Most of the white pole soldiers in Shijie are Tujia people. Their ancestors multiplied in the area of ​​western Hunan and western Hubei as early as the Warring States Period. Together with other ethnic minorities, they were called "Wuling Man" and "Wuxi Man". After the Song Dynasty It is called "Tuding", "Tu Min", "Tu Bing", etc. After the Han people immigrated in large numbers, "Tujia" began to appear as a clan name, and the Tujia people called themselves "Bizka", which means "local people".

Shijie is the most influential chieftain of the Tujia family. According to his genealogy records, his ancestral home is Fufeng, Shaanxi. Lichuan borders Qianjiang River in the south, Fengdu in the west, and Zhongzhou in the north, covering a vast area of ​​30 miles wide and 230 miles long. The white pole soldiers were formed under the leadership of Qin Liangyu. The only unit in the Ming army with exceptionally strict discipline.

Qin Bangping and Qin Minping, the deputy generals of the Xuanfu Department of Shi Jie, were not aggressive generals.

Although the white-armed soldiers under them are brave and persevering, they have never used the experience of fighting with firearms troops. Their previous enemies were all barbarian warriors in the mountains and mountains, and they rarely had firearms. Moreover, they were not used to fighting on the wide plains. They line up to meet the enemy, so although they are very disciplined, they still look messy when they charge for the first time.

Starting two miles away from the Chinese Army's position, the Thunderbolt rockets of the Chinese Army have landed on their heads and feet from time to time, and then exploded brilliant sparks, sweeping a large number of white-armed warriors, soldiers of the Shijie Tujia family The team lined up too closely. Due to constant rocket attacks, Qin Bangping sounded the drums two miles away from the Chinese Army and launched a charge. He thought that the team could disperse during the charge to avoid the rocket bombardment. He didn't pay attention to the long snake formation formed by the thin four-row horizontal formation of the enemy army on the opposite side, thinking that such a formation could be penetrated with a single charge.

Shouting "Kill---," the white-armed soldiers charged forward with white spears on their shoulders. Wearing straw sandals or barefoot, they stepped on the cold and muddy land after the snow melted, striding towards China. However, they were bombarded by artillery fire one mile away from the Chinese Army.

The first is a round of solid bullet attack. When the distance from the Chinese Army's position is about 250 steps, it is already within the range of the shotgun attack. The forward line of the soldiers charging team cut a large area alive, like a sickle cutting wheat, and mercilessly killed more than 25 white soldiers. With 300 steps, the white soldiers still have 250 minutes to contact the Chinese army. , but these 2 steps became an insurmountable wall of blood and fire.

At 200 steps, the Chinese army array blew a rush of conch horns, and each unit started the first salvo in units of battalions. Each brigade of the Chinese army has three regiments, each regiment has four battalions, and each battalion has four sentries. Team, the first round of salvo started by all the soldiers of the first brigade.

At this time, the drums behind the white-armed soldiers became more and more urgent. They stepped over the corpses of their comrades who had been killed by artillery fire, and at the same time they began to pick up the white-pole spears, pointing the tip of the hook and sickle obliquely forward and upward, speeding up. The speed continued to charge.

The oncoming thousands of bullets knocked hundreds of white soldiers to the ground again, tripping a lot of people along the way, and the charge team of white soldiers began to become chaotic.

It took about a minute or so before the white pole soldiers rushed to the first fifty steps of the first brigade of the Chinese army. Four volleys were fired, and tens of thousands of bullets knocked down the white soldiers to the ground in pieces.

Zhao Tie has come to the front line at this moment, and the brigade commander Huang Lue and other officers are holding flintlock spears and shooting. At this point in the battle, all the officers and soldiers are following the pre-war orders, and there is no Zhao Tie, Huang Lue, and the regiment and battalion commanders of the First Division of the Chinese Army at all levels were very surprised to make any tactical adjustments, because the official army in front of them was still insisting on charging.

Since fighting in the Jingqu area for several months, almost none of the army units that have fought against the Chinese Army can withstand the five salvos of the Chinese Army in frontal battles. With the advantages of range and rate of fire, the government and army troops are in a situation where they can only be beaten and cannot fight back. Basically, as long as four salvos are fired before a battle, the government and army troops will surely collapse.

Fifty paces later, the officers of each battalion and sentry team ordered bayonets to be mounted, the conch horn blew shortly in succession, and the drums also sounded.

Thirty steps away, Zhao Tie bit open the paper package, stuffed ammunition into the chamber of his flintlock musket, and cursed at the same time: "These bloody white soldiers are all desperate lunatics." The first line to pull the trigger, but he just likes to rush to the front to fight, and his soldiers are used to this, so they have to surround him nervously.

"Free fire, rapid fire," the officers whistled, and at the same time drew out their flintlock pistols, and they were also cursing: "Damn, what kind of troops is this, ready to charge with bayonets,"

The troops began to shoot rapidly, that is, after biting through the paper fixed ammunition, pouring the ammunition into the barrel of the gun, omitting the procedure of tamping the ammunition with a cleaning rod, and directly picking up the gun and pulling the trigger.

Such shooting will greatly shorten the power of the bullet, but greatly increase the rate of fire, which can reach seven bullets per minute under extreme conditions.

But the white-bared soldiers were only thirty steps away from them, only enough for the brothers of the first brigade to shoot two bullets.


