Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 190 Fighting Ryukyu

On Sunday, May 1609, 5 in the Western calendar, and on the evening of March 3 in the lunar calendar, undisciplined pirates and rogues attacked the Jewish ghetto in the west of the city, and indiscriminately attacked the Dutch, Portuguese, and British people east of the pier. They also randomly attacked the aborigines' settlements. A group of Japanese pirates also attacked the newly opened Taiwanese church, wounded three Jesuit missionaries, and killed a Chinese trainee monk.

In addition to murder, arson, and robbery, Japanese pirates also launched attacks on relatively rare women on Taiwan Island, regardless of their nationality, which made them immediately become the public enemy of all residents of Taiwan Island

Near the inspection department city in the middle of the city, some ronin who wandered half the city and the samurai of the Shimadzu family joined up, and also participated in the attack on the company headquarters. The inspection department walled city is only beginning to take shape, the gate has not yet been built , under the raid of the Japanese pirates, the defensive effect was lost immediately. However, the built city wall was insurmountable to the Japanese pirates without siege equipment, so all the Japanese pirates had to pass through the southern gate of the inspection department. Then attack the headquarters of the Chinese company.

Not long after Yin Feng ran to the north of the city, he encountered Li Xing's third regiment directly under the regiment, a total of 150 musketeers.

At the same time, the cavalry sent by the [-]st Battalion of the Ace Troop Cavalry that Yin Feng fully supported also encountered them on the road.

After the batch of Spanish Andalusian horses arrived in Taiwan, Lu Dahai went back to his hometown in Shandong, recruited some thieves, and some selected infantry soldiers from the escort team to form a cavalry of about 100 people. Cavalry training was conducted under the leadership of Portuguese and Spanish mercenaries. Although there were only more than 100 cavalry, Yin Feng hoped that this was the prototype of his own cavalry, so he gave it the name of a battalion. Hearing the cannon warning and seeing the fireworks and rockets After calling the police, several foreign cavalry instructors believed that since the enemy had directly attacked Taiwan's Hong Kong City, their own homes in the city might also be damaged, so they actively organized personnel to attack.

Yin Feng called the Portuguese cavalry instructor over, and said sharply: "In the narrow urban area and in the dark night, cavalry entering the city will only add to the chaos. Your Excellency, instructor Luanda, quickly lead your cavalry unit to the east of the city." Xingang Society and other places, the indigenous rebellion has already occurred there, you must use the speed of the cavalry to quickly rush to the scene to quell the rebellion, remember, anyone who resists will be shot to death,"

Yin Feng left behind a few cavalrymen and asked them to serve as his messengers, sending messengers to the old battalion of the Hong Kong Navy, Mai De's second regiment in Dadu Fanguo, and the special battalion, so that they could return to Taiwan quickly. port.

After the cavalry left, the team directly under the third regiment had already lined up. Yin Feng and Li Xing held their positions, and more than 160 people lined up in 16 rows of 10 people in each row on the north-south street in Hong Kong City, Taiwan, and strode southward.

Scattered residents of Taiwan City who fled along the way kept appearing around the team, and sporadic Japanese pirates and rogues would often rush out of the small streets and alleys, but they were all shot and killed by the soldiers of the third regiment.

The establishment and system of the Chinese company's guard team and the officer and non-commissioned officer system played an advanced role. The guards who were scattered at the docks, company headquarters, and checkpoints spontaneously organized on the spot under the command of the highest-ranking officer nearby. Combat formations and the ability to fight collectively quickly reversed the unfavorable situation in some places.

The infantry led by Yin Feng and Li Xing arrived near the "Leshanlou" restaurant, which is only one street away from the company headquarters. More than 200 people have gathered around the infantry brigade, including the wharf and guards who were scattered at various checkpoints. Soldiers from the brigade, soldiers on vacation living in the city, sailors, factory workers, etc., including a few foreign mercenaries, rushed forward with Yin Feng's brigade, holding various weapons.

At this time, under the command of Naotomo Yamaguchi, Yuki Kawayama and others, the originally sparse Japanese pirates also began to carry out organized blocking.

The Japanese pirates’ iron cannons, the arquebus guns, need to be fired with a slow-burning match, so they will become live targets in the dark night. Therefore, the Japanese pirates all use bows and arrows as long-range weapons at this time. They occupy the inspection department’s city wall and nearby On the roofs of residential houses, they condescended to shoot at the Chinese who gathered with torches. For a moment, Yin Feng's men were suppressed under the corners of the eaves and walls at the corners of the streets and alleys.

The sailors and escort soldiers who followed the infantry group spontaneously organized themselves, set up ladders to the roofs and walls, and attacked the Japanese pirates with flintlock muskets and various weapons.

In the direction of the company's headquarters, flames are rising and the flames are bright. The Japanese pirates repeatedly failed to attack the headquarters gate, and began to set fire around them, intending to use fire to attack.

Yin Feng's house in Captain Lane was also in the direction of the fire. Yin Feng saw that the place just across the street was already burning with flames, and he was burning with anxiety. Beside him, he was also looking at the fire very anxiously, and the house of the guards was also near the Captain's Lane.

