Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 195 Fighting Ryukyu

Chen Zhongji held Zhang Hai back.At the same time, he ordered to find the security personnel of the Ryukyu Commercial Center of the Chinese company.

Zhang Hai, the former pirate leader, broke away his hand very puzzled: "Jizai, what's the matter with you. Why...you forgot what the owner said. The Chinese company was created to protect the interests of all Chinese. The people below said They are all in Fuzhou dialect from our hometown.”

"Brother Zhang, stay safe and don't be impatient. Come and take a look." Chen Zhongji patiently dragged Zhang Hai over.Pointing to the crowd of refugees outside the gate, he said: "Look at these refugees. Almost all of them are young men. There are almost no women and children. And look. The only ones who shouted are only a few women. These men have problems. Just in Just now. Strong men have already passed by both sides of the shop. Now all the ones passing by are weak women, old people and children who run slowly. Why are these men still lagging behind?"

Zhang Hai looked at it suspiciously for a long time.He shook his head and said, "I can't see it. The Japanese burned, killed and looted. The refugees ran around. This is also possible."

Chen Zhongji shook his head: "The port of Taiwan was attacked. It was because five Japanese pirates' merchant ships were put in. The Japanese pirates took advantage of the loopholes....We are now alone on the Ryukyu Island. We must not make any mistakes. Be careful."

"Report. Zeng Xiren, head of the Ryukyu mission of the Ministry of Security, reports for duty."

A small young man stood on top of the wall.Thin and lean, with piercing eyes, he looked at Chen Zhongji.Chen Zhongji clasped his fists and said, "Brother Zeng. Have you been in the Ryukyu Merchant House for two years? Are you familiar with the Ryukyu people around you? Oh. Are you from Master Zeng's family?"

The little man Zeng Xiren's face darkened.With a wry smile, he said: "I am the son of the Zeng family. It was Captain Yin who redeemed me. He asked me to work for him..." "The son of the family" refers to the child of the servant.Born to be a servant of the family.After the untouchables.

Zeng Xiren puffed up his chest and said, "I was ordered to come to Ryukyu. Within two years, I have dealt with the people of the four major jurisdictions around Naha Port."

Chen Zhongji smiled and said, "That's it. Come and identify the refugees below."

Zeng Xiren stood on the gate tower.Talk to the refugees below who are shouting and screaming for a while.Then he shouted: "Everyone wait a minute. I'll report to the shopkeeper right away." He hurriedly came to Chen Zhongji, Zhang Hai, supervisor Mai Yangtian and others.He said with a sullen face: "At least half of the people below are suspicious. Their hairstyles are similar to those of the local Ryukyu people. But the Chinese accent they speak is very strange. Moreover, I answered them in Ryukyu dialect. They responded in Chinese. The Han people in Kume Village have lived in the local area for more than a hundred years. They have long been almost the same as the local people. Speaking Ryukyu dialect is better than speaking Chinese. It is impossible not to speak Ryukyu dialect.”

Zhang Hai patted his head.Cursed angrily: "Damn it. It really is the Japanese pirates. I will take people to kill them."

Chen Zhongji stopped him again and said, "Let Brother Zeng identify him. Try not to accidentally hurt innocent people."

More than a dozen sharpshooters from the special battalion were transferred to the gate tower.They are under the guidance of Zeng Xiren. "Crackling" shot for a while.Shoot and kill dozens of Japanese pirates pretending to be refugees gathered under the gate one by one.The other Zhenzong refugees were all frightened for a while.Stand there blankly.trembling.Forgot what to do... at this time.The door is half open.Chen Zhongji and Zeng Xiren rushed out with dozens of sailors.He dragged more than a dozen old and young women who were in a daze into the gate of the store.

afternoon.Another large number of Ryukyu refugees fled to the east gate of the Chinese Commercial Hall.Beg the Chinese to open the door.Behind them soared into the fire.The figures of Satsuma soldiers can already be seen.Zeng Xiren yelled loudly in Ryukyu dialect from the gate tower: "Folks. Get out of here quickly. Go to the west gate and come in. Quick."

