Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 397 The Other Side of the World: Netherlands

The name of the Dutch captain of the Tulip is William Cornelis Schauzing.

When meeting with the bearded and red-haired captain.Yin Feng called Lu Ruohan, a personal consultant, You Wenhui, an expert in map making, Zeng Rui, the director of the Military Intelligence Department, and Fan Tao, the commander of the Northern Fleet.in addition.Mrs. Li Lihua, the princess, continues to be in charge of overseas intelligence agencies.Also understands Spanish and Dutch.Therefore, he was also invited.

Born diplomat and translator Lu Ruohan is fluent in Dutch and Spanish.Of course it became a translation.

Captain Schauzing is about four or fifty years old.His eyes were piercing.The figure is as tall as the predecessors of the Vikings.His big red beard.It made it difficult for Yin Feng to judge his age.It also reminds me of the later famous pirate Redbeard.

Captain Schauzing was confronted by a large crowd of East and West.There was no sign of discomfort at all.Sitting calmly and calmly opposite Yin Feng's big desk.He also talked to himself and lit his pipe and smoked.

He already knew that what he was going to meet was the East Asian maritime overlord.A great man who can decide the fate of his ship and people.But he didn't mean to please at all.Just like meeting your own friends.Greet everyone in Portuguese as soon as you enter the door.It seems that the thrilling artillery battle at the port of Nagasaki never happened.There has never been any unpleasant experience between him and the East Asian maritime overlord.

Everyone present admired Captain Schauzing's ability to remain calm.

"How did you come to Japan?" Yin Feng asked in Portuguese.

Captain Schauzing took a draw from his pipe.The opening is a string of Dutch.Lu Ruohan, a Portuguese Jesuit, was disgusted by this man's posturing.Especially this is a Dutchman.is the enemy of Portugal.He said to Yin Feng angrily: "Your Highness, this person speaks poor Portuguese. I hope I can speak to you in French or Dutch. He claims not to be an employee of the Dutch East India Company. Therefore, he has no hostility towards the people in your jurisdiction. "

Yin Feng was very interested in this Dutch adventurer.He waved his hand and said, "Let him speak Dutch. You will translate. Let him tell us in detail about his sea voyage experience."


Since 1597, Captain Hautemann of the Netherlands opened up a maritime trade route to Southeast Asia.The Netherlands broke Portugal's commercial monopoly with the East Indies; Dutch merchants established direct commercial ties with the rulers of Malaya.

The Dutch Association of Far Countries soon united several other commercial and trading companies.formed a powerful business group.the following year.That is, 1598.They sent a new expedition of eight ships.Dutch businessmen were dizzy with what the expedition had achieved: only 15 months had passed.Four ships returned to Holland laden with a large quantity of spices acquired from Java; another year (1600) the remaining ships returned in triumph.Late ships sailed not only to the Maluku Islands.And a lot of spices were shipped back from there.Spices were bought much cheaper in the Maluku Islands than their counterparts in Java.And better quality.

In this period of time.Cornelis Hautemann had actually become the leader of the new eight-ship expedition. 1600.He sailed to the island of Mauritius.and log in there.The Portuguese guards stationed there were driven away.thereafter.The Netherlands regards Mauritius as an important stopover on the direct route from the Cape of Good Hope to Java.on this voyage.He went to the Maluku Islands.Acquired a large number of spices.Unfortunately, he was beaten to death on the way back.Four ships also sank in succession.The remaining four ships returned to Holland loaded with precious cargo.The huge profits from the sale of these goods, in addition to compensating the losses and expenses of the expedition.There is still a balance.


The Dutch East India Company initially hoped to control the monopoly of the world spice trade.It quickly gained a foothold in the Maluku Islands.In the first year of the company's establishment.The Dutch won the privilege of buying nutmeg from the ruler of the Banda Islands, where nutmeg is produced.In the following years.The Dutch are not only from the Maluku Islands.Moreover, the Portuguese were all driven out from Slan Island and a series of areas in the Indian Ocean. 1610.The Dutch were helped by Chinese companies and Nanyang Chinese businessmen.Captured the city of Batavia on the island of Java.

The Dutch established a set of strict commercial monopoly system.Strictly control the planting area and output of spices.in order to increase market prices.At the same time, measures were taken.Moderate oversight of spice acquisitions and hoarding.Enable yourself to acquire and hoard in large quantities.They cut down the dense nutmeg and clove trees that flourished on many of the islands.These types of spices are only sourced on one or two islands in the Maluku archipelago.The purpose is to be able to better monopoly management.In the commercial trade of various European countries with these tropical regions.The Dutch acted as middlemen: all spices had to pass through their hands before they could be sold.Amsterdam became a distribution center for goods from South and Southeast Asia.

