The first ray of sunlight in the dawn broke through the dark clouds before the typhoon.Humid and sweltering along the banks of the Beimen River.The last batch of remnants of the official army desperately resisted the swarming Chinese army.At this time.The advantages of the Chinese Armed Forces have been brought into full play.During night hand-to-hand combat.The deflagration of flintlock muskets often became the target of crossbow bolts and bows and arrows.So when fighting at night.The Sailors gave up their firearms advantage.Fighting with the officers and soldiers with all kinds of cold weapons.The Siraya natives who are good at jungle warfare died a lot of brothers.Regard the officers and soldiers as enemies.It is also desperately fighting.

It was daylight.There are only more than 100 people left around Yu Zigao.Gathered by the river and ready to go all out.but.When the advantages of the Chinese military weapons are deployed.The officers and soldiers were almost powerless to fight back.He could only lie down on the bank of the river and dare not look up.

suddenly.Lin Shuisheng ordered two short and two long conch horns to be sounded.The Chinese army stopped the siege.

Someone shouted from the side of the Chinese army: "Master Yu, we will stop the attack. You go across the river. We promise that we will never shoot in your back."


Yu Zigao, who had crossed the Beimen River, was exhausted.He was almost dragged ashore by his own soldiers.The narrow river faces the shore.The soldiers of the Chinese Army cheered.Seeing Yu Zigao off with jubilant cheers.

"I will not take this revenge. I, Yu Zigao, will not rest in peace."

Yu Zigao gritted his teeth.Stand up hard.One last look at the Chinese Army.Turn around and leave.


Although the Battle of Beimen River was not large in scale.However, the most valiant Guangxi Yao nationality drug crossbow soldiers among the officers and soldiers were almost wiped out.It still shocked all the official troops on Hainan Island.

During the previous chaos.The drug crossbowmen of the Yao nationality have always been the ace troops of the official army.It is used to deal with the Li people in the mountains and dense forests.But this time the Yao nationality medicine crossbowmen were almost wiped out.This caused the official army to lose the only unit that was good at jungle warfare.

After Yu Zigao fled back to Lingao.He was recalled to Qiongzhou by the order of Jin Qi's family.When he arrived in Qiongzhou.A piece of news once again shocked the various units of the government and army: Fengshuling and Shiguling at the northern foot of Wuzhi Mountain were occupied by the Li people.This means that the gate of the official army middle road is wide open.but.Why did the Li people's rebellious army have such power to capture the official army's cottage.This is confusing.The morale of the officers and soldiers was low.Especially the guest troops from Guangxi and Guangdong.Even more do not want to fight.

a month later.Lingao fell, and Wuwanshui was also breached.On the surface, it was the rebellious army of the people who attacked these places.In fact, the Chinese army drove the people to fight.And sent someone to blast the official army camp with explosives.

After Luohuoli surrendered.Yan Siqi reached an agreement with various tribes of the Limin.As long as the people continue to go north to attack the official army.After the officers and soldiers were driven away.The Chinese army would allow them to acquire lands previously occupied by Ming officials.

In Yan Siqi's view.These promises are not acknowledged after the fact.Not a big deal.The original Yan Siqi, who was obsessed with political cleanliness and integrity, has grown up.

Fengshuling and Shiguling were captured under the command of Yan Siqi.a month later.The Chinese army encircled tens of thousands of civilians and surrounded the capital city of Qiongzhou.

The same period.The Chinese Navy Fleet is under the banner of the Fujian Navy.Appeared in the Qiongzhou Strait in the name of chasing down Qinzhou pirates.Completely cut off the connection between Qiongzhou Prefecture and the mainland.

Qinzhou pirates have been famous for a long time.It's a good excuse.Ming Yongle seven years.Qinzhou pirate Ruan Yao rebelled.Since then, the "Qinzhou Pirate Rebellion" has repeatedly attacked the coasts of Guangxi and Guangdong.Historically, it lasted until the 29th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty "beginning to rest".The pirate family business has operated for a total of more than 280 years.lasted for such a long time.Rare in the history of piracy.Of course, now the Ruan Family Pirate Gang has cooperated with Zhonghua Company.Joined the Grand Alliance Agreement.They now occupy some islands at the junction of China and Vietnam in the Beibu Gulf.Use coastal fishermen in Guangxi and Vietnam to engage in smuggling business.this time.They also came to Qiongzhou Strait under the banner of their own family.Block the strait together with the Chinese company fleet.

Lin Xiao is going back to Taiwan.Yin Feng's clerk, Chen Dong, came to replace him.Mainly to arrange and implement the administrative work after the occupation of Hainan Island.

Lin Xiao brought his own soldiers.With the logistics fleet returned to Taiwan port.this day.It just so happened that Long Huamin, president of the Chinese Diocese of the Society of Jesus, and Xiong Sanba, a missionary, came to Taiwan to inspect the church affairs.They landed almost at the same time as Lin Xiao.

You Wenhui, who came to greet him, accompanied Long Huamin across the pier.He said carefully: "Father, you have not notified the management agency of your arrival. You must go to the port immigration management office to register."

"Why. I came from Quanzhou on a merchant ship of the Zhonghua Company." Long Huamin was a little surprised.In fact, he is on the way to Taiwan.Accidents continue.Originally, he thought that Taiwan was under the rule of the Ming Dynasty.So he obtained approval documents from the governors of Zhejiang and Fujian.But government documents are completely useless when traveling to Taiwan.No one wants to cross the sea with someone with a government background.

