At this time, the Deacon Battalion of the Shenshu Battalion has brought the imperial flag to the central army of the imperial army. This place is five miles east of the Ritan. Zhang Wei, the eunuch of Banghe Jingying Supervising Army, was here, and Zhang Chengyin, the general of Liaodong, stood helplessly aside. The group of literati and eunuchs who didn't understand anything were directing blindly there.

"Zhang Zongbing, why can't our army attack the bandits?"

"Master Huang, our army is still in formation, and our court army will naturally face the enemy with a majestic formation..."

"Zhang Zongbing's words are very true, but it has been less than half an hour since the formation started, why the front team still can't form a team,"

"Master Zhang, quickly let our army fire, the bandit rangers have already arrived,"

"Eunuch Zhang, don't worry, this is the enemy testing us, our army must stand firmly, and we must not mess ourselves up,"


A personal soldier ran over, and whispered a few words in Zhang Chengyin's ear.

Zhang Chengyin's complexion changed, and he cupped his hands to Huang Jiashan, Zhao Xingbang, Zhang Wei and others who were sitting in the tent of the Chinese army, and said: "Report from the front, and the pirates sent messengers to deliver the letter."

"What, send a letter," the eunuch Zhang Wei shouted in a high-pitched voice first: "My imperial army represents the emperor, and the suppression of the pirates is inevitable. Unless the pirates surrender before the battle, there is no need to pay any attention to their letters."

Zhang Chengyin smiled bitterly, jumped on the horse and said: "The two armies are fighting, and it is good to know the enemy's situation. I will go and see the situation, and everyone will wait here..."

Huang Jiashan stood up and said, "I'll go with you to find out who this pirate's messenger is."

One is the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty, and the other is the General Soldier of Liaodong. The two high-ranking officials came to the front of the battle, but they were shocked by the age of the Chinese army messenger in front of them.

The Chinese Army Messenger is indeed too young, about 17 years old.

The student battalion commander, Wang Shuowang, was dressed in black and looked at himself while riding on his horse. He didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in front of him. He had four flintlock pistols pinned to his waist, and a sawed-off gun hung on his saddle. Guan's flintlock lance, straight uniform with shiny buttons, high riding boots and Wang Shuowang's Japanese sword across his back, this short boy has such an indescribable heroism, moreover, the two A high-ranking official of the Ming court had to admit in his heart: the calmness and arrogance exuded by the young man in front of him, and the steady self-confidence when facing the enemy camp and high-ranking officials of the court, are absolutely not seen in the Ming army camp.

Wang Shuowang didn't wait for the two to speak, he cupped his hands and said, "I am Wang Shuowang, the battalion commander of the Chinese Military Academy, and the personal disciple of Captain Yin. By the order of my lord, I am delivering this letter to the general of your army."

Zhang Chengyin secretly sighed: "You are so young and so calm, why does the Chinese Army have such talents?"

He shook his head, and was about to say something, when Huang Jiashan suddenly said: "This soldier is a first-rank soldier in the imperial court. He is currently the Minister of the Ministry of War and supervises the army of begging thieves: This is Zhang Chengyin, the general officer of the Liaodong army of our imperial court. , as if the Son of Heaven is here, why don’t you get off your horse and kneel down? If you surrender immediately, I might still save your life. But..."

At this time in the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between civil officials and generals was not harmonious. Under the habit of emphasizing civility over military affairs, Zhang Chengyin, the field commander, had no choice but to sigh and keep silent, letting the old scholar talk hot and empty.

Wang Shuowang smiled like a child, looked at Huang Jiashan and said, "You are the minister of the Ministry of War, hehe, are you in command of this imperial army?"

"I am the Minister of War..."

Wang Shuowang interrupted his nonsense: "Do you want to read the letter in my hand?"

Huang Jiashan's face was ashen. In the court, when he was speaking, even Fang Congzhe, the chief assistant of the cabinet, would not interrupt him hastily. At that moment, Huang Jiashan, Minister of the Ministry of War, said coldly: "I am a dignified minister of the court, and I will never interrupt him." Those who read the thieves' letters, "

Wang Shuowang sneered: "This letter is Captain Yin's request for some peace talks. Since you don't want to read it, you want to start a war. Well, after this battle is over, I have to ask you to read this letter."

After finishing speaking, Wang Shuowang sneered and cupped his hands, knocked his riding boots, and his horse immediately raised its front hooves, neighed, and turned and ran towards the Chinese army camp.

Wang Jiashan and Zhang Chengyin looked at each other in blank dismay, both startled.

However, the young messenger seemed to be running for his life, and at the same time he raised his hand, a short rocket flew into the sky from his hand, and with a whistling sound, it flew to a height of more than a hundred feet and suddenly exploded, splashing countless Red fireworks, followed by observers on two hot air balloons also launching two red fireworks rockets.

The fifteen heavy cannons on the three heavy artillery forts fired at the same time.

At the same time, 60 Thunderbolt rocket vehicles fired a total of 600 Thunderbolt rockets at the same time.

