On the Golden Pebble Beach on the coast of Jinzhou.Small stones can be seen everywhere.After thousands of years of washing by the waves, each of them looks smooth and smooth.

In the chilly spring weather.Li Lihua took Qian'er for a walk by the beach.Girls are running happily on the beach.Throwing stones into the sea.Qian'er has a slender and tall figure that is rare for children of her age.Inherited the tall tradition of her father Yin Feng; she also has an oval face and big eyes inherited from her mother.Totally a little beauty fetus.

Yin Feng intends to let Qian'er's nature be freely developed.She always has a smile on her face.

Li Lihua looked at Qian'er's innocent look.Sigh with emotion.Although she has adopted many orphans in Taiwan Hong Kong Charity House.But her own infertility has become her biggest heart disease.

suddenly.Qian'er let out a scream.Before Li Lihua could react.Several black personal guards who followed them far behind had rushed over.Yin Feng's palace guards consisted of 600 people.Among them, the black pro-guard battalion was set up solely for Li Lihua.So Princess Jinghai's personal guards are almost all ex-black slaves who escaped from the Westerners.Everyone regards King Jinghai and Li Lihua as saviors.

Li Lihua ran over and hugged Qian'er.See her staring at the beach ahead.He opened his mouth wide in surprise: "...Ma'am. I saw a person on the beach."

Li Lihua looked up.See dozens of steps away in the sea water.Immersed in a human body.Hair and clothing undulate along the sea.The black guards were already there busy moving the body.

Li Lihua turned around holding Qian'er.blocked the girl's sight.At the same time, he asked loudly, "Gara. How is that man?"

"Alive. Ma'am. There are still many people over there." Li Lihua's black guard shouted in stiff Chinese.There was a hint of surprise in the voice.

Li Lihua was shocked.Turn around and look.I saw that with the tide receding.The bodies of many victims appeared one after another on the beach in the distance.There are thousands of them.There are also a few survivors who are struggling among the corpses.Li Lihua yelled: "Go to the barracks and call someone. Save someone quickly."


It's spring time now.March of the 48th year of Wanli.The land of Liaodong ushered in spring.There was also war.Nurhachi's Houjin Eight Banners suddenly divided their forces to attack Liaodong in two ways: one was a partial division.1 horses from Xianglan Banner and Xianghuang Banner marched from Kuandian to Dingliao Youwei (Phoenix City).Jiulian City (Zhenjiang Fort).The other way is the 4 main force of the Eight Banners led by Nurhachi.Starting from Kaiyuan and Tieling, we crossed the Fanhe River and went straight to Shenyang.

Kuandian's Eight Banners captured Jiulian City and Dingliao Youwei in a blink of an eye.In the north of the Yalu River, there was a lot of burning, killing and looting.Caused 10,000+ local people to flee.The Ming Dynasty defenders of Zhenjiang Fort abandoned the city.Get on a raft and boat and go down the Yalu River.Some of them coerced the common people across the river and fled to the territory of Uiju, North Korea.Some flow downstream out of the mouth of the Yalu River.Attempt to flee to Shandong.There was a strong wind in Liaodong a few days ago.Many small boats capsized on the sea east of the Liaodong Peninsula.Most people lost their lives.Some people are lucky.He became the survivor who was washed up on the beach that Li Lihua and Qian'er saw.

Yin Feng spent the new year in Jinzhou Acropolis.Then began to train the troops who were about to fight in North Korea and Liaodong.These troops included the main force of the First Division of the Infantry, the two regiments of the Second Division, and the entirety of Yan Siqi's Fifth Division.In addition, the cavalry brigade, most of the artillery brigade, special battalions and various logistical auxiliary units.In the past three months, they have gathered in Jinzhouwei, the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula.