In the end, it was An Haifu, a Catholic shareholder of Zhonghua Company, who carried him across the sea with his own merchant ship.Came to Taiwan.

"You are a foreigner. You are not Chinese. So you must register after landing in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Only then can you enter the country."

Long Huamin had no choice but to queue up at the wharf management office with a group of foreign businessmen and sailors.

The various management systems in Taiwan and Hong Kong are very strict.This is a scene that Long Huamin cannot see anywhere else in China.Long Huamin asked curiously, "What are these people doing?"

"This is the city's labor market. These people are here waiting for factories and farms to recruit workers," You Wenhui explained.

"How come there are so many people waiting to work."

"There are too many poor immigrants from the mainland on this island. There are several boats full of immigrants coming here every day. Therefore, no matter what, some people will not be able to find a job for a while. These coolies are here waiting to recruit workers."

Long Huamin became a little excited when he heard the words: "What a good opportunity to preach. These refugees from the mainland must have a hard life. Our Father in heaven will definitely let more people join our church. Do you believe in the church? In the name. Relief was given to these refugees. In order to make them feel the grace of God.”

You Wenhui was a little embarrassed.With a wry smile, he said: "Your Excellency, President. The local wealthy businessmen jointly organized a charitable organization called Tzu Chi Tang. Various chambers of commerce and companies contributed. The Chinese company specially set up the Ministry of Civil Affairs to manage charities. It has a complete relief work arrangement. So The resettlement and relief work for local refugees is mainly done by the Tzu Chi Church. In name, this Tzu Chi Church is in charge of the wife of Yin Feng, the major shareholder and chairman of the Chinese company. Six years ago, his wife was attacked by the Japanese. After dying of dystocia in Taiwan, the director of the Tzu Chi Church is Master Yin’s other wife, Mai Wan’er.”

Long Huamin's face was ugly: "Could it be that our church has failed to make efforts in this regard?"

You Wenhui's face twisted.After thinking for a while, he said, "Actually, the internal staff of Tzu Chi Church are all voluntary. The church members of our Taiwan diocese also participated. But..."

Long Huamin stopped in his tracks.Looking at You Wenhui.You Wenhui gritted his teeth and continued: "However, local Buddhists, Taoists, and Muslims all send people to participate in the charity work of Tzu Chi Church. Those Westerners immigrated. Whether Jews, Dutch, Portuguese, British, French people. There are volunteers working in the Tzu Chi Church.”

Long Huamin's face became even more ugly: "You mean to say that our church members and those heretics are doing charity work together."

You Wenhui nodded: "Local charitable organizations must be approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Zhonghua Corporation to exist. Our church wants to engage in charitable work independently. But it has not been approved. Buddhists and Taoists have their own charitable organizations .Even synagogues have them.”

Long Huamin didn't say anything.sighed.He bowed his head and walked forward.

Long Huamin compared to Matteo Ricci.With a touch of Catholic fundamentalism.Chinese believers are not allowed to worship their ancestors.It is also not allowed to read the name of God and prayers in Chinese.and.He asked the Society of Jesus to change the original missionary policy of Matteo Ricci taking the upper line.Focus missions on ordinary people.and.He forbade missionaries to use European advanced science and technology to attract Chinese scholars.No longer willing to impart European scientific and technological knowledge to the Chinese.

This time he came to Taiwan to inspect the educational affairs.It also wants to adjust the missionary policy of the Taiwan Jesuits.

However.The situation here is completely beyond his imagination.This is a commercial city with religious freedom.There is a constant flow of people.Vibrant and organized.Lively and chaotic without being out of order.and.The rulers of the place seem to have a defensive mentality towards the Catholic Church.

People here are organized by various workshops, workshops, farms, and mines.It has a perfect school education system.Sound city management organization.Zhonghua Company has newspaper readers, and even set up professional cultural and entertainment facilities: theaters.therefore.There are few places where the Catholic Church can intervene among the common people.

After Long Huamin came to Taiwan.Went directly to the church in Taiwan.

Yin Feng is preparing to leave for South Sea Borneo.Participated in the ceremony where several gold mining companies signed a joint agreement.Personnel from the company's security department came to report Long Huamin's situation.He laughed: "Finally here. I didn't see him in the capital. Now it's delivered to your door. Hehe. Let's see..."

"Director Lin is back. Minister Lin is back."

He looked back.Seeing Lin Xiao swaggering in from the main entrance.Laughing, he stepped forward and punched him heavily: "Good guy. Good job. The imperial court has already heard the news that Qiongzhou was besieged. They are at a loss."

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head: "Where is it? I didn't do anything. It was Yan Siqi and Lin Shuisheng who fought well."

Yin Feng patted his shoulder.Pulling him to the meeting hall: "Okay. Don't be humble. At least you have done a good job of coordinating the work of all parties. Come on. I'm going to Borneo. I have some things to explain. You also come to the meeting together Bar."

In the chamber.Among them are the main members and managers of the board of directors of the Chinese company, and the main representatives of the civil service system of the Taiwan tutelary government.They were all talking happily.Everyone chanted the word "tea".

Yin Feng vaguely remembered.The Dutch were the first to transport Chinese tea to Europe.Therefore, at the beginning of his occupation of Taiwan, he wanted to transplant tea from Fujian to Taiwan.As the indigenous tribes in the mountainous areas of Taiwan were conquered one after another.The situation on the mountain plantations has stabilized.last year.The first batch of high mountain tea in Taiwan was successfully produced.And soon found Dutch and British buyers.All sold out.And the price is good.Sales prospects are bright.

These people are happy that the company has opened up a new source of income.

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