In order to prepare for the battle of Nanyang at the end of the year, the tutelary offices of Taiwan and Luzon devoted all their efforts to logistical preparations.

The logistics system of the Chinese Army was set up by Yin Feng and established by Zeng Jingshan and Lu Shitou. The pirate leader Lu Shitou was originally the second driver (deputy) in the pirate gang, who was in charge of material logistics and distribution of spoils. Zeng Jingshan was the original The material manager of the Zeng family commercial network, the original escort logistics support work was arranged by the Chinese company, and now the logistics of the Chinese army is in charge of the logistics department of the Chinese army, which governs the military weapons department, the military industry department, the reserve army department, and the grain and grass department The four departments, the Baigong Department of the tutelary mansion, the Reserve Bureau under the Ministry of Security, and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture of the tutelary mansion will mobilize all forces to support them after receiving the order from the logistics department of the Chinese army. With the order of the logistics department, they have the right to Recall any supplies in the company warehouse.

Now, the specific affairs of the tutelary mansion have been taken over by a large number of newly recruited scholars and old boys who failed the imperial examinations. The employees of the Chinese company have basically withdrawn from the civil affairs work. Government work.

After years of experimentation, Zeng Qi and Zeng Jingshan’s government agency establishment work has been on the right track. Yin Feng is starting to transfer the Chinese company’s tax collection rights for major plantation manors and immigrant villages, and various market transaction taxation rights to the guards. The taxation department of the government will make preparations for the complete separation of the tutelary government from the China United Company system in the future.

In the council hall of the former Spanish Governor's Mansion and the current Luzon Township Mansion, Yin Feng convened a meeting of all the civil servants of the tutelary mansion. Councilors elected by major manor owners, immigrant villages, and veterans' Tuntian farms gathered in the front row. Sitting around, everyone was discussing something inexplicably and quietly. About 80 civil servants at all levels of the Luzon tutelary government sat in the middle, looking at each other at a loss.

Yin Feng's face was very ugly, and he was holding a document and looked at it repeatedly. Beside him were Zeng Jingshan, who had the title of the guardian envoy of the Luzon Township Mansion, Li Moge, the director of the Luzon branch's security department, and Yin Feng's secretary. Officer Xu Hongji, his personal advisor Lu Ruohan, a Portuguese missionary, and a foreigner with dark brown hair, high nose bridge, and sunken eye sockets sat at the head: he was 45-year-old Bernardo Caderas, the only A member of the Jewish board of directors and one of the two directors of the Financial Audit Bureau of Zhonghua Company, the other director is Han Jing.

A figure who does not seem to belong on this occasion is An Xiaosi, the director of the Chinese Army's Intelligence Department stationed in Luzon.

Zeng Jingshan and Li Mo's faces were very ugly, and they seemed a little restless.

Yin Feng looked up at the crowd and spoke. The vaulted hall rebuilt from the small church of the Governor's Mansion reflected his voice to every corner: "As the saying goes, being an official for thousands of miles is only for money. Nowadays, all Beijing officials in the Ming court have to There are 30% or 100% of those who rely on entertainment and entertainment to escape from the government and live in debt. Once they lose the official position, the whole family will be in trouble. Therefore, when they are sent out as local officials, they often scrape the land and do everything possible. Ladies and gentlemen The civil servants of the town guards abandoned their families and came to our Luzon to sweat and bleed for the expansion of China's territory. Naturally, I, Yin Feng, can't treat you badly. You have a minimum salary of 1000 taels of silver per month. The minimum red envelope is no less than [-] taels. At the same time, if you have served our company for ten years and have made no mistakes, you can enjoy one piece of dry stock in Zhonghua Company. On the day you become an official, you can get ten dry shares. The person who becomes an official has the highest official rank , you can buy [-] mu of land anywhere under the company's jurisdiction at a low price, you can pay in installments, you can mortgage cash in the bank, and you can be a rich man after returning to your hometown. Ladies and gentlemen, the systems I have formulated are, for everyone, It’s not too thin, isn’t it?”

"However, some of you have any reason to embezzle, and..." Yin Feng said, slapping the table in front of him heavily: "And, you actually embezzled as much as 1 taels of silver at one time,"

The onlookers at the meeting "coaxed," and there was a lot of discussion.

"Damn, the public notice board at the gate of the guardian's mansion says that if you embezzle 100 taels, your head will be beheaded,"

"Who is it, whose family's children, we Anhai merchants' children have always been clean and self-sufficient, they must not belong to our Anhai merchant's family,"

"No, this won't work. I'm a shareholder of the company. I invested 50 shares, 5000 taels of silver. No matter who gets the money, it's all about me,"

"Lord President, who is this person? The financial auditors elected by the council have always inspected the finances of the tutelary mansion once a year. This time the audit period has not yet come. How did the fact of corruption be exposed?" The problem is that a Jewish immigrant named Manuel Baptista Perez, who is now the owner of a sugar cane estate in southern Luzon, was elected by the Luzon Jewish community as a council member. I learned Chinese within a year, and now I can express my opinions in fluent Chinese.