Dozens of three-masted Dafu ships and ten four-masted Carrack-type transport ships transported millions of catties of gunpowder, shells, bullets and various equipment to Jinzhouwei day and night.There are also dozens of sand boats going north along the coastline from Jiangnan.The deliverers have enough food to feed a million people for the previous year.From the mouth of the Yangtze River to Liaodong.Tailwinds are just a few days away.It only takes more than ten days to head against the wind.

This is shipping.The effectiveness of large-scale shipping is fully utilized by Chinese companies.The speed and scale of canal and water transportation in the Ming Dynasty.It has never been comparable to the shipping in the Yuan Dynasty.But the Ming Dynasty encountered a little bit of trouble in the early days.The north-south shipping was completely abandoned.Finally, the development of the coastal shipping industry was even completely terminated during the sea ban period.

Yin Feng doesn't have to worry about this kind of large-scale sea transportation now.After more than ten years of large-scale overseas trade of Chinese companies.Has accumulated countless experience, has countless skilled sailors.The personnel of the logistics department have all received mathematics education in the military academy.Learned the knowledge of overall planning taught by Professor Yin Feng.Yin Feng doesn't have to worry about this.Nurhaci had surrounded Shenyang City in April.The situation in Liaodong was developing as he expected.The planning of the North Korean operation is being refined in the hands of the staff officers of the War Department.It was nothing for him to worry about.

He was troubled by the report he had recently received from the director of Ryukyu County, a Chinese company.

Groups of pioneering groups spontaneously organized by veterans of the Chinese Army were in the early days of the south wind.The Fufufune gunboats decommissioned from the navy attacked Tanegashima, Tsushima Island and other places in Japan.A pioneering group of Chinese companies named "Anhai Group" occupied Tanegashima.Kill all the Tanegashima lords of the Satsuma Domain and their samurai.Declared Tanegashima as their land.

This is after Yin Feng's "Land Dividing Order" was released.For the first time, Chinese colonial forces attacked Japanese islands.

Five years ago, after Yin Feng finished his inspection tour in the Ming Dynasty.An order was issued in Taiwan.Later, it was called the "Division Order":

All Ming people who came to Taiwan, Luzon and other places.As long as you cultivate the land for the company or work in the factory for five years for free.You can get ten acres of land within the territory controlled by the Chinese company; thereafter.Regardless of farming any crops.As long as it can be cultivated continuously for 20 years.At the same time, the local government of the Chinese company pays a tax equivalent to one-fifth of the goods produced.You can get the ownership of the cultivated land.Can be passed on to future generations.It only needs to pay less than [-]% per mu of land tax every year.It also includes the Chinese Army's preferential treatment system for soldiers: military families can be exempted from land taxes during their military service.After leaving the army.In addition to the portion due to veterans.It can also reduce the payment of land tax by half; after the soldiers leave the army, they can get tax reduction and exemption for opening shops, workshops and workshops.

The cause of the Tanegashima incident was a detailed rule in the "Land Dividing Order": after the expiration of the five-year unpaid labor period.Whether workers or farmers.All can freely acquire land outside the area directly controlled by the Chinese company.They just pay taxes to Chinese companies.This piece of land can be protected by the armed forces of the Chinese company.

This rule caused a series of land conflicts between Fan and Han on the island of Taiwan.It also caused a series of conflicts between indigenous and Han immigrants in the Luzon Islands and Ryukyu.Many mainland immigrants work for the company after five years.Based on fellow countrymen.Or a free combination.Lead by veterans of the Chinese Army.Made a lot of pioneering groups.Take the initiative to go deep into the settlements of indigenous peoples around the world to develop colonial sites.The agricultural development department headed by Lu Shishi of the Chinese company discovered this trend.It began to be backed by the organized armed forces of the Chinese Army.Organize immigrant missions. It was only a few years after the "Land Dividing Order" was issued.Mainland immigrants occupy almost all of Taiwan's east coast.Even in the inaccessible mountains, Chinese loggers appeared; in the Luzon Islands.The coolies and tenants of the large plantations of various business gangs fled to the land under the company.After working for five years, he joined various spontaneous organizations or pioneering groups organized by Chinese companies.Go and fight for your own land.One of the consequences of this rule in Luzon.It is after the large manors in various places cannot obtain enough inland immigrants as labor force.A large number of aboriginal people in Southeast Asia began to be robbed and sold as slave labor.This was completely beyond Yin Feng's expectations.

