Yin Feng in Suzhou also encountered a series of difficult things.

First, discipline in the military began to loosen.

The discipline concept of the Chinese Army is instilled in the soldiers every day. Over the years, it has been deeply rooted in the soldiers' spiritual bone marrow and has become a conditioned reflex. The Chinese company implements a military rotation system. Each unit changes its station every three years and conducts corresponding training. Taiwan There are also rebellions and attacks from Gaoshan tribes and rebellions from Pingpu villages on the island; Luzon and Ryukyu are facing attacks from indigenous tribes and Japanese pirates respectively, and the colonies in Nanyang are facing attacks and harassment from local aborigines and Western powers at the same time. It is said that the Chinese Army is actually in a state of combat all year round.

But this time when stationed in the south of the Yangtze River, the enemy troops facing the imperial court are those garbage troops belonging to the Southern Army. The Southern Army troops with slightly stronger combat effectiveness have been transferred to Beijing. During the month, most of the Chinese garrison had no battles to fight, and they were quickly infected with the gentleness and gentleness that permeated Jiangnan. The peace, prosperity, and gentleness in the towns and cities of Jiangnan they had never seen before.

Due to the strict military discipline of the Chinese Army, the logistics system is completely provided by the logistics troops, which is similar to modernization. There is no need to collect food on the spot, and the army implements a closed centralized garrison away from urban residential areas, so it can basically do no harm to the local area. Moreover, the soldiers and officers of the Chinese Army are well-funded, and the business is fair, which makes the Chinese Army have an excellent reputation.

After dispelling their fear, the common people were full of curiosity about the soldiers of the Chinese Army, and seized every opportunity to interact with the soldiers of the Chinese Army. Soon, some civilian families married with the soldiers of the Chinese Army, and some small businessmen and military officers engaged in trade joint ventures. , Jiangnan Huahua World quickly accepted the existence of the Chinese Army, and wanted to absorb these foreign soldiers as part of Jiangnan.

This caused trouble: Facing the peaceful soldiers and civilians of the country, killing and robbing were activities that soldiers of the Chinese army looked down upon. The main cause of trouble was the soldiers' male instincts.

The soldiers of the Chinese Army who are used to the hard life and the social reality of having more men and fewer girls soon lost themselves in the gentle countryside. There are beautiful women in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are fireworks and willow alleys everywhere in every town, so the Chinese Army barracks will go out and escape. Training, missing nights without authorization, and hooking up with local women gradually caused family turmoil.

Yin Feng came all the way from Nanjing, and has received dozens of such reports. Xu Hongji persuaded him to open the barracks and allow soldiers to marry. Yin Feng worried that this would make the soldiers unwilling to evacuate Jiangnan after the peace agreement was reached. He ordered Zeng Rui A group of people was transferred from the Supervision Department, and Lin Yue, the captain of his own guard, was also assigned to Zeng Rui to form a military police team dedicated to managing military discipline and military style. This was the first time that the Chinese Army formally established a military police force. Dozens of violations of military discipline have been investigated and dealt with. However, for those soldiers who have already married in the local area, Yin Feng has no idea of ​​forcibly breaking up their families. Offset one meritorious service record, privately, Yin Feng sent congratulatory gifts to these soldiers in his own name, making them grateful.

After arriving in Suzhou, Yin Feng discovered that the soldiers under Yan Siqi who were stationed here also had lax military discipline. There were even several meritorious veterans with more than [-] acres of land in their families who bought a house and land in Suzhou City with wealth. , These few are veterans who have fought with Yan Siqi for many years, and they specially transferred the fifth brigade as the backbone of the army.

Yan Siqi complained to Yin Feng: "Most of our brothers in the fifth brigade were landless refugees in the past, and they couldn't even eat their own stomachs; now that they suddenly have money and power, they can still control the things in their crotches. With iron-like military discipline, I am afraid that half of my subordinates will become deserters."

"Where are the veterans?"

"Most of the veterans already have families. Of those investigated by the gendarmerie, one veteran had a concubine, and the rest had no families,"

Yin Feng rubbed his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the scenery of Huqiu outside the window. He also fought in the gentle village last night, and now he still feels a little backache. These days, he has fallen in love with Mei Xinlan's beauty Good body, although Mei Xinlan is a virgin, she passed the procuress in the old alley and has rich theoretical experience on how to satisfy men. Now she is taking practical lessons with Yin Feng.

Yin Feng considers himself not a lecherous person, but he has never been able to resist beautiful women. He couldn't help but blame himself in his heart, and then said to Yan Siqi: "Forget it, Zhenquan, fine them one month's salary and withhold their payment for one month. Combat allowances, stop here, repeat the discipline in the whole army, soldiers who want to marry locals must report to the officers of the headquarters; Prohibition, and also, the army and these local people must make it clear that after the negotiation with the imperial court is over, we may have to withdraw to Taiwan, and they have to go with us. This must be made clear, do you understand?"

At this time, Zeng Rui hurried over, and he could see that his eyes were red and swollen, and his face was full of tiredness.

When Yin Feng saw him, he felt a little embarrassed for no reason, while Zeng Rui said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Feng, we just got the news from Luo Qing, the general soldier of Zhejiang Province, that the imperial emissary for peace talks has been dispatched."

"When did you leave the capital?"

