Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 193 Fighting Ryukyu

When the Shimadzu army went south to Urasoe Castle.Urasoe did not have Ryukyu troops to garrison, but relied on Shanbei and Shuri Castle as barriers, and fell without fierce fighting at all.Immediately, the villages and towns under the city were ravaged by Satsuma warriors, and the places where Shimadzu's army passed were all in flames.Soldiers looted houses and burned them mercilessly.A scorched-earth policy was implemented to bury bad deeds after the fact.As a result, a large number of people were displaced.Flames and howls are everywhere, unbearable to hear.

After the plundering by the Shimadzu Army, they continued along the avenue and pushed into the Shuri Castle all the way. The road was basically a wide and straight avenue that could not be defended.April sixteenth.The forward of the Shimadzu Army has appeared 20 miles north of Shuri City.

this day.The wheel of history is still rolling forward according to its own inertia.

A slender sailboat with a Chinese flag on a blue background sailed across the sea like a big bird.Against the fierce north wind, he drew a zigzag.Against the wind.Try to drive north.Sea Soul is the name of this strange sailing ship.It is the only fast sailing ship in the world today.

After the Sea Soul received Chen Zhongji's warning information.Immediately set off from Yaogang.This is a transportation mission that was originally planned.It did not stop because of the surprise attack on Taiwan and Hong Kong.

From Taiwan Island to Ryukyu Main Island.The Sea Soul sailed against the wind for a full ten days.Came to Naha Port again.

Chen Zhongji did not expect the Ryukyu Army to be so vulnerable.The army of Japanese pirates will soon hit Naha Port.He thought about the Ryukyu people relying on those castles that seemed to be relatively strong.It should last for a while no matter what.so.At this time he went to Shuri Wangcheng.Ask to see one of the three officers in charge of the defense of the Shuri King City, Urasoe Choshi of the pro-Ming sect.Ask him to allow people from Sinochem to enter Shuri Castle to help defend.

The Guoqin Street around the Wangfu was in chaos.The aristocratic class of Zhongshan Kingdom in the Ryukyu has already had a fluttering heart.He has a pessimistic tendency towards war.Through the relationship of Lu Yun, the former treasurer of the Chinese company in the Ryukyu Commercial Hall.Chen Zhongji was received by Ura Timothy, the third division official.

Something very unexpected happened.After Chen Zhongji paid homage to Pu Tianchaoshi.King Shangning, the king of Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom, suddenly appeared.Ryukyu King Shang Ning wears a black gauze hat with side wings.The lower plate is Jin Zhuying.Dragon head gold hairpin.Wearing a python robe.The waist is worn with rhino horn white jade.The whole set of royal clothes was given by the canonized envoys of the Ming Dynasty.

Urasoe court master and a group of officials hurriedly knelt down to meet him.Chen Zhongji had no choice but to kneel down and pay homage.

King Shangning was over thirty years old.It should have been the prime of life.But he looked tired, with a dejected look on his brows.A large group of followers behind him also looked worried.He waved.Come directly to Urasoe Chaoshi.He said a word in the Ryukyu language Jiliguala.Then he hurried away again.

The third officer Urasoe Chaoshi immediately stood up.While ordering his subordinates to do things.While walking towards Chen Zhongji.

Chen Zhongji cupped his fists in salute.Just wanted to say something.Urasoe Chaoshi said in fluent Chinese: "Young man from Shangguo. I know what you want to do here. Mr. Xie Mingqinfang has already told me. No matter what you want to do, it is too late now. The Japanese The army has reached the Taiping Bridge outside Shuri Castle. The soldiers led by Mr. Yukinfang have already confronted the Japanese army."

Chen Zhongji was taken aback.It began with the Shimadzu Army's expedition on March 27.It's only 20 days today.The defense line of the Ryukyu Army has completely collapsed.The enemy actually approached the capital city so quickly.

He has nothing to say at the moment.Even if you want to transfer people from Naha Port to guard the city here.I'm afraid it's too late.It is still a few days away from Shuri to Naha Port.What Chen Zhongji is now worried about is whether he can rush back to the Naha Chinese Commercial Center before the Japanese occupy Naha Port.

He immediately bid farewell and left the royal city.With the assistance of Lu Yun, he passed through the Taiping Bridge defense line of the Ryukyu Army.Impatiently walked to Naha Port.

Fortunately.The soldiers of Satsuma Fan rushed forward too fast.The food to eat can be taken from the "people".However, the transportation of materials such as gunpowder and bullets could not keep up with the advancing speed of the frontline troops.and.The Shimadzu army's forward and follow-up troops were separated by a few days.In-place adjustments are required.There are not enough troops to block Shuri Castle.so.Chen Zhongji crossed the area where the two armies faced each other.A day later, we returned to the Chinese Shokan in Naha Port.

The Sea Soul just entered Naha Port at this time.

The ship was full of munitions.A large amount of food and medicines such as acne medicine.The most important thing is that Colonel Cutley landed with fifty special battalion soldiers.They also escorted two of the latest "Sky Cannons". More than 300 rounds of flowering shells.

Chen Zhongji was not happy for long.He soon learned about the Japanese pirates attacking Taiwan Island.

"The eldest lady is injured. Then, my wife..."

Colonel Cutray was going strong.This trip to Ryukyu was approved only after I strongly requested it.He has now fully integrated into the business of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Zhonghua Company.He patted Chen Zhongji on the shoulder.Laughing: "Don't worry. Your beautiful native wife is fine."

