Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 217 The Battle of Kagoshima Castle

The Shimadzu Army is very pessimistic about the Chinese's field capabilities.The biggest headache for the Japanese army on the Korean battlefield was to face the Liaodong cavalry of the Ming Dynasty in the field --- that was the real iron cavalry.Many cavalrymen of the Ming army were Mongolian men.The Japanese's inferior horse and bamboo cavalry are not qualified to compare at all.

Compared with the regular army of the Ming Dynasty.The armies of the Chinese sea merchants who lined up on the Kagoshima Plain did not have cavalry.And the battle line is very long.Thin in depth.So Tadahiro Shimadzu thought about using his precious cavalry to make an impact.It might be possible to break through in one battle.If it doesn't work, cavalry can also be used to lead the enemy out of the wooden fence.Then the Shimadzu army used another two-wing assault to penetrate the opponent's array.


A series of conch horns of different lengths sounded.The Chinese Army's middle army array began to move forward behind the wooden fence.The fusiliers in the first row put their guns on the fence and aimed ahead.The Grenadier goes out 20 steps ahead of the wooden fence.Prepare to meet the enemy.

The sound of hooves came rolling.Yin Feng, who was watching from the high platform, saw that the vanguard of the Shimadzu cavalry had entered the range of 500 meters of artillery fire.Quickly signaled the orderly to blow the conch.

Yang Dacheng, the commander of the Chinese army formation, issued an order loudly: "The cannon fires." The fuses of the five field artillery in front of the Chinese army formation were ignited.

Li Kuiqi, commander of the artillery battalion, issued a loud order: "Fire." Then.Li Kuiqi personally lit the fuse of a 24-pound cannon.


More cannons sounded one after another.It rang out quickly.Puffs of white and gray gunpowder smoke rushed out of the muzzle.Then they gathered into a group more than ten meters in front of the cannon.Don't wait for the smoke to dissipate.The second shelling began again.More gunpowder smoke joined the puffs of smoke.Gradually diffused in front of the entire artillery position.Immediately, it spread to the entire Chinese Army.

Field artillery fires rapidly at a rate of two rounds per minute. The shells fired by 45 cannons of various calibers shattered the triangular impact formation of 300 Shimadzu cavalry troops.The shells flew across.Many war horses were beaten into meat sauce.The plain had a light rain in the morning.Now the accumulated water has been dried by the July sun.The solid shells fired by the Chinese can jump a long distance on hard ground.A lot of horse legs were broken.The horse and knight fell to the ground together.

The Shimadzu Army had never encountered so many artillery bombardments in the field battle on the plains.Don't talk about the Shimadzu Army.At that time, the entire Warring States Period in Japan.Never before have so many cannons been used in a single battle.

The horses of the Shimadzu Army have never encountered such thunderous shelling.And he was very unaccustomed to the rumble of cannons.The speed of the impact is automatically slowed down.Some horses screamed and ran wildly.

700 steps away.It is impossible for Japanese horses and people in this era to sprint with all their strength from the beginning.Japanese horses can't afford to do this.Therefore, when Xinnayuanvine enters the range of the opponent's artillery.Still proceeding at a jogging pace.The result has not waited for him to sprint.Cannonballs rained down on his front, back, left, and right sides.The young man was a little flustered for a moment.Spin around in place for about half a minute.The desire for immediate revenge overwhelmed everything.He urges his horses.Wield a long knife.Immediately entered the sprint.The Xinna family warriors beside him also urged their horses to launch a final sprint.At this time.They are still 300 steps away from the artillery and grenadiers on the first line of the Chinese Army's central formation.

They were met with more shells oncoming.The horse Hui (personal soldier) on the left hand of Xin Nayuan Teng was decapitated by a shell.Blood splattered all around.The headless corpse was still charging on the horse.

Within 150 steps.The artillerymen and grenadiers in front of the Chinese Army all fell to the ground.The 600 musketeers on the front line opened fire behind wooden fences.Then it was the second row of 600 musketeers who fired.The third platoon of musketeers opened fire.

Last 100 steps.The cavalry of the Shimadzu family who could continue to charge fell to the ground in the rain of bullets.But they still kept going.Even those who had startled their horses in the shelling just now controlled their mounts.Keep going.Complete disregard for life and death.

Five huge black iron balls landed in front of Xinnayuanvine.Rolling and smoking on the ground.The front, back, left, and right sides of the Xinnayuan vine.There are only a handful of subordinates who can still charge with him.He is desperate.I don't know what the black smoking thing is for.He bent over and raised the rein, ready to ride the horse across.

