Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 298 Rear

Although the war has begun.However, the export trade of sugar, silk fabrics, pottery, tea, etc. of the Chinese company did not stop.Relying on the hoarding of goods and coastal smuggling activities in previous years.Chinese companies continued to make money during the war.

but.The number of trading ships in Taiwan port has decreased significantly.Some foreign cargo ships went in without knowing it.After learning that the Chinese company and the Ming Empire started a civil war.I dare not come to Taiwan.Instead, it went to the Port of Manila on Luzon Island.Now.The most numerous ships in Taiwan harbor were Japanese ships that brought saltpeter and other raw materials to Chinese companies.

Tokugawa Ieyasu finally got his wish and took down Osaka Castle.Killed the last strength of the Toyotomi family.subsequently.He had to pay for the dozens of bronze cannons that Yin Feng provided him: ten shipments of good saltpeter every year.Three ships of Japanese silver.Three consecutive years of payment.This year is the last year for the Tokugawa shogunate to pay off its debts.This year.The old fox Tokugawa Ieyasu has fulfilled all his wishes.I died with a smile.

in Hong Kong City, Taiwan.Today, the recruitment office run by the Taiwan tutelary government is sparsely populated.One is because of the war and the sea ban.The number of immigrants landing in Taiwan and Hong Kong has been much lower.Another reason is that many strong laborers who came to the island were attracted by the generous treatment of the Chinese Army and the relatively high status of the soldiers in the Chinese company's jurisdiction.All went to the recruitment office of the Chinese Army.

but.The Ministry of Industry of the company, the Military Weapons Department and the Military Industry Department under the Chinese Army Logistics Department have already planned the production of weapons.A large number of workers were transferred from the temporarily suspended production of agricultural tools, chime clocks, luxury jewelry and other factories.All kinds of weapons and ammunition are produced day and night.

Now.The production technology of weapons and gunpowder of the Chinese Army has reached the advanced level in the world.It has got rid of the traditional workshop-style manual operation.Extensive use of water power; for example, the so-called row-type ramming method for gunpowder production is an example.This is the method of making gunpowder learned from the Dutch.The originator is France.The French prepared many wooden mortars for crushing gunpowder in the gunpowder factory.Each mortar is loaded with 20 jins of medicinal material and a plurality of mortars are arranged in one or two rows.Mounted on a waterwheel.Turn the waterwheel.The oak will go up and down.Pound the gunpowder in the wooden mortar while pouring water.Every 6-7 hours.A pharmaceutical process can be completed.Finally, the pounded gunpowder block is made into suitable gunpowder.

1578.Germany established a gunpowder factory in Spandau, west of Berlin.It is located at the confluence of the Spyder River and the Havere River.In order to be able to make full use of the hydraulic power here.The medicinal material is ground by grinding method.Taiwan and Luzon and other places.Rich in water resources.Therefore, workshops using water power to make gunpowder have appeared in large numbers in the two places.

There is also the so-called rotating barrel pounding method.It also comes from the French gunpowder factory.It had just appeared in France at this time.The French craftsmen brought back by the Chinese company's fleet to Europe were taught to the Chinese.The method is to put medicinal materials and several small copper balls in a large barrel equipped with a rotating shaft.Then turn the vat.The copper ball in the barrel rotates accordingly.Stir the ingredients.Made into gunpowder.A barrel can produce 14 to 10 kilograms of finished gunpowder per hour.Then spread it on a damp cloth.Squeeze into powder cake.Then cut into pills.For guns.Later generations adopted the milling method driven by steam engines.Yin Feng can't figure it out yet.But only rely on the row-type ramming method and the rotating barrel ramming method.The production of gunpowder by the Chinese Army is already very impressive.Sixty large barrels were installed at the munitions factory on the Jishui River in Taiwan.Work day and night from morning till night.A factory can produce more than 6000 catties of high-quality granular gunpowder in one day.And there are six such factories in Taiwan under the jurisdiction of Zhonghua Corporation.Only one month's gunpowder production in Taiwan.It has already exceeded the annual gunpowder production of the Ming Dynasty.

Gunpowder and firearms in the Ming Dynasty were not produced throughout the year.It starts production on the auspicious day in spring every year and stops in winter.Every time before the start of work, worship the god of fire.Pray that there will be no accidents in the gunpowder factory.

In the system of the Chinese Army.The newly established Taiwan tutelary government is in an awkward position; most of the administrative power is still in the hands of the company.The tutelage mansion accepts taxation, public security, civil affairs and other work of grassroots social institutions under the Chinese system such as various immigrant villages, indigenous tribal villages, farms, and large manors of various big landlords.Among the civilian officials sent by the town guard to the village offices, indigenous liaison officers, and village offices and other grassroots political management institutions.Most of them are failed scholars, old boys, and those who failed the imperial examinations who came to the jurisdiction of the Chinese company from the mainland.A small number are students who have just graduated from the Political Science Institute in the Chinese system.Some of them inevitably complained that the company left the most time-consuming, labor-intensive and thankless grassroots organization work to the civil servants of the tutelary government.And continue to control the port trade tax management, farm development, workshops, colony development and other businesses.

After the Chinese company started the war.The entire Chinese company system immediately began to operate efficiently.The company's political organization system from top to bottom to the lowest level of society quickly played a role; businessmen, big landlords, mine owners, and factory owners in the Chinese military area were effectively managed under the rules and regulations of the Chinese company.Now these middle classes can also effectively help the company's combat readiness system; and with the help of the company's sound financial system and supply system.And income savings from more than ten years of trade.The Chinese Army has no pressure on military expenditures.Funding is sufficient.

