Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 198 Fighting Ryukyu

In the view of the veteran Portuguese mercenary Coutre, although the Japanese army has strong individual fighting ability and the spirit of fighting to the death is not bad, but the overall combat performance of the Satsuma army is not very good, the degree of discipline and collective cooperation The soldiers of the special battalion followed Zheng Jiong's Ryukyu Royal Guards for two whole days, observed the battle situation between the Japanese army and the Ryukyu Army in detail, and saw the chaotic situation of the Shimadzu Army Kawayama Kudaka's headquarters after being attacked by the Ryukyu Army. , I found a characteristic: once the Japanese pirates are in a disadvantageous position in battle, they are prone to low morale, or they are just hot-headed and desperate to charge to death.

The special battalions of Luo Aquan and Kutley have never fought Japanese pirates. When the special squad, the predecessor of the special battalion, was first established, it mainly targeted the indigenous headhunters in Taiwan. Later, it began to fight with the Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, The Malays and the indigenous people from all over the world fight and carry out the most dangerous and secret missions. They usually focus on tropical jungle operations, and also engage in some urban assassination missions. This time they came to Ryukyu, which is the first time that the special battalion has left tropical and subtropical regions to fight .

Originally, they were still very concerned about the combat effectiveness of the Japanese pirates, especially Luo Aquan had heard of the "prestige" of the Japanese pirates since he was a child, but after this battle outside Shuri Castle, their views on the Shimadzu army, and even all Japanese pirate troops, changed drastically.

In the eyes of Kutley, Luo Aquan, and some veterans who have experienced the iron-blooded battle between the Chinese and Western armies under the city of Manila, most of the time this war between the Ryukyu Army and the Japanese Shimadzu Army is not so much a battle as a child’s play. The township fights are basically the same, especially the Ryukyu Army. Their weak resistance and the rapid fall of the main town of Ryukyu Island are even unexpected by Satsuma. Originally, Satsuma was afraid that the Ryukyu Army would hold the city for a long time. Unexpectedly, they only suffered casualties The price of several hundred is approaching Shuri. The commander of the Ryukyu Army is brave but not resourceful, and has no way to control.

At the same time, the performance of the Shimadzu Japanese pirates was not good. Although they had flintlock muskets and could fight in square formations in the same way as the Spanish army, the discipline in actual combat could not be maintained at all. Out of touch; the soldiers and junior samurai in the Japanese pirate army lack tactical training, and they don’t know anything except rushing and fighting. Probably those excellent warriors and soldiers trained during the Warring States Period were lost on the Korean battlefield.

To be honest, the main members of the special battalion are all southerners, and they don’t like the climate of Ryukyu at all, but some of them have been in Ryukyu for half a year. They inspect the situation on the island every day, and their grasp of the terrain and people’s conditions far surpasses that of Ryukyu. Samurai of the Shimadzu Army.

When they retreated with the Ryukyu prince Shangfeng, they did not run in the direction of Naha. Instead, relying on their familiarity with the terrain, they first walked in the direction of Shuri, then turned into the mountain path, and detoured to the pursuing Hiratabe Shimadzu Army Behind, and then retreat to Naha port.

They made up into the appearance of Ryukyu people wearing Ming Dynasty costumes and Japanese-style hair buns, and passed through the rear defense line of the Hirata Army at night. Luo Aquan and others were pushed back. The team was divided into two teams, about a mile apart, and they rushed day and night without sleep, and finally appeared on the avenue northwest of the wall of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall at dawn.

The Shimadzu Army finally caught up, but it was too late to stop the Prince of Ryukyu.

Hirata Masongzong found out that Ryukyu Prince Shangfeng was missing that night, and immediately realized how troublesome the matter was. He managed to get his team together and chased after the strange enemy's trail.

At first he thought it was the defenders of Shuri Castle who rescued the prince, but the more he chased him, the more he felt something was wrong.

Now, seeing the Prince of Ryukyu entering the Chinese Commercial House under the protection of a group of posing as Ryukyu people, his head began to ache.

"It's these Chinese who caused trouble again. It's not easy to handle. In any case, the existence of this merchant house and fortress is already intolerable." Report to General Huashan.

The sailors in charge of the shipping affairs monitored the Chinese Commercial Center in the western and urban areas along the coast of Naha, and Chen Zhongji also sent people from the special battalion to investigate the situation in the Hirata Department. Skirmishes between forward spies began to increase.

Shizi Shangfeng was slashed on his left leg by a warrior during the melee that night. All the way along the way, three brothers from the special camp took turns running on their backs. After entering the Shangguan Fortress, he saw Chen Zhongji, the young prince. Only then did he wake up, and he didn't care about the airs of the prince, and pulled Chen Zhongji to ask him to send someone to rescue Shuri Castle.

Chen Zhongji smiled wryly. After saluting with fists in his hands, he helped the prince to the thick iron-wrapped gate. Luo Aquan's team behind them was entering the gate. Behind them, 200 paces away, hundreds of Shimadzu soldiers with the Maru cross flag They are forming an array, and there is another group of people meandering from the west, and the target is also the Zhonghua Commercial Hall.

"His Royal Highness, our company currently has only [-] combatable soldiers, and self-defense is dangerous. How to rescue Shuri? I applied to His Majesty the King half a year ago for permission to increase the number of our company's staff, but I didn't get it. Approved..." Chen Zhongji said with a sneer: "Now, we can only stand by and wait for help,"

"Waiting for help," Shang Feng, the son of the Prince of Ryukyu, who has been educated in traditional Chinese culture since he was a child, of course understands the meaning of this word. His heart can't help but beat wildly: "Could it be that the Ming court will send troops to support our vassal state?"

