Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 306 Attack. The Southern Route

The military actions of the Chinese Army were very rapid.From Chongming Island to Nanjing City.It's only half a month.The Ming army around Ying Tianfu had not had time to gather at all.No one thought that the Chinese army would enter the Yangtze River from the sea on such a large scale.And the soldiers are so sharp.Go straight to Nanjing City.present.Didn't the officers and soldiers around Nanjing City have been defeated and dispersed by the Chinese Army?Just haven't had time to assemble yet.therefore.Although there are still [-] imperial troops around Nanjing City.But no one is in charge.In a state of fighting each other.

Water transportation has been cut off, and post roads have also been blocked.The urgent memorial to the imperial court had to detour through Henan and send it to Beijing.The high-ranking officials and gentlemen in Jinling City panicked.The guarding eunuch of Nandu is Gao Cai, the former eunuch of Fujian tax envoy.Because it was meritorious to search for gold and silver for Emperor Wanli.Appointed as the eunuch guarding Nanjing.He is very good at Zhonghua Company.Therefore, it desperately asked the surrounding troops to enter the city to help defend.therefore.The Chinese Army's landing on Yanziji.Only at the beginning was blocked by the Jinshanwei and Suzhou troops of the Ming army.The Ming army attacked the beach and was beaten back.There is no more action.The brigade retreated into Jinling City.

Various hills around Nanjing.The Ming army did not send anyone to guard.Soon they were all under the control of the Chinese Army.The second day after Yanziji landed.On Zijin Mountain, the Chinese Army erected a flag with Chinese characters on a blue background.The Yangtze River to the west and north of Jinling City is densely covered with Chinese naval warships.The river is completely blocked; east, southeast.The Zhongshan area is also controlled by the Chinese Army; Niushou Mountain in the south has also been occupied by Yan Siqi's Fifth Brigade.The area outside Jinling City is already within the scope of the Chinese Army's activities.The Mariners have even been active outside the gates of Taiping, Shence, and Zhongfu in the north of the city.The entire Jinling City.Only the south side is left to communicate with the outside world.certainly.Such a big Jinling City.The Chinese Army did not intend to completely surround it either.

The third night of Yanziji landfall.The cannons of the temporary fort on Zijin Mountain fired.The sound of the rumbling guns shook the earth.A 30-jin solid iron bullet fell under the walls of the Jinling Imperial City.

Beigushan Camp on Shogunate Hill.Now it has become a temporary old battalion of the Chinese Army.Yin Feng did not direct the battle here.Before departure, he stated in advance that he would not participate in specific combat commands.So he is now on the Xinxing Ship on the shore of Yanziji.In the old camp, Ye Hua, the deputy chief of the southern march, Li Xing, the commander of the third division, Lin Shuisheng and Zeng Shan, the chiefs of the Sailors and Musketeers, were discussing.

"...The officers and soldiers have no brains. These important hills outside the city are not guarded. They are all shrunk into the city. Isn't this too cheap for us?" Li Xing gnawed on the corn cobs produced in Taiwan.said laughingly.

Corn from America.Now it has been introduced on a large scale in the areas ruled by Chinese companies.

Ye Hua shook his head.Looking at the map on the ground, he sighed and said, "This is more troublesome. The city wall of Jinling stretches for seventy miles. It is impossible for us to encircle and attack it all. .The surrounding Ming army may come to reinforce. But.Where to fight is the most threatening."

Everyone squatted on the ground.Holding a candle and looking at the map.


Inside Jinling City.In the lobby of the government office of Yingtian Mansion.A group of important officials of the Ming Dynasty are worrying.At the top is Gao Cai, the eunuch guarding Nanjing - that's right.It was Gao Cai, the former Fujian tax supervisor.Because Emperor Wanli was successful in collecting money.He was transferred to the eunuch guarding Nanjing.Sitting with him is Wu Gongliang, Minister of the Nanjing Defense Department and the Ministry of War of Nanjing.

