It was midnight on the second day.Yin Feng's fleet rides the night.Take the stern lantern as an indicator.Ouroboros filed into the Bohai Strait.At that time, there were very few night combat operations by ships from various countries.Yin Feng drew on the experience of later Dutch fleets raiding the Thames River in England.The fleet is often organized to carry out night navigation training with the tail light as a mark.

Whether it is Lushunkou in Liaodong in the north or Denglai Navy in Shandong in the south.There were no ships patrolling the mouth of the Bohai Sea at night.As a result, Yin Feng's fleet successfully sneaked into the Bohai Sea.During the Ming Dynasty.Although the guards along the coast of Shandong have a tight structure.But the resident is close to the coastline.There is a distance between each other.Difficult to multi-directional support.From Yongle to Xuande.Relatively independent coastal defense mobile units were successively established in Dengzhou, Wendeng, and Jimo. .The "Three Haiphong Battalions" consisted of Dengzhou Battalion, Wenzhou Battalion and Jimo Battalion.Dengzhou Camp was built in the seventh year of Yongle (1409).It was controlled by the Commander and Envoy of Beiwa Capital in Dengzhou.

The Dengzhou battalion has one commander and one guard each.Responsible for training the army.Except for defense.Every spring and autumn, it is also transferred to the capital to participate in the review with other garrisons in turn.The army is equipped with gold talismans.If there is an imperial edict to transfer.It must be replayed jointly by the Chief Secretary and the government.It can be dispatched only after combining the Gold Verification Talisman.



Today's Daming Coastal Defense Line.Already very empty.After the war of aiding Korea and fighting against Japan.Many sailors have been abolished.Those that were not abolished were gradually turned into vacancies by corrupt generals.The 24th Guards Navy in the early years of Hongwu, and the fleet of Zheng He's voyages to the West during the Yongle period.None of these coastal defense systems persisted.As a result, in Jiajing and Wanli years, Japanese pirates, Portuguese, and Dutch invaded the sea in turn.It's almost like being in no man's land.It must be a serious disaster before the imperial army came to drive them away.

After dawn.The muddy Bohai Sea.Yin Feng's fleet did not fly any flags.Head north quickly.

Xu Hongji entered the Bohai Sea from the sea for the first time.Feeling a lot.He tried his best to attract Yin Feng's attention.Show your talent.Therefore, the conversation cannot be separated from the history of war: "At that time, the imperial court did not accept Yu Dayou's opinion to establish a naval force. As a result, it relied entirely on land soldiers to deal with pirates and Japanese pirates. It caused great damage to the wealth in the southeast. Of course, the imperial court had officials who patrolled sea routes. But he has multiple roles. Most of the coastal soldiers are not familiar with water warfare. Therefore, with the strength of our Chinese company's navy, the imperial court is using the whole country's navy to attack. It is not our opponent."

Yin Feng was lying on the bow of the boat.I have been observing the surrounding sea with a telescope.behind him.Zeng Shan and Xu Hongji were talking loudly.Although I know that Yin Feng is not good at empty talk and prefers to do practical work.But the scribe temper of the two cannot be changed.I couldn't help but started talking at the bow of the boat.Chen Zhongji was also at the bow.Watching the two scribes chatting curiously.

Zeng Shan said: "I heard that this Penglai Water City was built by Qi Jiguang. I don't know what it is now. From what I see today, I'm afraid this Penglai Water City is not very useful."

Yin Feng heard the words.Turning back, he said: "Penglai Water City. I have seen photos... I have seen pictures. It seems that the entrance is too narrow. A huge ship like our Dingyuan cannot berth at all."

Xu Hongji saw that Yin Feng had noticed his conversation.Excitedly said: "Now we have successfully broken into the Bohai Sea. It is only a few hundred miles away from Tianjin Wei. The capital is also approaching sooner or later. However, the imperial court is still ignorant. This water army spans the sea. Its maneuverability is extremely fast. It can be used as ten." .”

Yin Feng thought to himself: This fake Taoist priest is not just lip service.Good eyesight.The strategic effectiveness of naval mobility can be seen.correct.Why not take this opportunity.Test whether this guy who volunteered to be a dog-headed military adviser has real talents.

He pointed in the direction of the capital and said, "Mr. Xu. Brother Zeng. When we left Taiwan, we had already studied the materials in the residence newspapers. If you are the governor of Liaodong, what do you think is Liaodong today? Where is it?" It's the biggest danger."

Zeng Shan blurted out, "The barbarians are waiting for the Mongols..."

Xu Hongji said: "The Nurhachi tribe of the Jurchens."

Yin Feng smiled.Say no more.

