Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 283 Strategies: Great Alliance

After Mai Dahai and Ye Hua handed over the command of the fleet in Macau, they returned to Taiwan with five gunboats. By the way, they brought back Yang Tiansheng and other key personnel of the original Huatian Company. The Jewish Duarte Ge Max Solis and his family members, Solis was born in Lisbon, grew up in the famous financial center of Campo City, and traveled to India many times. When he returned to Iberia for the last time in 1602, he became a A rich man, he bought himself a royal title of knighthood with his financial resources. At the same time, he sought the protection of the Governor of Goa, Manuel de Sousa Cotino. However, his family is passed down from generation to generation. The success of the rabbi family attracted many Jews to Goa. In the end, because their business was so good, they finally aroused the envy and annoyance of many Portuguese businessmen and nobles. The heretical religious persecution campaign, the Portuguese wanted to uproot the Solis family and obtain the large sums of money they flowed in the global Jewish business network.

Since the Middle Ages, Jewish merchants have not carried large amounts of cash, but relied on their agents, family members and fellow family members to provide them with what they need, and settle accounts with them. Business transactions are based on mutual understanding and trust. , accomplished through early account and promissory note transactions, under which, in some of the more complex transactions, the purchaser, somewhere, promises to pay a large sum of money with a written or oral promise, rather than in the form of a liability There are many other forms, such as the letter of credit concluded according to the size of the merchant's house, the letter of credit concluded according to the length of the trade route, and the bill according to the difference in price between the two places. Letters of credit signed by a complex system in which numbers respond to changes, etc. In such activities, the Jews and Italians in the Middle Ages were experts. The business is similar. Although Li Lihua doesn't quite understand the mysteries of these things, she comes from a merchant family and intuitively feels the importance of Jews in this kind of business.

Bernardo’s identity was something the Portuguese did not dare to infringe, but the Portuguese did not want to let the Jews who took refuge in his home easily go away. Li Lihua mobilized the navy fleet to conduct a combat exercise in Macau, and then came to the city council in person Hall, on the condition of increasing Macau's share in this year's trade fleet to Japan, asked the Macau City Hall to release all dozens of Jews from Bernardo's family and let the Chinese fleet take them away.

Amid the rumble of gunfire from warships outside the port, all the municipal guard soldiers around Bernardo were evacuated, and nearly fifty Jewish businessmen from all over the world boarded the ships of the Chinese Army under the protection of the Chinese Army Sailors and Musketeers.


Among the various people who went to Taiwan with members of the Solis family, there were more than a dozen backbone members of the Huatian Company established by Yuan Jin and Li Zhong. The leader of the incident later escaped from Yaogang and joined Yuan Jin and Li Zhong who were on the coast of Fujian at the time; Zhang Hong and Lin Fu from Quanzhou were Li Dan's former buddies. After Yin Feng took over the business of Li Dan's gang, they He did not participate in any activities of the Zhonghua Company, and went directly to Nanyang to make a living. It was not until Yuan Jin and Li Zhong rebelled against the court and came to Nanyang that they joined the Huatian Company.

Back in Taiwan this time, compared to the traitors Yang Tiansheng and Hong Sheng of the Zhonghua Company, the older Zhang Hong and Lin Fu were relatively calm; after all, they did not have much enmity with the Zhonghua Company. People have been a little uneasy.

At the headquarters of Zhonghua Corporation in Taiwan, Yin Feng summoned them.

"Yang Tiansheng, before you left Yaogang, you were a captain of the third squadron; Hong Sheng, you were the boss of the third squadron of the Jinghai gang, and you all participated in the sailor's rebellion in Yaogang," Yin Feng asked knowingly.

The two of them didn't say anything, they looked down at their feet.

Yin Feng sighed: "You brought 15 taels of silver this time, how much property does Huatian Company have?"

Yang Tiansheng raised his head, smiled wryly and said, "Except for Yuan Jin, there are 3 taels of silver in Malacca of Folang Jiren, and the rest are here."

Yin Feng shook his head: "The money was left to you by Brother Li Dan. Now... let's not mention the past. What are your plans now? You can't go back to the navy. The Chinese navy now It's completely different from when you left."

