Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 279 The Great Immigrant

Mai Dahai's escort fleet missed the time to rendezvous with Xinxing and Haihun because of a typhoon, so when Yin Feng and his party arrived at sea, there was no escort fleet.

Before the Xinxing ship left the coast of Zhejiang, it followed its tail. Although the ships of the Songhai Navy were single-masted, they were familiar with the coastal water conditions. Nearby, at last, the Xinxing sailed to the open sea. Those flat-bottomed sailboats of the Zhejiang Navy could not go to the ocean, so they had to look at the ocean and sigh.

The Xinxing diverted the naval ships, so the Haihun quickly went southward unimpeded.

Yin Feng looked at the Taiwan Strait in front of him from the bow, thinking about his trip to the mainland.

Suddenly there was a pleasant sound of pipa, and Yin Feng stood at the bow of the boat and listened for a while, and he heard the song "Hai Qing Na Swan", which was played by Mei Xinlan in Nanjing Danyan Book Apartment that day. The song he listened to.

Yin Feng came to the back cabin slowly, and the sailors scattered around. Mei Xinlan was wearing a silk shirt and sitting on the side of the ship outside the steering room, immersed in the sound of her music.

"The girl played it really well, but it's a pity that I couldn't finish listening to it in Jinling that day. Now when I hear this piece on the sea, I feel that the sea and the sky are full of geese. The girl's music is really vivid!"

Mei Xinlan looked up when she heard the voice, and quickly got up to salute, Yin Feng raised his hand to block her: "No need to be too polite, how is Miss Tang's health?"

Mei Xinlan replied softly: "Sister Tang has suffered too much. She was frightened when she came out of Jinling, and she was exhausted along the way... Now she is better and can sit up and drink porridge."

Yin Feng nodded: "That's good, take good care of her, Miss Mei, this boat trip to Taiwan, and I won't be able to return to Jinling in a short time, do you have any family members you care about there, I can send someone to pick them up ..."

Mei Xinlan lowered her head, her fair neck was exposed in her long hair, she said flatly: "I have no family anymore, from now on, except for sister Tang, the little girl will be alone,"

Yin Feng sighed, turned around and walked away...Mei Xinlan is considered a beauty, but she is not as beautiful as Zeng Qian, and does not have the demure and gentle temperament as Zeng Qian; therefore, Mei Xinlan feels that Yin Feng, a sea lord, is not very nice to her. She looked interested, but she was slightly disappointed...

Yin Feng returned to Taiwan and Hong Kong quietly without attracting anyone's attention. Zeng Qi, as the supervisor of the administrative system, went to Taipei Tamsui and Chicken Coop to inspect these days. Xu Xinsu is still in Japan. He went to Nanyang for trade matters, and only Lu Shitou, who is in charge of agricultural development, and Li Yue, who is in charge of the engineering construction department, knew the news of Yin Feng's return.

Yin Feng brought two more girls home, which caused a little shock at home, but fortunately, Yin Feng just let Mei Xinlan live in an outhouse as a music teacher for the company's senior family members; The women in the family also probably knew her, so they left her as a maid.

The next day, without consulting anyone, Yin Feng issued an order, later known as the "Land Dividing Order":

All Ming people who come to Taiwan, Luzon and other places can get ten mu of land within the territory controlled by the Chinese company as long as they cultivate the land for the company or work in the factory for five years free of charge; Cultivate continuously for 20 years, and at the same time pay the local governing authority of the Chinese company a tax equivalent to one-fifth of the goods produced, you can get the ownership of the cultivated land, which can be passed on to future generations. Of course, you must also give the Chinese company Local management authorities only need to pay taxes according to the actual size of the land, and the land tax per mu is no more than [-]%, which is equivalent to half of the land tax collected by the Ming Dynasty court at the same time.

Of course, if an immigrant enlists in the Chinese Army, he can get a cash reward for his military exploits, and he can also get a share of land after leaving the army. First of all, as a tenant of the Chinese company, he can get the ownership after ten years and pass it on to his descendants.

In addition, the preferential treatment system for soldiers of the Chinese Army has also been adjusted. Military families can be exempted from land taxes during their military service. Workshops can get tax relief.

Another detailed rule stipulates that after the expiration of the five-year unpaid labor period, both workers and farmers can freely acquire land outside the areas directly controlled by the Chinese company. They only need to pay taxes to the Chinese company to get the land. The protection of the Chinese company's armed forces, this rule has caused a series of land conflicts between Fan and Han on Taiwan Island, and also caused a series of conflicts between indigenous and Han immigrants in the Luzon Islands and Ryukyu. Many mainland immigrants worked for the company in five years After the expiration of the work period, based on the same hometown and the same race, or a free combination, with the veterans of the Chinese Army as the leader, a lot of pioneering groups were formed, and they took the initiative to go deep into the settlements of indigenous people to develop colonies. The Chinese company headed by Lu Shitou The agricultural development department discovered this trend and began to organize immigrant pioneer groups with the organized armed forces of the Chinese Army as the backing. Just a few years after the "Land Dividing Order" was issued, immigrants from the mainland occupied almost all of the east coast of Taiwan. The territory of the original Dadufan Kingdom in the central and western parts of Taiwan has been divided up by immigrant villages dotted with dots, and even the inaccessible mountains have appeared in the shadows of Chinese loggers; One after another fled to the land under the company. After working for five years, they joined various spontaneous organizations or pioneer groups organized by the Chinese company to fight for their own land. One of the consequences of this rule in Luzon First, after the large manors in various places could not obtain enough inland immigrants as labor force, they began to rob, cheat, and abduct a large number of various aborigines in Southeast Asia to work as slave labor. This was completely beyond Yin Feng's expectations.

