Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 236 Hangzhou Crisis

Li Lihua has been depressed recently.

There are two reasons: one is that Mai Wan'er is pregnant, and her stomach has not moved much, and the other is that Li Dan, who is also a father and brother, did not return to Taiwan with Ye Hua's fleet, but stayed at the southernmost tip of Africa The Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope became the leader of the crew who lost their ships and could not return. He brought a Spanish letter to Li Lihua, saying that he wanted to re-create his own world in Africa and was unwilling to return to Taiwan. Due to the infighting between his brothers, Li Dan basically gave Yuan Jin and Li Zhong brothers the property he left in Malacca. His original intention was to express his apology for not being able to take good care of them, but he did not expect that the brothers would use both of them. These assets pulled out a Huatian company, which confronted Yin Feng in Nanyang.

On the way back from Europe, Li Dan learned about the changes in the situation in Nanyang from the Portuguese businessmen he met along the way. He felt that he was responsible for it, and he was unwilling to return to Taiwan to face Yin Feng and Li Lihua, so he chose to stay at the southernmost tip of Africa. down.

Li Lihua felt that Li Dan was in a dilemma due to his position, so he had to stay in Africa thousands of miles away.

In fact, Yin Feng did not have the consciousness of blaming Li Dan; to a certain extent, Yin Feng also admitted that he had indeed robbed Li Dan of Taiwan's territory, using Li Dan's property and Li Dan's personal connections, Li Lihua and Xu Xinsu, As well as their relationship network, Yin Feng relied heavily on the early establishment of the Chinese company. If a hero like Li Dan hadn't been imprisoned by the Spaniards due to bad luck, he might have created the situation in Taiwan. Moreover, if it weren't for Li Lihua's relationship, Li Dan might have directed Yuan Jin, Li Zhong and the others to oppose Yin Feng. Li Dan chose to go into exile, and Yin Feng thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

At the end of the 40th year of Wanli (1612), the year-end shareholder dividend meeting and shareholder representative meeting of Huaxing Lianhe was held in the inland provinces for the first time. Yin Feng brought the depressed Li Lihua to Hangzhou by the way.

When he left Taiwan Port, the Dutch merchant ship "Golden Fleece" from Nanyang Batavia was entering the port. On the port side of the "Golden Fleece", Yuan Jin in disguise was observing the situation in Taiwan Port. Beside him is Li Jin, the only Chinese deputy manager of the Dutch East India Company.

It was the first time for Li Jinda to return to China after the Battle of Penghu Bay. He also looked very curiously at the port of Taiwan, which became the largest trading port on the coast of China within nine years.

The Dutch ship docked south to the newly built South Port Wharf, which is near the South Fort. Due to the increasing number of ships coming to Taiwan Port, the port management department of the Chinese Company had to divert some ships to the newly built South Port Wharf in the south of the harbor. Emerging residential areas such as Anping Port, South Fortress, and Tainan, especially around South Fortress Castle, have developed like a town, with warehouses, stables, barracks, hospitals, shops, rice shops, restaurants, tailor shops, various workshops, The armory, the arsenal, the prison of the inspection department, and even a cemetery...are arranged in sequence, and there are neatly stacked logs in many places. The shipbuilding logs cut from Alishan are piled up like pyramids of stones. , Building materials for the construction of the Taiwan Harbor City Wall.

Every building in the South Fort is very strong and has defensive facilities. The fortress is surrounded by high walls, behind the walls there are moats, and there are large wooden piles in the moats. To the south of the castle is the stronger Anping Castle, which is under construction. Inside and outside the South Fort Castle, there are constant pedestrians, people and soldiers from all walks of life, bustling like going to a market.

There is also a workshop for making weapons in the fort, the sound of hammer beating, noise, the sound of cars, horses, horns and whistles, and the sound of yelling orders, one after another.

Yuan Jin is a traitor and sworn enemy of Zhonghua Company, and there are many people who know him, so he didn't dare to disembark during the day. Li Jin went around for a while, and after returning to the boat, he vividly told the scene on the shore. Yuan Jin.

Yuan Jin was also nearly thirty years old at this time, and he was much more stable than before, but his unruly arrogance had not diminished at all. He sneered with jealousy and a little envy and said: "This situation is indeed..., I will wait for you." With time, Huatian Company may not be able to create another Taiwan and Hong Kong, this Yin Feng is just a villain who secretly steals people's money and seduces women, hehe...he doesn't seem to be in Taiwan, right? "

Li Jin frowned: "How do you know, I heard that Captain Yin Feng went to Zhejiang yesterday,..."

Yuan Jin sneered: "Uncle Li, you are working for the Dutch, and you are also a friend of our Huatian company. I will not hide it from you: Yin Feng is going to Zhejiang, whether he can come back alive or not depends on his luck."

Li Jin's face remained unchanged, and he said in a tone of disbelief: "The government hasn't planned to deal with him yet, could it be that...you still want to send someone to assassinate him?"

Yuan Jin played with a revolver pistol he got from the Dutch, and said with a smile: "Uncle Li, although you are one of us, there are some things you don't know, hehe, in Yinfeng's territory in Hong Kong, Taiwan In Fujian, there are too many people who have been bribed by Yin Feng in the government, and I can't deal with him; but when Yin Feng arrives in Zhejiang, I have a chance to deal with him. I have already sent someone to the Zhejiang government to ask for peace. My subordinates have brothers from Zhejiang, so let them come forward in private, hehe, Yin Feng, Yin Feng, it depends on you, "

One day later, Lin Xiao, head of the security department of the Zhonghua Company, received a secret letter, which was secretly sent by a Chinese Protestant who was placed by the security department in a church in the Dutch residential area.