In theory.The Bohai Strait and the Bohai Sea are the gateways to defend the capital.It is an important post on the sea.The problem is that the Yinfeng fleet is within three days of sailing to the mouth of the Liaohe River.Unexpectedly, no ships of the Ming Dynasty Navy came to check and question.Encountered a few fishing boats along the way.No more than a sloop.Seeing the shadow of Dingyuan waiting for the ship, he quickly turned his head and fled.

Yin Feng couldn't help but worry about the capital of the Ming Dynasty.He said to Xu Hongji and others: "If I lead the entire Chinese army, as long as I break through the Bohai Strait guarded by the Denglai Navy, I can enter the Bohai Sea. Go straight to Tianjin Wei. With the marching speed of our army. The capital. It’s only over 300 miles away. It can be reached in five or six days later. And the divisions of the kings in Jiliao and Shanxi. At least it will take ten days to arrive..."

Xu Hongji and Zeng Shan were surprised when they heard this.Feel the shudder.They didn't expect this method of warfare; control of sea power.Landing operations.Xu Hongji immediately reacted and said: "Oh. I understand. Our company's navy is invincible. As long as we can control the sea, we can attack any place within 300 miles of the coast as we like."

Yin Feng chuckled: "Don't talk about 'the world' is invincible. Now in this world, there are many countries that are stronger than our naval forces. The Dutch Red Maoyi and England in the far west of Europe. They have ships like our main battleships. There are no fewer than twenty or thirty ships. The number is larger than ours. The equipment is not inferior to ours. Fortunately, both of them are in Europe. There are constant wars in their hometown. It is impossible to send all their giant ships. All of them came to China and us from thousands of miles away For naval warfare."


There is no development at the Liaohe Estuary at this time.There is only one small camp.The scale is larger than the village.Smaller than the town.

Yin Feng didn't want to frighten those simple Northeast fellows.Let the Dingyuan and the three gunboats berth far away in the central waters of Liaodong Bay.The Sea Soul cruises near the beach.He docked at the mouth of the Liaohe River on the Xinxing.In recent years, not only the government's boats have stopped traveling from the mouth of the Liaohe River.Even smuggling ships rarely come here.Therefore, the Liaohe Estuary wharf facilities have been abandoned.Yin Feng took Luo Aquan's guards.He and Chen Zhongji, Zeng Shan, and Xu Hongji went ashore in a small boat.Finally landed on the land of Liaodong.

This area is not very popular.Those farmers and fishermen saw them coming by boat.Thought they were traders or smugglers from the south.Come here one after another.Do business with various local products.

Chen Zhongji took a few company buddies to deal with these northeast fellows.Yin Feng continued to walk north with his people.After noon, I arrived at a place called Tianzhuang Terrace.Finally, I met the spy personnel of the Business Intelligence Department of the China United Company in the Northeast.This person was when Luo Xuri's nephew Luo Yi was arranged to come to the Northeast.Followed here.This person is about 50 years old.It was the shopkeeper of the original Luojia firm in Guangzhou.The surname is Jin.Known as the treasurer of gold.

Yin Feng connected with him.But he saw a tired look on his face.He asked with concern: "Brother Jin. You must be very busy. You haven't slept for a few days."

"Where is there. Let Dadong's family intervene more. I will not hide it from you: let's put it this way. A few days ago, our house was ransacked by soldiers from the Liaodong capital. I was arrested and imprisoned for a few days in Yaozhou (north of Yingkou). Half a month ago, I received a letter from Feige from the head office. I was thinking that the big boss will be here in a few days. So I bought the Yaozhou defender at all costs. Only then can I come back here and wait for you."

Yin Feng frowned: "That's the case. Why was the house ransacked?"

Shopkeeper Jin sighed: "It's not just our house being ransacked. From Yaozhou, Haizhou to Shenyang and Tieling. Many merchants have been ransacked by the soldiers of Liaodong General Zhang Chengyin. In name, our merchants are required to donate to support the soldiers. In fact, they are forced Steal people's wealth."

Shopkeeper Jin accompanied Yin Feng and his party.On the road with three carriages prepared in advance.certainly.The soldiers of the special battalion led by Luo Aquan have been scattered nearby.Overtly and secretly protecting Yin Feng and his party.

Shopkeeper Jin, Yin Feng, Zeng Shan, and Xu Hongji were squeezed into a carriage.Head north along a dirt road.The shopkeeper Jin opened up the chatterbox.He kept saying: "Da Dong's family. You said you were going to visit Shenyang and Tieling border gates. But you didn't come at the right time. The soldiers of the Liaoyang Guard had just had a mutiny. There were also soldiers in Jinzhou who made trouble because of the court's lack of payment. Now the road It was chaotic. There were also rioting soldiers. Zhang Chengyin, the commander-in-chief of Guangning, had been in office for one year. He was at odds with Yang Gao, the governor of Liaodong. As a result, Zhang Zongbing’s soldiers and Li Jiajun’s soldiers fought. As a result, Zhang Zongbing still couldn’t get the military salary. His subordinates made a lot of noise because of this. Zhang Zongbing had to ask our merchants to donate.”