At the same time, the pioneering regiment organized by Yan Siqi's Nanyang regiment sent troops and weapons, set off a peak of Chinese immigration in the entire Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and other islands.

After Yin Feng traveled in the interior of the Ming Dynasty, he found that the land issue was actually the central issue of the Ming Dynasty. He had to bow his head to the reality: in this era, there was no large-scale industry that could absorb a large number of agricultural populations, and the small-scale peasant economy The vitality is far from exhausted; therefore, in order to allow a large number of inland people to immigrate, the land must be opened to them. The land sale policy on Luzon Island for rich businessmen and dignitaries has actually encountered a bottleneck. Large tracts of land No one cares about it. Those big domestic business gangs are not used to expanding their power overseas, and they are not used to the strict tax management of Chinese companies. On Taiwan Island and Ryukyu Island, the land is strictly controlled by Chinese companies. Now, whether it is the company’s The land is still the land outside the company's direct control area. Anyone can develop it. The rich can also invest in the Chinese company's farms and plantations. Of course, these people have to pay taxes to the Chinese company's management authority, regardless of their status. No matter how much wealth you have, you have to pay taxes. This is the rule that Yin Feng set up in the early days when the Chinese company occupied Taiwan. Of course, the main income of the Chinese company is product trade income, and the land tax is only equivalent to half of the land tax stipulated by the Ming court. At the same time, because the Chinese company does not pay attention to land taxes, but pays more attention to the sales income of agricultural products, and does not need to support so many officials, so there are no exorbitant taxes other than land taxes, and there is no government apportionment of unpaid corvee. .

As soon as the Chinese company's policy came out, the attraction of land and trade profits was unparalleled, and it was a fatal temptation. The former was aimed at those inland farmers, and the latter was aimed at wealthy inland businessmen.

Yin Feng got several ink movable type printing factories in Taiwan to run at full capacity, and printed a large number of leaflets about Taiwan, Luzon and the subdivision order, and then distributed them to Huaxing Lianhao shops, Huaxing banks, and banks all over the country. The contacts of these leaflets will be distributed.

After all, in this era, the population mobility is not large, and the news is blocked and information circulation is difficult, so these news are widely spread in the coastal provinces. However, the number of immigrants from Liaodong, Shandong, Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other places in coastal areas has reached 1000 a day, and 2000 people are in Taiwan in one day. This does not include those who spontaneously smuggle into Taiwan. The management department of the Chinese company cannot count the number of immigrants on record.

Land and commercial profits are a huge temptation that ordinary people cannot resist. From this year, the 42nd year of the Wanli calendar, and the end of 1614 in the Western calendar, hundreds of branches of Chinese companies in various places have almost simultaneously become organizations for organizing immigration. mechanism.

By the end of the year, the inland immigrants under the jurisdiction of the Chinese company had officially exceeded 100 million. In addition to the Han Chinese who spontaneously immigrated to various places, as well as the aborigines who surrendered to the rule of the Chinese company, the population controlled by the Chinese company had reached more than 220 million.

In the first month of the 43rd year of Wanli, the first batch of large-scale immigrant fleets set off to Nanyang. There were as many as 150 sea-going ships of various kinds, carrying a total of 20000 Chinese immigrants to various regions in Southeast Asia to develop colonies.

During the same period, the three major fleets gathered four Feizihao and fifty or sixty other warships, gathered along the coast of Guangdong, and began to sweep the coasts of Guangdong and Hainan Island. No other pirate force exists.

At the same time, Zhang Fenglai, Deputy Envoy of Fujian Xunhai Road, issued a document requesting the cancellation of the Kinmen Inspection Department. This was obviously aimed at the Chinese company. The above is an official of the imperial court, but actually a member of the Chinese company.


In the first month, Zeng Qi, the father and son of the Han family, An Heping, who had been busy in Luzon, Xu Xinsu, who was stationed in Satsuma, Japan to collect debts, and Huang Yi, who managed commercial trade in the Mainland, returned to Taiwan one after another. Yin Feng summoned almost all members of the board of directors. , as well as Zhao Tie, Mai De, Ye Hua and other high-level military personnel, held a decisive meeting to determine the future direction of Zhonghua Company.

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