The Six Departments of Nanjing have always been regarded as idle yamen.The status is the same as Beijing Six.Authority is almost non-existent.The only authority is Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing.This is different from the fact that the six ministries of Beijing respect the officials.In Nanjing.With the same status and power as the Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, the Nanjing garrison eunuchs and the Nanjing Coordinated garrison.

Nanjing's coordinated garrison was served by Hou, Bo, and Dudu.Also known as the garrison minister.Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing represents the government.Nanjing's garrison eunuchs represent the emperor.Nanjing Xunchen is representative of honor.

Cooperating with the garrison Song Hou Song Zhangling is patrolling the defense in the north of the city.Did not attend the meeting.In the first large group of high court officials.Government officials including officials from the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the prefect of Yingtianfu.There is also a large group of commanders, generals, lieutenants and other officers.The most eye-catching.It was Xiong Tingbi, the censor of Nanzhili who once served as the supervisor of Nanzhili.

Xiong Tingbi has hundreds of words.No. Shibaoka.Huguang Jiangxia (Wuchang, Hubei) people.He is a well-known capable minister in the ruling and opposition parties.During the tour of Liaodong.Strive to achieve "solid inside and solid outside". The strategic policy of "controlling barbarians with barbarians".It was built from Haizhouwei, Gaizhouwei and Sanchahe.Passing through Liaoyang and Shenyang to Kaiyuan, Tieling, and Beiguan, there are more than 30 miles of side walls; seven cities including Qinghe, Kuiyang, Kuandian, Dadian, Changdian, Caohe, and Xiongyue were added.And repair more than one hundred piers.Seventeen granaries were also built.Thirty to fifty rooms each.Within three years, [-] stones of grain were accumulated.Reorganized the army.Eradicate corruption, hidden occupation and other disadvantages.Changed the mood.Enriched the camp.He had a good relationship with the Yehe tribe and the Mongolian tribes in Beiguan.This made Nurhachi feel unfavorable.Had to adopt a retreat policy.Return to old place.Leather car prices.In order to reconcile.

After he lost in the party struggle.Came to Nanjing to supervise the school.In the 41st year of Wanli, Rui Yongjin was impeached and prosecuted for his death.Return to hometown.Earlier this year.Because the imperial court banned the sea, it caused the pirates in Taiwan to revolt.Thousands of miles of sea and frontier are in a hurry.The imperial court urgently recruited him to Nanjing as a military counselor in the capacity of supervisory censor.No one actually listened to his ideas.

Among the court ministers present was a senior official who was relegated from Beijing to Nanjing: Zhang Heming, who was already 60 years old.Character flat.No. Feng Gao.Yingzhou people.This person is 26 years old.During the Wanli period, he was a Jinshi in the Bingshu Division ([-] A.D.).He was awarded the magistrate of Licheng County, Shandong Province.Promoted to governor of Guizhou.The right servant of the Ministry of War and the left servant of the Ministry of War.He lost power due to party disputes in the imperial court.Transferred to Nanjing Ministry of Industry Shangshu.

besides.The highest-ranking military officer among the reinforcements inside and outside Nanjing was Luo Qing, deputy general of Zhejiang Province.He sat down among the first group of officers and bowed his head in silence.Just a month ago.He brought 3000 Zhejiang soldiers to Nanjing to assist in the defense.

The court of the Ming Dynasty confronted the Chinese army's intrusion into the Yangtze River.The military action against the current was completely unexpected.However, senior officials of the imperial court still remember the situation of Japanese pirates harassing Jiangbei and Jiangnan during the Jiajing period.Therefore, it was ordered to mobilize a part of the army to assist in the defense of Yingtian, Taiping, and Suzhou.Luo Qing's troops are one of them.

Actually.The Chinese Army has just appeared on the Nanjing River.Agents from the Chinese Army's Intelligence Department had already secretly found him.Ask him to assist Captain Yin to find out the situation of Nanjing's defense.For the strength of the Chinese Army.Luo Qing knew better than most of the people present; he sent his nephew Luo Xiaoming secretly to the Chinese Military Academy.Participated in a half-year crash course for officers.So he knew that the Ming army was to the Chinese army.The gap is simply too great.

