In fact, within the imperial court, there have always been disagreements on whether to pursue the Chinese army. Fang Congzhe, the chief assistant of the cabinet, who is slippery and unstoppable, is hesitant; Wang Huazhen, Yang Lian, Zhongshusheren Yushi Zuo Guangdou, etc. are not high-ranking, a group of radical civil servants who are mainly speech officials.

The hosts were Huang Jiashan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Zhao Xingbang, who was in charge of the Ministry of War, and a group of civilian officials who had experienced battles and knew the power of the Chinese Army.

Many of the officials on the main station belonged to the Donglin Party, and because of this, the debate between the two sides fell into a quarrel on the moral level of the traditional gentleman and villain. No one could come up with a practical and effective method. It was Emperor Wanli who was annoyed and ordered Each of the Qin kings pursued and ended a quarrel.

Shanhaiguan Commander-in-Chief Du Song led more than 10000 infantry and cavalry to attack, and they were supposed to be in front of the rear battalion guerrillas Gong Niansui and Li Ximi's chariot infantry and cavalry.

As a result, his troops rushed from Shanhaiguan to the south of the capital, marching slowly, and did not meet up with guerrilla Gong Niansui's troops in Nanhaizi as scheduled. As a result, the Liaodong Cheying troops marched nearly a hundred miles alone, five days earlier than the Sichuan Baigan soldiers. , but finally fell behind the white pole soldiers near Hexiwu.

However, this prevented the more than 7000 battalion soldiers from confronting the First Brigade of the Chinese Army.

Huang Lue set off urgently with his immediate relatives sentry and [-] cavalry, crossed a small village, and after walking less than five miles, he found the Chinese cavalry group.

"Captain Lu, what's the matter?" In the chaotic cavalry group, he successfully found Lu Xiaotian under the banner of Zhongzi on the blue background. The latter was fighting with a group of former horse bandits, former Liaodong Mongolian horse bandits, The officers who were originally from the cavalry of the Eastern Liaodong Army were discussing, and they were very annoyed when they heard the question, and cursed: "This group of fat monsters are like turtles, they can't get out of the car city, just throw fire outside, mother, "

Huang slightly widened his eyes and shook his head.

Lu Xiaotian jumped off the horse, at this moment he remembered that Huang Lue had no experience in rivers, lakes and green forests, and he didn't understand his slang, so he quickly explained: "I mean, these cowards can't hold out in Checheng, just set firearms outside, I The lances and grenades owned by the Ministry of Defense can only be effective if they are within [-] steps of the enemy. If they can't suppress the enemy's firepower, they can't rush to the car city, so they can't deal with this group of enemy troops."

Huang Lue is the brigade commander of the lieutenant colonel, Lu Xiaotian is the commander of the major regiment, and his qualifications are slightly lower than Huang Lue's, so he dare not take the lead in front of Huang Lue. Saluting, Huang Lue returned the salute casually, and said, "Take me to Cheying,"

A group of cavalrymen and their horses were lying on a field ridge, and one mile to the southwest was the car city of the officers and soldiers. There was a large area surrounded by darkness and a hollow car formation. Hundreds of steps away from Checheng, a group of light cavalry from the Chinese Army was circling around Checheng. When a horn sounded, a group of cavalrymen rushed out from the official army's chariot battalion, trying to rush westward. He got up, stood up with his horse, flew on the horse, and rushed out. Soon, the officer cavalry who tried to break through were shot by lances, and then were overtaken by Andalusian and Arabian horses who were good at short-distance sprints. After the fierce collision and fighting, only a dozen of the hundreds of officer cavalry fled back to Checheng.

"Our current plan is to contain the imperial army here and prevent them from slipping away." Everyone lay down on the field ridge together, and Lu Xiaotian pointed to the direction of Checheng and said: "We have already moved to the southwest, southeast and west. Send out scouting cavalry to prevent the follow-up reinforcements from the official army from suddenly arriving,"

Huang Lue held up the binoculars to observe the Checheng of the officers and soldiers, muttering to himself, "I heard that General Qi Shaobao and Qi came up with this thing, does it seem to be useful?"

