The Changdeok Palace in the center of Seoul was built in the third generation of the King of the Korean Lee Dynasty. During the period of Taizong, it means to carry forward the "virtue" way and pass it on to future generations. (The scene of the palace in "Dae Jang Geum" was chosen to be shot here)

The back garden "Secret Garden" of Changdeokgung Palace was built at the same time as Changdeokgung Palace. The Jinchuan Bridge on the right side of the Dunhua Gate of Changdeokgung Palace nearby is said to have been built in the 11th year of Emperor Taizong (1411). The oldest, the main hall of Changdeokgung Palace, Injeongjeon Hall is the place where important national activities such as enthronement ceremonies and receptions of foreign envoys are held. Injeongjeon Hall with the picture of the sun, moon and five mountains as the background is now the king of North Korea Gwanghaejun Li Hui The scene of receiving the envoy of King Jinghai of China.

Gwanghae-jun Li Hun is a realist. In fact, all the kings of the Lee dynasty were realists. Because North Korea was between our illustrious dynasty and the ambitious Wa kingdom, the Lee kings were very sensitive to the real political situation. They are very good at tightrope political tricks of compromise by the strong and maintaining relationships with the weak.

Accompanying Mr. Gwanghae to meet the envoys was Li Yuanyi, deputy of the right, who was 73 years old. He was one of the leaders of the so-called "Dabei faction" who supported Mr. Gwanghae to the throne. No. Wuli, he is the fourth grandson of Yining Jun, the son of Emperor Taizong of Korea, and he is a collateral royal family of Korea. After the "Imjin Japanese Invasion" broke out, he guarded Pyongyang with Kim Ming-won and others. After the fall of Pyongyang, he organized a rebel army to attack the Japanese army and helped the Ming general Li Rusong regain Pyongyang, making military exploits. He was named the "Doctor of Advocating Government" in the Ming Dynasty.

The power of the king of Joseon is actually limited by two classes of nobles, who often have to rely on these political veterans to rule the country. Therefore, under the insistence of Li Yuanyi, who strictly abides by the Confucian concept of hierarchy, Mr. Gwanghae sits high On the throne, he tried his best to maintain his dignity, and watched Zeng Shan, Yan Siqi and others, the envoys of King Jinghai of China, enter the hall.

Zeng Shan came from Taiwan urgently for the surrender of North Korea.

Yan Siqi's Fifth Division now controls North Korea north of the Datong River. If it weren't for the cold weather, the Gaima Plateau in North Korea would have been difficult to pass through. Yan Siqi would have led his troops into the Jianzhou Jurchen Department. Yin Feng was deeply afraid that something would happen if he was bored in northern North Korea, so he ordered him to accompany Zeng Shan to meet the king of North Korea.

Yan Siqi was very unwilling to do this job. He accompanied Zeng Shan into Changdeokgung Injeonghall full of displeasure, and seeing the Korean civil and military officials on both sides looking at them with different expressions, they strode forward with their chests raised and their heads held high. The leader of the Ministry of Rituals suddenly found that the general of the pirate army was striding ahead of them, panicked, and hurried forward to stop this barbarian who didn't understand etiquette. Seeing someone blocking him, Yan Siqi said angrily: "Wait! what will it be,'

"This envoy from the Kingdom of Heaven needs to kneel down when he sees the Lord of our country..."

"Fuck you, I, Yan Zhenquan, have only bowed down to my parents and my king in my life, what is your king?"

The faces of the two North Korean ceremonial officials turned pale with fright, and they looked at each other helplessly.

Outside Changdeok Palace at this moment, more than 1000 Chinese soldiers in black helmets and black armor equipped with cannons and flintlock muskets surrounded the entire palace. None of the ministers want to get killed.

Zeng Shan stepped forward and grabbed Yan Siqi: "Forget it, don't embarrass this small official."

