Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 242 Layout

The First Fleet of the Chinese Navy Navy governs the main battleships Flying Wolf and Flying Leopard - equivalent to the battleships of the British and other maritime powers in the same period; there are also twenty three-masted gunboats, more than fifty two-masted fast warships, and a large number of Small fishing boats patrolling around the Ryukyu Islands. In May of this year, before Yin Feng went to Luzon to deal with the Spaniards, he wrote a letter to Chen Zhongji, the Ryukyu general manager of the Chinese company. The Sailor Musketeers went north to capture Jeju Island.

At this time, Jeju Island was under the jurisdiction of Jeju Mu of the Lee Dynasty of North Korea, and there were two counties in Dajing and Jingui. For hundreds of years, this place was the exile place of Korean political prisoners and a horse breeding place. In history, there was an independent island on this island. Tamna Kingdom, in 1105 Wang's Koryo abolished the Tamna Kingdom title and established Tamna County. The Yuan Dynasty used this place as an outpost for attacking Japan. In 1275, during the reign of King Zhongyeol of Goryeo, the Tamna Kingdom was restored, and the Mongolian General Administration Office was established, which was directly under the Central Committee of the Yuan Dynasty. The territory under the jurisdiction of the government, in 1294, approved by the Yuan Dynasty government, was administered by the people sent by Goryeo, but it was still directly under the Yuan Dynasty government. After the overthrow of the DPRK, the officials of the Mongolian General Administration surrendered to North Korea, and Jeju Island became the land of North Korea. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, this isolated island was completely forgotten, and it never went to the North Korean government to ask for it. territory.

After the Imjin War, Jeju Island had a total population of less than 8000, most of whom were exiles, guards and their families, as well as some managers of the Joseon Royal Horse Farm.

When the Chinese fleet led by Chen Zhongji and Fan Tao appeared off the coast of Jeju Island, they tore down the large Chinese flag on a blue background, and unanimously hoisted the Satsuma Shimazu family's Maru-cross flag. First, they sailed around the island and reported what they found All North Korean ships were burned.

The North Korean defenders on Jeju Island were no more than a few hundred exile guards. In front of the sudden appearance of huge ship cannons, they lost their ability to think for a while. Shouting and running around, the Sailor Musketeers went ashore without encountering any resistance, and took control of the entire Jeju Island within a day, not only captured hundreds of Korean defenders, but also captured nearly 6000 horses.

Chen Zhongji gathered the captured North Korean officials, government officials, military officers, etc., and sent them to the ship in a familiar way, saying that he wanted to send them back to North Korea. Then, the agents of the Ministry of Military Intelligence sank their ship in the sea. He was buried in the sea with the officers.

The rest of the residents of Jeju Island were all forcibly taken onto the boat and taken to Taiwan Island to do hard labor. In fact, at this time, those slightly educated North Koreans had already discovered that the pirates who called themselves Satsuma Shimadzu were actually all pirates. For the Chinese, Jeju Island is a forgotten remote island in North Korea. Every year, a few government ships travel between the peninsula and Jeju Island, sending some political struggles within the Korean Kingdom to the island. Unfortunately, the residents of Jeju Island could not count on their own government to rescue them, so they had to be taken back to Taiwan Island by the Chinese Army in two batches, and sent to the newly developed land of Dadu Fanguo. Those sugarcane plantations, banana plantations, and plantation farms guarded by the Zhuang Ding team worked as coolies.

Jeju Island is known to have a lot of women, so among the residents of Jeju Island who were plundered to Taiwan, women accounted for more than half. They were quickly distributed to various farms, plantations, and factories, so that hungry men could choose to take them home as wives.

This is also a bad idea that Yin Feng came up with in desperation: the ratio of male to female among the Han immigrants in Taiwan is seriously out of balance, and the surrounding indigenous villages often have riots because the Han people rob the indigenous women, and Chinese companies cannot go to the mainland to rob people. With a steady population growth, it is imperative to introduce foreign women on a large scale.

Chen Zhongji stationed [-] sailors and musketeers on Jeju Island, and left behind [-] fast boats and [-] three-masted gunboats. In this way, the sea west of Ryukyu, the Korean Peninsula in the north, and Liaodong, Shandong in the west, were basically covered. The Chinese Army took control.

The direct result of this is that none of the ships from the Xie family in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province were able to return to the mainland this year. The Xie family and some other smuggling ships with official background in Zhejiang went to sea from the Ningbo area, from the west of Ryukyu Island. Crossing the sea, I originally planned to avoid the Ryukyu Islands controlled by the Chinese army and go directly to Nagasaki and Hirado in Japan for business. However, because the sea route between Jeju Island and Ryukyu has been controlled by the Chinese army, most of these merchant ships fell to the Chinese. In the hands of the military navy, there were occasionally one or two fish that slipped through the net. Fortunately, they came to Nagasaki. After the transaction was completed, Xie's merchant ship suddenly found that due to the relationship between the current and the wind direction, they had to pass the Ryukyu offshore sea. Nagasaki's Chinese business hall is completely controlled by the Chinese company, and it reported the date and number of ships of the Xie family merchant ship from Nagasaki to the Northern Fleet of the Chinese Army in a very timely manner. Therefore, they were tragically captured by the Chinese Navy. Captured, none slipped through the net.

In the area under the jurisdiction of the Chief Secretary of Zhejiang Province, there was not a single merchant ship that was not part of the Chinese company system that was able to successfully complete the transaction and return. At the same time, the Chinese company made more than one million taels of silver for nothing, and dozens of ships were added to the merchant fleet.