Lu Xiaotian took a sip: "This broken car is suitable for being a tortoise. If I didn't underestimate the enemy at the beginning and charged directly at their firearms, how could I damage more than a hundred brothers? However, this team of officers and soldiers They are also well-trained. The scouting cavalry was sent several miles away and found my troops in advance. I didn't know their origins at first, thinking they were troops transporting food and grass, so I didn't charge immediately. If I didn't give them an early warning When the time comes, our cavalry will definitely be able to attack and destroy them on the move before they form a chariot city,"

Huang looked at it for a while, put down the binoculars and said: "The biggest problem with the car battalion is that it needs to form an formation to exert its combat power. In case of a sudden attack while walking, it is probably not enough. It seems that the troops I brought must be suppressed. The firepower of Checheng is also very difficult. When we fought the Sichuan soldiers in the morning, we almost used Thunderbolt rockets and artillery shells. For the current plan, we have to hold off this group of enemy troops first and wait for Brother Zhao's troops. Come up and think of a way,"

He pointed to Checheng and said, "Actually, Checheng is also in trouble now. How much ammunition can they carry? I see them constantly firing guns and artillery, regardless of whether they can hit or not. They don't pay attention to coordinating firepower at all." And saving ammunition, how long can they fight like this, and, without the cooperation of infantry and cavalry, do they really want to hide in the turtle shell for the rest of their lives, where is the intelligence staff? "

A disgraced little officer ran over, saluted and reported.

Huang Lue asked him: "How is the organization of the army's battalion, its strength, and its distribution of firearms?"

"According to the information from the headquarters of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, there are 120 and eight vehicles in each battalion, one for the Chinese army's Wanggan, one for the trolley, two for the drum, one for the seat, four for the general, and four for the sub-medicine. There are four physical carts and four rocket carts, a total of 48. Except for the pole-watching carts, which are spectacular in the camp and are not used for expeditions, the rest must be dispatched. There are four teams for each cart, each with twelve people. A total of 3000 soldiers, the number of soldiers in each battalion of the official army is no more than 700, and the number of soldiers in the car battalion is 7000. In front of us are the rear battalion of the Liaodong General Army and the rear battalion. According to observations, there are still a small number of Shanhaiguan soldiers The total number of cavalry under Junjun's banner is estimated to be more than [-]."

"Officials and soldiers use side-cars, one side with a wall facing outside, surrounded by four sides as a car city, each car has two Buddha wolf machines, eighteen guns with gametes, sixty catties of gunpowder, two hundred pieces of lead, and matchlocks. Ten pieces; four blunderbusses, 120 tubes, four lead bags, four holsters, 24 catties of fine gunpowder, 120 leads, twenty matchlocks; 120 rockets, six matchlocks, ... ...This is shown in the information of the Ministry of Military Intelligence. We can only know about the actual situation of the officers and soldiers opposite our army. Now we can know that the officers and soldiers have general guns with a range of one mile, and there are about four general vehicles. One on each side, according to the rules of the army, the general has three blunderbusses, one for each blunderbuss, and prepares 360 shots of gunpowder, thirty shots in total, four catties of gunpowder for each shot, a total of 950 Jin, [-] five irons, a total of [-], thirty wooden horses, thirty stones, "

Huang slightly nodded and said: "They have been fighting for so long, and it seems that their firepower has not weakened. However, you said that they still have a supply camp, so the reserves of gunpowder and bullets..."

The staff officer unfolded a piece of paper and continued to read: "According to the information, there is a supply battalion for the officers and soldiers, including [-] supply vehicles, each with ten mules, two drum vehicles, one Yuanrong vehicle, and each vehicle is a Buddha wolf. Two machines, each with three soldiers, each with nine blunderbuss, three liang of gunpowder for each, and three hundred for a total of [-] catties, [-] large leads, and five matchlocks.

Eight bird gunners per car: each bird gun has one door, one cleaning rod, thirty drug tubes, one lead bag, one gun case, three hundred gunpowder for every three qian, and another Six taels of medicine, a total of six catties, three hundred pieces of lead, and five matchlocks. In addition, we found that the army's supply battalion should mainly carry food and grass... We estimate that if the firearms of the army maintain such a firing frequency, they can still After fighting for a long time, I personally suspect that it is impossible for the official army's bird guns and Frang machine guns to be filled with [-] rounds of ammunition. Donkeys and mules can't run fast and have poor maneuverability."

Huang Lue and Lu Xiaotian looked at each other, laughed, and made up their minds. Lu Xiaotian said: "I will immediately take people to Baoding, Jingshi, and Tongzhou to guard, and let the light cavalry feint every once in a while."

