Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 38 Blood and Fire and Massacre

Major Don Luis, who was in charge of commanding the Pampanga indigenous army, ran at the front of the indigenous team with a long sword in hand, urging the indigenous soldiers to hurry up and hurry up.They circled a large circle from the east of the battlefield, bypassed the hillside where Yinfeng sailors were stationed, crossed two small streams, and came to a large sugarcane field.On the left is a swampy area, and on the opposite plain is a large group of Chinese insurgents who are retreating. On the right is a continuous sugarcane field, which was originally reclaimed by Chinese farmers recruited by the Augustinian order.Across this sugarcane field, there is the Tondo Swamp that cannot be seen. There is a road paved by the Chinese with straw, branches and soil, which goes through the swamp until the Tondo camp of the Chinese, the base of the rebels.As long as this artificially paved swamp path is cut off, it can cause a lot of trouble for the Chinese rebels, at least they will be forced to walk back to the camp from the swamp.

"Quick! Quick!" Major Don Luis kept beating the native soldiers with the back of his sword, and the natives were already out of breath.

The native infantry ran up the sugar cane fields and were almost at the swamp pass.

"Wait a minute! Stop advancing!" Sergeant Carlos, the liaison officer sent by Colonel Das Marinas, suddenly called out.The chaotic team suddenly stopped, and the native soldiers were in a mess.Colonel Don Luis was very dissatisfied that the sergeant surpassed him in issuing orders, and looked at him fiercely: Sergeant Carlos was not afraid, but pointed forward and said, "Colonel, there are enemy firing lines ahead."

"What?" Colonel Don Luis muttered in disbelief, and looked forward: 150 meters away, a group of people in blue cloth was lined up neatly, holding a match that was already lit and smoking The gun is aiming at them.

These people are obviously all dark-haired physiological people.They occupied the necessary dirt road from the sugar cane fields to the edge of the swamp, and it was impossible to cut off the road to the Tondo camp unless the native troops waded through the swamp water on the left.

This team of physiological people did not shout or move around, but just stood motionless and lined up in a neat firing line, waiting for the native troops. "Strange...God, is this..." Colonel Don Luis thought of Captain Gaspar's fiasco at Binondo that night.Most likely, this is the mysterious physiological human musketeers.

The gunshots on the left had faded away, and a large number of Chinese insurgents retreated chaotically, running towards the edge of the Tondo Swamp.Some people have already stepped on the earthen swamp passage.

Colonel Don Luis scolded: "God bless, why do these people appear here?" He lowered his head and thought for a while; anyway, it is impossible to cut off the enemy's back and rely on these natives at hand, but if they don't do anything, this Sergeant Carlos would probably report to the Colonel or the Governor.It's just that these people are really weird, and their equipment is better than their own native infantry-the Spanish native auxiliary army only has bows and spears.

In fact, the weapons of this batch of Pampanga auxiliary soldiers were also ordered at Balian's blacksmith shop and made by the Chinese.

Yin Feng was in the formation 150 meters away, and Lin Xiao and others insisted on blocking him in the last row.They hurried and hurried, and finally caught up with the native Spanish soldiers, blocking their roundabout route.Now behind them, a large number of Chinese were retreating, retreating to the Tondo camp through a makeshift road in the swamp.

Yin Feng set up a 20X3 formation, the last row actually only had 10 musketeers, and the rest of the Zeng family's servants were only responsible for loading ammunition.Since yesterday, Yin Feng has forced them to practice loading ammunition, preparing to use these people as auxiliary soldiers in emergencies.Coutere was commanding, and at this moment he shouted the password: "Front row ready! Open the fire door!"

After hesitating for a while, the native soldiers finally took action and were marching slowly in formation.Colonel Don Luis decided to let the native soldiers attack once and try his luck.

"Get ready in the back row! Aim in the front row! Get ready..."

More than 100 aborigines raised their spears, shouted sharply, and began to charge at a faster pace.After passing 100 meters, 90 meters... some native soldiers fired bows and arrows, and the sailors in the first row watched the arrows fly towards them and landed at their feet. Motionless: It is not allowed to move its position until it is ordered.The concept of discipline has been ingrained in the minds of sailors over the past two years.

