Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 314 The Battle of Beijing and Tianjin

During the Battle of Kagoshima in the Satsuma Domain.The Sailor Musketeers cannot cooperate with the infantry in formation.Since then, Yin Feng has distinguished the marine training of the Sailor Musketeers from that of the infantry.This allows the Mariner Marines to take full advantage of their mobility.Let them focus on small-scale melee training.The Sailor Musketeers became the main force in high-intensity, small-scale conflicts in the Chinese company's colonies.In terms of large-scale positional warfare.Sailor Musketeers are the same units compared to infantry comrades.The firepower is weaker.Because sailors carry more melee weapons like axes, daggers, machetes, and crossbows.therefore.It is stipulated in Yin Feng's latest "Combat Doctrine" promulgated by the military academy.The Sailor Musketeers appeared as an auxiliary mobile force of the infantry in large-scale positional warfare.

present.The Sailor Musketeers had no choice but to undertake the logistical support task of the First Infantry Division.

The news of Huang Lue's first brigade marching to the capital reached Tianjin Wei Chen Zhongji.

A burst of cheers broke out in the old camp.Most of the officers are no more than 40 years old in the Chinese Army.It has the vigor and vitality of youth.The old camp is no exception.The staff officers all suggested to Chen Zhongji: "Boss, attack the capital."

"Defeat the capital. Let us, the captain, sit in the Golden Palace."

"Let's attack with the whole army."

Zhao Tie is the only senior general in his 40s in the camp.He laughed and said: "I didn't expect the officers and soldiers to be so useless. Ji Zai. Oh. Director Chen. Let's attack with all strength."

Chen Zhongji was about to say something.A messenger in a feathered helmet rushed in.After saluting, he said loudly: "Report. The new No.20 regiment has landed at Dagukou. There is also a steel artillery battalion with the regiment. At the same time, 200 reinforcements sent by the special battalion have also landed."

There was another burst of cheers in the old camp.Yang Liu jumped up and said, "The [-]th Regiment is new. Let them protect the rear. Let us sailors and Marines Ryukyu Headquarters go to the front line."

The messenger handed over a document to Chen Zhongji: "Director Chen. This is an urgent letter sent by Commander Fan of the First Fleet at Dagukou. It is said that the owner of the ship wrote you a personal letter from Nanjing."


Chen Zhongji's eyes lit up.He stepped forward to take the file.Open it and have a look.His complexion changed.He turned back to the round table.Patted the table.The old tent fell silent.Everyone saw Chen Zhongji's serious face.I don't know what happened.Qiqi looked at him.

Chen Zhongji took a deep breath.Slowly said: "Captain Yin, Mr. Yin. Our president said in the letter: Our southern army captured Nanjing in the middle of last month."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.After a while, bursts of cheers erupted...

Chen Zhongji raised his hands to calm everyone down: "Wait a minute, brothers. The owner of the ship has something else to say: ... calm down. This is something that concerns us all: the owner of the ship ordered to revise the homestead order. Revised the new "Military Merit Award Land make"."

"The new military merit award order."

The big guy's eyes lit up.The tent is extremely quiet.Everyone looked at Chen Zhongji.

"Military merit and land conferred by the president is classified as third-class military merit. All meritorious soldiers can get at least 200 acres of land after retiring from the army; first-class meritorious service recipients can get [-] acres of land regardless of the length of service; Those who wait for meritorious service. In addition to obtaining land, they can directly become shareholders of the company... The longer the service period, the more land they will get. All the land can be accumulated according to military merit.... All meritorious land. Tax exemption for five years. After one generation, as long as the property is not abandoned Divide the land. It will become permanent private property and bequeathed to future generations.”

All the officers in the big tent were stunned: two hundred acres of land, even fifty acres of land is scary enough.And in fact, many of the officers present already have tens of acres or even hundreds of acres of land.However, most of them are commissioned by companies.But there is an allotment that can be passed on to future generations.It will always be the dream of the Chinese people at that time.Most of these Chinese Army officers are fishermen and crew members.Born in the small and barren land along the southeast coast.If you only rely on farming, no matter what you plant, you will be hungry every year.

They cheered in the big tent.Shouted: "Long live the captain. Long live the captain."

Chen Zhongji grabbed a pistol and jumped onto the round table.Shouted: "Brothers. The brothers on the southern front took Nanjing in the first battle. What should we do?"

"Down with the capital." Everyone shouted in unison.

Chen Zhongji immediately issued an order: "Brothers, the brothers in the military supervision department immediately issued the ship owner's new military merit order. Inform the brothers in the whole army. The new 4500th regiment stayed in the Tianjin Wei area. Brother Yang Liu. Yours The Ryukyu Corps of the Sailors and Musketeers has assembled. Except for the troops left behind in Cangzhou and Wuqing, the whole army is marching towards the capital. All Chinese military officers. Here is the way to the capital. The first brigade of Huanglue has opened for us. The main force of the first division has already Marching to the capital. It is estimated that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be able to kill the city of Beijing. The sailor musketeer team has at least [-] people. My direct subordinate standard battalion, special battalion detachment, Ryukyu sentinel team, student barracks, artillery regiment, and new steel cannon battalion. There is also the cavalry regiment. All are ready to go. March to the capital."

Early the next morning.Chen Zhongji led a large group of people and left the big playground in the western suburbs of Tianjin Wei.Set off to march towards the capital.Lu Xiaotian of the cavalry regiment brought his own cavalry regiment that had expanded three times.It was off last night.Although his thieves, horse thieves, and brothers from the green forest have only been trained for more than a month.But they were originally men who were used to living on horseback.Learning regular cavalry combat skills is quick.Although these guys are not real cavalry yet.But as a guerrilla and harassment unit that is no problem.

