Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 234 Beijing. Matteo Ricci

May 1610.Beijing, the capital of the Ming Empire.In the east corner of Xuanwu Gate.Inside the mansion bought by the Chinese Missionary Society of the Jesuits for 5 taels of silver.Father Matteo Ricci was seriously ill.Lie in bed unable to see things.

His illness was caused by overwork and overwork every day.His main job is to receive visitors.Visit various senior officials and scribes.Matteo Ricci has a full schedule every day.Not even time to eat.He usually gets about two dozen posts a day.Meet a special day.For example in New Years.I have to meet more than 100 guests a day.Matteo Ricci also had to observe the minimum courtesy.Make a return visit.Although these social activities are very tiring.There will be long conversations.Matteo Ricci, however, found these contacts valuable for missionary work.All who came were thus exposed to Catholicism.

Matteo Ricci had just arrived in the capital of the Ming Empire.After realizing his long-standing wish.With his keen observation, he discovered that the Ming Empire was in crisis.For several years people have been persuading Matteo Ricci: to spread Catholicism in China.The most important thing is to get the approval of the emperor.With this umbrella.The fledgling church can escape the interference of unfriendly officials.Once the missionary business has obtained the consent of the emperor.It is possible to form a movement to convert to Catholicism.After gaining a first-hand understanding of the political situation in reality.Matteo Ricci had the idea of ​​revising his missionary strategy.Matteo Ricci saw the true situation of the emperor with his own eyes: Emperor Wanli was not an authoritative emperor.But a corrupt, cowardly monarch.is the ruler of a dying empire.The entire empire is run by a group of eunuchs.is about to enter its death path.

From then on, Matteo Ricci's Catholic missionary work turned to focus on the scribes.Thus affecting the imperial court, local officials and the people at the bottom.His missionary strategy was successful.When he was in Shaozhou, he was the only priest left in the congregation.When he died.He has established four Jesuit missions in China. .Church hospitalized.Has 58 European priests.Nearly 2000 believers.The most important believers are Jinshi, Juren, Shengyuan and current officials.Looks like there are very few people.The impact is great.

Now.He is about to bid farewell to the Chinese missionary business he founded.Go report to God about your work.

Matteo Ricci braced himself up and got up.He insisted on praying the last evening prayer in front of the cross.He took a prescription prescribed by a famous doctor in the capital a few days ago.The condition not only did not improve.Instead it got worse.At this moment he had a presentiment that he was going to die.He lay down on the bed with the support of Father Long Huamin, who had just been appointed as the next president of the Chinese Missionary Society.

Ricci sighed.Said to Long Huamin in Latin: "I have heard God's call. Dear Nicholas. My mission in China is over." Matteo Ricci's weakened eyes suddenly shone brightly again: " I seem to hear the voice of Brother Barradas. Nicholas. Please go and see. Is he coming?"

Long Huamin was born in a declining noble family in Sicily, Italy. Joined the Society of Jesus in 1582. He came to China as a missionary in 1597.Arrive in Macau first.Presided over the educational affairs of Guangdong Province.in the way of preaching.He took a different path from most missionaries who came to China at that time.He advocated openly going out to society.Develop believers.Those who are required to join the teaching must abandon traditional Chinese customs.It is different from Matteo Ricci's missionary policy of respecting Chinese customs and slow progress.But his respect for Matteo Ricci is from the heart.The Chinese Missionary Society has the structure it has today.All thanks to Matteo Ricci's efforts.

He nodded.Get up and go out.Not long after, they brought Father Pangdi, Taiwanese bishop Baradas, Chinese monks Fei Zangyu and Zhong Mingren to Matteo Ricci's bedside.

Everyone made the sign of the cross.Ricci nodded and smiled.Can't wait to ask Taiwan Bishop Baradas: "Your master who loves science. Has he agreed to our request to open a church in Ryukyu?"

Baradas replied respectfully: "Captain Yin has agreed to our request to build a church in Naha Port. However. At the same time. He also let the Dutch build Protestant churches in Taiwan. Let the Jews build their synagogues. And Buddhism Temples of Christians, Taoists, and Muslims. The ban has been fully lifted in Taiwan.”

Ricci lay back on the bed.Sighing: "It seems. The de facto ruler of the coast of China. He has no preference for religion. So. He just likes the European science we brought. Not our religion."

"It seems that this is indeed the case." Baradas escaped a book from his arms.Submitted to Matteo Ricci.But Matteo Ricci has no strength to read.Just flipped through it.

"Dear Father Liji (Matteo Ricci's original name). This book is the "Elements of Geometry" printed by Taiwan's perpetual type."

Matteo Ricci was very surprised and said: "Could it be that Taiwan has reprinted "The Elements of Geometry". Is it the manuscript provided by Paul Xu's churchmate (Xu Guangqi)?"