Fortunately, the bows and arrows of the aborigines are short bows produced by the Chinese, and the effective range is only 50 meters. The aboriginal soldiers began to shoot randomly from 100 meters away, which was completely aimless.

Now, the enemy has charged within 60 meters!


"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang and more than a dozen people fell down in the front row of the Pampanga auxiliary charge.

The people behind couldn't hold back their feet and continued to move forward stepping on the bodies of the dead and injured in the front row. Some people slipped and fell to the ground. Fortunately, they escaped the shooting of the second row, and then the third row.The last fallen native soldier was only 30 meters away from Yin Feng.After nearly 30 Pampanga auxiliary soldiers were knocked down, their morale collapsed and they retreated in a swarm.

Coutere yelled, "All attention, 20 steps forward."

In fact, the daily shooting training of the Sailor Musketeers is mainly salvo firing, retreating and reloading bursts, as well as accurate free shooting. The attack is very effective.However, it was the first time for Yin Feng and his sailors to face the attack of a large number of enemies on the field battlefield without leaving the ship.

Coutere also doesn't expect sailors to adapt to the field all at once.Therefore, he simply ordered 20 steps forward, and then all raised their guns. The first row aimed their guns while kneeling on one leg; those in the last row put their guns on the shoulders of the second row; then, "Boom !", Yin Feng's team launched a salvo, aiming at the chaotic crowd of native soldiers more than 100 meters away.

The effective range of these matchlock guns produced in Siam is just over 150 meters, but the bullets have long lost their accuracy when they are 100 meters away.However, the morale of the native soldiers was unexpectedly low, and the retreating native soldiers and the reserve team collided, pushing and shoving each other in a mess.Colonel Don Luis flogged them with sword and whip, trying to regroup.


"The enemy is firing!" Sergeant Carlos exclaimed in surprise.

Whoosh... The bullet flew across, and a projectile slashed across Colonel Don Luis' left cheek, and the burning pain filled his whole head.Only a few native soldiers were killed, and a few others were injured and fell down screaming.But this undoubtedly dealt the final blow to the tense nerves of the native soldiers. As if they had heard an order, the native soldiers suddenly dispersed at the same time, crying and running around.Only Colonel Don Luis remained in place, covering his bloody face in a daze: a few steps away, Sergeant Carlos was kneeling on the ground with one leg, a lot of blood was oozing from his waist: he was also shot .

"Free Fire!"

The sailor musketeers lined up in two rows, the rear row loaded, and the front row people were free to look for targets and shoot.After firing one shot, he took over the loaded gun from his comrades in the back row and continued shooting.After a series of shots, Colonel Louis fell trembling, and Sergeant Carlos fell forward on the sugarcane field.On the contrary, the remaining 60 or so native auxiliary soldiers ran fast, and soon ran out of the maximum range of 200 meters.The first row of Danmin sailors only came and fired two shots. There were no living people on the sugarcane field within 200 meters in front of them.

The entire battle lasted only about 3 minutes, and Yin Feng only fired 4 shots, which was not enough, and the enemy had already disappeared. "I didn't expect the natives to be so unbeatable!" He shook his head and sighed. There were more than 30 sharpened bamboo spears placed at the feet of the sailors' formation, ready to be used in hand-to-hand combat after shooting, but they were no longer needed.

Coutere also shook his head: "This is just the indigenous auxiliary army. If we encounter the Spanish army, we can only pray to God."

Yin Feng nodded: "Major, if we can leave the Philippines alive, I hope you can continue to stay as an instructor. I will let you train a real army, an army that can fight against Spain or any European country."

Kutre immediately understood: "Do you want to deal with the Spaniard? Only with your strength?" He looked at Yin Feng in disbelief.

Yin Feng looked towards the direction of the Monastery of Del Monta, where the Spaniards stopped pursuing and were forming a team: in front of them, thousands of Chinese rebels were retreating in all directions, retreating to the depths of the swamp.In the area around the Del Monta Monastery, at least 1000 Chinese died in battle.On the Spanish side, only 4 people were killed and 20 people were injured.

