At the end of the year, Yin Feng brought the main force of the First Division to Jinzhouwei, the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula.

Li Lihua, who had just taken over as the director of the Overseas Bureau of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, came with him. By the way, Yin Feng also brought his precious daughter Qian'er.

Yin Qian set off a big disturbance in Taiwan's Zhonghua Company Elementary School: One day, in order to vent her anger for the bullied Siraya indigenous children, she called together all the children who admired her, as well as the son of the black guard captain Magaro as the leader. A group of mixed-race black children fought fiercely with a group of military children on campus.

Seeing that her side suffered from physical disadvantages due to her young age, Qian'er tried to lure several leading boys from the other side into the pre-arranged trap, and then launched a counterattack to disrupt the other side's camp, digging traps to hunt prey. One of the skills learned, Chen Kangxin, the child of Chen Zhongji and the indigenous wife Xilan of Mujialiuwan Village, has learned to understand this technique since he was 5 years old, and he is one of Yin Qian's most loyal followers.

It was just a group fight, but one of the two boys who fell into the trap broke his ankle bone, and one of them was Yan Siqi's son. Yin Feng was very headache because of this, but Yan Siqi laughed out loud when he heard the news. He scolded his son: "It's so useless, even girls can't beat it,"

Because of this, Qian'er was fined and confinement for three days by Yin Feng, and he took her to Liaodong, planning to consume the little girl's excessive energy in the ice and snow.

For the current two children of Yin Feng's family, not being able to celebrate the New Year at home and having to go to the north where people freeze to death is not a punishment at all, but a reward. Yin Feng is too busy to play with the children, but now he has to bring Qian'er went to sea, so the 8-year-old brother watched with extreme envy when his [-]-year-old sister boarded the battleship Feilong, thinking that he would try to make a big disaster sometime.


A storm swept across the Yellow Sea, and heavy rain mixed with snowflakes occupied all the space above the sea surface...

Just as the rain and snow had stopped, a giant four-masted ship with gun ports all over its body suddenly appeared in the sea.

"There is a coastline ahead, and we should have reached Chengshanwei on the Shandong Peninsula," Shi Daxuan, the new captain of the Feilong, reported to Yin Feng from outside the cabin.

Yin Feng put down his pen and stepped out of the cabin, raised his binoculars and looked out of the ship for a while: "How is the situation of the fleet?"

"The communication ship Haiyu has already caught up, and there are more than a dozen cruisers and fast gunboats following the Feilong. Most of the transport ships avoided the storm in Jeju Island, and a few ships took shelter in Jiaozhou Bay. Basically, There is no loss," Shi Daxuan finished, thought for a while and then said: "President, it is said that several grain transport ships were detained by the officers and soldiers in front of Fushan in Jiaozhou Bay."

Yin Feng smiled coldly: "What's going on, how dare Shandong officers and soldiers detain our boat,"

Shi Daxuan shook his head, still standing upright on the swaying battleship deck, Yin Feng always felt that he was nailed to the deck, it was difficult for Yin Feng to stand firm without holding on to the side of the ship.

"Send a few cruisers and gunboats to Jiaozhou Bay, and the officers and soldiers will bombard the pier there without letting them go," Yin Feng ordered very domineeringly.

Shi Daxuan nodded, but after thinking about it, he said: "President, there is no decent wharf in Jiaozhou Bay, and capturing the wharf is meaningless to the local officers and soldiers..."

"Really, then send the marines ashore and capture the front of Fushan Mountain..." Yin Feng admired Shi Daxuan's meticulous and thoughtful style: "You have full authority to handle this matter, and you don't need to worry about the court's reaction,"

Shi Daxuan stood at attention and saluted: "Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements immediately,"

Just as Zeng Shan stepped out of the cabin, seeing that Shi Daxuan had already left, he said in a low voice, "Brother Feng, we are still negotiating peace with the imperial court, so it is not appropriate to attack the stronghold of officers and soldiers like this."

Yin Feng shook his head indifferently, he had long been used to the fearful attitude of literati like Zeng Shan: "It's okay, the imperial court has no time to control us now, you have to write a memorial to protest against the detention of our army by Shandong officials About the grain ship, are you okay, your face is ugly, "

Zeng Shan smiled wryly: "It's okay, when I went to Western Europe, I encountered much more wind and waves than this... That was really a big wave that shook the world, hey, I really want to go again..."

"My majesty will let you go to America to see a piece of land that is bigger than Europe..."

A series of silver bell-like laughter came, and Qian'er's figure flashed by the other side of the ship, and Li Lihua hurriedly chased after her: "Be careful, the deck is full of water, be careful of slipping..."

"Brother Feng, why do I think you brought Qian'er out to let her go to sea to play, so what kind of punishment is there?"

"Haha, my brother is right. Qian'er is like me. She likes to draw and walk around. The school is too small for her.

Zeng Shan still has some opinions about his niece: "This Qian'er is too wild, not at all like her mother..."

"Do girls have to stay at home obediently? The children of my Yin family should fly freely like seagulls on the sea..."

Zeng Shan shook his head and muttered, "This girl has a temper like yours, how will she get married in the future?"