"Boom." Huge black smoke mixed with flames rose to a height of more than ten meters.Xin Nayuan Teng and his war horse disappeared into the black smoke.

Shimadzu House Honjin.Chief Admiral Shimadzu Tadahiro has been standing since the sound of the cannon.At this moment, he sat back heavily on his saddle.

Boom boom boom boom.A series of explosions overturned dozens of Shimadzu cavalry rushing forward to the ground.

Sudden.The fusiliers of the Chinese Army stopped firing.

The thick smoke from the bomb explosion of the bomber dissipated a little.Dozens of Shimadzu cavalry rushed out of the smoke.Continue to attack forward.

In the end, more than 60 riders rushed to a place 30 steps away from the Chinese Army's central formation.What greeted them was the shotgun shells fired by five field guns---tens of thousands of iron pieces covered more than 60 Shimadzu cavalry with fans.at the same time.The grenadiers' grenades also fell among them.

The last Shimadzu cavalryman who participated in this death charge fell in front of a Chinese army cannon.

a few minutes.The Chinese army fired more than 250 shells of various sizes.Five explosive rounds.Countless bullets and grenades.No one was injured.None of the Shimadzu's 300 cavalry survived.

"This. This.... Did they use 'Flying Shock Thunder' just now?" Shimadzu Tadahiro was in a daze for a while.Is everything in front of me real?

The leader of the battle, Yamada Yuei, piled up Shimadzu Tadahiro with an ugly face and said: "Kayama Kudaka-kun has a letter sent back from Ryukyu. It is also mentioned that Chinese sea merchants have used this explosive weapon. However, its power and explosion The range far exceeds the North Koreans' flying shock thunder.

"Flying and Shocking Thunder" is the period when Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded the dynasty.Invented by Joseon craftsman Lee Jang-sun.It is said that it was inspired by the "thunderbolt artillery" passed down from Ming Dynasty.It is the earliest time-delay bomb in the world.This bomb can also be fired by a mortar device called "Dawankou".It is said that the distance can reach up to 500 steps.Very powerful.but.According to its gunpowder formula and charge amount.in actual use.The effect of combustion and deflagration may be greater than that of explosion.

The long sound of the conch horn came from the Chinese positions more than 1000 meters away.The distant tone is endless.The flag of the Chinese Army waved behind the position.Shout out in unison.Then the entire Chinese army line with a length of more than 1000 steps (about 1500 meters) moved forward at the same time. ,

Yuei Yamada bowed and said, "My lord. It seems that the enemy is going to attack from all fronts. I'm going to fight on the front line. Please take care."

Most of the samurai of the Shimadzu family were hit by the shells just now.The Chinese army was shocked by the intensive firepower.

Seeing that the enemy is about to attack.They are ready to go into battle with a mortal determination.The tenacious spirit of the Satsuma people began to be reflected.

Shimadzu Tadahiro got on his horse.He raised his eyes and saw the ruins of the castle tower in Tsurumaru Castle, which was still in Mao Qingyan.Suddenly angry.Put aside the shock and frustration just now.Said to the generals around him: "My lords, the fate of Satsuma is at stake here. I will fight with you to the end."

Kawakami Hisuro, Yingwa Jiuhu and others beside him are all in their 50s and 100s and have gone through many years of fighting.Rich combat experience.But he was helpless against the Chinese army fighting with the power of firearms in front of him.Kawakami Hisuro asked: "My lord. Should we hold the line or make another assault. We only have [-] cavalry left now."

Suddenly there was a bang.A bannerman at the back of the formation fell to the ground screaming; a shell came from nowhere.broke his legs.

Li Kuiqi commanded ten 30-pound heavy guns to raise their muzzles.Conduct long-range bombardment.In the Artillery School where the Dutch taught.He learned the basic principles of ballistics.Knowing that the muzzle fires upwards at a 45 degree angle has the furthest range.

There was a burst of salvo.Ten rounds of solid iron bullets weighing more than 30 kilograms.Five rounds reached the main base of the Shimadzu army 1200 meters away.A flag bearer was wounded.Killed one of Shimadzu's guards.

Kendo master Dongxiang Zhongwei drew out his long sword: "My lord, let's attack with the whole army. The enemy's big iron cannons are too powerful. If we continue to fight like this, wouldn't we have to be beaten instead of fighting back?"

At this time.Yamada Masato, who was the first to discover the Chinese company's fleet, suddenly appeared.

He traveled without sleep for three days and nights.At this moment, it has been described as extremely exhausted.He had fainted when he felt Nishida bridgehead.fine.Shimadzu Tadahiro's bodyguard recognized him.brought him here.