That's the gap in weapons and tactics that separates generations, between the Spanish colonial imperial army and the ragtag Chinese rebels.These Chinese who were far away from the motherland were not afraid of death and did not care about their own lives. Such a tenacious spirit and combat effectiveness could easily defeat the Ming Dynasty officials and soldiers if they were placed anywhere in the country.However, in the Del Monta Monastery, the Chinese shed blood and fought desperately, but they were still unable to defeat the Spaniards.

Yin Feng turned his head, his eyes were cold and piercing, he looked at Couterre and said, "Just wait and see, one day, the Spaniards will regret it."


It was getting dark, and there were torches flickering around the monastery. All the monks in the monastery were cleaning up the battlefield, directing the aborigines who were recruited temporarily to pile up the corpses of the Chinese war dead on the edge of the swamp.

In the continuous sugar cane field next to the swamp, a large group of Spanish officers, surrounded by soldiers, held torches and carefully observed the area where Colonel Don Luis died in battle.Two native soldiers were held aside, and the black-robed Dominican Flores was interrogating them.Friar Flores is a tall man in his 30s, from the southern rural areas of Castile. Although he is a monk, he has a bad temper. Most active priest.He once personally led a team to intercept and kill the Chinese who crossed the Pasig River, and the number of Chinese killed by him was no less than 20.At this moment, his priest's robe was still stained with blood. It was he who arrived in time with the support troops and repelled the last attack of the Chinese insurgents.

Now, Brother Flores questioned the native soldiers in Tagalog like a ghost.Colonel Das Marinas paced impatiently behind him.

Brother Flores turned his head back, with a very hesitant expression: "They said that it was indeed a team of physiological human musketeers in blue cloth clothes, and defeated them in a very short time."

Captain Thomas shook his head and said: "According to what they say, if you launch an attack here, you can rush to the front of the physiological man in less than half a minute. At least three rows of musketeers must have the firepower... The team of physiological human musketeers must have passed through our Europe." Trained by people, who has ever heard of such tactics in the army of the emperor of China?".

Sergeant Alfredz, a veteran with a bandage on his head, came running from the front while wiping his sweat: "Colonel, there are more than 30 sharpened bamboo poles in front, which should be temporarily used by those physiological men for combat."

Colonel Das Marinas waved his arms angrily, and said loudly: "Don't think about it, these biological people must be the same group that despicably attacked Captain Gaspar. They have undoubtedly retreated to the swamp now." .We must go after them immediately, bite them, and break them!! Avenge Major Lewis!"

All the officers and soldiers looked at each other, wondering if the colonel was crazy: after half a day of fierce fighting, let the tired soldiers enter the unfamiliar swamp to search for the biological rebels?Moreover, it was still a dark night!

Brother Flores was still interrogating the native deserter, when suddenly his voice raised several octaves, and he called out in Spanish sharply: "What did you say? What?"

The officers and soldiers present who had just been stunned by Colonel Dasmarinas were startled again, and they all looked at the monk; he was holding a native soldier's collar tightly with his hands, and brought his fierce face close to the native soldier, spitting Xingzi sprayed directly.The terrified native soldier curled up and said a few words. Brother Flores pushed him away, crossed himself on his chest, and said to everyone with a strange expression: "This native said that he saw a physiological human fire. Among the gunmen there was a European who was the commander who gave the orders."

"Impossible!" Colonel das Marinas shouted. "Spanish Christians will not help pagans!"

Everyone was shaking their heads in disbelief.

Brother Flores said: "No, no, this guy should be telling the truth. He saw a European, a chestnut-haired Caucasian within 50 meters! Can't be wrong! There must be a European It must be a Lutheran heretic who is helping a biological person! Otherwise, how could a biological person use our fighting methods to deal with us!"

Captain Thomas believed it a little: "It may be the Dutch, they attacked Manila the year before last!"

Colonel Das Marinas raised his hands irritably and said loudly: "We are arguing for nothing here. We should attack, attack now. Then we can find those damned physiological human musketeers, and we can solve any problem !"

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