Li Xing organized his team directly under the regiment headquarters to launch three attacks, all of which were repelled due to the darkness and the fierce firepower of the Japanese pirates' bows and arrows. There is no advantage at all, the huge muzzle flame when firing the flintlock is almost pointing the direction for the enemy, but the Japanese pirate ronin can shoot arrows silently in the dark.

At this time, in the sea area in front of the port, the three Sendai Fan sailboats were all sunk under the cross bombardment of the North and South Forts. Only more than 100 Sendai Fan warriors with better water quality swam to the dock, and more than a hundred sailors who stayed in the dock area The vassals and guards of the shogun Naotomo Yamaguchi desperately resisted the attack of the North Fort defenders of the escort team. After sinking the sailing ship of the Sendai Domain, the North Fort transferred its artillery fire to the dock area. After occupying it, they bombarded the entire pier without any scruples. The shells fell on the heads of the Japanese pirates one by one, and beat many warriors into meat paste. The warehouses and warehouses, as well as the complex terrain formed by various cargo flatbeds and carriages, tried their best to get close to the escort soldiers for hand-to-hand combat.

In this stalemate situation, Yin Feng finally calmed down and thought about it. Little Japan’s habit of strategic gambling has existed in history. The strategic gambling behavior of later generations such as the raid on Pearl Harbor is due to the nature of Japanese pirates. Yin Feng I slapped myself; I really underestimated the enemy, and I didn't expect the sneak attack of the Japanese pirates at all, but now is not the time to regret and blame myself, he grabbed Lin Yue and ordered loudly: "Go to the weapon research department quickly, put Move over the bombardment they're testing, hurry, hurry,"

Lin Yue and the others rushed away, Yin Feng grabbed Li Xing, who was dancing and directing the attack, and said, "Where is your artillery battalion?"

The reorganized infantry escort, each regiment has a professional artillery battalion, the number is between 300 and 500, and it has 30 to 50 light field guns.

Li Xing was taken aback: "Boss, the artillery battalion is stationed in the old battalion. This is the urban area. Pull up the cannon, then..."

"Let these Japanese pirates kill and set fire, and the city of Taiwan will be completely destroyed by them. Quickly, let the artillery battalion bring ten cannons into the city,"

The two blasting cannons in the improved test were put in place first, and several shells landed in a curve on the city wall of the inspection department's city wall, blasting hot fireballs, and the splashed iron sand and iron pieces fell down. A large group of Japanese pirates ambushed on the city wall, and then the bayonet-mounted guards rushed out under the cover of their own people on the roof at the rear, and seized the gate of the inspection department's city wall in one fell swoop. A burst of rapid shooting destroyed patches of houses and walls and razed them to the ground.

The guard soldiers, sailors, workers, and Zhuang Ding who were suppressed under the eaves and walls stood up together and marched forward bravely.

The front yard of the company headquarters has been blown into ruins by countless grenades, and corpses and rubble are everywhere as far as the eye can see.

More than a dozen agents from the company's security department and the last dozens of soldiers from the guard headquarters were all wounded. They blocked the corridor behind the front yard with their last strength, using bayonets, rifle butts, and even stones. A group of Japanese pirates who were desperately rushed into the hospital were entangled together.

The boat owner's alley was blazing, and the flames were flying, and you could feel the heat from a dozen steps away. Yin Feng led Lin Yue and others to kill here, and he couldn't help being stunned.

From the gate of the walled city to here, hand-to-hand combat is everywhere. The furious Chinese did not let go of a Japanese pirate or rogue. No matter whether he resisted or not, he was hacked and killed. Since Yin Feng started his overseas adventures, he has mostly used muskets to fight Shooting the enemy from a long distance, he assassinated a five-short ronin in hand-to-hand combat for the first time tonight.

The Chinese Army, which reacted quickly, took control of the situation in the early hours of the morning.

The infantry from the military camp and military academy in the north of the city, the warships and sailor musketeers sent by the Hong Kong Navy, the native auxiliary soldiers and Zhuang Ding team sent by the Xingang Society in the east, and the infantry from the factory area entered the city one after another, sweeping up those who had nothing to do with them. The rogue Japanese pirates, who can be described as organized and disciplined, and the guards in the Jewish ghettos, black residential areas, and business houses of various countries also spontaneously organized to wipe out the Japanese pirates on the spot.

The cavalry battalion was invincible along the way. With the assistance of Zhuang Ding's team and friendly natives, the rebellion of some natives of the Xingang Society was quelled the next morning.

The infantry of the North Fort, with the support of the Hong Kong Navy Fleet, finally recaptured the dock area, burned all the merchant ships of the Japanese pirates, and cut off the sea retreat of the Japanese pirates.

Enraged by the despicable sneak attack, Yin Feng issued an order after eliminating the Japanese pirates attacking the company's headquarters: "All Japanese pirates will be executed on the spot, and their surrender will not be accepted."

On the morning of the second day after Taiwan Harbor was attacked, the defenders of the South Fort, with the help of Zhuang Ding's team and friendly natives, defeated the Japanese and rushed into Nihoncho.

Lin Xiao thought that what was mentioned in the order referred to "all Japanese pirates". Of course, the Japanese in Nihoncho also fell within this range, so he let go and carried out a massacre of Nihoncho. All were killed, none survived,

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