Because of the birth of the Chinese company.The Dutch East India Company had to compete with the Chinese for the right to trade in the Spice Islands and the colonial development of Java Island.After two Java wars.Yin Feng launched the Nanyang Raiders.In one fell swoop, the Dutch East India Company was driven out of Southeast Asia.The Chinese Company took the place of the Dutch East India Company.Began to monopolize the right to trade in the Spice Islands.And monopolize the trade of the entire East Asia.

Before the Dutch were driven out.An independent group of merchants and capital in the Netherlands not associated with the Dutch East India Company.The so-called port merchants in later generations.Several attempts have been made to break the monopoly of the spice trade.All of these attempts have been met with total financial failure.However.Their attempts led to many great geographical discoveries in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

They searched for several new routes to the Maluku Islands.Some of these adventurers came from the city of Horn (Horn) in the Netherlands.The leader of a group of wealthy businessmen in this city is a man named Isaac Le Mier from Antwerp, Belgium.This person is a Jew.Persecuted by the Spaniards.He was ruined and fled to the Netherlands.Isaac Le Mire resumed accumulating wealth in Horn City.He convinced the citizens of Horn City.Funds were raised to equip two sailing ships.And invited Captain William Cornelis Schauzing as the leader of the expedition.

Schauzing had previously traveled to the Indian region three times on ships of the Dutch East India Company.Le Mir sent his son Yakov Le Mir as a business representative.Sailing with Schauzing.

Mid-June 1615.The two Dutch ships sailed out of the Zuiderzee.Then head southwest.The smaller ship, the Horn, caught fire and set itself on fire in the Atlantic Ocean.Those on board were rescued and transferred to the larger ship, the Entraxter.Because the waterway of the Strait of Magellan or the sea route around the Cape of Good Hope is all controlled by the Dutch East India Company.Captain Schauzing's ship was unable to sail along these two routes.

Dawn on January 1 during midsummer in the southern hemisphere.Schauzing saw a mountainous region (24° south latitude) covered with snow on the opposite side.This is a cape in the southeastern part of Tierra del Fuego.Schauzing subsequently discovered the Le Mir Strait and Estados Island.

After crossing Le Mire Strait.The Dutch sailed southwest.Another landmass was seen in the northwest a few days later.High mountains rise from the land.The top of the mountain is dotted with snow.The tail of this land formed a sharp promontory.The Dutch discovered Cape Horn... and that's it.After the Spaniard Osses and the Englishman Drake.For the third time, Schauzing discovered this most important sea route connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean.Not only that.He also confirmed that Fuego was an island.rather than the northern tip of the southern continent.

To seize the spices of the Maluku Islands.Le Mier and Schauzing traveled on the Pacific Ocean to a sea area around 15° south latitude.Then head west across the ocean.During the voyage they discovered several coral islands in the Tuamotu archipelago and three volcanic islands in southwestern Samoa.From these three volcanic islands.They sailed toward the northern shore of New Guinea.They sailed along the coast of New Guinea.Several small volcanic islands (located at 2°S, 145°E) were found in the sea not far from the coastline.And the Samoa Islands were discovered on the side of the equator near the 136° east longitude line (the northeast cape of New Guinea).The Dutch call part of it the Schauzing Islands.

as they approached the Maluku Islands.The Dutch East India Company is at war with the Chinese throughout Southeast Asia.They were first captured by the East India Company.He was arrested on charges of undermining the company's commercial monopoly.

But then the Chinese fleet came over.The Dutch and their allies on Java were crushed.The Chinese have come to take over all of the Spice Islands.

The Dutch East India Company has no time to take care of these criminals.The company released the Entraxter before evacuating.Only Captain Schauzing paid a fine.at the same time.The company also hired him.Let him transport some personnel back home for the company.

Captain Schauzing decided to return the same way.Le Mire died on the way back.Schauzing and his crew seized several islands in the Samoan archipelago on the return journey.More than a hundred people were left behind to establish a colonial stronghold.William Schauzing rose to fame upon his return.His Diary of a Strange Travel was published in French in Amsterdam in 1619.It is said to have been reprinted several times.

After the East India Company lost its colonial strongholds in Southeast Asia.All directors were scolded to death by domestic investors.More run-of-the-mill merchant adventurers and trading companies began to ignore the power of the East India Company.They rushed to send ships to explore a new route to Japan and China.The spies of the Dutch East India Company who monopolized the right to trade with Japan.Live a life like a prisoner on the artificial island of Desim in Nagasaki Port.But they still collected a lot of useful intelligence about Japan and the Far Eastern seas.Some sailors who sailed in the Far Eastern seas also collected some intelligence in this regard.Either the former or the latter.They all heard the news from some Portuguese sailors and pagans who had visited China and Japan: there is a "treasure island" in the eastern sea of ​​Japan.The island is rich in gold and silver.But the Dutch associated this mythical story handed down from the Middle Ages with the main island of Japan. .Various reports of real land north and west of Honshu are mixed up.