Zeng Rui sat down wearily, grabbed the teapot on the table, took a few sips from the spout, and said, "Maybe I will leave the capital in the next few days and go south. The exact time and route are not yet clear. Our internal line in the palace , the current rank is too low to get definite information, but the messenger of the peace talks has been figured out: University scholar Xu Guangqi, "

"Xu Guangqi," Yin Feng was overwhelmed with surprise, and laughed: "Finally, I can meet him for a while, how could it be him, this is a thankless job."

Yan Siqi had been fiddling with his flintlock pistol, and couldn't help interjecting at this moment and asked, "Boss owner, I've heard you say Xu Guangqi's name several times. Is there anything extraordinary about this man?"

"He is the only Catholic among the high court officials..."

Yan Siqi was taken aback: "What, he's a foreigner,"

"Just from this point, it can be seen that he is extraordinary. Well, Brigadier Yan Siqi, the defense in the northern Zhejiang area still cannot be relaxed. The special battalion has assembled in Songjiang. Before the peace talks are successful, they must hurry up and familiarize themselves with various places in the south of the Yangtze River. In this situation, you have to cooperate with Luo Aquan's actions."


Within half a month, the news that the later imperial court agreed to peace talks with Zhonghua Company quickly spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River and all over the country.

Yin Feng encountered unexpected troubles, which came from within the company's board of directors.

When he visited the garrisons and returned to Nanjing, just after the news of the peace talks spread, Han Ping, Han Jing, An Heping, Li Yue, Li Lihua, Lu Shitou, Huang Cheng, Luo Xuri, and even Bernardo, the only Jewish director, also came. When they arrived in Nanjing, Xu Xinsu, who was in charge of trade affairs with Japan, also came. More than half of the 25 board members came. Except for the directors of the military system, Zhao Tie and Mai Dahai, who could not come to Nanjing, there were a few in Taiwan and Nanyang.

They held a board meeting in Yingtianfu Yamen in Jinling City, and wanted to discuss with Yin Feng the terms of the peace talks with the imperial court. Zeng Qi had left Jiangnan at this time and went to Quanzhou, Fujian, to discuss some secret matters with the Fujian government. Zeng Rui attended the meeting as his representative.

Fujian merchants, represented by Han's father and son and Huang Cheng, stood up and made a public proposal, asking Yin Feng to cede the land in Jiangnan when negotiating with the imperial court, so that Yin Feng could occupy Jiangnan and become king.

Lu Shitou put forward a more moderate opinion: he requested that in the terms of the peace talks, the commercial franchise of the Zhonghua Company in Jiangnan must be included. Grain, handicrafts and other trade.

Yin Feng doubts that with Lu Shitou's insight, he can put forward such a condition: this clause is probably the idea of ​​the Bernard team or Li Lihua.

The merchants of the Chinese company, during the more than half a year of the Jiangnan trade monopoly period, have made a lot of money. Driven by their interests, they finally asked to add their own opinions to the political negotiations. These businessmen were still a little reluctant to rebel against the imperial court and were pushed away by Yin Feng. Now, they took the initiative to stand out and declare their political views.

Yin Feng is in trouble: he hopes to see the class headed by Fujian merchants awaken politically, but they are indeed aware of their own strength politically, but their vision is still too short-sighted, and they only start from their own short-term benefits. There is no overall overall consideration and long-term vision.

"It's good that Mr. Zeng Qi is here," Yin Feng thought. He looked at Zeng Rui and saw that he was confused. I have published the coat of arms according to Jiangnan cracking the soil as the king. I think the court should have known about it. However, have you ever thought about it? Jiangnan is the place where the Taizu of this dynasty achieved great things. Is it possible for the court to cede it to us pirates? ,"

Everyone was silent for a while, and Yin Feng continued: "I just received a Nanyang urgent report: the Dutch in Batavia sent troops to help the Surabaya natives attack my Chinese company's territory, and the British and Portuguese fought in Malacca. , the shells fell into my Chinatown, the French fleet appeared east of the Spice Islands, and the Spanish envoys came to Manila to seek peace. In addition, the Japanese in Luzon Island colluded with the indigenous rebellion, the Wuzhishan District of Hainan Island had a Li rebellion, and the natives of Pingtung, Taiwan Conflict with the tax collectors of our Chinese company, the main force of our army has been stationed in the north and south for a long time, and our base area is empty of troops and troubles continue. The land in the south of the Yangtze River is good, but we have no future if we are trapped in the south of the Yangtze River. Occupy the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River all the way to Hankou, and at the same time occupy Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Nanzhili, otherwise, how much troops will we spend defending such an undefended and well-connected area in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Li Lihua's voice sounded: "I think the evacuation of Jiangnan is temporary, and we will come back sooner or later." As soon as she spoke, everyone knew that the overall situation was settled. After Li Dan gave up most of his property and went away to the Cape of Good Hope, Li Lihua now inherited Li Lihua Dan's shares are justifiably the major shareholders. The combined shares of her, Yin Feng, and Zeng's family, plus the shares of the military directors, can basically control all the resolutions of the board of directors.

In fact, Yin Feng's proposal has never been directly rejected by the board of directors. At most, some content is required to be revised. Although the company's articles of association stipulate that a majority vote can be rejected, Yin Feng's prestige makes him There will be no forced voting. Yin Feng mainly relies on patient persuasion. At most, he will delay the voting for a few days.

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