Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 365 The New Goal of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War

After Yan Siqi read the general situation in Liaodong summarized by the Ministry of Military Intelligence, he said decisively: "I don't think they can win,"

Yin Feng secretly nodded in praise, and asked calmly: "Why do you believe that the army will be defeated, and North Korea also sent troops to help the war, plus the total strength of the army is around [-], while the report of the Ministry of Military Intelligence mentioned that the number of Jurchen Eight Banners is only [-]?" , there is a big difference in the strength of the troops, "

Yan Siqi knew that this was Yin Feng's test for him, and said with a smile: "In the battle in the eastern suburbs of the capital, the ratio of the enemy to us was almost seven to one. Didn't our army win the battle as usual? Your captain is easy to say... The 3 soldiers of the Jurchen Eight Banners in Jianzhou are all elites fighting in their hometown. Naturally, they have an advantage over the Ming army who came from afar. The Ming army sent troops to attack Jianzhou Jurchen since the end of last year. Troops have been recruited one after another, and now more than half a year has passed, but there is still no movement. It is inevitable that the army will be stationed in the border area for a long time, and the veterans of the division will be tired; As far as he was a soldier, he had only trained a few times in the past few years, and his knives and guns were all rusted. It would be a strange thing if such a tired army who lacked pay, training, weapons, and discipline could win, "

Yin Feng nodded: "You are right, but no matter which side wins, it will definitely attack our territory in Jinzhouwei in southern Liaoning, and there is only a regiment of the Second Division and a branch of the Northern Fleet there. The fleet is stationed ... and, I think the bigger problem is North Korea,"

Yan Siqi was taken aback: "North Korea, according to the intelligence, the Korean vassal state sent troops to help the court, this..."

Yin Feng sneered and said: "The so-called aid to the war in North Korea, I think it is half-hearted. If the Ming army is defeated, they will definitely surrender; After negotiating the conditions with the imperial court, once they send troops to help and the imperial court can win, then the next step is to deal with our Chinese army in order to retake Jeju Island from us; Surrender, and certainly on the condition of helping them defeat our army,"

Yan Siqi blinked: "Boss owner, what do you mean: the war between us and North Korea and Jianzhou Jurchen is inevitable,"

Yin Feng nodded; "There is also the Ming court, you forgot to add the court, if we want to keep Jinzhou, the gateway to Bohai Bay, and Jeju Island, then war with these three is inevitable, regardless of Ming Dynasty North Korea or the Jurchens are victorious, now it seems possible to drag North Korea into their own chariot, and then start a war against us, "

Yin Feng patted a pile of documents in front of him, and said to Yan Siqi with a cold face: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, you have already understood what I mean, the new soldiers for you are all recruited from the north, There are also some prisoners of the Nine Frontier Army who have been screened and are of good quality. They are all suitable for fighting in the north. I originally planned to let you go to Jiangnan, but I just considered that there will be little war in Jiangnan in the near future, so now I decided to let your troops go. Liaodong, the first division and the second division will participate in the future war in the Northeast. In the past few months, your most urgent task is to train the newly recruited soldiers well, do you understand?"

Yan Siqi still had a relaxed expression on his face: "As long as there is a war to fight, I can do whatever I want. My military exploits will be allocated to Liaodong in the future. I heard that the plains there are rich and fertile. It must be oily,"

Yin Feng scolded with a smile: "A kid who doesn't want to make progress, he wants to retire at a young age. The land in the northeast was not well developed by the Ming Dynasty, so the Liaodong capital had to rely on the transportation of food and salaries in the customs. What a waste. Waste, it's time to change people to manage this treasure land in the Northeast, where there are iron ore and coal mines that cannot be dug for hundreds of years, hehe... and the oil field in Daqing..."

Yan Siqi's eyes widened and he asked again and again: "Boss, are there iron ore mines and coal mines in Liaodong? Where is Daqing? What kind of oil fields are grown? How do you know these things?"

Yin Feng realized that he had slipped his tongue, and quickly got up to coax people: "Where are there so many problems, hurry up, go and do your work, don't hang around all the time... Am I paying your salary for nothing?"


Regarding the information on North Korea, apart from the recent information obtained by the Chinese Army from Jurchen merchants, envoys and merchants from the Tsushima and Satsuma domains of Japan, the information on the geographical situation of the mountains and rivers was provided by Luo Quanxiu, the former battalion commander of the Yiwu Bird Battalion, and his old subordinates. Yes, these inheritors of Qi Jiguang's military tradition, veterans of the War to Resist the Japanese and Aid the Korean War, as part of the Southern Aid Army, followed the Ming Dynasty army from north to south throughout North Korea, and Japanese pirates on that land The battle was fought for several years.

A new training plan for the entire army has been issued. The sixth and third divisions will mainly fight in the south in the future. The content of their training has begun to be different from that of the northern troops. Yan Siqi's fifth division is temporarily stationed in the north of Taiwan Harbor. In the southern area of ​​Fanguo, intensive tactical training is being carried out, and he has not even returned to his own home a few times. His wife: the personal maid of Zeng Jing, the wife of the former owner of the ship, and now the financial steward of the palace, Ruier, is very dissatisfied. , complained to Li Lihua several times, and finally Yin Feng personally said: allow Yan Siqi to take a three-day vacation.