A bloody white soldier opened his eyes wide and stabbed his spear into the belly of a Chinese infantry soldier standing in the first row.

Compared with the bayonet-mounted flintlock muskets of the Chinese army, the spears of the white soldiers have an advantage in length. Unfortunately, the charge team of the white soldiers is already sparse at this moment, and they have been unable to form a charge line and have lost their momentum to charge. The army suffered a lot in front of the white spears, but only sporadic hundreds of white soldiers broke into the Chinese army's front.

At this time, the sound of gongs sounded behind the white-armed soldiers, and the Shijie chieftain troops retreated. However, the hundreds of white-armed soldiers who had already broken into the Chinese army's line could never retreat.

As the long tone of the Conch sounded, the entire Chinese army launched a bayonet charge and swarmed up, stabbing hundreds of white soldiers who could rush to the front of the formation with bayonets one by one, leaving almost no one alive.

The 500 white-armed soldiers were killed and wounded [-] in just one charge, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

At this moment, the rear team of the white-armed soldiers had arrived, and the battalion captains were jumping to rescue their brothers from the same country. The brothers of the Qin family strictly prohibited the troops from attacking, and asked them to line up on the spot.

At this time, Qin Liangyu of Oshiwei, his son Ma Xianglin, and his deputy Zhou Guozhu also rushed to the battlefield. Qin Liangyu rode on the yellow pussy horse presented by the governor of Sichuan, and looked at the soldiers of Shi Jie who retreated one after another from the battlefield with a sullen face. Most of them were covered in blood. , supporting each other, leaning on a white spear, staggering, retreating sparsely from the battlefield where corpses were strewn across the field.

"What's going on," she turned her head and asked her two brothers sharply.

Qin Bangping and Qin Minping looked at each other. They always respected Qin Liangyu, but at this moment they could only helplessly shake their heads and clasped their hands together: "The enemy's firearms are extremely sharp, beyond our expectations, so...and they are not afraid of close combat, Although our army has rushed into the enemy's line, but they can't break up their team..."

"It's too reckless! Before launching the charge, can't you take a small number of troops to test the reality?"


In the distance, the Chinese army shouted like thunder, and the flags were unfurled, and the soldiers in black held up their guns and shouted: "Wan Sheng, the captain, Wan Sheng,"

In the humming Conch, the Chinese army retreated to the main formation, lined up again, and waited for it.

Zhao Tie frowned, looked at several staff officers, and said solemnly: "That's right, our army killed more than 100 people in just one charge. Our first division has fought so quickly for half a year. It’s only a few hundred casualties.”

An officer from the Supervision Department stood up and said: "Colonel Zhao, you should be right. The soldiers of the first brigade did kill more than 100 people, and there were more than 200 wounded. There may be dead among the seriously injured. Unable to count,"

"Madman," Zhao Tie drew out his Japanese sword, slashed at the shaft of the lookout pole car, and cursed, "...this white soldier is so brave and fearless that he can rush into my formation. It seems that we are really too big!" underestimated the enemy,"

He looked at Huang Lue, Huang Lue shook his head and said: "The enemy's rear has nearly 6000 to [-] people, at least they can charge again, but I don't know, after seeing our firepower just now, will they dare to fight?" Charge again,"

Zhao Tie sneered: "Since I came to Jingqu to fight, I haven't encountered such a Ming army that can fight like this. Okay, let them see how powerful our Chinese Army's No. [-] Division is under heaven. Order, all soldiers, prepare to attack ! Artillery, launch all the remaining thunderbolt rockets, field artillery, push up the artillery cart, follow the infantry team forward, start rapid fire at a distance of [-] steps from the enemy, the first round of flower bombs, and then use all shotguns , after three rounds of shotgun shooting, all soldiers charged with bayonets, "

Huang Lue's face flushed, and he shouted: "It's been a long time since Satsuma defeated the Japanese pirates. Brothers, prepare to attack and kill!"

The officers of the various battalions and regiments surrounding them excitedly shouted "Kill," and rushed to their own troops, waving knives and guns.

Zhao Tie put four flintlock pistols in his waist, and walked towards the front of the formation holding Japanese swords in both hands, while excitedly saying to the soldiers around him: "Damn it, fighting against 10,000+ officers and soldiers, all It's a softie, this time there is finally a decent opponent coming, this battle is enjoyable, "

All the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and sighed secretly: This Chief Zhao is good at everything, but he likes to charge too much.


The conch, which was short and long, drifted across the bloody battlefield and reached the ears of the white soldiers who were in formation.

After Zhou Guozhu, the deputy general who supervised the formation at the forefront, came to the formation quickly, he cupped his hands and said to Qin Liangyu, who was discussing with the Qin family brother and son Ma Xianglu: "General, the enemy seems to be about to launch an attack."

Qin Liangyu's tall body suddenly stood up, and looked at Zhou Guozhu coldly: "Really, then, what are you doing when you come back?"

Zhou Guozhu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Allow all the archers from the old village, it will be useful to some extent."

Qin Liangyu nodded: "Okay, the 500 archers are all yours. You are in charge of the central formation, and the left and right formations are commanded by Bangping and Minping. Lin'er and I are leading the formation, ready to fight,"

After Qin Liangyu finished speaking concisely, he jumped on his horse and looked in the direction of the North Canal.

Over there, there is a large area of ​​blackness, and the person carrying the evil spirit is slowly approaching,

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