Five days after Yin Feng, the President of the Chinese Army and Prince of Jinghai, took back in Macau, he received Shi Daxuan’s report on the operation from the communication ship. Yes, the action was fast and fierce, and all the ships anchored in the port of Macau were seized. No, the commander of the trading fleet to Japan has already confessed after being captured," he handed over Shi Daxuan's report to Zeng Mountain.

Zeng Shan took a look, frowned, with a look of suspicion on his face: "You can only buy 100 taels of silver for a thousand-jin bronze cannon. What's the difference between this and sending it away? Also, the person who made the deal for the government was the Guo Jujing, a foreign monk of the Jesuit Society, and Li Zhizao, an official of the imperial court, this matter is related to the Jesuit Society of the Western Catholic Church, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Yin Feng smiled coldly: "This Guo Jujing is mostly self-assessed, and Li Zhizao and Xu Guangqi are fellow believers and members of the government. It is understandable to do so, but it is necessary to beat the foreign monks of the Jesuits. Yes, they are still on two boats, it is necessary to force them to choose a side, and tomorrow morning, call Taiwan Bishop Ballades and Vicar Jin Nige, "

"Then, what about the Jiangnan gentry who paid for the court's military training? people want to participate,"

"Disqualify them from participating in the auction, and tell them straightforwardly: Either make a fortune with the Chinese company, or send money to the court to fight against us,"

Zeng Shan took out a document and said with a bitter face: "Although the Nanyang war has robbed the savings of three generations of Madalan kings, we have to resettle war refugees, arrange 1500 new immigrants from Nanyang, and The construction of the Malacca fortress is a huge deficit, and this year's military expenditure is estimated to exceed [-] million taels of silver, and we all rely on this Nanyang land auction to earn back."

Yin Feng sat on his chair, patted a large pile of documents on the table and said: "This is only temporary. The company's revenue this year may be less than half compared to last year. Nanyang has just been pacified, and money is needed everywhere. However, next year Westerners will have to do business according to our monopoly prices. Spice Islands, Javanese spices, our tea, porcelain, and silk will all increase in price next year by [-]% to [-]%. Don’t forget about the expenses of the Nanyang Raiders. From now on, the daily necessities consumed by the kings of Nanyang and the aborigines of various islands are all monopolized by our Chinese company. The Western powers bought them at a low price from our Chinese merchants. No matter how high the price is, it will never happen again,"

Zeng Shan still looked worried: "The Nanyang market is occupied by us Chinese. Don't you worry that these Westerners will stop doing business with us because of this?"

Yin Feng laughed. He was very confident that he would ignore Zeng Shan's worries. In the seventeenth century, China had an extremely strong position in the world trade structure: Chinese products, regardless of product quality or commodity variety, were in the global market. This is the only one in the world that has no branches. Western powers can’t find any products that can replace Chinese products in other parts of the world. If you want to make a fortune, you can only buy and sell Chinese products. The price of Chinese products is high, and Europeans still want to buy them. The big deal for merchants is to raise prices in the European retail market, so that those European kings and nobles and big merchants will spend more money, and then those kings, nobles and merchants will exploit a little more in other colonies, that’s all. Silver and gold-silver ratios are very high all over the world, and labor is too cheap. Therefore, Chinese goods have always been synonymous with cheap and good quality in the eyes of Westerners. The price was severely lowered earlier, and now they take advantage of the opportunity to monopolize the market. Therefore, raising the price a little bit will not have much impact on the enthusiasm of businessmen from various countries to buy and sell Chinese goods.

In England in another time and space, whole boats and boats of silver were used to buy Chinese goods. They bought Chinese tea, porcelain, silk, etc. like a demon. The trade deficit was in a mess, and finally they were forced to use opium to hit the Chinese market... …

Yin Feng smiled confidently and said: "Lao Liu, don't worry, this year's war has spoiled a lot of business, the price of Chinese goods in the Western market has risen to what extent, next year those Western businessmen will only come more ...Okay, don't worry, you immediately write to Ji Zai and Mr. Xu in Jiangnan, as well as Mai Xiaoliu, asking them to continue negotiating with the court. go to the army,"

"Don't you need to do something to the new army? Those Jiangnan gentry who paid for the court to train troops, what should they do?"