The Ryukyu people under the gate were stunned for a while.Then bypass the east gate on the left and right.keep running.They just left the east gate.A group of ashigaru infantry of the Shimadzu army with spears and bamboo armor rushed over.The leading samurai, wielding a Japanese sword, came a hundred paces away from the wall of the Chinese company's business hall.Chirping and croaking in Japanese.

Chen Zhongji walked up to the east gate with a flintlock gun.Luo Aquan was loading ammunition for his musket at the corner of the gatehouse.Luo Aquan is the first sharpshooter of the Chinese company guard.He has a special extended musket.It is half as long as the Chinese Army's standard flintlock musket.and.There are six such guns in total.Besides Luo Aquan, there were five assistants who helped to carry it.The amount of ammunition per load is also double that of the usual flintlock.

Zeng Xiren was also on the gate tower.Looking at the Naha Port that has been engulfed in flames.

"Damn Japanese pirates. I bought a house here..." he said angrily.

Chen Zhongji smiled and patted him on the shoulder. .This is the signature move he learned from Captain Yin Feng? "Brother Zeng. Your wife is also from Ryukyu. What are these Japanese people shouting there?"

Zeng Xiren smiled: "Yes. I got married here last year. I went back to Taiwan on the Sea Soul a few days ago. These Japanese pirates seem to be saying. We want us to open the door. Let them come in and check."

Chen Zhongji sneered and said, "Okay. Just invite them in."

Zeng Xiren opened his mouth.Suddenly he reacted: "Please enter the urn. That's it... We now have the advantage of the terrain. A burst of muskets can also solve the problem."

Chen Zhongji watched the Japanese pirate warriors approaching the wall of the merchant house.He said coldly: "The last time the Sea Soul came to Naha, it brought a message from the ship's owner; he asked us to slow down the Shimadzu army's advance speed as much as possible and restrain their forces. Our store is nailed to Naha Port We need the nails on Tsu. Sooner or later, we will meet the Japanese pirates. But now we have to rely on the Ryukyu people to block the Japanese pirates for us. These Japanese pirates are obviously here to accept the trading house stockade. If we open fire on the city wall. Near the east gate It's close to the city. There are houses everywhere. They just need to hide in residential areas and we can't do anything."

At this time.Another small group of Shimadzu Army warriors appeared from Naha Port City.Had a round with the previous team.It seems that they are discussing something.

Chen Zhongji took a look through the binoculars.Said to Zeng Xiren: "These warriors are not of high rank. Maybe they don't know how to deal with us. The Japanese should have known that our Chinese company is stationed here. Now we have to try our best to delay the time. Let the small group of Japanese pirates in front of us They are all wiped out. We can't let them go back and report."

It was sunset time.The samurai of the Hirata Department of the Shimadzu Army had a team of more than 30 warriors belonging to Zaemon.Sparsely standing 100 steps away from the east gate of the Zhaizi of Zhonghua Commercial Hall.He was looking at the door of the shop that was slowly opening.Under the reflection of the setting sun.The two large flags hanging on the gate tower are particularly conspicuous.A flag reads: "Da Ming was ordered to go to sea for trade".The other flag is the Chinese character flag of the China United Company on a blue background.

The soldiers of the Shimadzu Army who had burned and killed for a day were a little tired.Or squat or stand.Discussing in twos and threes.

"Is this the business house of the people of the Ming Dynasty? It looks like a city..."

Compared with the castle of the Japanese daimyo vassal state in the Warring States Period.This is a Chinese business house with a radius of one mile and a square surrounded by three feet high and thick walls.It is indeed a city.

"I heard that Zhonghua Company is the richest company in the world. There are a lot of gold, silver and jewels piled up here."

"Why haven't the leaders ordered to enter the village?"

