When the Chinese army assembled its forces in Belitung.The Aceh Army landed at Pongol, 16 miles southeast of Malacca.Advance towards Malacca Fort.The commander of the Portuguese colonial province of Malacca, De Francisa, could only lead 200 Portuguese soldiers to go out to resist.Only 5000 Portuguese troops.He insisted on blocking 20 Aceh troops on the beach outside Malacca Castle for [-] days.

Iskandar Muda, the Sultan of Aceh, has dropped his airs about calling himself an "invincible warrior".Send people to ask the Dutch and French for help.Hope they send troops ashore to help.The Dutch and the French are only willing to stay on the warships in the Strait of Malacca.Fired cannons to cheer the Sultan of Aceh.

Commander De Fang Xisha became sick from overwork.Due to illness, the Malacca City Defense Commander De Maya took over the command.The young commander had paid for the position at a Goan official auction (Portuguese lordships were sold at public auctions).He is an ignorant aristocratic playboy.He first led troops to fight.He was defeated by the Aceh army.So 3000 people from the Aceh Army entered Sanbao Mountain.Iskandar Muda, the Sultan of Aceh, established his headquarters in the church on the mountain named after Zheng He.Another Portuguese general, Vevos, led 350 sergeants to garrison the Chari stronghold outside Malacca Castle.It was also defeated by the Aceh army.The Aceh army then occupied Mount St. John.Destroy the cathedral on the hill.And condescendingly menacing the downtown area.Borrowing Dutch cannons to bombard Malacca Castle.Malacca is in critical condition.

at this moment.The Malacca Task Force of the Chinese Army suddenly appeared.There are a total of three battleships Feizi, one battleship Yuanzi, more than 30 schooner cruisers and Fuchuan gunboats, hundreds of fast ships and auxiliary ships.The mighty fleet rushed in from the east mouth of the Strait of Malacca.Naval battles were waged with Dutch, French, and Aceh fleets.

The combined fleets of the Netherlands and France totaled no more than a dozen warships.The only battleship that can compete with the battleship class is the Dutch Hector.In naval battles.The Chinese Army has no reason to let people.With the advantage of quantity and quality.Sink all enemy ships.Those Aceh sampans and dinghies.There is no chance to fight at all.Part of it was destroyed by artillery fire from Chinese warships.The rest of the half fled.The Aceh navy admiral captured the Chinese warship.After the destruction of the combined fleet of the Dutch and French.Only a few escaped back to Sumatra.Those who survived were captured by the Chinese.

Control of the Straits of Malacca fell into Chinese hands within a day.This time.The Aceh Sultan's landing force near the Malacca Citadel was left alone.

Iskandar Muda, the Sultan of Aceh, dreams of restoring the former borders of the prosperous kingdom of Malacca.His dream was the same as that of Madaram Sultan Agung.Untimely.It happened to meet Yin Feng and the rise of Zhonghua Company.If there is no Yin Feng.They are on the original historical track.They can still lead each other for decades.Yin Feng did not give them a chance.The Chinese army swarmed in.All of a sudden, the Sultan of Aceh, who "has no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings", was beaten back to his original form.Zhao Tie landed in Malacca with two elite infantry regiments of the first division.Mount St. John was easily recaptured in the first battle.

Zhao Tie felt that beating Aceh people was not enjoyable.Divide the troops into four: a regiment of the main force passed through the Malacca Castle and went north.In one fell swoop, the coalition forces of the Malay Peninsula states gathered in the north of Malacca were defeated.The Sudanese small confederacy forces such as Johor, Pahang, Dingjanu, Kelantan, Shenandoah, and Perak suffered heavy losses.The Sultan of Pahang fought back on the spot.Standing on the side of the Chinese and the Portuguese.Turn your face and fight with yesterday's allies.

Another Chinese army attacked Sanbaoshan at night with a battalion of troops.Almost captured the Sultan of Aceh.The Aceh army was defeated.Only a few hundred people remained to protect Sultan Iskandar and flee to Johor.Unexpectedly, the Pahang army who had defected before the battle intercepted them halfway.After capturing the Sultan of Aceh.It was given to the Chinese Army as a vote certificate.The Chinese Army also defeated the Kelantan Sultan's army in pursuit.The Sultan of Kelantan was captured.Zhao Tie also unceremoniously captured the new governor of Aceh in Johor.Casually announced that the former Johor Sultanate has become the direct jurisdiction of the Chinese company.As a reward for Pahang.Zhao Tie assigned part of Kelantan to the Pahang Sultanate.

The Portuguese armed fleet that came from Goa was commanded by Botero.Five armed merchant ships converged with more than a hundred warships of the Chinese Army in Malacca.Then.The Chinese fleet swept across the entire coast of the Malay Peninsula.Killed all the way to the coastline of Pattani.Then.The Sino-Portuguese joint fleet went south to Sumatra.Pull out the strongholds of the Dutch and French in Aceh one by one.The Chinese company took the opportunity to restore its strongholds in Aceh and Old Port.Re-opened the Zhonghua Commercial Center.And all the Dutch business houses in Sumatra were driven away.

While Yin Feng led this large force to capture Kerta, the capital of Madalan.The First Division of the Chinese Army entered and occupied Malacca.Unceremoniously took over all important points of the fortress.