The logistics department, combat department, military supervision department, and military intelligence department of the old battalion of the Chinese Army are all busy, and they have not been idle at all because of the end of the Nanyang War.

Lu Shitou, the head of the logistics department, is now 50 years old, but he is still full of energy and hard work. Due to his age and knowledge, some of the material allocation and distribution tasks involving complex calculations are all done by a group of logistics graduates from the Chinese Military Academy who are below the deputy head. In the process, none of the directors of the four functional departments of the Armament Department, the Military Industry Department, the Reserve Army Department, and the Food and Grass Department is over 25 years old. Settling down in Taiwan, they plan to become naturalized in China; most of the rest of the staff officers have graduated from military academies in the past ten years, and the oldest is only 29 years old. For the four divisions, the Military Judiciary Division, Zeng Rui, who was originally in charge, was transferred to the Intelligence Department. The current head of the Military Supervision Department is Cao Tai. The Guard Division is now independent and has established the Jinghai Palace Guards. The captain is 23 years old this year. Lin Tianping, one of the sons of the Lin family in the Yazhou Guards, the nephew of Lin Yue, the former captain of the guards, is also the nephew of Lin Xiao, the head of the company's security department and business affairs department. After graduating from a short-term specialist training, he is now the director of the Gendarmerie Department of the Military Supervision Department. He is already a person who everyone in the Chinese Army will tense up and deal with carefully.

In short, in the infantry and navy of the Chinese Army, except for the senior officers of the field troops, most of the middle and lower-level officers in other departments are under 30 years old, well-versed in both Chinese and Western, broad-minded, full of vigor and self-confidence Young people, grassroots officers and non-commissioned officers, most of them have graduated from military academies or have undergone short-term training, and they are all experienced in fighting on the battlefield. Grassroots officers will survive the constant war environment, and have the opportunity to produce some talented generals. In terms of this virtuous circle of military training systems, the military system of the Ming Dynasty has no improvement other than waiting for geniuses to fall from the sky. of hope.

There is one person who has seen this clearly, and that is the veteran general Chen Di who has been eating free food by Yin Feng's side since he first started his family.

At the time when the Chinese army was stepping up training, the 80-year-old general Chen Di died of illness in Quanzhou City in August. He finally failed to persuade Yin Feng to surrender to the court. He saw the birth of a strong army that he had dreamed of. But this army is the enemy of the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, the more battles this army becomes stronger, the more battles it fights, the more military talents will emerge; and the Chinese Military Academy is like a machine for producing excellent military talents, constantly adding strength to the Chinese Army, and the Ming Dynasty has all kinds of military talents from east to west, north and south. There was a war, and the imperial court was busy all day raising wages and adjusting troops. No one considered the overall military training plan.

In the current Ming court, there is only one person who is still thinking about training the new army, and that is Xu Guangqi, who is specially appointed to appease the imperial envoy of the pirates and holds the title of minister.

Before Chen Di died, he wrote a letter to his good friend Shen Yourong, the general of Fujian Province, strongly emphasizing the necessity of the imperial court opening the sea and prohibiting the training of new troops. However, Shen Yourong's current jurisdiction is only the northern half of the Fujian Chief Secretary's jurisdiction , and it is still unable to involve the coastal areas. The officers and soldiers under him, whether soldiers or mid-level and lower-level officers, continue to go to the opposite Taiwan. The food and silver for the yamen servants can hardly be paid out, and the lives of those soldiers are almost miserable. Whether they go to the opposite side to change their uniforms to serve as soldiers and eat food, or go to work in the factory, or go to the Chinese company to farm the farmland, they live a good life It is much better than the medicine that can only get half a year's salary a year in the Ming army barracks.

The only thing Shen Yourong is doing now is to do his best to maintain it; it is just to maintain the remaining strength of Fujian officers and soldiers from disbanding on the spot. Yu Zigao is now a guerrilla of the Funing Guard, and he has started to climb up the ranks of the Ming Dynasty army again. In Yu Zigao's mind, the ambition to reform the military and weapons and tactics no longer exists.

Over the years, the pawns that Shen Yourong had deployed in the Zhonghua Company had stopped contacting him one after another. According to his knowledge, among the details of his development, Chen Dong was the one who rose to the highest position in the Zhonghua Company. He was already the governor of Hainan In charge, Chen Dong was also the most thorough in drawing a line with Shen Yourong. Not only did he secretly move all his family members in Fuzhou to Taiwan, but he also secretly killed the contacts sent by Shen Yourong as spies. After receiving Chen Di's letter, Shen Yourong I couldn't sleep for several nights in a row; one was shocked by the current power of Taiwan Zhonghua Corporation, and the other was moved by the spirit of loyalty embodied in Chen Di's proposal.

In recent years, Shen Yourong can only understand the internal situation of Zhonghua Company through the few words of businessmen and traveling scholars.

A few days later, Shen Yourong took Yu Zigao on the road to Nanjing under the pretext of going to the Nanjing Military Department to ask for food and wages, and wrote a letter to Xu Guangqi in advance,

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