Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 264 Decision Making

In today’s Taiwan, after ten years of organized and planned immigration development, the economic construction of the entire island has begun to take shape. Most of the nearly 20 immigrants are from Fujian and Guangdong. There are tens of thousands of people. The immigrant Han people developed Taiwan together with the Gaoshan and Pingpu people and became the real pioneers. Ten years after the establishment of the Zhonghua United Company, the Han immigrants have spread all over the island, not only those coastal areas suitable for farming. The land has been developed, that is, the so-called smoky land with very harsh natural conditions. The Han people are not afraid of hardships, and they enter the mountains to cultivate them. and forest farms, but many Han immigrants arrived there spontaneously, "groups into the mountains, and reclaiming the land", which made these areas more and more prosperous. The Chinese company announced from the beginning that the entire island land was under the control of the Chinese company, but these Spontaneous immigrant settlements generally adopt a default policy. As long as these spontaneously formed villages pay a certain amount of taxes, they will send Zhuang Ding teams to settle in or help these villages organize self-defense Zhuang Ding teams.

As a result, even many deer farms and hemp fields of the Gaoshan people were cultivated privately by immigrants, or they were occupied by immigrants; the mountainous areas adjacent to the eastern plains were all Tufan deer farms, but now they are basically cultivated by immigrant Han people. , looking far out, there are fertile fields everywhere in the mountains.

The situation in Luzon Island is different. A large piece of land was bought by domestic business gangs. The Chinese company relies on an efficient administrative system and a strong military force to maintain stability. Because it has been stated in advance before the land sale, all the big landlords obey the Chinese company. - Under the jurisdiction of the Luzon Tutorial Mansion, a taxation system in which the government and the people pay taxes together is implemented. On Luzon Island, the Han labor force recruited by various landlords and Chinese companies has also reached 20.

Immigrant peasants came to Taiwan and other places after many twists and turns from the mainland where they were squeezed out of breath by the government. Finally, they hoped to get their own land. Therefore, their enthusiasm for labor was unprecedentedly high, and they did not need a company organization to go deep into the mountains. , Many people from the mainland died on the land they developed because they were not acclimatized to the soil and water. The Chinese company has always firmly controlled the land in Taiwan. It has not implemented a large-scale land sale policy in Taiwan, so there is no such thing as Luzon. Large manors and plantations, there is no class of big landlords and big plantation owners. The largest landlord in Taiwan is the China United Corporation. For the company, this is the iron law that Yin Feng stipulated to avoid the appearance of the big landlord class. Moreover, no matter who the cultivator is, in Taiwan and Luzon, Yin Feng actually implements a tax system in which the officials and gentry pay the grain together. , does not recognize the privileges of the bureaucratic class; on the contrary, the land allocated to the disabled soldiers due to meritorious service can be exempted from taxes.

Therefore, in the area under the rule of the Chinese company, the basic social structure is merchants, soldiers, workers, farmers, and scholars. Scholars who can only read the books of Confucius and Mencius are still insignificant figures in the rapid development of the Chinese company. Craftsmen In fact, the actual status of the class is even more important. They are the same people in the various factories of the Chinese company.

Today, under the rule of the Chinese company, Taiwan, Luzon, the Ryukyu Islands, Jeju Island, Penghu, Jinmen and other islands off the coast of Fujian are included. The Chinese colonies dotted all over the world have more than 80 Han immigrant and permanent Chinese residents, including local aboriginals and Westerners. The total population directly under their jurisdiction exceeds 250 million. It is estimated that by next year, the Han immigrants under the jurisdiction of the Chinese company will exceed 100. Ten thousand.

Most of the shareholders of the Zhonghua Company are businessmen from Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Huizhou and other provinces. The main core decision-makers are all low-level people in Ming Dynasty society. These people have not received much traditional Confucian culture education. Now They have gotten used to their roles under the China United Corporation, and they are no longer willing to return to the social system of the Ming Dynasty to live. They have seen the power of the Chinese Army, and the victories over the past ten years are enough for them to cultivate confidence in the armed forces.

The Fujian-Zhejiang smuggling maritime merchants represented by Han Ping and his son on the board of directors and the Catholic An Heping have tasted the sweetness of the Chinese company's combination of force and business. The shareholders of these companies very much hope to occupy a stronghold on the mainland and change the current Chinese The company's supply of goods is subject to the unfavorable situation of others, which is the economic reason why they want Yin Feng to become king and confront the court head-on.

At the same time, they knew very well that if Yin Feng was really recruited by the court, those military personnel and the Zeng family in Quanzhou might be able to get a good home, and they would lose everything after returning to the Ming system.

Now, they want to push Yin Feng to the point of breaking with the imperial court, so that their position in Taiwan and Luzon will be stabilized.

At the same time, the influence of traditional culture is also fermented among these people: they rebel against the imperial court and even replace them, and the prospect of leaving their names in history as the ministers of the dragon is waiting for them: at least, they will form their own faction overseas, and they will also lay down a piece of land for future generations.