Since the Governor of Malacca is currently absent.Zhao Tie impatiently handed over a document to the seriously ill Portuguese commander De Francisa: the main part of this document is the procedure for Portugal to transfer the Malacca colony to the Chinese company.The reason is the concessions made by Chinese companies for the Portuguese in Asian trade over the past ten years.and the cost of the war.at the same time.Special clauses are attached: allowing Portuguese businessmen to trade tax-free in Malacca for ten years.

The Portuguese have nothing to complain about.The front door drives away the wolf, and the back door enters the tiger.I only have a few hundred tired soldiers left.Five armed merchant ships; but the Chinese army facing them has more than a hundred warships and more than a thousand cannons.Three thousand infantry soldiers armed to the teeth have already occupied the dove's nest.The Portuguese Commander-in-Chief de Francisas represented the Governor of Malacca.Reluctantly signed the transfer agreement.these years.Yin Feng's Portuguese level has not improved much.This document was drafted by Li Lihua.She is careful with a woman.Write each clause clearly.Didn't show any kindness to the Portuguese.All the military fort strongholds, arsenals, gunpowder depots, material warehouses, churches, etc. attached to the Malacca castle were all taken over by the Chinese army.Not a single nail was spared.

At the city defense handover ceremony.Zhao Tie announced to the merchants and Portuguese colonists from various countries present the "Maritime Regulations" drafted by Yin Feng: in the western Pacific Ocean east of Malacca.From Japan in the north to Java in the south.within the scope of this sea area.Goods shipped from Europe to China must be shipped by Chinese ships or ships from the original commodity-producing country; all goods shipped from Asia, Africa, and America to China and the Chinese colonies.Must be transported by Chinese ships or ships of Chinese colonies; goods exported to China must also be transported by Chinese ships.etc.The Portuguese are only allowed to operate the route from Malacca to Macau to Nagasaki, Japan.from now on.China's coastal foreign trade ports mainly include Taiwan Port, Manila, Malacca, and Banten.Foreign merchant ships in these places can dock for trade after paying taxes.The ships of all countries go out of the tribute ships of Siam and other countries.No more shipments to Guangzhou are allowed.

Zhonghua company with this announcement.Announced the implementation of the company's comprehensive monopoly policy on international trade in East Asia.

Yin Feng was at the time when Zhao Tie divided his troops to attack the various states in the Malay Peninsula.He left Kirta with his guards.Return to Semarang to meet Li Lihua.Li Lihua brought representatives of the four major Chinese families in Surabaya from Surabaya.Pay homage to Yin Feng face to face.And signed the Grand Alliance Agreement: Henceforth.Chinese families in Surabaya will abide by the laws and regulations of Chinese companies.

Yin Feng established Central Java County in Semarang.Semarang City is the seat of the county.Confiscate all the land of the original Semarang indigenous landowners as owned by the Chinese company.The fields were then allocated to the more than 1 immigrants brought by the first immigrant fleet.

at the same time.Local garrisons were also established.Take some troops from the original Nanyang Brigade as the backbone.

The news of Yan Siqi's defeat of Madalan's army under the city of Cirebon came.This made Yin Feng leave Semarang early.Go to Cirebon for inspection.Then.He was on the battleship Dingyuan.Along the coastline, we came to the Java Sea in the north of Batavia.

The Dutch in Batavia were completely desperate.

The news of the total destruction of the Dutch fleet at Malacca had reached Batavia.The news of the defeat of Madalan's army and the fall of the capital has also come.The French sent people to contact the Chinese company in the commercial hall in Banten.Has taken the initiative to seek peace with the Chinese.

the whole of Java.Only the Madalans and the Dutch continued to fight.

When Yin Feng brought the main force of the Nanyang Fleet to the sea of ​​Batavia.Except for some Malay states that have not yet surrendered, the whole of Nanyang has not yet surrendered.Only the Dutch are still fighting the Chinese in Batavia.Sultan Agung of Madalan when he was on the run from the hill tribes of Central Java.He was caught up by Luo Aquan's special battalion.Secretly killed at the foot of a volcano.He excused that it was killed by the Shengpan of the Brian'an Mountain Tribe.A generation of Javanese strongmen and wise monarchs of the Madalan Dynasty were killed inexplicably and miraculously.All the great achievements of Wang Baxiongtu and the destruction of the city and the country were all in vain.The Madalan dynasty ended in three generations.The feudal dynasty that was forcibly held together by force disintegrated almost instantly.Its regime completely collapsed under the joint attack of the Chinese army and many native states.Henceforth.No Javanese state could ever relive the Madalam dream of unity.

The Dutch of this era were a seafaring nation across the oceans.It is also a nation that can tenaciously resist to the end in the war.The fighting spirit fostered by the half-century-long War of Independence against Spanish rule has not been lost.The Dutch in Batavia are now counting on reinforcements from the African Cape Colony.He even pinned his hopes on reinforcements from Europe.Batavia has been run by the Dutch for many years.It is indeed easy to defend but difficult to attack.The heavy siege artillery of the Chinese army has not yet arrived.Therefore, although many Chinese army troops have rushed to Batavia.For a while, there was no result.The Dutch are still there.

The Haizi communication ship sent several documents.Yin Feng was very anxious after watching it.Keep urging Ye Hua and Li Xing to quickly deal with the Dutchman in Batavia.

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