Lin Xiao thought it was information about Nanyang, which should have been in charge of Li Lihua in the first place, but now he is in charge of it temporarily. He put the secret letter aside and dealt with some corruption cases within the company first. After finishing writing some documents, he called the clerk to let him take them away. He took a long breath and was about to get up to go home when he suddenly found the secret letter sent from the Dutch Protestant church and quickly opened it.

Lin Xiao was taken aback when he saw it, and stood up abruptly.

"Bah," the desk of the head of the security department was overturned by Lin Xiao inadvertently. The guard at the door was startled, pushed the door open, and looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.

"Quickly, go and notify all the personnel of the Security Department to hold a meeting, wait, take my seal, and send someone to these places immediately; , let all the supervisors on duty come over, it's urgent, do you understand?"

Half a quarter of an hour later, the deputy director of the Commercial Intelligence Department arrived (the director is Xu Xinsu, who is now accompanying Yin Feng to Zhejiang), followed by Zeng Rui, the temporary director of the Military Intelligence Department and the director of the Military Supervision Department. The director of the Military Intelligence Department is personally controlled by Yin Feng If he is away from the headquarters, Li Lihua will be the interim supervisor; if the above two people are not in the headquarters, the interim supervisor will be Zeng Rui. The young Zeng Rui is actually smart and eager to learn since he was a child, but his eagerness to learn is manifested in miscellaneous subjects such as astronomy and geography. In fact, he has no interest in the Four Books and Five Classics at all. Now he has completely given up the imperial examination career and devoted himself to Yin Feng's career.

Everyone saw Lin Xiao walking around like an ant on a hot pot, and was about to ask a question, when Lin Xiao handed everyone the secret letter from the Dutch church, and everyone gathered around to have a look, and all gasped.

Zeng Rui yelled: "You have to get Brother Feng back quickly,"

Han Ping, the deputy director of the business intelligence department, said distressedly: "It's too late, the owner has been away for a day and a night, unless the Haihun can catch up, the problem is; the Haihun went to Siam to carry out a secret mission, It will take three months to come back,"

Lin Xiao looked at everyone's expressions, and said angrily: "The secret letter said that this matter was done by Yuan Jin's Huatian Company, and the government will let the government do it. Our undercover agents may not know exactly what to do. This trip is directly by sea to Ningbo, Zhejiang, and it is impossible to send a ship to recover it. What I mean is: send a letter to the business department personnel of Hangzhou Huaxing Lianhao and Huaxing Bank to make them ready , once the captain arrives in Hangzhou, let him find a place to hide; at the same time, we will immediately dispatch the Feilong and Feihu battleships, and take all the gunboats of Colonel Ye Hua's Taiwanese fleet to Zhejiang, in case something happens to the captain , we are going to save people from the hands of the government, "

Zeng Rui said anxiously: "Brother Lin, since the secret letter says that Yuan Jin has sneaked into Taiwan, we should hunt him down immediately."

Lin Xiao looked around the crowd seriously, and said with a sneer: "Why don't I want to do this, but the person who wrote this secret letter is a dark game that the owner of the ship has ambushed inside the Dutch East India Company a long time ago. Only the owner of the ship knows his exact identity. I just know that this person exists, but I don’t know the specific situation. According to the agreement, only the owner sends someone to give him a signal before he can start activities. This time this person sent this letter on his own initiative. The secret letter has already violated the rules. If there is no urgent emergency, he will definitely not take the risk of sending out this information. Therefore, we cannot do anything to Yuan Jin, because this may expose the identity of this person. Yin Captain Feng once said that any action related to this person must be ordered by him,"

Zeng Rui became even more anxious: "This person took the risk of sending out a secret letter, so it can prove that Brother Feng is in extreme danger at the moment, and notify Brother Mai De, Mai Dahai, Ye Hua and others to mobilize the guards, oh, all the Chinese Army. stand up,"

Everyone looked at each other, Han Ping said: "Could it be that we are going to war with the imperial court?"

Zeng Rui stomped his feet and said fiercely: "If the Zhejiang government arrests the captain, it means they are going to start a war with our Zhonghua company. Are we going to sit and wait for death?" He took a step towards Han Ping: "Master Han, don't you I want to watch the master of the ship suffer, "

Han Ping turned his head with an ugly face, ignored Zeng Rui, and said to Lin Xiao: "Don't mobilize the army yet, tell Mr. Zeng that he has a lot of contacts in the officialdom, and he may have a solution."

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: "The old man is in Quanzhou, and Captain Yin went to Hangzhou. The government is procrastinating, and I am afraid it will be too late. In my opinion, the two roads are going at the same time, the army is mobilized, and someone is sent to notify old man Zeng to act immediately. You see how,"

After discussing with everyone, they felt that time was urgent and there was really no good way.

Immediately, the First Brigade of the Chinese Army stationed in Taiwan at this time, that is, the first brigade-level infantry unit of the Chinese Army developed from the first regiment of Zhao Tie, began to mobilize urgently.

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