Yang Tiansheng sighed: "Captain Yin, brother Li said that you are on the right path, but unfortunately we didn't listen to him. Now, our brothers are at the end of their ropes and have nowhere to go, so it's up to you to deal with it here." ,"

Yin Feng turned his head to look at Zhang Hong and Lin Fu from Quanzhou. These two were not the fighting forces in Li Dan's fleet, but Li Dan's trade agents. They were not familiar with Yin Feng, but at this moment they also Standing up without hesitation, they bowed their hands together and said: "I heard that Captain Yin is a benevolent man, can you let the two of us go to work with brother Li Dan, brother Li is our lifesaver, we have no other wish at this moment, I just want to be by his side and help him for the rest of my life.”

Yin Feng thought for a while: "It shouldn't be a problem. Brother Li Dan is currently developing a business in the territory of Hongmaoyi, the southernmost tip of Africa, um, the place called the Cape of Good Hope, and urgently needs manpower. Those who have asked me for reinforcements, we The company's fleet for European trade is about to set off. At that time, you can take a boat to Europe. When you pass the Cape of Good Hope, you can go ashore and join Brother Li. In this way, you can choose some capable people from your own hands to accompany you. I will provide you with weapons, ammunition, and funds, and I plan to send a batch of new flintlock muskets to Brother Li, and you will be responsible for escorting them."

Yin Feng's generosity was beyond their expectations. Zhang Hong and Lin Fu looked at each other and knelt down: "Captain Yin is well-deserved, and he is loyal. Our brothers will never do anything to your Chinese company in this life."

Yin Feng smiled wryly and shook his head: "My Chinese company is not entirely correct. The Chinese company now has more than [-] shareholders. This is your company, and it is the backing and pillar of our Tang people overseas. No matter where you go in this world, You must remember that behind you, the entire Huatian Company is supporting you." He turned to Yang Tiansheng and Hong Sheng, exhaled slowly and said, "Brother Yang, you two continue to establish Huatian Company. go down,"

Yang Tiansheng raised his head, Hong Sheng looked at Yin Feng in confusion, and then they looked at each other, Yang Tiansheng said cautiously: "Captain, what do you mean, don't you..." He couldn't understand Yin Feng's words in the meaning.

Yin Feng smiled, spread out a map on the table, and beckoned a few people to approach.

"This is West Borneo. Our Chinese company has occupied some of the largest gold mines here, but just to the south of our company's site, a group of Chaozhou people imitated our Chinese company and established Sanhe Company. here is Cirebon on the island of Java, the sultan here is Chinese, and he has partnered with some Anhai businessmen to set up a Hexing company; here is Taiwan, right under our noses, a group of fur goods The smugglers set up an Alishan company..."

The "companies" Yin Feng mentioned have emerged one after another in recent years. They are all new business entities established by people in Fujian, Zhejiang, and Guangdong coastal areas imitating the Zhonghua United Company. Although the Zhonghua Company is powerful, it is impossible after all. Everything is covered, and the government's administrative system has just begun to improve, so although these Chinese companies are small in scale, they are full of vitality, and they just survived under the noses of Chinese companies. However, Yin Feng has no intention of killing all competitors.

He looked at the bewildered expressions of everyone, smiled and said: "Although the Chinese company is rich in funds and powerful, it is impossible to conquer the world after all. We Tang people are working hard overseas, and we should earn money if we have money; as long as those small companies obey our laws If there is no legal system, Chinese companies will not suppress them and allow them to make money for themselves.”

Yang Tiansheng's eyes brightened, and he asked, "How can I obey the company's legal system?"

"It's very simple. Sign an agreement with the local management authorities of our Chinese company, such as the Luzon tutelary government, the Taiwan tutelary government, and the garrison officers in various places in Nanyang. They admit in black and white that they will never infringe on the trade interests of our Chinese company. If any goods sold by the Chinese company If the same product is on sale, the price must be determined after consultation with our Chinese company, etc..." Yin Feng handed over a piece of agreement to Yang Tiansheng: "Look at it first, it is stipulated that each company must Keep the same position when dealing with foreigners, and our Chinese army will provide you with corresponding armed protection...Of course, your ships must apply to us for a Chinese flag with a blue background. provide protection,"


While the major Jewish families were discussing to move their activity center to Taiwan, China, a group of leaders of the "Counterfeit Chinese Company" gathered in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and under the organization of Yin Feng, they signed a "United Company Agreement". It is called the "Grand Alliance Agreement". In the following years, entities with similar corporate structures will continue to join this agreement. Yin Feng is equivalent to establishing a price cartel alliance or a monopoly alliance, and it is also the first in Chinese history. A political alliance organized by business groups.