He stepped forward to bow to the king of Korea and said, "I am the envoy of King Jinghai of China, and I have come to meet the lord of the country to sign the covenant between the two parties."

"Why don't you kneel down and worship the king,"

The voice was vigorous and powerful. It was Li Yuanyi, the leader of the "Great Northern Sect" standing at the king's lower left.

Seeing that someone started, a Korean civil official jumped out and pointed at Zeng Shan and shouted: "Your lord is just a military officer of the Celestial Dynasty. He calls himself king. He is really a rebellious person. He is just a traitor. What qualifications do you have to stand in this place?" here,"

The face of King Gwanghae-jun of Joseon turned pale, and he said nothing at the top, but he saw all the civil and military officials of North Korea whispering to each other. When they were whispering, a few people jumped out to speak: "The heaven is rebellious, how dare you be presumptuous here?"

"You guys, the pirates, violated the borders of our vassals for no reason. Soon the soldiers of the celestial dynasty will come here, and they will definitely be the masters of our country,"

Zeng Shan suddenly understood: the North Korean had suffered a loss in the military, and now he planned to win the game in terms of etiquette. The current situation was obviously planned and deliberately done.

He looked at Yan Siqi with a livid face, and nodded slightly. Yan Siqi sneered, pulled out a gold-plated flintlock pistol specially used for officers of the Chinese Army from his waist, and stepped forward a few steps. , The first North Korean civil servant who jumped out to speak was shot dead.

There was a sudden silence inside and outside the Hall of Renzheng, only the gunshot seemed to be still echoing between the roof beams of the hall.

"Plop," the civil servant fell to the ground, hitting his head on the floor, and dark red blood immediately flowed all over the floor.

All the people in the hall were stunned by this appalling act. The North Korean officials who had spoken so boldly just now fainted from shock.

There was a little commotion outside the hall, but it soon subsided. A few soldiers from the Chinese army rushed into the gate of the Hall of Renzheng, holding muskets with bayonets, and stood silently and quickly on both sides of the gate.

Zeng Shan frowned, he was only hinting that Yan Siqi would teach those civil servants a lesson, but he didn't expect Yan Siqi to be so violent when he made a move, so he had no choice but to sigh in his heart.

Yan Siqi said in a loud voice: "This person deceives the public with his gossip, intending to destroy the good relationship between my lord and the North Korean country. There is more than a crime to die, so who has anything to say?"

His thin and gloomy face was still stained with blood spattered by the dead. He raised his eyes and looked around. All the civil and military officials of North Korea who could still stand lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Zeng Shan took a step forward, cupped his hands again and said, "Can we sign the covenant between our two families now?"

Mr. Guanghai seemed to have just woken up, tremblingly said: "Okay, okay, I'll sign now..."

There was a "plop", but Li Yuanyi, the political leader, was so angry that he fainted, and his gray-haired head hit the floor. Mr. Guanghai panicked and stood up from the throne to go to protect Li Yuanyi, but he heard "Bah, " With a sound, Mr. Guanghai looked at his lower head blankly as if his body had been fixed by a fixed body.

Yan Siqi shot again, killing another civil servant who had spoken just now.

Yan Siqi pointed his gun at the North Korean king who was in a daze, and said coldly: "Hurry up and sign, don't waste time,"


In Lushun City, inside the old camp of the Chinese Army, outside Yin Feng's study, Zhao Tie and Zeng Qing were chatting quietly.

"Have you met those two North Korean girls?" Zhao Tie asked Zeng Qing with a smile.

"See you, she's really a pretty girl, fair and delicate, she's only fourteen or fifteen years old, and the king of Korea is really capable,"

Zhao Tie grinned: "The owner of the ship is blessed, but I don't know what Mrs. Li will think, haha."

Zeng Qing sneered and said, "I've already had someone check it out. The current North Korean king's daughter is only one year old. These two so-called royal princesses may not be the daughters of any noble family in North Korea."

