The Xianglan Banner under Amin's headquarters went northward from Fuzhou.At the foot of Gaizhou City, he defeated Qiu Yuan's troops, the general of Xuanda.Then North Shanghai.The Ming army retreating from Liaoyang encountered the elite troops of the Xianglan Banner under Amin's headquarters on the way to the north.Another fatal blow.By the Liao River.The [-] Ming army that crossed Hebei a month ago was completely disorganized.Qiu Yuan, the commander-in-chief of Xuanda, and other commanders-in-chief of the frontier army were under the protection of his trusted servants.They all ran wildly.Abandoned his subordinates.Immediately, the Ming armies from all walks of life disintegrated into groups of dozens or dozens of stragglers.He ran west with his head covered.Amin took the opportunity to lead troops to sweep the defeated Ming army.Tens of thousands of Ming soldiers were captured in just one day.

Amin's troops were not enough to block the mouth of the Liao River.Therefore, groups of Ming army stragglers fled across the river.

It started from the Anshanyi battlefield [-] miles south of Liaoyang.It has spread to the Liaohe Ferry.The corpses of the Ming army's defeated soldiers can be seen everywhere for hundreds of miles along the way.A large amount of weapons and equipment, soldier uniforms, and supplies were discarded everywhere along the route.The civil officials who had followed the army to accept the government organs also fled with the Ming army.Then a large number of ordinary people could not stay any longer.Refugees broke out in almost all places south of Liaoyang at the same time.

Refugees from Liaodong began to flee in all directions to the west and south in the coming year.A large number of defeated soldiers of the Ming army also fled among the refugees.

The Chinese Army's Jinzhou defense line is 20 miles long.It starts from Jinzhou Bay on the Bohai Sea in the northwest to Dayao Bay on the Yellow Sea in the southeast.It consists of several multi-edge fortresses separated by several miles.The central fortresses are two large prismatic fortresses, Daheishan and Jinzhouwei.They are guarded by the second regiment and the first regiment of the second division respectively.

The northernmost outpost of the Jinzhou Wei Chinese Army is Sansanlibao.There is a cavalry battalion of the second division division.

The first wave of refugees from Liaodong had already appeared in Sansanlibao.There are two Tuntian Fortresses of Chinese companies here.When the Eight Banners cavalry of Xianglan Banner approached Fuzhou a month ago.Both forts have been abandoned.All personnel were evacuated to the Golden State.

Lu Xiaoyi, the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion, is from Shandong.Lu Shitou was the son of his brothers when he was a thieves.This year is only 30 years old.It has been four years since I joined the Chinese Army.He is in the officer corps system of the Chinese Army.Like many cavalry officers who came from northern thieves and horse thieves, they belonged to an alternative minority.The current deputy commander of the cavalry brigade, Major Li Xiao.It was Li Xiao, the general of Zhongtun, the former Liaodong capital, and a hundred households.Yin Feng took him in when he went to Liaodong for inspection.He is also one of the very few members of the former Ming Dynasty official army in the Chinese army.Belonging to the alternative in the minority.

Now these two men are standing on the gate tower of Thirty Mile Fort.Frowning, he watched crowds of people on the road to the north rushing south.

Sansanlibao lies on the road from Fuzhou to Jinzhou.The brothers from the Cavalry Battalion of the Second Division opened the cordon.The influx of refugees is being stopped.The refugees are under your organization, soldiers of the Chinese Army.Resting on both sides of the road.Waiting for the disposal of the Chinese Army.The people in the local Tuntian farms have been mobilized.Delivering food and drink to the refugees.

Li Xiao sighed: "Captain Lu. We can't stop them. There are too many people. More than 1 people have come here since morning."

Lu Xiaoyi nodded.Then he shook his head again: "This is impossible. There are so many refugees. There may be spies among them. We can't just let them pass like this."

"The messenger who went to Jinzhouwei hasn't come back yet."

"Sent in the morning. Haven't returned yet."

Li Xiao patted the crenel of the gate: "Okay. I am from Liaodong. I am familiar with the local people. I will go down to inspect the refugee situation. Brother Lu. Send some horses to the north. Order brothers to prepare for battle. Beware of the Eight Banners." The soldiers suddenly went south."


evening.There were even more refugees gathered outside Thirty Mile Fort.Fires lit up in twos and threes.On both sides of the main road, it spreads to the north.

suddenly.The orderly of the cavalry battalion arrived.He stumbled and reported to Lu Xiaoyi: "Report to the battalion commander. The president has brought it."

Lu Xiaoyi was startled a little: "What. The owner of the ship is here."

He hadn't had time to react yet.A group of Yin Feng's personal guards in black clothes and red belts had already entered the Sansanlibao castle from the south gate.Lu Xiaoyi hurried down the gate tower.Just happened to meet Yin Feng riding a tall Andalusian white horse to the downstairs of the city gate.

"Report to the President. I am Lu Xiaoyi, Commander of the Cavalry Battalion of the Second Division. The rank of captain..."

Yin Feng jumped off the horse.Immediately asked: "How many people are there?" He looked at the tall Shandong man in front of him: "Are you Brother Lu's nephew?"

"I'm Lu Xiaoyi. He's the nephew of the treasurer Lu. If you go back to the president, within one day today, more than [-] refugees have arrived here."

"Where is Li Xiao?"

"Brigadier Li brought his own guards. He went to Fuzhou to investigate the situation in person."

Yin Feng walked up the gate tower quickly.Immediately saw the dots of fires and shadowy figures in the wilderness.