Huang Lue nodded: "Okay, I will bring my own guards to make a feint attack to consume their ammunition. Brother Zhao Tie will arrive in half an hour. If there is no unexpected situation, we will wait for the officers and soldiers Run out of ammo, then rush in and finish them off,"

The official and army car battalion was buzzing with guns, and the Chinese cavalry kept circling around the car city, consuming the enemy's ammunition. They stayed outside the maximum range of the Frang machine guns and bird guns, and occasionally charged at the car city. All of a sudden, regardless of the officers and soldiers, as long as there are enemy cavalry in front of them, they will fire guns and cannons together.

In fact, there are two layers of car formations in Checheng, and the inner circle of Checheng is the baggage battalion.

When a group of Chinese infantry launched an attack, they used their flintlock muskets to suppress the firepower of the official army on the east side of Checheng by virtue of their range advantage. The Chinese army assembled hundreds of cavalry and planned to charge under the cover of the infantry. Gong Nian, a guerrilla from the rear battalion, gathered all the generals from the other three sides with their guns, blasted cannonballs, and finally drove the Chinese army back.

Zhao Tie's first brigade forcibly exploited some ammunition from the Yishao Sailors and Musketeers who had just arrived, and the artillery battalion gathered the remaining ammunition, and only pushed fifteen artillery carts into battle.

When the sun was about to set in the afternoon, the officers and soldiers’ car battalion began to lose their strength in shooting the surrounding firearms, and gradually lost the momentum of continuous firing. Finally, only intermittent shooting was left. Zhao Tie, Huang Lue, Lu Xiaotian, and others This is the time I've been waiting for.

The remaining shells of the [-]st Brigade and Artillery Battalion were only enough for twenty shots from each of the fifteen field guns; only a little over eighty Thunderbolt rockets remained.

The artillery positions and the vanguard troops of the First Brigade of the Chinese Army are located in the west of Hexiwu Village, and the east of the Guanjun Car Battalion is concentrated. The cavalry regiment has concentrated 2000 cavalry here. The cavalry still circled around Checheng to harass.

The sun is setting in the west, the temperature is dropping, and the wind is biting cold.

Zhao Tie took a deep breath, and said to the surrounding officers: "Wait a minute, the Artillery Battalion will concentrate their firepower to bombard the east side of Checheng, and shoot all the shells in one go."

The commander of the artillery battalion interrupted: "According to the artillery regulations, after firing ten times, you have to water the barrel and rest for a while, otherwise the barrel may explode..."

"Fart, if you can't do it, use your urine to water. Anyway, the bombardment must not stop, and you must continue to shoot if you explode. Brothers, use the rocket salvo as a sign, and all charge. Before the sun sets, the battle is over," Zhao Tie Shouted loudly: "Kill,"

"Kill," all the officers responded, dispersed, and returned to their own troops to command the battle.

A moment later, the field artillery of the Chinese Army opened fire violently within three hundred steps from Checheng. It is about three feet wide in the east center of Guanjunche City.

The five tank tanks of the official army battalion that bear the brunt, together with the soldiers attached to the tanks, were smashed to pieces by the dense shells. Entering the interior of the car camp, the dense crowd in the car city was beaten to pieces of flesh and blood, and the broken limbs and wreckage were scattered everywhere. Immediately, more than [-] Thunderbolt rockets rushed towards the car camp with howling noises. charge.

Thunderbolt rockets ignited several fires in the camp, adding to the chaos.

The artillerymen of the Chinese Army quickly finished firing all the shells. Fortunately, none of the shells exploded.

After the shelling stopped, the officers and soldiers did not start to react until the cavalry of the Chinese Army had rushed 50 steps away from Checheng, and mobilized troops from the other three sides of Checheng to defend. Having an advantage in strength, but unable to quickly make mobile deployments in terms of strength, the Chinese cavalry attacked with a burst of grenades outside Checheng, disrupting the government troops who were trying to block the gap, and then stepped on their bodies, from the east of Checheng. This big gap rushed into the car city.

The infantry of the first brigade of the Chinese Army followed the cavalry and rushed forward with shouts. The blocking firepower of the officers and soldiers was already very weak. , Some overturned the vehicles, some pulled the vehicles away, and entered the car city one after another. In close combat, this army unit was no match for the cavalry and infantry of the Chinese Army.

Before the sun went down, the Liaodong Chariot Battalion of the official army was defeated. Gong Nian, a guerrilla from the rear battalion, overturned a few chariots in the west of Checheng, and fled with his own soldiers. Of the more than 7000 officers and soldiers in the supply camp, 1000 and more were killed, more than 1000 escaped, and the rest became prisoners.

In the battle of the siege of the car camp, the cavalry and infantry of the Chinese Army also suffered more than 500 casualties, which is the largest single-combat casualty data in this northern front battle.

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