Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 309 Attack. The Southern Route

When Xiong Tingbi came to his senses again, he saw a group of soldiers wearing the uniforms of the training brand dragging him out of the rubble of the Shence Gate Urn City. He recognized that this was the newly established Jinling Regiment training soldiers.

His right shoulder may have been fractured, and his whole arm was unable to use his strength; he grabbed a regiment with his left hand and said anxiously: "Who is leading the army, who is leading the army at Shencemen?"

"Lord Xiong, are you safe?" Wu Gongliang's voice sounded beside him.

Xiong Tingbi didn't care about etiquette, grabbed Wu Gongliang's sleeve, and said sharply, "Quickly, build the Moon City around the Shence Gate, and the pirates will break the city soon."

"Look..." Wu Gongliang stepped aside and pointed to the front: around the Wengcheng of Shence Gate, a group of officers and soldiers were demolishing the houses in the surrounding neighborhood, and building a temporary wall along the outside of the Wengcheng.

"Already rushing to build the inner city, I'm afraid it will be too late... My soldiers (Shang Shu of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty often called themselves 'Ben Bing') have dispatched most of the troops from the east and west of the city, and are rushing here,"

Xiong Tingbi sighed, and sat slumped on the rubble: "Master Wu, the pirates are not mobs, nor idlers. My lord, without reinforcements, we won't be able to defend for long."

Before he finished speaking, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and all the soldiers, officials, and common people around Urn City felt a tremor under their feet... A huge black cloud of smoke suddenly rose from under the Shence Gate, and everyone looked up and saw The Shence Gate actually wobbled for a while, sat down as a whole, was a lot shorter, and tilted a lot to the north, but the Shence Gate still stood tall...

At this moment, Yin Feng was holding a telescope on the Shogunate Mountain to observe the engineering soldiers of the special battalion blasting the Shence Gate.

Seeing that the Shence Gate was still standing there after the gunpowder smoke had dissipated slightly, he couldn't help but stamped his feet and sighed: "The explosive power is still not enough, this Shence Gate is so strong that even 800 catties of black powder can't blow it away... ..."

Xu Hongji shook his head and said: "When Taizu built Jinling City, he used tens of thousands of stones weighing a thousand catties. In the middle of the earth, only the city gate is made of stone bricks. Your Excellency, you see, although the Shence Gate has not collapsed, the city gate is already skewed, and a few more shots..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and the copper-core cast iron siege cannon weighing about 4500 kilograms fired. A puff of smoke flashed by, and the crooked iron-clad city gate of Shence Gate shook a few times and split into two pieces. fell down.

A captain of the special battalion ran over quickly, saluted Yin Feng at attention, and said pantingly: "The engineer battalion reported that the foundation of the Jinling city wall is too deep and thick, and there are large blocks of granite buried underneath, and the amount of gunpowder is still insufficient. It was also too hasty to dig deep into the ground, and they asked for another blast...promise to blow down the Shence Gate..."

Yin Feng shook his head, waved his hand and said, "It seems that if you choose a section of the city wall as the blasting point, it may be more effective. Forget it, it was originally to reduce the casualties of the ants attacking the city. Now that the city has been bombed door, the effect is similar, forget it, let the infantry brothers tentatively attack the city from the gate, pay attention: avoid reckless fighting, avoid heavy casualties, "

The second lieutenant had just turned around when Yin Feng stopped him: "Remember, tell Master Li Xing not to be entangled in street fighting, don't love fighting, don't go too deep into the city, and retreat immediately if the battle is unfavorable."

Battalion Commander Zhao Gang of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]rd Division led the Vanguard Battalion into the Shence Gate first. Half of his Vanguard Battalion were veterans who had participated in the Luzon Campaign. Pass through the city gate hole and enter the shence gate urn city.

After being bombarded by more than a hundred rounds weighing more than [-] jin, the Urn City of Shence Gate has almost become a hell on earth. Thousands of soldiers of the Ming army are lying all over the Urn City. , A large pit with a radius of more than ten feet, the pit and the surrounding area are all black, and no living things can be seen.

The original partition walls, alleys, and caves of the Wengcheng had defensive functions, but now they have all been destroyed. Still a smart move.

Zhao Gang immediately occupied the crooked Shence Gate, sent a sentry to the left and right walls, expanded the defensive area and tentatively attacked other gates.

He led his own soldiers carefully stepped over the pile of rubble, came to the south gate of the Weng City, looked up into the city, and couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn, are the officers and soldiers moving really fast?"

He turned back and said to a messenger: "You, go and report to Master Li: the enemy has built a temporary moon city outside the Wengcheng, and the original plan cannot be carried out. Please send the artillery battalion of the division to help out."