Xu Hongji asked: "This Li Chengliang has retired. Are his subordinates still so arrogant?"

"The Li family is a local snake in Liaodong. It has been in business for a hundred years. Now the land is full of descendants of their Li family. And they mostly work in the army. Liaodong Governor Yang Gao has a close relationship with the Li family. The former general Ma Guiyin After sickness and resignation, governor Yang asked for the deposed general Li Rumei. He strongly recommended Li Rumei as the general. However, he was impeached by the officials. Zhang Chengyin, the general of Guangning, could not be officially appointed by the imperial court as the general of Liaodong. He also had a bad relationship with the general of the Li family... ...In short. The current military and political situation in Liaodong is chaotic. The Mongolian barbarians are raising troops to enter the pass again. The Eastern captives are showing disobedience. Hey. If it is not for the task entrusted to us by the big boss, I would have wanted to leave Liaodong a long time ago."

Yin Feng pulled the curtain on the car window.There are birch and other trees on both sides of the road.There are stretches of forests and large tracts of cultivated land.but.There are very few pedestrians along the road.Even with a few people walking.Like the refugees, they dragged their bags and hurried on their way.Where Yin Feng and his party have passed.Zhen reckless eyes.No fireworks.Human presence is rare.There are many villages.It's just that all the doors are locked and locked in broad daylight.Occasionally, I saw local people in Liaodong walking on the roadside or plowing farmland.One by one was downcast.Haggard and weak.Half human, half ghost.It makes people raise their eyes and dare not look at it.

Yin Feng was taken aback: "God, it's like a military disaster. This is the mainland of Liaodong. Why is it so desolate?"

Shopkeeper Jin shook his head and sighed: "Ever since the Gaohuai chaos in Liaodong, Liaodong has been in chaos; Li Chengliang did nothing when he was in office. Every time he sent troops to the barbarian tribes, he killed one hundred enemies and three hundred losses. The generals of the Li family now lead the Liaodong soldiers. They still kill good people and pretend to be meritorious. They dare not go outside the border to kill the enemy with a knife and a gun. But they dare to kill good people in the interior and pretend to be meritorious. Therefore, many people in the local villages fled to the mountains in the east. The Liao people all said: I have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth. Let's see how long the tax will not stop. They will all go to the barren land. Let's live freely."

Yin Feng sighed.The situation in Liaodong is so chaotic.This was something he hadn't expected at all.Such a decadent state.There is no need to wait for Nurhachi to fight.It's already unstable inside.So.Is it still necessary to continue to investigate the situation in the Northeast?After everyone discusses.I feel that since I am here.It is better to go to the important town of Liaodong like Shenyang first.Otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

The treasurer Jin said again: "Officials here. Regardless of whether they are civil or military officials, they are all bought with money. Civilian has no strategy. Military has no courage. Those who manage the army and horses. They suppress military money; those who make equipment. Reduce official money. Military and civilian day No life. The equipment is unusable. Soldiers have no intention of using their lives. Every time they go out to fight, they take advantage of the king and blindly plunder. The local people often say: Tartars and thieves are like combs. Their own soldiers and horses are better than scorpions. Soldiers and horses are like this. Although there are many, what is the benefit? Kuang eunuch monopolizes power. Loves money and loves flattery. Often punishes and loses people's hearts. Good officials who are doing things can't do things that can't be done. In short, in my opinion, the situation in Liaodong is extremely bad."

This evening.Yin Feng and others finally came to Shenyang, an important town in eastern Liaodong.Shenyang at this time was actually called Shenyang Zhongwei.Because the entire Liaodong is under the jurisdiction of the Liaodong capital.Administratively, it belongs to the military area of ​​Shandong Chief Secretary.Shenyang is an important border military base.but.At this time, a mutiny was taking place in the city.The reason is the same as Liaoyang and Jinzhou.The imperial court is in arrears of payment.And it's been a year in arrears.Many soldiers could no longer survive.

Yin Feng and his party were stopped outside the city by Zhang Chengyin's army, who came to suppress the rebellion.A group of soldiers brazenly attempted to rob Yin Feng's three carriages.Finally, shopkeeper Jin and Chen Zhongji came forward to deal with each other.Give the leading captain some silver taels.Claiming that his family came to visit relatives in Liaodong.The school captain saw that Yin Feng and his party were accompanied by scholars.I don't think they are oily.Also left.After sending them away.Yin Feng and his party had no choice but to spend the night in a jungle on the bank of the Liao River.

Yin Feng saw all the way.All parts of Liaodong are in dire straits.I can't even handle my own internal problems.They were not at all prepared to deal with the Jurchens' rebellion.It seems.Nurhachi will sweep the entire Liaodong by then.It should be no problem.

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