In the same year, piracy activities suddenly became rampant along the coast of Guangdong. Most merchant ships with official and business backgrounds disappeared within a few days of going to sea. On the way, they disappeared one after another inexplicably. In short, within this year, almost all the merchant ships who tried to take the opportunity to break the Chinese company's monopoly on sea routes were wiped out.

The number of foreign merchant ships coming to Macao and Guangzhou for trading has doubled, and the number of foreign merchant ships from Folangjiren, Hong Maoyi, Siam, Annan, and Pattani has doubled. People with a discerning eye soon discovered that on these merchant ships flying various foreign flags, The busy sailors and cargo owners are basically Chinese who speak Chinese.


In West Borneo, Mai Xiaoliu, the head of the Nanyang Military Intelligence Department, is writing a report in the castle of Nanya State. This report will be submitted to Yin Feng who is fighting in Luzon. The content is to communicate with the horses who are "training" in the castle. These chiefs were wiped out by the guards of the Gold Development Branch of the Chinese company, their wives, children, and children were detained, and then brought here.

They were forced to receive "training", and the content of the training was to let them learn how to deal with the Guangzhou government as envoys of the tributary country under the supervision of the courier and guards sent by the Chinese company.

The same "training class" was also held in Luzon Island. Some Tagalog chiefs were dubbed in the name of Luzon countries and went to Guangzhou on the ship of the Chinese company. Then, under the cover of the ship of the tributary country, the Chinese company wantedonly Mainland merchants do business.

At the same time, the Chinese companies stepped up their efforts to attack the Japanese forces in Malacca, Pattani, Siam, Cambodia and other places, and robbed the overseas trade rights of various places. Under the implementation of various cover measures, the overseas trade volume of the Chinese companies this year was basically the same as that of the previous year. The amount during the period when the sea ban policy was relaxed was about the same.

Mai Xiaoliu struggled to finish writing the report, stood at the highest window of the castle, looked at the direction of the port, and let out a long breath: He has been in Nanyang for six years, and now the Spanish army has begun to counterattack Luzon. You have to stay here and collect intelligence on the entire Nanyang region.

His assistant is a 15-year-old Danmin boy from Yazhou who was busy grinding ink for him. Seeing that the manager seemed to be in a bad mood, he said cautiously: "Sixth brother, I heard that Li Lihua and Li Da The young lady is about to go south, you have seen her, when the time comes, what should we call her, Mrs. or Miss?"

Mai Xiaoliu was taken aback, and said with a wry smile, "Didn't you see her when you were in Taiwan Enlightenment School?"

"At that time, it was the time when the Satsuma clan of the Japanese kingdom was conquered. Miss Li had been in Taipei all the time. We, the Yazhou Dan family children, had never seen her, but we all went to the ship owner's wife, and she invited us to dinner. The little madam is a good person, I heard that she gave birth to a son for the captain..."

Mai Xiaoliu waved his hand: "The child's parents are so wordy, why are you talking nonsense like those women, hurry up and go to work,"

Turning around, Mai Xiaoliu thought distressedly: Ms. Li Lihua must have come to deal with Huatian Company when she came to Nanyang. However, in Batavia, the headquarters of Huatian Company, Yuan Jin and Li Zhong are still very powerful, obviously with the help of the Dutch secretly. Li Lihua's trip is probably to take action against Batavia.

In August, Li Lihua brought her guards to West Borneo.


At the end of 1613, with the strong Pacific southeast monsoon, the Spanish expeditionary force came to the Asia-Pacific waters. Even at the most intense moment of the Luzon campaign, the measures against the sea ban that Yin Feng arranged at the beginning of the year still did not stop.

This year, apart from the war with the Spaniards on Luzon Island, the largest overseas military operations of the Chinese Company took place in Siam and Aceh.

After Yamada Nagamasa Ninemon left Taiwan that year, he went to Siam with the "Shuin Ship" sent by the Tokugawa family; when he arrived in Ayutthaya (now Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai, Thailand), he contracted a fever and stayed there. In Ayutthaya, about 1000 Catholic Japanese samurai were exiled in Ayutthaya because of the anti-Catholic actions of the Tokugawa shogunate. Yamada Nagamasa was elected as the leader because of his high level of education, and Nagamasa organized the elite of the samurai He became an army to serve the King of Siam, Palasu Dong, and purchased a large number of Western-style guns from Macau, Malacca and Batavia (Jakarta), making this Japanese mercenary army the Royal Forest Army of the King of Siam.

After the Chinese company defeated the Spaniards and occupied Luzon Island, a large number of Chinese came to Siam to do business, practice medicine, and open shops. On the opposite side of the Japanese town of Ayutthaya and the Portuguese-inhabited area, Chinatown, the largest foreigner-inhabited area, was formed. .

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce also organized the Chinese Guards, which contributed to the King of Siam in the battle of the Burmese army invading the Siamese Kingdom. Therefore, it was also highly valued by the King of Siam. Therefore, the Siamese Kingdom also had three foreign mercenary troops in the Siamese Kingdom. Playing for the king: the Portuguese guards who first came to Ayutthaya, numbering about 300; the Japanese samurai mercenaries led by Yamada Nagamasa, numbering about 800 to 1000; the Chinese who were officially recruited by the King of Siam a few years ago The guard, numbering about 700 men, was best equipped, with a large number of flintlock muskets and three bronze six-pounders,

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