Lvshun Bay, Jinzhouwei, Liaodong, has now established complete port and wharf facilities, and fortresses have been built on the left and right coastlines. There are more than a dozen gunboats flying the Chinese flag on a blue background and the word "Jinghai" patrolling the bay. The northernmost military port along the coast of China controlled by the company.

Fan Tao, Chief of the First Fleet (Northern Fleet), Lu Xiaotian, Commander of the Cavalry Brigade, Su Li, Commander of the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division stationed in Jinzhou, and Zeng Qing, Chief of Northern Intelligence, all greeted the Feilong at the dock.

As soon as Yin Feng met, he asked, "Is there any news about Brother Rui?"

Everyone looked at Zeng Qing, and the short Zeng Qing cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there is no news about Liu Zai. He went to Fushun a month ago and used money to ransom the shopkeeper. There is no news yet."

"Let's go to the Zhongzuo Yamen first, and immediately discuss the Liaodong war. Brother Fan Tao, the fleet encountered a storm at sea, and the brigade was divided into three groups. You'd better send a few squadrons to Jeju Island, Jiaozhou Bay, etc. Please answer me in the direction,"

On the way, Yin Feng grabbed Zeng Qing and left him at the end, and asked in a low voice, "How did that matter go?"

"We've already got the Liaodong Zhentang Newspaper, and Yang Gao has already seen the Korean letter, and has already written a memorial to the capital."

"Where are our people trapped in Nuqi, have they withdrawn?"

"Treasurer Jin was taken away when the Jurchen Tartars attacked Liaodong last year. Fortunately, there was a Jurchen Tartar named Baylor who had done business with our company and recognized him, so he took him around. Only in this way can we have a chance Found the captured officer who was willing to do things for us,"

Yin Feng nodded: "In the Korean letters, the seals and writing rules were made by North Korean officials themselves, so Yang Gao should not be able to see through them, but this Ming army officer is a hidden danger. Zeng Rui went to ransom the treasurer, in fact, to think about it. The way to get this Ming army officer out of the territory of the Jurchen Tartars is in our hands. The matter of rescuing the officer is a secret. There are many locals in Liaodong here, so I didn’t tell you, you..."

Zeng Qing immediately cupped his hands and said, "The owner is worrying too much, I know the rules of the Military Intelligence Department... In fact, Lao Liu is bold and careful, and he is better at doing these things than I am,"

"It's good for you to think like this. Now, you use all the people in Liaodong to find a way to find out the situation of the sixth brother and help him,"


At this time, Zeng Rui was in the new capital of Hou Jin, Kaiyuan City, participating in a banquet held by the Great Khan of Hou Jin without any appetite.

Nurhaci’s post-Jin Kingdom has experienced several years of looting of Liaodong, and then experienced the first battle of Sarhu. Its national strength has been improved and developed in all aspects that may be transformed into combat effectiveness. They have increased their wealth through plunder. Clothes are expensive, and the poor are barely clothed. After the war, due to looting, they all put on bright clothes. More basically, after the Jin Dynasty got a large number of Han Chinese prisoners and refugees, the labor force increased greatly, and the area under its control began to vigorously To develop agriculture and handicraft industry, farmers around Hetuala have plowed land, cattle and sheep have been wilded, and with the expansion of the occupied area, fortified cities have been built in Fushun and Kaiyuan, and they are plowed and guarded, although the land occupied for a while is not comparable to The Ming Dynasty is vast, but its actual combat power is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, Nurhachi adopted a policy of preferential treatment of Han people in the newly occupied area. Generally, they did not kill people randomly. If they captured labor force, they would distribute it to Minister Zhubaile;

In the 47th year of Wanli, the last month of the fourth year of the post-Jin Tianming (1619), braved the severe cold, after Nurhachi occupied Kaiyuan and built the city, he issued an order to Minister Zhubeile: "We should not return to the capital (Hetuala) , let’s build a city and house in Jiefan, don’t cross the Hun River for cavalry, but graze on the frontier,”

The ministers of Zhubeile were all astonished. They didn't understand the intention of the Hou Jinhan's speech. After some discussion, they jointly proposed: "It's better to go back to the capital, build the stables, cut the grass and feed the horses, wash them with water, and the horses must be darts. Fat and strong, the soldiers can adjust their equipment when they return home,"

Nurhachi insisted on his own opinion and persuaded Zhubeile's huge dissent. He said, "It's not that you understand. In this cold winter, it will take us 20 days to march back to Hetuala. Our soldiers and horses need to rest. We will fight a big battle," the controversy was settled by Nurhachi's stubborn insistence. Nurhachi and the Baylor ministers unanimously moved to Jiefan to station and herd horses in the Liaodong border area. His wives were also brought here for a reunion.

After the Sarhu War, Nurhaci’s strategy towards the Ming Dynasty changed significantly, from retaliation against the Ming Dynasty to plundering property and occupying land. The request went far beyond the scope of revenge. After the Battle of Sarhu, Nurhachi warned his subordinates in the name of Jin Guohan: "The victory of the day before yesterday is the sky. Don't rely on repeated victories. I will win Liao, and then I can win." In life, you should aim to die under the city of Liaodong, "Capturing Liaoshen is the biggest goal of Houjin's new strategy.

Relocating to Jiefan is actually Nurhachi's next strategic war preparation.

Zeng Rui didn't discover anything about it at first,

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