The main task of Lu Xiaotian's troops is to harass the surrounding areas of the capital.Disrupt the rear of the imperial army.

The old battalion of the Chinese Army has about 9000 troops.From Tianjin Wei along both sides of the canal and up.The artillerymen's dozens of heavy artillery were transported by water.

On the plains on both sides of the canal.There are wheat fields everywhere.There are also small paddy fields.This is the result of Xu Guangqi's efforts to cultivate and promote rice planting in the past three years.The autumn sun is not hot.There is already a hint of coolness in the wind blowing across the earth.The black team of the Chinese Army marched towards the capital at a rapid march speed.Qiu did not commit any crimes along the way.For the trampled wheat fields, the officers of the logistics department will leave silver as compensation.

When the Chinese Army first arrived.Peasants on both sides of the strait were frightened by the war.All hid in their own homes.They dare not even harvest the ripe wheat.But the common people depend on these crops for clothing and food.Gradually everyone discovered that the Chinese Army has excellent military discipline.He even hides from farmland while marching.The local people are also very friendly.And it has the demeanor of "women and children fighting for the way with the teacher of the king".When the horse-drawn artillery carts of the Chinese army marched, they would also take the initiative to give way to the peasants' ox carts.Even a quick march.Inevitably, local farmland will be damaged.But the Chinese Army also made compensation one by one.

therefore.Now the people in the areas occupied by the Chinese army are no longer afraid.In broad daylight, many girls and daughters-in-law work in the fields.Curiously watching teams of Chinese troops passing by quickly.From time to time, orderlies with feathers on their heads flew past on horseback.Shouting various orders.Numerous horses, cows, donkeys, and mules are pulling carts.Transporting countless munitions and food.More than a hundred gun carriages creaked against the road.

The ranks of the Chinese Army stretched for several miles.Regardless of the team itself or the members of the team.Everything is so neat and orderly.

"Hey, big sister of the Zhang family. I heard that your family went to vote for the pirate army."

"Keep your voice down, Mrs. Wang. Don't let the people in the village overhear. This is a traitor. They are going to be beheaded... My family is going to help them with their work. Build some kind of fortress. They are paid every day for work and food."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't the Zhengjia in the village also helping these pirates, oh? Is the Chinese army working? Go to the barracks to carry food and grass every day. You can get half a tael of silver. God knows where these men from the south are so so How much money."

A third woman joined the conversation: "Among them. Where are the soldiers of the Chinese Army going? Their guys are doing great things. They all make loud noises like thunder."

"Ah yes. Sister Zhang. This is the way to the capital. Are they going to fight the capital?"

"My God. It's okay. Maybe my guy followed. No way. I have to look for it."

"Wang's wife. Your family is a Tongsheng from the county. Why don't you go to help these rebels."

"This. What's the matter. The Chinese army trades fairly and treats people kindly. I think it's better than those officers and soldiers of Tianjin Wei. My family's husband was just hired by them. He went to the newly opened market to keep accounts. Not counting Be a thief."

As the Chinese army's silent and murderous army quickly crossed the fields of the North China Plain.A feeling of panic and excitement permeated the villages and towns along the way.Most people don't care whether the emperor's throne can be secured.They only care about whether there is surplus food in their rice bowl.Whether your family can survive the war safely.therefore.The common people in the fields watched silently as the Chinese army of the brigade passed by.It seems that there are only the sound of the Chinese army's orderly footsteps and the sound of the wind blowing louder and louder.


The troops of the old battalion of the Chinese Army were not blocked or harassed in any way.After 6 days of marching.Came under the capital.

four days ago.The main force of the First Division of the Chinese Army.The two brigades joined forces near the Temple of Sun in the southeast of Chaoyang Gate in the capital.

same day.The broken troops of the Liaodong cavalry fled into Beijing.that night.The whole city of Beijing is under martial law.All the prefectures and counties under Shuntian Prefecture issued martial law orders.at the same time.The imperial court urgently summoned 15000 troops from Wang Keshou, governor of Jiliao, 20000 troops from Du Song, commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, [-] troops from Liaodong army led by Liaodong commander Zhang Chengyin, deputy general Po Tingxiang, and general Pu Shifang.Xuan and Daqin Wang Bing had already arrived at Wanping County, north of the capital.He was also desperately urged by several eunuchs who supervised the army to march outside the Chaoyang Gate.

Liaodong Army Tieling Counselor Zou Chuxian led another vanguard of the Liaodong Army to station in Changping County.At this moment, I also received an urgent order: quickly march to the Chaoyang Gate of the capital.

Although Huang Lue dashed forward and hit him fiercely.But he is not a fool.After all, what they want to attack is the capital of the Ming Dynasty.So he led the troops to Chaoyang Gate.Just fired a few shots to scare people.After that, the troops retreated ten miles and stationed.Dig trenches and tree fences.Start building a solid camp.Wait until Yang Dacheng's second brigade joins him.They are still digging trenches hard in the east of the capital.It's just that from time to time, people are sent to the east gates of the capital: Dongzhimen, Chaoyangmen, Guangqumen, Zuo'anmen, etc. to harass them.

during this period.The lurking secret operations and hidden stakes of Chinese companies inside and outside the capital were mobilized one after another.Provided a large amount of information on the actions of the Chinese Army to the First Division of the Chinese Army.

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