The field artillery located at both ends of the main positions of the two brigades and six regiments of the First Division of the Chinese Army also fired, and one hundred cannons fired at the same time.

At the same time, a group of rafts appeared on the Tonghui River. On the rafts, the flag of the Chinese Army with a Chinese character on a blue background was hung. Field guns were placed on the rafts, and they began to fire at the three major battalions of the Beijing Army that were still in formation on the north bank. There were more than 50 of them in total. The rafts were lined up on the river in turn, and a series of explosive shells were fired from dense artillery, including shells fired from heavy mortars.

Except for the Liaodong Army that had already arranged their combat formations, the Ming army camp was still adjusting. No one expected that the Chinese army would fight as soon as they said they wanted to, and they would bombard them with cannons as soon as they came up.

At this time, the fifteen heavy artillery pieces of the Chinese Army mainly bombarded the artillery position on the left flank of the official army. The longest range of the artillery of the Chinese Army was five miles. The range of the artillery was only two miles, and it was barely enough to hit the infantry of the Chinese Army on the opposite side. There was no way to fight back against the bombardment of the Chinese Army's heavy artillery. But 5 minutes.

These 5 minutes determined the fate of [-] officers and soldiers, as well as the south bank of Tonghui River and the fate of Shanhaiguan officers and soldiers.

Due to the large number of officers and soldiers, facing the infantry line of the Chinese Army, they opened up a formation as long as five miles. There were several layers of infantry, cavalry, etc. , The formation is much thicker than that of the Chinese Army. The problem is that in front of the artillery fire of the Chinese Army, the dense crowd is an excellent target for the artillery fire to exert its power.

The soldiers of the Ming army had never been exposed to large-scale firearms warfare. Before they came into contact with Portuguese firearms, their opponents had always lagged behind them in terms of firearms. There was an abnormal development in guns, and the rest of the firearms combat technology was inferior to the Ming army. In fact, until the encounter with the Chinese army, the Ming army had never fought an opponent whose firearms technology surpassed its own in large-scale field battles.

Within 5 minutes, the heavy artillery fired three rounds, 150 field artillery (including the gun rafts on the Tonghui River) fired a total of four rounds, and 600% of the [-] Thunderbolt rockets landed in the official camp and exploded.

Hundreds of explosive bombs blew up the officers and soldiers, and the thunderbolt rockets made the positions of the officers and soldiers within a few miles all shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

The other half of the solid bullets are mostly chain bullets, rod bullets, grape bullets and other shells with enhanced lethality. These shells caused a massacre in the dense and thick camp of the Ming army.

The two artillery positions of the Chinese Army in the north and south, three miles apart, formed a crossfire of artillery fire on the central front of the army. In the face of the criss-crossing trajectory of the artillery shells, flesh and blood are completely meaningless.

The [-] officers and soldiers were bombarded by the opponent before they had set up their formations, and the bombardment was so violent, powerful, and cruel that it was beyond the imagination of all Ming soldiers.

After being bombarded by the artillery rafts of the Sailors and Musketeers on the Tonghui River, the Beijing battalion troops on the right wing of the official army were immediately attacked by 2500 cavalry from the Chinese Army. At this moment, it is simply impossible to cross the chaotic front position to meet the enemy cavalry.

Zhang Chengyin immediately dragged the stunned Minister of War Huang Jiashan to the camp of the Chinese army when the enemy's shelling started. Fortunately, his subordinate Liaodong troops all made way for him. Even so, there were still two shots. The thunderbolt rocket exploded in front of the tent of the Chinese army, killing several of Zhang Chengyin's personal soldiers.

He pushed Huang Jiashan, who was speechless, into the tent of the central army, grabbed a soldier and ordered loudly: "Go to the cavalry position quickly, and order the deputy general Po Tingxiang to lead the cavalry to attack immediately, and must break through the enemy's infantry formation."

He wanted to use the cavalry charge to attract the firepower of the Chinese army, and seize the time to regroup and stabilize the precarious official army.

But he didn't expect that the Chinese Army's field fighting style was completely divorced from traditional strategies and tactics. The main weapon of the Chinese Army is firearms, and it is best at fighting by outputting firepower.

While the Chinese Army's shelling was still going on, the Chinese Army's central front separated several intersections, ten field steel cannons were quickly pushed out, and the lightweight steel artillery carts were pushed 300 steps in front of the chaotic official and army positions, and then , the artillerymen put down the support frame of the gun mount, and immediately began to fire. The ten steel guns fired shotgun shells, and each gun could shoot out ten catties of iron sand and iron flakes at a time. The heads of the gunners on the front line of the army were pressed down.

The artillery position of the official army has been suppressed by the heavy artillery of the Chinese army. Up to now, a single bullet has not been fired, and the gunmen of the official army can't wait to open fire. However, any kind of firearm in their hands cannot hit the Chinese army's position one mile away. , They finished shooting their firearms in a swarm, and when they were loading ammunition in a hurry, the opponent's steel artillery team took the opportunity to approach and fired a round of cannonballs. Thousands of firearmsmen from the army fell down screaming, and the whole position became even more chaotic.