Yang Tiansheng appeared on Java Island half a year later and started to run Huatian Company's business again. However, they paid taxes to the Java Garrison in charge of Yan Siqi very honestly.

At the end of the 43rd year of Wanli, the Taiwan Indigenous Alliance Conference was officially held.

Through more than ten years of armed conquest and peaceful infiltration, the China United Corporation has basically controlled the aborigines in the southwestern and western plains of Taiwan, as well as most of the aboriginal tribes in the northern and southern mountainous areas. The Taitung area is now also immigrating to the company and the mainland. Occupy, in order to confirm the company’s ruling relationship over most of the aborigines on the island, the China United Company once called together the representatives of the surrendered villages and held a ceremony to sign a peace treaty at the Xingang Society. During the ceremony, Yin Feng made a request to the representatives attending the meeting The admonition of peace, and each representative was awarded a silk robe, a Chinese character flag on a blue background, and a spear representing the authority of the company, and then the land sovereignty transfer ceremony was carried out: the indigenous leaders presented two roots with Small seedlings in mud.

This ritual was later extended to Luzon and West Borneo.

At the end of this year, in order to completely bring the indigenous villages under the rule of the Chinese company, the Taiwanese Aboriginal Alliance Conference was officially held. The number of meetings has increased, and the scale of meetings has become larger and larger.

On this day, after the representatives of the participating villages arrived at Anping Port in the south of Taiwan Port, Yin Feng, accompanied by his guard of more than 200 people, sailed from Taiwan Port to Anping. The main battleship Dingyuan on the side also fired a cannon, not only to celebrate, but also to inform the high-level personnel and other people in Anping Port to prepare for Yin Feng's arrival. Then, the three battleships "Feizi" moored outside Taiwan Harbor Also salute Yin Feng.

After landing, the speaker was greeted grandly by the company staff waiting in Anping Port. He was escorted by 200 soldiers holding flintlock muskets, and went to the hall through a queue of [-] neat and solemn soldiers. The representatives of the village community attending the meeting Observe the ceremony on the right side of the queue. After Yin Feng took his seat, all the soldiers fired three shots, and the forts of each castle fired their cannons in response. Then the delegates walked into the hall one by one to pay tribute to the speaker, and then went to the courtyard to sit down in order. Next, the order of sitting is not only divided according to the strength of the village community and the time when it surrenders to the company, but also according to the language they use, and they sit together if they speak the same language.

After everyone was seated, Yin Feng and the indigenous leaders entered the stone pavilion and took their seats. 200 soldiers from Yin Feng's personal guard surrounded them. This grand opening ceremony was mainly to show the company's power and majesty to the aborigines attending the meeting. In order to enhance the awe of the aborigines towards the company, the alliance assembly will have the right to appoint and remove the elders of each village, and at the same time, it can recruit the aboriginal tribes of the alliance to join the auxiliary force of the Chinese army.

This conference means that the Chinese company and the natives of Taiwan are truly uniting, not only the economic, cultural and political union, but also the integration of race relations. The Chinese company publicly announced that it encourages immigrants to marry the natives, and makes marriages for the immigrants and the natives. Families provided seeds and farming tools, and allowed mixed-race children to go to school for free.

The male to female ratio of Han immigrants in Taiwan Island and Luzon is seriously unbalanced. This phenomenon has been alleviated because of Yin Feng’s order to encourage marriage with indigenous people. According to Yin Feng’s estimation, with the scale effect of hundreds of thousands of Han immigrants every year, Taiwan It only takes about a hundred years for the millions of aborigines in Luzon and Luzon to be completely assimilated by the Han people.

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