That night, the Chinese Army occupied the Shence Gate, but failed to develop to the left and right wings in time, and only occupied a section of the city wall about one mile away; in front of the Seventh Brigade of the Third Division of the Chinese Army, the Ming Army's Xinxiuyue City blocked As the Chinese army broke into the city, the Ming army in Jinling City, because they clarified the command system in time and established the unified command of Wu Gongliang, were finally able to give full play to their superiority in strength and manpower. The common people rushed to build a new fortification in the city before the Chinese army blasted the Shence Gate.

In the evening, Zhao Gang's troops launched several tentative attacks from the south gate of the Wengcheng and several breaches in the walls of the Wengcheng. Since the artillery battalion had not yet arrived, the Chinese Army's firearm advantage could not be exerted in the short-distance narrow streets. Under the supervision of Wu Gongliang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Xiong Tingbi, the military counselor, the officers and soldiers of the Shangming Army desperately resisted. After coming out, after two times of probing, the soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion lost 80 to [-] people, so they had to temporarily retreat to the Wengcheng and Shencemen City, forming a confrontation with the surrounding Ming army.

On the Shogunate Mountain, in Yin Feng's camp, Yin Feng heard the report from the messenger sent by Li Xing, patted the table and sighed: "Whether it's Li Xing or Ye Hua, the battle is still too rigid. After getting the information, you should be decisive." Sending people into the city, the two of them are too sticky to the rules and regulations, and they have to fight step by step. If Yan Siqi is here, he will definitely invest heavily in the city immediately after learning that there is no defense in the Wengcheng. Moreover, our army is completely The hot air balloon can be used to observe and monitor the actions of the Ming army in the city, but Li Kuiqi hastily lowered the hot air balloon... However, the weather and wind direction in the afternoon are also a reason..." He said to Xu Hongji: "We missed It's time to expand the results of the war. Fortunately, the purpose of our siege is not to capture Nanjing City, but to scare the high-ranking officials in Nanjing City to death, so that they can transfer all the soldiers from the surrounding state capital guards Come on, forget it, let them become handsome talents, you have to take it step by step, there is no rush..."

Xu Hongji nodded and said: "Not everyone can cultivate a handsome talent, and one of them must pay attention to talent."

Yin Feng froze for a moment, then sighed: "You are right, both innate talent and acquired hard work are indispensable. I admit that these senior officers of the Chinese Army are not experts in strategy and tactics. Fortunately, they are flexible enough to accept new firearm warfare methods, and they can abide by military discipline, lead by example, and be strict with themselves. From these points alone, it is enough to be a good officer, but it is not enough to be a good general. ,"

He walked out of the temporary tent, looked at the faint flames around the Shence Gate in the distance in the dark night, thought for a moment and said, "We will fight again tomorrow to see if the Ming army in the city can hold on, orderly."

Yin Feng shouted, and then remembered that he had announced that he would not interfere with Ye Hua's specific combat command, so he shook his head helplessly, and said to the orderly who appeared in a flash: "Forget it, it's okay,"


Xiong Tingbi and other officials in charge of the defense of the city basically stayed up all night. The entire Ming army was shocked by today's battle: it only took one day for the pirates to attack the city, and they were able to smash down the Shence Gate and rush into the Urn City. What kind of fighting power? In the street fighting at night, the officers and soldiers of the Ming army on the Yuecheng barricades were completely suppressed by the opponent's flintlock firepower. However, no matter the archers or gunmen of the Ming army, their shooting range, shooting speed, and shooting accuracy are not as good as the musketeers of the Chinese army.

Xiong Tingbi instinctively felt that in the face of the combat methods of the Chinese Army, some tactical methods passed down through the ages and the traditional combat mode of the Ming Army seemed to have basically failed. Although the Chinese Army wore different uniforms from the Ming Army, most of them Like the officers and soldiers of the imperial court, they are Chinese who speak Chinese, but why do they have such powerful and strange abilities?


Fortunately, the troops of the Chinese Army who entered the Shence Gate did not take any action except for two attacks at night and were repelled. After all, Xiong Tingbi was in his 50s, and he couldn't hold on in the early hours of the morning. Beside a wall of the Beicheng barracks, he lay down in his clothes and fell asleep.

In the early Ming Dynasty, about 20 troops were stationed inside and outside Nanjing. Except for some stationed in the imperial palace and along the river, most of the troops were stationed in the northwest area of ​​the city. There were large barracks, granaries, warehouses and various military craftsmen’s workshops, forming a unique military Now, because the Shence Gate was breached, most of the Ming army defending the city also gathered in this area.