Before and after Nanyang Raiders.A pioneering regiment organized by the Nanyang Regiment Brigade with troops and weapons.Cooperate with large-scale immigration organized by the company.In the entire Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and other archipelagos, a new peak of Chinese spontaneous armed immigration has been set off.

Yin Feng forgot to specify the scope of this kind of spontaneous immigration and reclamation.When he issued the "Division Order", he only wanted to increase the Chinese population in his ruled area as soon as possible.It never occurred to me to limit the scope of immigration.Five years later.The peasants of the first great wave of immigration were freed.I saw the mighty force of the Chinese Army.I saw a large area of ​​land and meritorious land owned by Chinese soldiers.Naturally, he was no longer satisfied with the small portion of land he got.It is not easy to join the Chinese Army and serve as a soldier.The selection of the army is very strict.Quantities are also limited.Therefore, various pioneer groups have become the first choice for many new immigrants who want to acquire more land.

Some veterans of the Chinese Army are used to life in the army.And some don't meet their veteran benefits.Some are because too many relatives have come to seek refuge in their hometown.So they joined the pioneering group one after another and became the backbone of it.

Some pioneering groups were formed with investment from Fujian and Zhejiang maritime businessmen.Most of them are spontaneously formed by some fellow villagers or several veterans of the same army.After obtaining the permit from the land reclamation department of the Chinese company.Lease the retired gunboats of the Chinese Army or the company's old merchant ships.The pioneering groups with sufficient financial resources also funded shipbuilding by themselves.Then they hit around.

There are tens of thousands of habitable islands in the entire Southeast Asia.Countless undeveloped land.Therefore, the Chinese colonization missions were mainly active in Southeast Asia.In these two years.Countless Malay sultanates on various islands in the South Seas suffered.Numerous jungle tribes were wiped out.The Chinese company and the immigration and development departments of Jinghai Palace were extremely busy.Because it is necessary to send people to the place occupied by the pioneering group to verify the situation before the land ownership can be recognized.The staff of the Immigration and Development Department has swelled to hundreds of people.The supervisor Chen Dong yelled the most every day because of the lack of manpower.

now.Some pioneering groups have already targeted Japan.

The problem is that.Yin Feng never said that the Pioneering Group could not colonize Japan.Those veterans of the Chinese Army who participated in the Battle of Kyushu Satsuma ten years ago.Simply regard Japan as the same thing as those Sudanese states dotted across the South Seas.They were winners ten years ago.I don't look down on Japanese pirates at all.Moreover, Japan is very close to Taiwan and Ryukyu.Therefore, in the early spring of this year, a pioneering group carried more than ten gunboats from Ryukyu to the north.Take Tanegashima in one fell swoop.By the way, I went around the coast of Satsuma Fan.I saw that the Shimadzu family of the Satsuma domain was heavily guarded.There is no oil or water to fish for.Go north to Tsushima Island.Because the number of this pioneering group is too small.After landing on Tsushima Island, he was repelled by the soldiers led by the Tsushima domain daimyoshi Yoshitomo.More than a dozen people were killed or injured.

Letters of protest from the two daimyos of Satsuma and Tsushima passed through the shogunate officials in Nagasaki.It was handed over to Xu Daling of the Nagasaki Chinese Commercial Center.Xu Daling, the director of the shop, is Xu Xinsu's nephew.After Xu Xinsu returned to China to take over as the head of the business affairs department.Xu Daling became the representative of the Chinese company in Japan.

soon.The shogunate also issued a letter of protest.He arrived in Ryukyu with the letter of protest from the Shimadzu family and the Sone family.Then it turned to Yin Feng's desk.

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