In order to escape the religious persecution of the Catholics the year before, Perez fled to Taiwan from Lima, Chile, a Spanish territory in South America, with his family property and trade network. He came to Taiwan on a Dutch pirate ship and defected to Cadera. Perez, born in 1583, belonged to a branch of a prominent Neo-Christian family, who had visited Coimbra and then Seville before coming to Lima in 1616. Leah, together with a large group of Jewish "new Christian" relatives and friends, Perez established a business network across Europe and America, operating a large number of various businesses, including via Cartagena and La The slave trade from Plata to the Atlantic Islands, the mining of silver in the Andes, and the great plantations at Bocanegra near Lima.

The Spaniards were defeated twice by the Chinese Army on Luzon Island. In addition to the loss of nearly [-] troops and dozens of warships, the large amount of military expenditure caused the Spanish American colonial government to carry a heavy financial deficit and owed the domestic nobles Wealthy businessmen and large sums of money from abroad. In order to raise funds, the Spanish government once again began to persecute the Jews, confiscating Jewish properties and using them to pay off debts. From this point of view, before Yin Feng and the Chinese company appeared, China’s overseas The situations of merchants and Jews are very similar.

The Inquisition estimated that Nuel Baptista Pérez's property was worth about 1617 ducats in 650. The Inquisition recorded an art gallery and a drawing room in his property, and his There are also many books in the property, including religious readings, pure literature and a large number of historical books about Asia and Europe. In 000, when the Chinese army and the imperial court went to war, the Portuguese New Christians in Mexico and Peru were persecuted by the Inquisition. They were tied to the stake and burned to death in batches. In 1617 alone, more than 1617 people were arrested in Lima. These arrested people were accused of conspiring to overthrow the governor. After reading a letter from Bernardo, he knew that there was a land of freedom for the Jews in the far east. Therefore, when the persecution began, he left his real estate and fled. He crossed the Pacific Ocean and came to Taiwan. Luzon bought 100 acres of land to start sugar cane plantations and sugar mills.

Council members who expressed displeasure at the corruption incident chattered incessantly.

"Boom," a loud knocking sound came from among the members of the council, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a white-haired, short but energetic old man standing up with a pale face.

This little old man is a representative of the few members of the former Linfeng Fleet stranded in the Philippines. Zhang Wei, who once served in the Chinese company's capture of Manila, is now in his 60s and has lived in Luzon Island for most of his life. Now he has led the The 1 taels of silver shares given by the company bought more than 500 mu of land in the plain north of Manila for the elderly.

At this moment, Zhang Wei was full of shame, gritted his teeth and looked at the crowd of civil servants. The people around him became quiet, and Zhang Wei left his seat and walked forward, knelt down in front of Yin Feng, and was about to kowtow.

Yin Feng immediately jumped up and quickly supported him: "Uncle Zhang, you don't have to be like this, you are a hero of the Zhonghua Company, so don't be like this,"

Zhang Wei refused to stand up, tears streaming down his face: "Captain, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for the company,"

Yin Feng shook his head, and pulled up Zhang Wei's sluggish body with all his strength: "You didn't apologize to me or the company, this matter has nothing to do with you,"

Zhang Wei straightened up suddenly, and opened his eyes wide: "Captain, you are so kind to us, the blessings that the little old man has today are all your gifts, I beg you to let my nephew go this time," he turned At the meeting, he yelled at one of the civil servants in the town guard's mansion: "You don't have a conscience, don't get out and kowtow to the captain."

A 30-year-old civil servant crawled up to Yin Feng, knelt down and kowtowed: "...the captain, please forgive me, please forgive me."

Yin Feng looked at him with a sneer and shook his head: "Zhang Jungui, whose name is Renxiao, has served as the guardian of Luzon for 40 years in Wanli. The reserve should have started half a year ago. You used your authority to smuggle materials and resell them in the market, and deducted the amount of materials collected for other purposes. The amount involved is probably more than 1 now."

"Damn me, Captain, spare me,"

Yin Feng pulled up Zhang Wei who was about to kneel down, and said seriously: "Although you found and recommended your nephew to me, I have already found out that his mistake this time has nothing to do with you. Don’t engage in such things as implicating the nine clans. Two interns newly graduated from the Political Academy were interns in Zhang Jungui’s Material Management Bureau, which made them discover your corruption and your subordinates who are in collusion with you and are all corrupt. Two young people reported you, which led to your corruption case being exposed. Okay, Uncle Zhang, merit is merit and demerit is demerit, and one yard is worth one yard. Zhang Jungui committed a crime and deserved it. The ministry is going to interrogate the case, and after the conviction, the Chinese company regulations will be enforced," he said.

No matter how Zhang Wei pleads, he is even willing to give all his shares and land to the company for free, but Yin Feng is not allowed to use any reason to plead guilty. This is the first large-scale case involving multiple In the corruption case of officials, in the end, these people were all executed, and they were shot in front of the newly built Guandi Temple.

In his previous life, Yin Feng was expelled from an important media unit for reporting on corruption. He was originally disgusted with corruption, so he mercilessly implemented the laws and regulations he set. Afterwards, some people complained that he must not think of meritorious officials. He pushed back the old love angrily: "We haven't got the world yet, if corruption is allowed to prevail now, then what difference will there be between our world and the world of the Ming Dynasty?"

After this incident, he set up a policy of recommending independent auditors in the Luzon and Taiwan tutelary government councils to monitor the expenses of the tutelary government and have the right to report directly to the company's board director and the Chinese military leader. in all cases,

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