This time.Captain Schauzing was still supported by the funds raised by wealthy businessmen in Horn City.Two large sailing ships were built.It sailed in January of the 48th year of Wanli.Crossing the Atlantic again into the Pacific from Cape Horn.June.Yin Feng came to Liaodong when he was preparing to fight in the Houjin Eight Banners.Captain Schauzing took two ships to the Dutch colony in Samoa.He found out after contacting the left-behind personnel.The population of the colony has increased a lot: many Dutch people were driven out by Chinese companies from Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki, Japan and other places.Trapped here.

Captain Schauzing believed in the legend of "Treasure Island".Agitated some in the colonies.Organize a fleet of three ships including the Tulip.Go north to Japan.

They intend to bypass the Chinese company-controlled areas such as Guam from the east of the Mariana Islands.Then sail to the east coast of Honshu Island, Japan.No one has ever traveled this route before.Captain Schauzing decided to take the plunge.

After they bypassed Guam.From the northeast of the Philippine Islands.The storm was encountered in the southern part of Honshu Island.Captain Schauzing's ship Tulip lost contact with the other two ships.

Captain Schauzing has an excellent memory.I remember every detail of my sailing route very clearly.He is on a map of East Asia printed by the Chinese company that Yin Feng spread out.Maps the course of the Tulip after being separated from her teammates.Actually.his future course.There is something like another time and space. In 1643, the Dutch East India Company sent the explorer Martin Gelitzsson Friesian fleet for the "Treasure Island" to explore the route.

The Tulip sailed north along the eastern coast of Honshu.In September, I walked to the prominent corner of the southern part of Hokkaido Island near the 42° north latitude line. .Near Litang Cape.He met some bearded men in the area: this was the first encounter between a European and an Ainu.

Captain Schauzin sailed across the strait into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.Discovered the Thousand Islands.The Tulip sailed to the 48° north latitude line on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.Due to the headwind he had to turn around and head south.Return to the coast of Hokkaido near the 45° north latitude line again.From here Schauzing headed north again.He discovered a wide bay on the southern coast of Sakhalin one day in October.Known as Aniva Bay.There is an Ainu village on the shore of Aniwa Bay.The Tulip anchored here.It is the first time for Europeans to visit here.On the voyage to the south coast of Sakhalin.Fries crossed the strait that separates Sakhalin from Hokkaido in foggy weather.It is the Soya Strait.

Schauzing was unaware that he had discovered Sakhalin.I thought I had discovered the northern corner of the Asian continent.

You Wenhui drew the exact arrival position for him.And help him draw the complete map of Hokkaido Island and Sakhalin Island.

Yin Feng told him.In fact, the Chinese and Japanese have long known that these are two islands.Captain Schauzing shook his head again and again.Still don't believe it.

Yin Feng smiled: "Anyway. You are wrong. I will prove it to you. How about it. Would you like to work for me?"

Schauzing listened to Lu Ruohan's translation.He stared at Yin Feng with wide eyes.A childlike curiosity appeared on his face: "Your Highness, do you want to form an expedition fleet?"

Yin Feng thought to himself: This big man with red beard is really clever.Immediately guessed his intention to hire him.

"Yes. As long as you work for me. I will let you lead my fleet. Conquer Northeast Asia by sea. I can allow your crew to return home safely. And send them a sum of money. You are in Samoa The colonies must be given up. But all the Dutch can go away peacefully. I will give them a sum of money too. Enough for them to open a small shop or something when they come back home."

Captain Schauzing's personality is essentially that of a sea-obsessed adventurer.He thought that since the expedition team had been wiped out.For the safety of your companions.Do some work for the lord of the East.That is also not a choice.

Captain Schauzing stood up.He stretched out his hand to Yin Feng: "Your Highness. I think. I don't have much choice now. Right."

Yin Feng laughed.shook hands with him.

Everyone didn't understand Yin Feng's plan.Until Yin Feng sent off the red-haired and bearded captain with a smile.Zeng Rui and the others couldn't help asking: "Captain, you left the red-haired captain behind. What do you want to do?"

Yin Feng drew a circle around the Korean Peninsula starting from Lushunkou on the map.Fingers fell on Sakhalin.Then pointing to Tumen River Estuary and Heilongjiang Estuary: "Did you see that? This is the back route of the Houjin Eight Banners. At this time, Sakhalin Island should have been taken over by Nurhachi. We copied the back route of the Eight Banners soldiers along these waterways. Cut off all possibility of them escaping to the northeast and north."

He pointed his finger at the island of Hokkaido again.Said: "This island is still unowned. There are only tens of thousands of Ainu natives on the island. We will occupy it. It will be used as another horse farm."

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