Oyouzaemon was directly ordered by Shimadzu Army Vice General Hirata Masamune.Those who came here to accept the property of the Chinese Merchant Hall.He has been waiting for the group of neiying who were dispatched in the early stage to pretend to be refugees to start an uprising in the walled city.But.It's almost night now.There was still no movement inside the Zhonghua Commercial Hall.but.But very strangely opened the door.

A short man who looked like a Ryukyu citizen appeared at the gate.He jumped up and waved to them.Shouting vague words in Japanese: "Come on... someone is here..." This is a Japanese man pretended to be by Zeng Xiren.Before he went to Ryukyu to serve.Lived in Japan.So Japanese is also good.

A small ashigaru leader said pleasantly: "Dayou-kun. This should be the success of the Dashan team."

Oharizaemon nodded: "It should be like this. Let's go. I didn't expect these guys from the Ming Dynasty to be so useless..."

More than 30 Japanese pirates swaggered into the east gate of the Shangguan Walled Wall.Everyone is careless.The mind is full of fantasies of gold, silver and treasure.He didn't notice at all that there was no one on the gate tower of the Walled City or inside the gate opening.

under the setting sun. More than 30 Japanese pirates rushed into the courtyard of the business hall.The sight in front of them is something they will never forget; of course.The so-called lifetime.It's just around the corner.

In the last ray of sunlight in the setting sun, the wall cast shadows over the entire yard.Under the shadow, 100 Chinese people in black clothes and black armor stood in the middle of the courtyard in a standard posture of standing at attention.Facing the east gate.

"Raise the gun." A majestic voice gave the command.

More than 30 Japanese pirates suddenly found out.I was facing the black muzzles of more than 100 muskets.at the same time.The walls of the surrounding villages are full of Chinese people with live ammunition.Because they all face the setting sun.I can't see the faces of these Chinese people clearly.but.From their calm and silent, uniform movements.A boundless murderous aura rose up.


Oarizaemon's mind was in a mess.I opened my mouth wide and couldn't say anything.


The moment night falls on the earth.Hundreds of muzzles ejected flames and bullets almost simultaneously.

The guards of the Chinese company shot more than 30 Japanese pirates to death in one second.

Wanli 37 years.April 14th in the 1609th year of Keicho (200) in Japan.The Chinese in Naha Port, Ryukyu fired with uniform flintlock muskets.Sent away the sun of this day.At the end of the day.Japanese pirates occupied Obama Bay north of Naha Port.at night.The [-] Ryukyu defenders of the Sanchong City near Xiaobin Bay surrendered without a fight.

Naha Port is now except for Yaraza Mori Castle, where 1000 Ryukyu troops led by Zheng Jiong are stationed.Only the Chinese business house is still outside the control of the Japanese army.

The first day of Naha Port Blood and Fire is over.The docks and a third of the city's buildings were burned.next.This once bustling trading port will endure more blood and fire.


late at night.Inside the old camp of Shuizhai in Jilonggang, Taiwan Island.Yin Feng's ship Flying Wolf.

Yin Feng was looking at the map of Satsuma in his cabin.Li Lihua was looking for something in a pile of documents next to her.

Yin Feng suddenly dropped his pen.Ask Li Lihua: "Ali, is there any news from Nanyang?"

Under Yin Feng's insistence.Li Lihua began to take charge of Nanyang intelligence work again.

Li Lihua stopped what she was doing.With a faint smile: "The news came from Mai Xiaoliu. They fought against people from Malacca, Banten and Tianhua Company. There is no loss. Don't worry. Also. There is a news from a big food merchant. Ye Hua's fleet has reached the country of the Negroes on the coast of Africa."

Yin Feng nodded.rub your eyes.Stand up and open the window.A gust of wind blew in.Blowing out the cabin are three candles.

"Don't light the candles. Lihua. Take a rest."

Yin Feng held Li Lihua in his arms.sighed.Looking at the little lights on the surrounding warships.In the barracks on land, there was a constant sound of password typing.He let out a breath slowly: "I don't know what's going on with Ji Zai. The Ryukyu people won't be able to last long. At that time, it will be up to Ji Zai to hold back the main force of the Shimadzu army. Hey..."

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