Along with Yin Feng were Yang Dacheng, commander of the Second Division, Zeng Rui, chief of the military intelligence department, Zeng Qing, chief of northern intelligence, Zheng Dong, deputy chief of the logistics department of the Chinese army, and others.A group of people saw the scene in front of them.Can't help talking: "There are so many people. It's hard to guarantee that there are enemy spies. How to identify them."

"It's cold at night now. So many people sleeping out in the open. It's going to kill people."

"Twenty thousand in one day. One hundred thousand refugees in a few days."

"There should be enough food to supply [-] refugees. The question is where do we have so many places for them to live?"

"Army is going to fight. Who will manage the refugees."

"Organize the people in the farm to maintain order. Use those Japanese laborers too."

"No. Those Japanese people are not reliable. What if there are spies among the refugees?"

Yin Feng looked at the overwhelming refugees in front of him.It seems to have seen the escaped overseas Chinese during the Manila massacre.He sighed slightly.Just about to say something.But he saw Lu Xiaoyi behind him hesitating to speak. "Captain Lu. What's your idea.

Lu Xiaoyi looked at a group of big shots from the Chinese company in front of him.A little hesitant.After thinking for a while, he said: "There are some Liaodong people in my camp. I think they can organize the evacuation of refugees to Jinzhou. They are familiar with the local people. They can divide the refugees into groups according to their regions. Select some refugee leaders.  … ..."

Yin Feng nodded approvingly: "Okay. Just do as you said. You are in charge of this matter....Zheng Dong. You stay here. Responsible for dispatching logistics supplies. Relief refugees. Try not to die."

Lu Xiaoyi's heart felt hot.Standing at attention and saluting, "Your subordinate has an order. I will organize people to do it right away. Then Brigadier Li also has Liaodong people under his command..."

Yin Feng waved his hand and said, "I will inform him to cooperate with you."


three days later.The number of Liaodong refugees gathered in Sansanlibao has reached [-].Overwhelming temporary shacks are scattered within a few miles.There was a turmoil of people, and the atmosphere was full of smog.

Li Xiao rushed back from Fuzhou with his personal guards.Immediately found Lu Xiaoyi who was busy resettling the refugees: "Brother Lu, move the refugees quickly. The Eight Banners soldiers are coming soon. Fuzhou was already occupied by the Eight Banners soldiers yesterday."

the next day.Refugees began moving in the direction of the Golden State.The refugee team, supporting the old and the young, dragging their children and daughters, walked slowly on the main road.It stretches for more than ten miles.All the cavalry brigades of the Chinese Army were dispatched to Sansanlibao.Help evacuate refugees.At the same time prepare to meet the Eight Banners soldiers.

Actually.Nurhachi himself did not want to fight the Chinese army immediately.This year's Liaodong War has consumed too much supplies for the Eight Banners soldiers.The soldiers were also a little tired.Nurhachi's main force was after capturing Shenyang and Liaoyang.Has been pursued to Fort Xining.Then he withdrew his troops and returned to Liaoyang to rest.At the same time, he ordered Amin's troops, who were still chasing the Ming army west of the Liaohe River, to return to Haizhou.After all, Nurhachi has a political mind: he believes that the Chinese Army, like him, is an armed force rebelling against the Ming Dynasty.It should be possible to fight for his side.

Xiong Tingbi was protected by Qin Liangyu's white soldiers.Only then did he cross the river and escape to Xiping Fort.Here he met Yang Gao who fled here in the same embarrassment.Xiong Tingbi's temper was on the rise.He yelled at Yang Gao.Almost drew his sword and cut him.

Yang Hao put all the blame on Zhang Chengji, the capital of Liaodong, and others.He fled Xipingbao overnight.He is going to go back to the capital to have a lawsuit with Xiong Tingbi; he can't do war.He is still good at writing.

Amin's cavalry with the blue flag pursued them all the way to Xiping Fort.Xiong Tingbi gathered 5000 Ming army deserters here.Knowing that it is impossible to resist.He had no choice but to escape from Xiping Fort like Yang Gao.It was not until they fled to Guangningwei that they stabilized their position.

After Amin received Nurhachi's order.Very dissatisfied.After returning to Haizhou.He estimated the plunder of his troops.more dissatisfied.The main force of Nurhachi's Eight Banners went down to the two major cities of Liaoshen.The harvest is rich.Except for Amin, the other major Baylor troops have made a lot of money.Amin completely violated the order and went south.I forgot about not participating in the siege of Liaoyang.Just thinking about your own harvest is far less than others.

"By the way. The Jinzhou Guard's naval bandits are still there. They are rich people." A Min had an idea.Shouted to his own Goshha: "Hurry up and send orders to the ministries. Set off camp overnight. Go south to Jinzhou."

Amin Erbaelor in his own blue flag.Has always been arbitrary.None of the many generals in the Xianglan Banner dared to question his orders.Had no choice but to set off.but.The Zhenglan Banner troops under his command were left behind in Haizhou by him.Only the 12000 people with the Xianglan Banner set out to go south.

Amin's troops went south to Fuzhou.After collecting a part of the Ming army's surrender, they continued to set off for Jinzhouwei.The army of the Xianglan Banner burned, killed and looted along the way, and burned villages along the way.Every household was robbed.Nothing was left out.What was left along the way was fireworks and a mess everywhere.Numerous refugees scrambled to flee southward.

After the Chinese Army began to transfer refugees from Fort Thirty Mile.The number of refugees gathered here has not decreased but increased.The Liaodong people, who were frightened by Amin's army, fled southward desperately.In the blink of an eye, the number of refugees gathered in Sanshilibao once again reached [-].And many people no longer wait for the Chinese Army to settle them.He walked straight towards Jinzhou Wei on his own.All of a sudden.The cavalry units of the Chinese Army were in a hurry.The situation is out of control.

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