Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 291 The Last Sea Ban

Yan Siqi's Nanyang Regiment was named the New Fifth Regiment and was stationed in Hainan Island. The prefects of the Qiongya and Qiongya prefectures were evacuated, and everything was under the responsibility of Chen Dong, the director of the Qiongya branch of the China United Corporation.

In the 44th year of Wanli, Yan Siqi set up part of the former official army as Le'an camp and Leding camp, mainly to guard the old nest of Luohuoli tribe. This is the first time that the Chinese company has set up a local garrison. Begin to gradually differentiate functions.

Before more and more rich mainland businessmen arrived, Yin Feng left Taiwan and went to Nanyang in the name of a tour. Due to the sea ban by the imperial court two years ago, dozens of mainland shareholders were unable to come to Taiwan to attend the biennial general meeting of shareholders. Now The sea ban was relaxed, and these wealthy businessmen from the mainland either sent their heirs or important figures in the family to Taiwan as representatives, and some even the head of the family came in person.

Yin Feng entrusted Zeng Yue to preside over the shareholder meeting. He met with Li Lihua in Nanya State, Borneo, and met with various gold mining companies in Sanba and West Borneo. In the "West Borneo Agreement", the gold mining companies led by Zhonghua Company The offensive and defensive alliance was established, and each company elected the Chinese company as the leader, and jointly funded the establishment of the Borneo Regiment. The main force was the garrison of the original Zhao Xuanming, and the military expenses were shared by each company. The output of mines accounts for [-]% of the total output, so [-]% of the military expenditure is also shared.


After Yu Zigao withdrew from Qiongzhou Mansion, he discovered that Jin Qi’s family, the deputy general of Guangdong, did not tell the court the truth about the loss of his division, but justified his withdrawal from Qiongzhou on the grounds that the Li people’s rebellion was strong and the pirates cut off the sea route. It did not say that the officers and soldiers were able to withdraw from Qiongzhou only after they surrendered.

He immediately wrote to the court to explain the facts, and asked the court to send more troops to recover Qiongya.

Yin Feng entrusted Cai Shanji, the prefect of Quanzhou, to write a letter to the imperial court, claiming that Yazhou regiments took the initiative to attack, defeated the Li people's rebellious army and regained Qiongya, and demanded a reward from the court, and asked that Yazhou regiments be stationed on Hainan Island for five years.

For this reason, Cai Shanji, the prefect of Quanzhou, was reprimanded by Fang Congzhe, the chief assistant of the cabinet, saying that he was ignorant of the court's decency, and delivered the rebellious and immoral memorials. Cai Shanji smiled wryly when he saw the approval.

Cai Shanji, who nominally governs the area under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Inspection Department, is from Wucheng, Zhejiang. His family is a large local silk family. Whether it is exported overseas or marketed in the mainland, they have regular contacts with the China United Company and have a close relationship. Therefore, Cai Shanji is one of these The prefect who has been the most friendly to Chinese companies in the past few years.

Of course, Yin Feng's memorial was dismissed, and he was denounced as irresponsible and treasonous. At this time, the court had not realized that Hainan Island had fallen into Yin Feng's hands.

Within two days, Yu Zigao's memorial arrived at the imperial court. Fang Congzhe was shocked when he suddenly found Yu Zigao's memorial just after he got out of the chaotic masonry case.

He was in a hurry to see Emperor Wanli, but Wanli saw that it was something about Hainan Island, but he still ignored him, so Fang Congzhe had to convene the court officials to discuss. Kill the Nine Clans," he urged the imperial court to send troops to attack Hainan and Taiwan at the same time, and wipe out the bandit Yin Feng's troops in one fell swoop.

Fang Congzhe looked at this pedantic nerd and sighed helplessly. He was cowardly and could not take on important matters. His hometown was from Deqing, Jiangnan, and his family had many businesses. He knew a lot about the rumors about Huaxing Alliance and Yin Feng, but Fang Congzhe didn't. He is confident that he can "squeeze" the pirates in one go, and he is worried that his status will be affected as a result.

He was hesitant, but Wu Daonan was very resolute. In the end, the two quarreled. The content of the quarrel soon expanded to metaphysical philosophical debates, and there were mutual accusations of gentlemen and villains. They are constantly arguing with each other, but the issues that really need to be discussed are left behind by everyone. In comparison, the "off-topic" style on the Internet forums of later generations is simply nothing.

Since Hainan Island is at the ends of the earth, it is too far away from the capital, and since Yin Feng occupied Hainan Island, there is no prospect of going north to attack the mainland, so the court officials have no sense of urgency, and this matter has been arguing for more than a month. , In the end, the joint memorial of the deputy commander-in-chief of Guangdong and the governor of Guangdong went to the capital, pushing the entire fault of the fall of Hainan on Yu Zigao, but at the same time attached the memorial of Yan Siqi, a hundred households in Fujian who occupied Hainan: requesting the court to recruit peace.

Yan Siqi's hundred household status was obtained by Yin Feng for him back then.

At this time, the court was in chaos again, and there were many discussions that Yin Feng's subordinates must turn to Mu Wanghua and surrender to the court. This is a good time to divide the pirates. Immediately send troops to retake Qiongya.

However, Yu Zigao himself was unlucky. He became a scapegoat and was demoted to the people on the charge of dereliction of duty. He was too immature to open the window paper of officialdom out of integrity.