Baradas shook his head: "No. This is after Captain Yin returned from Japan. It was translated from the Portuguese version of "Elements of Geometry" into Chinese. The content of the translation is not complete. It only accounts for about half of the original. This The version is different from the version translated by you and Paul Xu. It focuses on the practice of mathematical principles and examples. It is used as a teaching material in Captain Yin's school."

Ricci was startled.The weak body suddenly sat up.Long Huamin, Pang Diwo, Zhong Mingren and others who were serving on the side rushed up to support him.Matteo Ricci turned to the first few chapters of the Taiwan version of "Elements of Geometry".Take a hasty look.With a strange look on his face.He handed the book to Long Huamin.As a result, Long Huamin also looked puzzled after seeing it.

In the first six volumes of "The Elements of Geometry" translated by Xu Guangqi, some examples were deleted.Not published: The Taiwan edition restored all these contents.It is obviously used as a teaching practice in the classroom.at the same time. .The Taiwan edition still has a lot of content in the last nine volumes that Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi have not had time to translate.at the same time.Yin Feng was suitable for the good middle and high school mathematics education that year.A large number of Greek letters are used to bring in the description of the formula.It also directly embezzled the calculation symbols of later generations.This logical reasoning is rigorous.The "Elements of Geometry" is a complete system consisting of axioms, postulates, and definitions.After Yin Feng introduced the Greek and Latin alphabet symbols and arithmetic symbols of later generations.It becomes clearer, more organized and easier to understand.

This simply stunned Matteo Ricci and others present. After "Geometry Elements" was translated into Chinese.It only aroused the interest of a small number of scholars.Many people simply cannot accept Euclid's rigorous logical system. The logical reasoning method represented by "Elementary Geometry".Plus science experiments.It is an important prerequisite for the emergence and development of modern science in the world.In other words. The significance of "Elementary Geometry" is not only mathematical.What is more important is the way of thinking. "Elements of Geometry" starts from axioms and postulates and gives a set of narrative methods for theorem system.It is far from the practical narrative method of ancient Chinese mathematics works.

Matteo Ricci once in a letter to the Jesuit headquarters.It is said that there were only two people in China who really understood the content of "Elements of Geometry" at that time: Xu Guangqi and Li Zhizao.

Now.Yin Feng, the boss and general manager of Taiwan Zhonghua United Company, became the third one.Actually.Yin Feng was just watching the Portuguese version of "Elementary Geometry".While recalling the content learned in middle school mathematics.So-so translation; of course.Only then did he refer to the opinions of Father Baradas and some Europeans.

Matteo Ricci sighed: "It's too late. I really should go to Taiwan to see this mysterious ship owner. Nicholas. You must go and get to know this friend. He is now in control of East Asia. Ocean. Likely to be big. You should go befriend him. Oh. He has a Catholic wife. Right."

Baradas nodded. "Yes. The wife is from Manila. Baptized in the Franciscan order."

Ricci seems to have run out of energy.Lie down helplessly.After panting for a while.He opened his eyes and murmured: "Father Baradas. Be sure to become friends with Captain Yin Feng. He is really..." He didn't finish speaking.It seemed that he had fallen asleep.


Li Zhizao was sick at home at this time.He sent a messenger to inform the church.Do not worry about the coffin.He is personally willing to provide all funeral expenses.two days later.Matteo Ricci's body was collected in alkali and put into the coffin.The coffin was carried to the church.After mass.Carry it back to the apartment.Put it on the altar for everyone to express their condolences.

now.Yin Feng in Taiwan and Hong Kong does not know yet; the Jesuit China Missionary Society has already regarded Taiwan as one of the key areas for missionary work in China.After Long Huamin took over the post of president.The first time I went out, I chose to go to Taiwan for inspection.

Yin Feng is reorganizing the army: he has fully promoted the implementation of the military rank system within the Chinese Army.Beginning with the ranks of corporal, sergeant, and sergeant.All the way to school level.Basically, Yin Feng copied and embezzled the military ranks of the later generations of the army.

at the same time.Military academies begin grading.As the general structure of the Taiwan Military Academy.There were NCO schools, officer schools, artillery technical schools, navy schools, and so on.at the same time.The recruit training system has also been improved.After every soldier is enlisted in the army.Whether it is combat soldiers or auxiliary soldiers and logistics soldiers such as correspondents.They have to go through a rigorous training.The grades are then divided from the recruit training results.Arrange recruits to enter the grassroots level of the army respectively.

Recruit training mainly includes military etiquette, bayonet training, command training, field training, internal guard training, shooting and grenade training, inspection, and review.The period is about two months; then the recruits go down to the grassroots units.The training content focuses on four major items: weapon training, physical fitness training, garrison training, and field training.

Although there is no exact information yet.But the Spaniards counterattacked Manila.It is imminent.

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