These prospects and their confidence in the Chinese Army allowed them to step over the psychological barrier of rebellion. In fact, except for Zeng Qi, who was a court official with a serious background, the others were basically abandoned by the court and smuggled pirates. , rebellion is not a psychological obstacle for them.

Yin Feng looked at Zeng Qi curiously. This father-in-law is the administrative director of the area ruled by the Zhonghua Company. In the past, he tried his best to push the Zhonghua Company to recruit security and Yin Feng to join the court. Now, Zeng Yue is actually among his subordinates persuading him to say Wang, this is a very strange thing.

Zeng Qi sighed: "Feng'er, the status of you and the company is no longer what it used to be; at present, you have no way out except to continue to protect merchants with weapons and operate overseas trade. Once you fully join the court officialdom , it is bound to change course and overthrow many things that the company is doing now, then the company will collapse; and if the company collapses, you will lose importance in the eyes of the court, and you will be insignificant. You and the company have offended too many people in the court , the company is finished, you are also finished, and my Zeng family and more than a hundred people are also finished. I have figured it out in the past few days. Now our Zeng family and you Yin Feng are already inseparable. Therefore, I ..."

Yin Feng nodded and said: "Father-in-law, you have always been thinking about me and the company. I understand this very well. Ladies and gentlemen, I understand what you mean, but I want to ask: now that you raise the flag of rebellion, will you It won't be too early, and, do we have the strength to fight against the imperial court?"

Among the crowd, Han Ping and his son hoped that Yin Feng would take over the most, and Han Ping stood up and said, "Master Captain, you saved the lives of my Han Ping family, and I don't need to say polite words to you; the following I have served as a commercial inspector in [-] provinces in the Mainland for many years, and I can vividly see what I saw and heard; Mr. Zeng also saw it in Fujian. Now there are hungry people all over the place, starving people are everywhere, and the trend of public dissatisfaction is imminent. Moreover, the imperial army is still the same. It was even worse than the battle of Penghu. We were able to fight against the imperial court's ten thousand army with a mere few hundred men. Now we have [-] soldiers. It will be our opponent..."

Yin Feng sees farther than those who are determined to consolidate their financial status: Over the years, he has engaged in corporate system planning, opened new schools, introduced western technology education, developed various advanced firearms, opened various workshops, and built giant warships. The influence caused by the East and West is limited to the coastal area, and the deeper inland provinces are still following their own old roads under the habitual force of traditional culture; and this road is bound to be a dead end.

Could it be that we are just guarding the booth in Taiwan and waiting for the world to be full of excitement? At that time, Yin Feng will be 70 or [-] years old. How can he have the energy to save the common people? Even now, Yin Feng is nearly [-] years old, and sometimes he feels that his energy is not enough Ten years ago, he suddenly thought of a word "Time waits for no one,"

"Time doesn't wait for me, okay, father-in-law, brothers, what we are talking about tonight is of great importance, and you are not allowed to reveal a single word,"

Everyone said one after another: "We know this, but, Captain, look at this matter..."

Yin Feng patted the table, did not directly answer their questions, stood up and said: "This matter is of great importance, and this matter cannot be decided hastily. I have decided that new development plans are being implemented in various places, and the work of recruiting manpower is the focus. The weapon research department and arms production must be strengthened, pay attention to avoid conflicts with the court in the near future... At the same time, I will go to the mainland to see,..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Zeng Qi spoke first: "This is absolutely impossible. Officials who regard you as a thorn in the side, from the top of the court to all over Fujian, everywhere, you can't take risks..."

Yin Feng said firmly: "My lord father-in-law, I must see with my own eyes what the imperial court is doing before I can decide what to do next. When I returned to Daming, I have never been to other ministers except Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Nanjing along the coast. The law of war in the jurisdiction area says: Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. Once we decide to openly challenge the imperial court, it means war: war is a major national event, so we must have a detailed understanding of the imperial court."

He raised his hand to stop the crowd's further persuasion: "Okay, everyone, needless to say, since you want me to take you to confront the imperial court, then you have to believe me: I will definitely make concessions after inspecting the domestic situation." If everyone is satisfied with the decision, either compete with the imperial court for the world, or separate the regime to rule the roost,..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly realized that Yin Feng did not choose to compromise with the court as an option. Everyone was [-]% sure of Yin Feng's future decision in their hearts, and they all began to get excited.

Chen Zhongji stood up and said: "The owner of the ship is going to the mainland, so he can no longer appear as a businessman. You are too famous in various business gangs, and there are too many businessmen who have met you..."

Zeng Qi said: "You can go as a scholar, the day of the imperial examination is approaching, there are people who look like scholars walking everywhere, and generally they will not attract the special attention of the government..."

Lin Xiao hurriedly said: "Captain, this time you have to take Luo Aquan and the others with you, in case something happens..."

"What's the matter, crow's mouth," Zhao Tie interrupted Lin Xiao, but he also said worriedly: "Boss owner, we still need to do some preparations. Your itinerary can't be too far away from the waterway. The warship only follows secretly, where do you want to go to see in the end, "

"The capital,"

Everyone was speechless, and finally Lin Xiao sighed: "Brother, my captain, this time, you have commanded my army. It's up to you to check,"

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