-distance training at the training ground of the new barracks.Yin Feng took Yan Siqi, Lin Yue and others to look around with binoculars on the watchtower of the camp.Zhao Tie quickly climbed up the watchtower.Stomp.Standing at attention and saluting: "The head of the Cyclonus regiment, Baihu Zhao Tie reports for duty."

His standing at attention.It made the whole watchtower tremble.Yin Feng smiled and turned around.He raised his hand in return and said, "Regimental Commander Zhao. I haven't seen you for a long time. But I'm more energetic. Come on, come on. Take a look at this batch of recruits. How do you feel?"

Zhao Tie stood at attention.He said loudly: "The subordinates have observed it just now. To be honest, this group of recruits is mixed. They lack passion. In my opinion, there are many people who have good physical strength and quick response. But they have no sense of discipline at all. They are not suitable for soldiers."

Yin Feng nodded: "There is no way. Now we urgently need to expand the army. We must train these people into qualified soldiers in a short time."

Zhao Tie walked to the railing of the watchtower.I looked around for a while.He whispered: "Boss owner. Oh, my lord. Do you really want to expand the military? Didn't the board of directors fail to pass the military expansion budget for this year and next?"

Zhao Tie is a commander-level officer.The individual was given a resalable share of the company as required.At the same time, he is also the agent of those shares invested by Zhao Jiaao collectively.It is possible to get the latest and most confidential information from the board of directors.Therefore, he fully supported military expansion and war preparations; almost all of Zhao Jia'ao's children immigrated to Taiwan in recent years.The entire family has successively obtained land through military exploits and other means that has almost exceeded the size of a county. .certainly.These lands are scattered in Taiwan and Luzon.It can be said.The entire Zhao family has tasted the benefits of overseas expansion.

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