All this comes from the unique system of Chinese companies.This enabled the company to enter full-scale militarization quickly after the war.The overall situation can be coordinated by a central agency.However, the Ming Dynasty did not have a war financial mechanism to mobilize the whole country and the whole people.All favorable war resources were not mobilized.The civil war was in a passive situation from the very beginning.

In Yin Feng's opinion.The overall situation cannot be coordinated.The resources of the whole society cannot be mobilized and mobilized financially.No matter how developed production and trade are, it is useless.From this point of view.It is true that China's development path is different from that of Europe.

Yin Feng stayed in Quanzhou for a few days.Busy all day receiving representatives from folks, officials and gentlemen.Explain to them the reason for the army, as long as the dignitaries and gentry do not oppose the rule of the Chinese army.Yin Feng promised not to harm their interests.

He would talk all day long with dry mouth and tongue.In the end, Zeng Jingshan had to let Zeng Jingshan, who came back from Luzon to help, go to meet the people instead of him.returned to Taiwan by himself.

Now.Yin Feng was talking in his study.Throat is still hoarse.Zeng Qi, Zeng Shan, Lu Shitou, Li Yue, An Heping, Lin Xiao and others sat casually in various parts of his study.Everyone is a little bit excited.

China United Company won the first battle.It proves the weakness of the Ming Navy's strength.therefore.You guys think it's off to a good start.He let out a long sigh of relief.

"Father-in-law, you two must build a model administrative region in Quanzhou. Quanzhou is the first important state capital on the mainland that we occupied. Our company's management performance here is good or bad. It goes without saying that its role as a model is self-evident. Remember. There must be no corruption. The Anti-Corruption Section of the Ministry of Security and the Internal Investigation Section of the Ministry of Business and Intelligence must be stationed in Quanzhou immediately. Use competent personnel to fight corruption according to our laws." Yin Feng finally looked at Lin Xiao and said: "You supervise it yourself Officials in Quanzhou Prefecture. There will never be a case of corruption."

The overall operation of the Chinese company has been transferred to wartime.Many things have already been planned and have someone responsible.At this time, Yin Feng was actually the shopkeeper.Basically nothing to do.

Yin Feng turned his head to look at Lu Shitou, Li Yue and other iron rods of his direct lineage.He smiled and said: "Brother Lu, Brother Li, and Mr. An. You all perform your duties. There is no need to say more about your dedication; and everyone here. I don't need to say more here. I just want to remind you. Although we now have the initiative strategically, the Ming Dynasty is a colossus after all. Cutting down the Ming Dynasty is like cutting down a big tree. You must first cut off its branches and leaves, and cut down step by step. Therefore, we must not be too happy too early."

Zeng Shan reminded: "My lord, Yan Siqi is waiting outside for an interview. Look..."

Yin Feng nodded upon hearing this.He stood up and said, "Okay. I will go to Zhoushan with the army. If you have any unresolved matters, please ask my father-in-law to make a decision."

Zeng Qi cupped his hands to the people around him and said, "Dear directors, let's help each other."

Wait for the crowd to disperse.Zeng Qi approached Yin Feng.He sighed and said in a low voice: "Your own problem. Solve it early." After speaking, he turned and left the study.Yin Feng looked at his back and smiled awkwardly.He hesitated to speak.

The so-called "own business".That is to say, Yin Feng has been unwilling to marry another regular wife for a long time.The Zeng family sent the youngest concubine daughter of Zeng Ke, the eldest of the Zeng family, to Yin Feng's compound.The name is to help raise Zeng Qian's daughter, Liang'er.In fact, he wanted the Zeng family's daughter to continue to be the master of Yin Feng's back house.

at the same time.Many wealthy businessmen came to propose marriage to Yin Feng.I want to stuff my own girl to him.It annoyed him.

Li Lihua was embarrassed due to her status.There is no clear media is getting married.Therefore, ordinary company executives and military generals do not recognize her status; and Mai Wan'er is a woman from the Dan family.He came from a humble background.Although most of the navy generals regard her as the genuine ship owner's wife.But those wealthy businessmen, civil officials, scholars and students did not recognize her.

Yin Feng was very annoyed.My own family affairs have suddenly become a major issue for the whole world.You can't make your own decisions at all.So he has been dodging the question for two years.

He sighed.In a blink of an eye, Yan Siqi, who was dressed in a western dress, was already standing upright at the door.

"Yan Siqi, Deputy Commander of the Third Division and Commander of the Fifth Brigade, reports for duty."

Yin Feng waved.He said casually: "Brother Zhenquan. Don't be polite. Sit down."

"It's not fake politeness. I'm acting in accordance with the Chinese Army's military appearance and discipline regulations." Yan Siqi touched his feet.Another stand at attention.

Yin Feng smiled wryly: "Deputy Master Yan. I order you to come in. Close the door."

After a while.Yan Siqi was sitting in Yin Feng's study.Grabbing Taiwanese local fruits on his desk.He ate without image: "Damn. When I came out of Hainan, I encountered a north wind. My boat went out of Manila Bay for a circle. The water on the boat was almost exhausted. I was thirsty to death. "

Yin Feng handed him a cup of tea.Said lightly: "Sun Tzu has a saying: General. Wisdom. Faith. Benevolence. Courage. Strictness. You. Now it seems that 'benevolence' is not doing so well."

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