Chen Zhongji sneered, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone: "The imperial court, hehe, it's not the Ming court that sent troops to rescue, but the Ming court's Taiwan Qianhu Yin, and the owner of our company, Yin Feng, will send troops to rescue. "

Shang Feng shook his head, not quite understanding what was going on. Over the past few days, hundreds of Ryukyu refugees have been taken in in the commercial hall. Some refugees returned home yesterday, and there are still more than 100 Ryukyu old and young women and children in the Chinese commercial hall. They took refuge in the country, and when they saw the eldest son Shangning, they came up to bow down one after another. Chen Zhongji found several Ryukyu people to take care of the eldest son Shangning, sent a military doctor to treat Shangning's injuries, and asked them to rest in the guest house of the commercial hall. He hurried to the warehouse to hold a meeting All officers meeting.

At this time, 800 Chinese were preparing their armaments and waiting solemnly in the fortress of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall, waiting for the Japanese pirates to come to their door. On the north and east sides of the commercial hall, there were large groups of Shimadzu troops gathering in formation. About [-] people or so.

"Now that the Prince of Ryukyu is in our hands, Japanese pirates will definitely come to attack. The Ryukyu Army in Yaliangza Mori Castle has only 100 old and weak members. We can't expect them to be of any help." Chen Zhongji shook his head, pointing to the Ryukyu map on the table , Said to the leaders of the guards at all levels sitting around: "We originally estimated that the Ryukyu Army would be able to block the Japanese pirates for about three months, at least two months, but now it is good. In less than a month, the entire Ryukyu Island will be destroyed." Shuri Wangcheng and our tiny place are left."

"Let's fight, shopkeeper Chen," said the supervising officer Mai Yangtian, who is now in charge of the logistics of the entire store: "The morale of the brothers is high, the ammunition is sufficient, and the food and grass are enough for the brothers to feed for four months. There is no problem in defending the store. ,"

Colonel Coutere is old and strong, and he is still full of energy at the age of almost 50. He has been running for two days day and night, and he is still full of energy and said: "The Japanese do not have cannons, at most they only have small cannons equivalent to our three-pound field cannons. ;although they have flintlock muskets, but they can't use them well, as long as we don't go out and fight them, we should have no problem holding this fortress,"

The old pirate Zhang Hai also said: "Ji Zai, move all the cannons out, let's fight."

Chen Zhongji nodded: "Right now we have to fight. We will not fight Japanese pirates in the field. We are no match for manpower consumption. Although the Shangguan Fortress is not as good as Fengguiwei Fortress in Penghu, there are only two sides suitable for attacking. The city, the tail of the wind cabinet can block tens of thousands of officers and soldiers for a few months, then we can also hold here for a few months, and our enemy is only a few thousand people, well, everyone will contribute to the great cause of the ship owner, and we will start Let's fight,"

At present, the people in charge of the various village walls have been arranged: Zhang Hai and Mai Yangtian are in charge of the most important east and south gates respectively; the north is close to the Naha River, and the west gate is actually just a small opening, which is not human at all. Therefore, the manpower on both sides is under the unified jurisdiction of Colonel Kutley, Luo Aquan brings his own 30 sharpshooters as a mobile force, and Chen Zhongji takes the remaining [-] special battalion soldiers as a reserve team.

The number of manpower is too small to evenly distribute the manpower. Therefore, there are 100 people on each side of the east and south, and only a few dozen people roaming around to guard the other sides.

From early morning to noon, from the direction of Shuri and the direction of Obama, the Shimadzu Army of the Battalion arrived one after another.

Hirata Masamune arrived in Sanchong City, and waited until noon for the messenger from Kawayama Kugao. He opened the letter and read it for a long time. If we want to attack Shuri Castle, we cannot send troops to support us, we must take down Yaraza Mori Castle and Chinese Trading Hall as soon as possible,"

Kono Odori, the director of shipping, said excitedly: "Has Admiral Huashan allowed to attack the Chinese?"

Hirata Zengzong sneered: "He said in the letter that we can deal with it cheaply, hehe, if there is any problem at that time, he will push it on my head, no matter how much it is, let's do it, everyone, and get it from the Chinese business hall. I will share the wealth with you equally, and it will be too late for General Kawayama to regret it.” Masune Hirata’s desire for wealth is far higher than his pursuit of samurai career, so he has always had a bad relationship with Kawayama Kudaka.

All the warriors under the tent were very excited and rushed out of the tent to rectify their troops and prepare for battle.

Hiratabe soldiers launched the first official attack on the Zhonghua Commercial Hall in the afternoon. 600 people charged on the open ground in the south, and more than 300 people approached the Shangguan Fortress from the eastern urban area.

The Hirata Army in the south was just about 500 paces away from the fortress, and had just shifted from the assembled state to the offensive. It was immediately bombarded by dozens of Thunderbolt rockets, which disrupted the Shimadzu Army's team at once. I have never seen the power of rockets. The Japanese pirates were at a loss for a while. The veteran Hirata family retainer Lai Tian Heihachi, who had participated in the Korean War, led his people to try his best to organize the team and hacked to death two ashigaru who were retreating. Squads with varying numbers of adults rushed forward chaotically.

When it was 300 steps away from the fort, the watchtowers at the four corners of the Shangguan Fort and the cannons on the south gate gate opened fire.

"Boom boom boom,"

The cannon moved the earth and shook the hearts of the Shimadzu Army.

Lai Tian Heihachi, a retainer of the Hirata family, had tasted the firepower of the Ming army's cannons on the Korean battlefield. Although he knew that solid bullets had limited lethality in a scattered charge, he never thought that there would be cannons in this small shop. The soldiers had never heard the sound of cannons, so they stood still at a loss for a while, and became stunned. When they saw the cannonballs smashing their companions into pieces or in two, some soldiers screamed and turned their heads to run away.

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