When Coutere set off.Zeng Qian is not dead yet.

The two walked into the exclusive study room of the shopkeeper.Start discussing the situation immediately.Chen Zhongji recounted his experience from Shuri to Naha: "...In short, the Ryukyu Army is weak and cowardly, vulnerable, and unarmed. Its weaknesses have been fully exposed. Because the Ryukyu Army is so cowardly, our Chinese The merchant house may fight the Japanese within a few days."

Kutley stayed for a long time.Shaking his head and sighing, he said, "The previous deduction by the Operations Department estimated that the Ryukyu Army would defend against danger. It could hold off the Japanese pirates for at least two months. But the fact now is that the Ryukyu Army lost the three major strongholds defending Shuri within 20 days. Two of them." He pushed open the window dejectedly.Looking at the busy people in the business hall who are carrying arms and supplies.Sighing, he said, "At first we thought we could fight together with the Ryukyu Army. But now...now that the trading house has fallen and we are forced to retreat and make preparations."

Chen Zhongji shook his head: "The owner of the ship asked us to stick to the trading house until the army came to help. I have already prepared the evacuation ship. When the time comes, let those guys, secretary, and accountants evacuate. I will lead people to guard the trading house. "

He looked at the dark sky and said: "Anyway. I will stay here. Wait for the ship owner's army to come to help. There is still a northerly wind on the sea. But I asked the old local boatman. He said that it will be in May. There may be a southerly wind..."


The Ryukyu Army collapsed so quickly in this battle.Its low combat effectiveness is the main reason.This is actually the result of the influence of the Ryukyu military sales policy in the past.Originally, Ryukyu did not emphasize culture over martial arts.On the contrary, it is the practice of martial arts.In the "Records of Envoys to Ryukyu" written by the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, there is a saying: Ryukyu people are brave... born with physical strength.Nai hunger, thirst and toil....

Before the Ming Dynasty, the Ryukyu people were "brave and good at walking, hard to die and resistant to trauma...there are knives, bows, arrows and swords...".It can be seen from this.The Ryukyu people were once a warrior and brave nation.

However, civilian weapons have been confiscated many times in Ryukyu.The first time was after Shang Bazhi destroyed Shannan and unified the three mountains.Promote the policy of selling soldiers.Shang Bazhi forbade the Ryukyu people to carry weapons and confiscated swords.The second time is Shangzhen era.Confiscate bows, arrows, knives and other weapons of residents everywhere.Nationalize it.To protect the country.Actually.After the weapons are collected in the treasury, they are allowed to rust and rot.It was unusable by the time of the war.Several generations of Ryukyu kings tried their best to consolidate the dominance of the royal family.Implement the policy of taking back the military power of the divisions in various places.A large number of aristocrats were raised in the "Guoqin Street" next to the royal family.Serve them with delicious food and drink; at the same time, take back their military power.Their guard disbanded.It is simply the specific and subtle Ryukyu version of "a cup of wine releases soldiers".Therefore, the current Ryukyu has become so weak that anyone can step on it.

in addition.The Ryukyu Army has had few wars to fight for many years.When confronting Satsuma, bare-handed individual fighting skills cannot be applied to group combat. The Ryukyu sergeants are often not in the same formation, and they follow the usual fighting method since the Sanshan era to deal with the Japanese lineup. It is no wonder that they are undefeated.

Chen Zhongji was on his way back and forth to Shuri.We have already seen the tragedy of the defeated Ryukyu army.I also saw refugees fleeing in groups coming in groups.He scratched his scalp.He said anxiously: "...the commander-in-chief battles stationed in various important towns cannot be coordinated, and often cannot stick to the established strategy. During the Battle of Nakijin, the Kitayama Warden rushed out of the city with inferior forces, and the triangle that guarded Shuri Castle collapsed. Looking at the entire battle so far, the Ryukyu Army does not have any commendable military strategy. The various armies and horses are scattered and weak, unable to unify and fight on their own. As a result. And the Satsuma clan that is marching victoriously is a powerful clan in the country of the Japanese pirates. Naturally, it cannot be compared with it."

"In my opinion. Ten days at the latest. Japanese pirates will attack Shuri Castle. We must be prepared. Prepare to fight."


at this time.Chicken coops in Tamsui and two places in northern Taiwan.Gathered the main force of the armed forces of the China United Company.All the battleships of the Feizi are here.Li Kuiqi's professional artillery battalion is also on standby in the chicken coop.Tens of thousands of soldiers are waiting for the change of wind direction.Once the south wind blows.The army will immediately set off north to support Ryukyu.

Taiwan port.Yin Feng urged Li Yue's Engineering Department to formulate and release the Taiwan Harbor Reconstruction Plan.Recruit craftsmen from all provinces in the mainland.Carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, masonry and other skilled workers are all required.on the board.The proposal to build a defensive system of walls was approved unanimously.This sneak attack has brought considerable property losses to the members of the board of directors.Therefore, under the same hatred.Fortification became imperative.therefore.Chinese companies began to aggressively recruit craftsmen.The fortification work began immediately.a month later.The first batch of city builders was recruited from the counties of Ning, Shao, Jin and Qu in Zhejiang.At that time, it was in the south-central region of Zhejiang.The contradiction of more people and less land is also very prominent.Therefore, residents in these areas have the custom of going out to work.

After laying out the work of building the city and rebuilding the city.Yin Feng left Taiwan City and headed north.

He wants to go to Ryukyu in person.

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