Yin Feng thought for a while and said: "We are still negotiating peace with the imperial court, and we can't attack Zhejiang outrageously. Besides, I don't believe that under the system of the Ming court, any new army can be trained. As for the gentry and wealthy businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River, Anyone in the area under the jurisdiction of the Jiangnan Shoufu will have their homes ransacked, and then rushed to the government-ruled area. You don’t need to be polite to them. As for those outside the area under the jurisdiction of the Zhenshoufu, we can’t reach them, and we don’t care about them. However, Zhonghua Company has since cut off business with them We can’t let them earn our money and then use it to beat us,”


The autumn sun shines on the earth, and by the beach of Luermen Creek, many children about ten years old are running and playing happily on the grassy beach. This is a picnic for more than a hundred students from the primary school directly under the Taiwan company.

Not far away under a forest, Yin Feng sat on the ground in a good mood, looking at the groups of children.

Zeng Shan was sitting next to Yin Feng. He had a habit of going crazy, and he was sitting cross-legged and drinking without any scruples at the moment, while saying to Yin Feng: "There is no discrimination in education. All the company's children and the Chinese Army's children can enroll for free. , the government funded the establishment of elementary schools, primary schools, middle schools, technical schools, universities, and military academies, and poor people can also go to school. There are too few teachers, Your Majesty..."

"You should still call me Afeng, Brother Feng or something, and the king sounds awkward... don't talk about decency, dignity, you and I don't need these things, let's talk about it when there are outsiders... the Ming Dynasty Scholars are all private schools or family heirlooms, and Guozijian is just a decoration now. Scholars don’t understand anything except stereotyped articles. Before the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there were mathematics and medicine in the imperial examinations. You are a fool, you don't hear things outside the window, you don't know what the outside world is like at all... Humph, you used to be like this, thinking that the world is only my country, and the rest of the world is barbarians... When the barbarians came to the door, they thought they were number one in the world..."

Yin Feng also picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

Zeng Shan smiled, glanced at You Wenhui who was busy painting not far away, pointed to the Chinese missionary of the Jesuits and said, "It seems that the Jesuits have already compromised, and they have promised to provide a better service for our university. The school has provided science teachers, and Guo Jujing is about to leave Macau to come to Taiwan,...Brother Feng, what is this science? Is it different from what is taught in technical schools? Aren’t there also foreign teachers in technical schools?

Yin Feng doesn't know how to explain it. Based on his university experience in the original time and space, his understanding of the science of that era refers to "modern western science". The world of later generations is the world after the development of modern western science. "Science" has no chance, so his science education plan is to fully introduce Western modern scientific theories. Although Western science in this era is also in the formative stage, the reality is that there is no choice, and we cannot wait for Western science to develop and mature. Let’s introduce it again. Fortunately, at least at this stage, China’s technological level is basically the same as that of the West, and it is slightly higher. The technological gap is not big.

"Look, it seems to be Qian'er, Qian'er is fighting with other children," Zeng Shan exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? Girls are fighting," Yin Feng stood up and saw that a group of children on the river beach had really huddled together. His precious daughter was surrounded by a group of boys and girls, big and small, and they were beating up another group. Child, he scratched his scalp and couldn't believe his eyes. His daughter who was less than ten years old, Yin Qian with bright white teeth, big eyes and long hair, was directing a group of half-sized kids to besiege a group of boys, surrounded by Qian'er. There are far more people around than the other party, most of them are boys. Chen Zhongji's ten-year-old son, Chen Kangxin, follows her closely, and Kabilo, the mixed-race black child of the black guard captain Magaro, protects Qian'er on the left and right. Er has the posture of a commander, instructing his playmates to rush forward, and several teachers in Confucian uniforms are in a hurry, trying to persuade and fight.

Yin Feng held Zeng Shan back: "Forget it, the kid is playing around, don't worry about him, but our Qianqian has some leadership skills..."

Zeng Shan looked at Yin Feng strangely: "This, this is also considered leadership, and this is too uneducated. How do elementary school teachers teach..."

"Come on, don't worry about the child's nature. My father-in-law told me back then that you could recite the Three Character Classic when you were four years old. Didn't you still grab it with Zeng Rui when you were ten years old?"

Zeng Shan blushed: "That's not what you said... Your uncle is really, why do you talk about everything?"

Suddenly, a black-clothed personal guard ran over from the edge of the woods, stood at attention and saluted Yin Feng: "The Ministry of Military Intelligence has urgently notified that there is a situation in Liaodong."

Yin Feng's face darkened, and he shook his head helplessly: "It's hard to steal a picnic, hey, prepare your horse and go back to the palace."


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