"woo woo woo woo----"

The rhythmic conch horn sounded, and the infantry of the Chinese Army roared "Kill," and stepped forward neatly: the infantry began to attack across the board.

At this time, the bombardment reached its climax, and all the artillerymen of the Chinese Army were loading ammunition at extreme speed, igniting the fuze, and then firing.

Thunderbolt rockets fired again, and 600 Thunderbolt rockets fell again among the dense crowd of officers and soldiers.

The whole line of the officers and soldiers, with blood flowing like rivers and limbs flying, fell into chaos. All the officers and generals did not know what to do. Among the Ming troops present, no one had ever been in contact with a large-scale pure firearms battle. Fighting back, such a dilemma caused the morale of the officers and soldiers, which was originally low, to drop rapidly.

As the main force, the Liaodong Army was in the center of the entire official army position, and was bombarded by the heaviest cross-fire. The number of casualties rose sharply, and some troops had collapsed.

Chen Zhongji held up his binoculars and saw the chaotic scene of the officers and soldiers on the fort. He laughed and said to Zhao Tie: "Brother Zhao, it's up to you next time. The Sailor Musketeers are also preparing to attack. Bring the student army with them. The maneuvering speed is fast, we must seize the time, we must end the battle before dark,"

It was already around one o'clock in the afternoon when the battle started, but now it is late autumn, and the sky in the north will soon darken. Once it is night, the Ming army may escape by taking advantage of the night.

Wang Shuowang looked forward with the binoculars under the fort. Zhao Tie patted his horse when he stepped off the fort, and said with a smile, "What can you see here! Hurry up and go to your troops, it's your turn to fight ,"

Wang Shuowang jumped up, suddenly remembered something, gave a military salute to Zhao Tie, and asked, "Uncle Zhao, didn't you say that the Nine Frontier Army was very capable of fighting before the war? This official army is fighting, and even the Ganla people can't match it."

Zhao Tie laughed and said: "What's so strange about this is that the Ganguanla people are from Europe, and they have experienced cannon and firearm combat training in their own country, but the Ming army has never encountered the scene of artillery bombardment, and there is no corresponding Firearms training, when encountering our artillery, it is not bad if you can run away without turning around."

The infantry of the Chinese Army walked forward 5 steps in the second 300 minutes after the start of the battle, then stood at attention, and after a long sound of conch horns, they began to fire a salvo at a distance of 250 steps from the officer's position.

The first row of soldiers squatted and fired, the second row bent over and held guns, and the last two rows stood and huddled together to fire. More than 11000 infantrymen from the First Division of the Chinese Army fired at the same time.

Huge pieces of flames burst out suddenly, and the smoke of gunpowder immediately filled the air, enveloping the entire First Division of the Chinese Army.

Thousands of officers and soldiers who were scrambling to load ammunition suddenly fell down. At the same time, another round of shotgun bombardment came from the steel cannon position.

The soldiers on the front line of the army collapsed.

First, the central front of the Liaodong Army, which was bombarded by artillery fire from multiple directions, collapsed; then the collapse quickly spread to the two wings.

Fifteen minutes after the start of the battle, the infantry positions of the officers and soldiers had collapsed for the second time. The intensive artillery bombardment of the Chinese Army was still massacring the officers and soldiers of the Ming army. .

The cavalry of the Chinese Army had already overwhelmed the forward troops of the Beijing camp on the right wing of the official army, and cooperated with the artillery and sailors on the Tonghui River to launch a full-scale attack; the leftmost regiment of the First Infantry Division had also launched a bayonet charge.

Twenty to ten minutes after the start of the war, the entire right-wing Beijing battalion of the official army collapsed, and the troops of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenshu Battalion all disintegrated. The organization was completely chaotic, and no one could organize effective resistance anymore.

At the same time, the Liaodong troops, Xuanda, Yan, Baoding and other troops of the official army began to collapse.

After the fifth round of thunderbolt rocket bombardment, the orderly ordered the artillery to stop the rocket attack, because at this moment, the cavalry unit of the Chinese Army began to turn to the right and was rolling back to the rear of the official army; while the left wing of the official army was being captured 150 heavy cavalry broke through; part of the infantry had already rushed to the official position. At this time, the poorly aimed rockets might hurt their own people, so the rocket attack had to be stopped.

No. 205 minutes after the start of the battle, the sailor reserve team of the Chinese Army bypassed the right wing of the formation, followed the horse buttocks of the heavy cavalry, and rushed into the positions of Xuanfu, Datong, Jizhen Frontier Army and Baoding Army on the left wing of the official army At that time, Wang Pu, the general of Datong, Yang Guozhu, the general of Xuanfu, Tang Tong, the general of Jizhen, Ma Ke, Wang Xuan of Baoding, Zhang Jing of guerrilla, and other generals had already fled with their own soldiers.

The 5000 officers and soldiers all collapsed within half an hour. In front of the soldiers of the Chinese army who launched a bayonet charge, the backs of the fleeing soldiers of the Ming army were all in the smoke.

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