Xiong Tingbi was awakened by a burst of explosions, and his injured right hand accidentally hit the wall, waking him up completely in pain. He stood up with his left hand supporting his tired body, but saw the officers, soldiers and soldiers around him scattered and fleeing.

One of his personal soldiers rushed in from the gate of the camp, knelt down on one knee in front of him and said, "Wu Shangshu was injured and unconscious, the pirates attacked the city again...they moved the cannons into the city, and , those shells outside the city are bombarding Moon City, and our brothers have suffered heavy casualties,"

"What, their cannons are outside the city, but they can still..."

Xiong Tingbi turned pale in shock, looked up and saw the strange oversized Kongming lantern floating in the air again, at this moment he suddenly understood the function of this hot air balloon.


The barricade facing the Wengcheng of Shencemen at the entrance of Beijie collapsed in the smoke, and the rubble and rubble splashed, sweeping down a large number of Ming army officers and soldiers hiding behind. There were screams everywhere, and then several bombs exploded The flames engulfed everything, causing entire sections of Moon City fortifications to collapse.

In the south gate of Wengcheng, two light field artillery fired, and the solid shells they fired destroyed a wall several feet long at the entrance of Beijiekou. At the same time, Jinchuan Gate was bombarded by the 4500-jin heavy siege cannon. On Xuanwu Lake, more than a hundred small boats of the Chinese Army appeared, and thousands of sailors and musketeers rushed towards Nanjing City on the other side of Xuanwu Lake.

On Zijin Mountain, the Chinese Army bombarded Taiping Gate; outside Jubao Gate in the south, all the artillery of Zheng Zhilong's subordinate artillery unit of the Fifth Brigade of the Chinese Army fired at Jubao Gate from Yuhuatai.

Outside the Shuixi Gate and Shuidong Gate, the Sailor Musketeers rowed small boats and attacked the Water Gate of Nanjing City at close range with the Fran cannon on the boat, and repeatedly fired Thunderbolt rockets, causing riots in the Qinhuai River area inside the Shuidong Gate. fire.

The entire city of Nanjing was suddenly surrounded by enemies.

In fact, the battle in the morning was first initiated by the Ming army. Thousands of Ming troops attacked Shence Gate on the east and west walls. The city wall is at the Shence Gate section, and its top width is only three to five feet wide. On the city wall, there are at most a dozen or so Ming army officers and soldiers crowded together in a row, brandishing knives and guns, rushing forward. Crowded, unable to fire at all, being pushed forward by the crowd, the Chinese Army's fuzzy musketeers at the two sections of Shence Gate were arranged in a row of 12, a total of ten rows, and reloaded in a typical Spanish way. The shooting tactics maintained a frequency of twelve consecutive rounds of shooting in one minute, and the strength of the two sentry teams withstood the chaotic counterattack of thousands of Ming army officers and soldiers.

Subsequently, the Ming army's attacking force disintegrated under the shelling directed by the Chinese army's hot air balloon.

As soon as Xiong Tingbi arrived near the Shence Gate, he encountered the Chinese army attacking the city. He immediately stood on the front line to command the battle, waving his sword to supervise the battle. His figure was spotted by the snipers of the special battalion. Hit by a flintlock bullet on his right shoulder, he passed out again. The Ming army, which lost its command, could no longer hold on under the fierce firepower of the Chinese army. During the day and night yesterday, the Ming army relied entirely on several senior officers. The commander’s exemplary role as an example, and the rewards of high-ranking officials in the city, can withstand the attack of the Chinese army. Now, the highest commanders and souls of the army, Wu Gongliang and Xiong Tingbi, have been seriously injured and unconscious. fell into despair.

In this way, the Ming army lasted until noon, and the seventh brigade of the Chinese army marched into the city, attacked Jinchuan Gate and Xuanwu Gate along the city wall, and at the same time strengthened the attack firepower around Shence Gate.

The Ming army finally couldn't hold it anymore. The Zhejiang soldiers fled first, and even the Nanjing garrison collapsed. Jinchuan Gate, Xuanwu Gate, and Zhongfu Gate fell into the hands of the Chinese Army one after another under the attack of the Seventh Brigade of the Chinese Army.

In the afternoon, the Ming army in the whole city collapsed, and the city of Nanjing was unexpectedly broken by the Chinese army.

In fact, from Yin Feng to the ordinary soldiers of the Chinese Army, none of them thought that the Liudu of the Ming Dynasty would collapse by itself like this.

At the end of September in the 45th year of Wanli, due to the serious injuries of the main generals and commanders, the Ming army defending the city collapsed within half a day, unable to organize resistance. Therefore, Nanjing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, fell, and Taiwanese pirates invaded the city. ,

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