Fortunately, Shen Yourong, deputy general of Zhejiang Province, found him and let him serve as the flag officer of his own barracks, but since then, he no longer stands alone and works hard.

Yu Zigao, who was repeatedly hit in the officialdom, at the beginning was not deeply involved in the world, and a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, so he dared to think, speak, act, and act bravely. Ups and downs, gradually affected by the habits of the officialdom, in order to keep his official position, in order to keep his wealth and life, he "seeks the advantages and avoids the disadvantages", and also learns to be tactful and sophisticated.

Yu Zigao is not a strong and determined person by nature. If he was in the Chinese Army, he might follow the ethos of the Chinese Army and become a good general. However, in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty, he repeatedly bumped into walls and reflected. , To change customs, to open up the atmosphere first, but to follow the customs and follow the trend, and the chance of doing more mistakes will increase accordingly. In order not to give excuses to political opponents, Yu Zigao gradually becomes passive and does nothing.

The "environment" changes people. Yu Zigao, the sharp-edged "pillar" of the Ming Dynasty country, was "washed" by the tide of corruption in the late Ming society, and finally turned into a sleek and sophisticated "cobblestone" that drifted with the tide. The building of the Ming Dynasty The "foundation" is not firmly shaken, the "pillar" becomes a "bored stone", and the flowers of famous generals wither and wither. This is not only Yu Zigao's personal tragedy, but also the tragedy of the late Ming Dynasty.

After hearing the news of Yu Zigao's resignation, Yin Feng guessed Yu Zigao's ending, and he said to Lin Xiao: "Aren't you worried that he will be disadvantageous to us after he learns our tactics? Look, what Yu Zigao learned will not work in the court officialdom at all, we don't have to worry about anything, this officialdom will help us wear down all the vigor of Mr. Yu."

Of course, it is too unrealistic to ask Yu Zigao to fight against the whole social atmosphere with his own strength, and the requirements are too harsh. After all, one person's power is limited. Yu Zigao first chose to adapt to the society, "survival of the fittest", and it is justifiable .

In September of the 44th year of Wanli (1616), 800 soldiers from the Prince Fu's Mansion in Luoyang, Henan, mutinied under the instigation of Gong Mengchun, a thousand households. Finally broke out.

Eight hundred rebels almost broke into King Fu's harem, and were finally dispersed by the officers and soldiers who came from all directions. Gong Mengchun, a thousand households, had a distant cousin who worked in Luoyang Huaxing Lianhe, and gave him advice when he fled. Taiwan defected to Yin Feng, the hero of the sea, where it was not under the jurisdiction of the government, and the soldiers had good income and status.

Gong Mengchun fought out of Luoyang City with dozens of soldiers, and fled in disguise. All the family members he took away were executed by King Fu, including his three-year-old son.

With deep hatred and great hatred, he traveled day and night and came to the coastal area of ​​Rizhao, Yizhou, in the south of Shandong Province, hoping to wait for the opportunity to go to sea.

He did not expect that his distant cousin belonged to the Henan Branch of the Northern Department of the Military Intelligence Department and was a spy directly under Yin Feng. Out of brotherhood, he secretly arranged for Gong Mengchun to flee. He had already sent a notice to the spies of the Zhonghua Company in Shandong. , so soon someone came to find Gong Mengchun on his own initiative, so Gong Mengchun got his wish and was finally able to go to Taiwan by sea.

Unfortunately, on this day, the navy in the area of ​​Jiugang in Rizhao came here to check and found Gong Mengchun and his party on the beach. Gong Mengchun and the Chinese company fleet escaped to the sea in time, and the fishermen who were in charge of responding on land were arrested by the government. They confessed the fact that the person they had accepted to escape was the fact that the Fu Palace had rebelled against Gong Mengchun.

Fortunately, this fisherman is a temporary employee of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, and he doesn't know the organization of the Ministry of Military Intelligence. However, the fact that the Zhonghua Company helped the rebel Gong Mengchun escape is beyond doubt.

This matter also involved a bigger matter: Rizhao Port is the main base for Chinese companies to transfer refugees from the north. Every month, tens of thousands of hungry people are used on this beach to wait for sea ships to appear, and then cross the sea to Taiwan, Various places in Ryukyu and Luzon. At the same time, this is also one of the main smuggling seaports in the north. A large amount of goods are circulated locally. All this happened under the nose of the government, which made the prefect of Yizhou feel ashamed.

As a result, the Chinese company organized refugees to go to Taiwan on a large scale, resulting in no one farming in many places and the inability of the government to collect taxes, which once again shocked the court and princes.

Therefore, at the end of the 44th year of Wanli, the Ming court once again issued a ban on the sea. This was the last time the Ming Dynasty banned the sea.

At the same time, Shen Yourong was transferred to the general army of Fujian, and the imperial court ordered the army to be assembled to attack Taiwan and Hainan. This time, under the strong advocacy of the Xie family and other officials in Yuyao, the maritime ban policy in the three provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong was extremely strict, almost as strict as that of the Jiajing period. All fishing boats and merchant ships are not allowed to go to sea, all ships with two masts or more are demolished, and the Huaxing Lianhe outside the three provinces must be seized.

The resolute sea ban seems to be unstoppable,

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