Shimadzu Tadahiro and the others rode on the horse with livid faces.

The news brought by Yamada Zheng made them feel that there were dangers; there was also a Chinese army in the south that was going north.Now it may only be a dozen miles away from the mouth of the Jiatuchuan River.Tadatsushi Shimadzu of Izumizu City in the southern part of the Satsuma Peninsula.The troops such as Tadaga Shimadzu in Sichuan can't be counted on.

"My lords, get ready to attack with sharp arrows. The general should regard death as usual. I will live and die with you."

Shimadzu Tadahiro had no choice; Xin Nayuan Teng's cavalry assault was originally intended to test the opponent's strength.Attack the enemy's main formation.If there is no result, lure the opponent to fight.Then use the iron artillery teams on the left and right flanks of the Shimadzu Army to shoot at the Chinese army that came forward.Defeat the enemy army with fishing and hunting tactics.But the firepower of the Chinese army is too fierce.When the Satsuma Army Shock Cavalry failed to make any tactical changes.Just wiped out the whole army.

Now.in the South.Behind the Shimadzu army, there is a Chinese army going north.The Shimadzu Army has no room for maneuver.In addition to defeating the enemy in the first battle on the Kagoshima Plain.There is only one way to hide in the cage city of Tsurumaru City and stick to it.Tsurumaru Castle without the castle tower is in front of the enemy's many big iron cannons.There is no chance at all.

Except for Fengya Assault.Shimadzu really had no choice.certainly. The concept of "surrender" is out of consideration.

The Chinese Army advanced slowly.In the process of advancing, a three-row array with each sentry team as the unit was formed.The arrays of each sentinel are several steps apart.Each team has a flag indicating its position.Four to five sentinels form a battalion-level formation.There are flags on the front, back, left and right to indicate the position of the base camp.The long marching array moves slowly.Every twenty steps forward, we must stop and form a team.Each soldier aligns with his comrades in left, right, front, back, and front.Then under the command of the officer, continue to move forward.once in a while.There will be a burst of rapid rhythm blown by the conch horn in this battle.The entire array of the Chinese army advancing like a wall stopped.All perform a whole team.Then we will move forward collectively amidst the sound of the conch horn.

There are 500 grenadiers in front of the entire column as rangers.Scatter the action loosely.The cover artillery moves forward.

The artillery team in front of the array was joined by ten light field guns from the artillery battalion.Already fifteen carriages were pushing forward.

The Chinese Army advanced very slowly.It gave the Shimadzu army time to line up.

Generals of the Shimadzu family.As well as the banner samurai, mother-clothed samurai, and the first-class lower-level samurai of the ashigaru group.The iron artillery team, archers, spearmen and other soldiers were harassed by the Chinese long-range heavy artillery.Difficult to line up troops.

Near noon.The long formation of the Chinese Army finally reached the place 400 steps away from the main formation of the Shimadzu family.The entire formation of the Chinese Army suddenly stopped.The artillery began to fire on the Shimadzu Army positions within range.At a distance of 500-600 meters.The Shimadzu army did not have any weapons capable of hitting the enemy.The Chinese, on the other hand, can bombard them with leisurely time.

Fifteen light field guns used custom powder packs.It can fire more than five times faster than the cannons of the Ming government army on the Korean battlefield.On average, three shots can be fired within 2 minutes.The continuous artillery shells made gaps in the Shimadzu army formation that had finally assembled.It made the front arrow array fragmented.The veterans of the Shimadzu Army are constantly cursing the enemy's despicableness.While trying their best to mobilize their own troops to fill the gaps in the position.

Kendo master Togo Shigetsu squeezed his way through the tightly packed Shimadzu Tadane's bodyguards.Sweating profusely, he said: "My lord. We can't wait any longer. We have no power to fight back now. We were killed in vain in front of the enemy's iron cannon. It is meaningless. Launch a pig attack. I am willing to fight for forward."

Yin Feng led 200 musketeers and his personal guards as a reserve team.Walking slowly [-] steps behind the main formation in front.

He was accompanied by missionary Lu Ruohan, veteran Chen Di, captain of the personal guard Lin Yue, vice-captain black Magaro and others.Luo Quanxiu, head of the Yiwu Bird Gun Squad, has returned to the team.The command went to battle.

Lu Ruohan, who was tall and sharp-eyed, suddenly called out: "The enemy has started to charge."

I saw a neat roar from the Shimadzu army's position.The densely packed Shimadzu Iemaru cross flags moved at the same time.

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