Zhao Tie frowned: "There is such a thing, if these two girls are just ordinary women, then the king of North Korea is not fooling me, this is not possible, Zeng Jiuye, you have to find out about this matter, my ship owner king You can't suffer from this,"

Zeng Qing nodded: "I have already sent people to North Korea to investigate, and the personnel of the Military Intelligence Department may ask your subordinates to assist."

"That's no problem. I will send an order to assist the Ministry of Military Intelligence with all my strength. By the way, the North Korean envoy who came to pay New Year's greetings should know something."

Zeng Qing said with a smile: "I guess you can't ask anything about such a small character, but these two 'princess' are versatile in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and well-educated. They should be members of the royal family of the Lee family in North Korea. expensive,"

A personal guard of Yin Feng suddenly appeared and saluted the two of them: "General Zhao, Director Zeng, Your Majesty invites you two to enter."

As soon as the two entered the study, they saw several representatives of Liaodong people kneeling and worshiping Yin Feng. Yin Feng helped them up one by one, comforted them and sent them out.

Everyone knows that Yin Feng is approachable by nature and doesn't like to put on airs. Even if he becomes a queen, his palace is no different from the residence of the previous president. He also brings his own personal guards with him when he travels. However, after Zeng Qi, Xu Hongji and other literati joined his gang, they tried their best to advocate the so-called "prestige" and "respect". Now, except for Zhao Tie and other old guys like "Manila fugitives", ordinary Chinese company personnel and The people in the area under its rule already involuntarily want to kneel down to see Yin Feng, but Yin Feng can't stop them one by one, and he is also powerless to overthrow the ancient habits of thousands of years. For the time being, he can only maintain the rule that no kneeling is allowed within the Chinese Army.

Seeing the two of them coming in together, Yin Feng smiled wryly and sat back behind his desk, pointing at the two of them and said, "You think my harem is too leisurely, so get two loli..."

Zhao Tie hurriedly asked: "What is a loli?"

Yin Feng quickly shook his head: "Leave them alone, let's talk about the situation in North Korea first."

Zhao Tie handed several documents to Zeng Qing, but Zeng Qing didn't read the documents, and said slowly: "In the eight provinces and sixteen prefectures in North Korea, our army has already controlled the four main provinces of Ping'an, Xianjing, Huanghai, and Jingqu. The whole area, the northwestern part of Gangwon Province has also been occupied by our army, and most of the northern part of North Korea, including the south bank of the Yalu River, has been basically occupied by our army. In these places, the so-called King Qin's "righteous soldiers" have appeared, but most of them are The mob is nothing to worry about, but there are two groups of gentry in North Korea, most of whom own fields and tenants in various places, and their families are deeply rooted, and they are secretly fighting against our army, but it is a serious worry."

Zeng Qing handed over several documents to Yin Feng, and continued: "After Yan Siqi shot and killed people in the palace, those high-ranking officials were very knowledgeable about current affairs. The local officials were very cooperative when our army collected grain and husbands. The gentry, however, is obedient to the yang and contradicts the yang, and is always in the way of our army, "

Zhao Tie went on to say: "At present, if our army wants to transport heavy artillery and a large amount of munitions to the Yalu River, we must widen the dirt roads in North Korea and open roads in the mountains. Relying on North Korean officials, we must let North Korean officials work hard for us, this is the top priority,"

Yin Feng nodded: "Yeah, we thought things were simple in advance, we didn't expect North Korea to be so remote and uninhabited, there are almost no decent roads, this matter has to be implemented on the king of North Korea, Brother Zhao, after the New Year's Eve You just go back to North Korea and take the newly arrived foreign mercenary army with you. It is up to you and Yan Siqi to use any means to force the North Korean king to submit. Finish the road before the snow melts,"

Zhao Tie stood up with a smirk, raised his hands in salute and said, "Don't worry, those roads will be repaired before spring next year."

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