So he secretly stepped on two boats.On the surface, he was very positive.Running around in Nanjing city.

"...Everyone. The pirates camped at Beigu Mountain, 3 miles away from the city wall. Today their cannons are already firing at Zhongfu Gate and Taiping Gate. The day before yesterday. The pirates on the third peak of Zijin Mountain. Bombarded with cannons The imperial palace. Unexpectedly, this cannonball can fly several miles away....Everyone, don’t just sit still and don’t talk. Hurry up and pay attention.” Wu Gongliang, Minister of the Nanjing Defense Department, stomped his feet and said anxiously: “Everyone, traitors The situation is great. The city of Nanjing will be destroyed overnight. At that time, everyone will be destroyed, and everyone will end badly."

Everyone whispered to each other.It was quiet again for a moment.

The guard eunuch was in high spirits.He screamed: "The pirates have sharp weapons. I have seen them in Fujian before. They kill people like hemp. Everywhere they preach the equality of the four peoples, and the merchants can sit on an equal footing with our gentry. They corrupt the general etiquette; it is like being beaten in by them. Those of us will never be spared.”

Everyone knows Gao Cai's experience.Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.I thought to myself: "The pirates have invaded the city. Most likely the first one to kill is you, the eunuch Gao; you must have tripped them up a lot in Fujian."

Luo Qing suddenly said in a loud voice: "Master Wu, Eunuch Gao, the food and salaries of my Zhejiang soldiers should be paid out earlier. The soldiers are hungry. There is no way to fight."

Nanjing defenseman Wu Gongliang was very embarrassed when he heard the words.Frowning, he thought to himself that this warrior is really ignorant of current affairs.This is when he asks for his food and salary.Isn't this blackmail?But now the foreign enemy is approaching and the war is imminent.These soldiers cannot be offended.present.He coughed a few times.Said: "Mr. Luo, your department's food and salary. It's just that the officials of Yingtianfu are not good at handling things. It's a little delayed for a few days. It will definitely be delivered to your department's barracks tomorrow."

He was defeated by the Chinese army.General Wu Song, who fled into Nanjing with his remnant soldiers, asked loudly, "When will the imperial court's reinforcements arrive?"

Wu Gongliang and Gao Cai looked at each other.

Gao Cai said sharply: "I have sent someone to the capital to report for help. But the water transport has been cut off by the pirates. The north and the south are unable to communicate. Most of the messengers have to detour north from Henan. Is this the imperial court reinforcement..."

all night.The discussions among the officials were fruitless.In the end, Nanjing's garrison and Wu Gongliang, Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, ordered martial law throughout the city, and recruited noble family members and servants from various families to defend the city.at the same time.Send a large number of envoys to the surrounding areas to ask for help.

And this day.Yan Siqi took the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Brigade of the Chinese Army to seize Niu Shou Mountain.Dig trenches up and down the mountain.It has already threatened the external channel south of Jinling City.

Yan Siqi stood at the commanding height of Niu Shou Mountain.Looking around with binoculars.Smiling, he said to a group of young staff officers beside him: "Our fifth brigade is the vanguard of the whole army. We will nail it here like a nail. Attract all the officers and soldiers of the court. When the time comes, we will gather and annihilate them. The fifth brigade is the first achievement."

All the staff officers discussed one after another.A trainee officer wearing a black military uniform with red epaulets asked abruptly, "Senior brother Yan. What if the Ming army doesn't come. What shall we do?"

Yan Siqi put down the binoculars.Look at this young officer who is too young.He smiled and said, "You are an intern staff officer in the Command Section. What's your name? How old are you?"

The junior officer stood at attention and saluted: "Zheng Zhilong, a low-ranking officer. A student in the third phase of the Command Section. Trainee staff officer. 15 years old this year."

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