Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 399 The Other Side of the World: The Cape of Good Hope

The third European convoy was led by Xinxing.Four large carrack three-masted sailing ships built by the Cavite shipyard.The escort fleet consists of the battleship Flying Tiger, two new Galen-type cruisers, and two schooners.Not counting the weapons and equipment of the escort battleship.Each merchant ship and transport ship also installed several cannons and deck self-defense weapons.

Generally speaking.A fleet of this size.Pirates from Eurasian countries will not come to bother them just to make fun of themselves.

all the way.In addition to playing a game of chase with the Spanish fleet off the northwest coast of Africa.The sailors and soldiers of the escort fleet headed by Zheng Zhilong basically had nothing to do.

On the way to Europe.The fleet is in a hurry.In addition, the supplies in the Portuguese Mozambique colony were adequate.Therefore, it did not stop at the Cape of Good Hope.Except for those old sailors in the fleet.The rest have never been to the southernmost colony of the Dutch in Africa.

actually.Everyone knows.The Cape of Good Hope was nominally a Dutch colony.In fact, it was created by the Dutch who contributed money and the army, and the Chinese who contributed labor.In Cape Town.The main labor force is Chinese.China Town is after Li Dan left the Chinese company.Organization Chinese founded in Cape Town West.

The first Europeans to reach the Cape of Good Hope were led by Dias in 1486.Later, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama arrived here in 1497 by developing a direct route from Europe to Asia.

The famous Table Mountain at the Cape of Good Hope was named by another Portuguese navigator, Antonio da Saldanha.It means "table of the cape" (Taboa da caba).before that.The original name of the mountain is Sea Mountain (Sea Mountain. Hoeri 'kwaggo) from the local Khoi people.

but.The Portuguese fleet sailing through the Cape of Good Hope and the later British and French fleets did not pay much attention to this place.At this time, the food supply stations and safe havens for ships were located on St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean and along the coast of Mozambique in East Africa.

Early 17th century.World commercial hegemony was transferred to the emerging maritime power, the Netherlands.Portugal's supremacy in the Indian Ocean was challenged by the Netherlands.The Dutch East India Company relied on its maritime superiority.Gradually squeezed out the forces of Portugal, Britain and France on the route around the Cape of Good Hope.After the East India Company established the company's eastern headquarters in Batavia (now Jakarta).Dutch ships sailing to the Indian Ocean increased.On average, 2 fleets pass through the Cape of Good Hope every year.

Cape Town's connection to Europe at this time is actually not that strong.At this time, the Cape of Good Hope Colony was just a midway station established by the Dutch East India Company to provide supplies for the Dutch ships passing through Asia.When other European countries are running the Eurasian route.Resupply operations are generally carried out on St. Helena or Mauritius in the Atlantic Ocean.

The city of Cape Town has a wooden wall.Defending garrisons, vegetable gardens and orchards.Chinatown in Xicheng is the main commercial street.There are 300 Dutch and 700 Chinese living here.The remaining [-] people are local blacks and black slaves from other parts of Africa.In addition to the famous British pirate, Drake, the legendary commander of the Royal Navy, once attacked the Dutch base on the Cape of Good Hope.Other European countries have somehow dismissed the place.

Originally there was only one supply depot established by the Dutch.The land was leased from the nearby Khoi black tribe.

With the arrival of the Chinese led by Li Dan.Farms here quickly opened up.Large pastures also appeared.Chinese who are good at farming and hardworking.It is hard to grow food on the dry land in the southernmost corner of Africa.Raised thousands of cattle and sheep.It can maintain the food needs of the residents of the Colonial Area of ​​the Cape of Good Hope.At the same time, it can also provide supplies for passing ships.

Li Dan was unwilling to conflict with Yin Feng.I also don't want to see the split of Chinese companies that can protect the rights of overseas Chinese.That's why I decided to leave the first convoy to Europe.Stayed at the Cape of Good Hope.His ability is indeed extraordinary.In this southernmost corner of Africa, he developed the second peak of his career.

The Chinese developed aqueducts from the Fresh River on Table Mountain to divert the river water for irrigation.And use the crops it grows to trade sheep and calves with the original Khoi people.in addition.The forests on the southeastern sides of Table Mountain and Hout Bay provided ample timber for building houses and boats.

at this time.The East India Company monopolized all trade matters.And all private transactions are prohibited.Li Dan felt that his forces were not yet able to fight against the Dutch.The Chinese company is beyond reach here.So you can only obey the orders of the Dutch.Cut off direct business dealings with Chinese companies.Can only serve the Dutch as an employee of the Dutch East India Company.

During the first Java melee.The Chinese and Dutch peoples in the Cape of Good Hope Colony were also at war for a while.The surrounding area of ​​Chinatown was blocked by a fence built by the Dutch.thereafter.News of the Dutch defeat came.The situation of peaceful coexistence between the two clans was restored.but.During this period, some Malay and Chinese Muslim immigrants moved to the Cape of Good Hope.These are Javanese residents who were exiled to Africa by the Dutch Batavian High Court.These Asians formed the so-called Cape Colored group that was subordinate to the Dutch white race.At the same time Islam was brought to the land.

During the Second Java War.Anton Damai, the commander of the Dutch supply station in the Cape of Good Hope Colony, did not want turmoil in his jurisdiction.Some white Dutchmen, however, encouraged those Malay immigrants to compete with the Chinese for pastures, farms and water.then.around Cape Town.Armed conflict broke out between Chinese and Dutch people across the Cape of Good Hope.

The Dutch call the local nomadic Khoi the Hottentots.The people living in coastal areas who live by picking shellfish are called Strandlopers.People who live by hunting are called Bushmen (Bushmen. It means people who live in the jungle).The Dutch cannot work as hard to support themselves as the Chinese.Instead, they robbed those surrounding black tribes using various deceitful and violent methods.

The Khoi people of the Peninsula also live near the Cape.then.The Khoi still maintain a purely nomadic economy.Not engaged in any farming.Wild roots are their main plant food intake.The infertility of the land in the living area and the periodic drought make the Khoi's pastures low in stocking capacity and extensive in operation.Each Khoi family commune needs a very large pasture area to survive.Therefore, the Khoi population is very sparsely distributed.When Westerners invaded South Africa.Khoi, south of the Orange River, has a talent of 20.


In order to get more livestock.The colonists will stop at nothing.Trick the Khoi into an addiction with spirits.Made spirits an item heavily consumed by the Khoi.Then go through the exchange again.Seize large numbers of livestock from the Khoi.

When the Chinese are honestly running their own farms and ranches.The Dutch colonists broke directly into the Khoi tribe.Brazenly commit robbery.

The Dutch colonists openly told Commander Anton.If they don't get enough livestock.It is necessary to gang up and enter the interior to rob; if the Hottentots (Khoi) do not hand over the livestock.They arrested the Hottentots.Face the bandits.The Khoi once asked: "Suppose we Khoi go to your Netherlands. Will you allow us to do like you?"

This accusation meant nothing to the Dutch colonists.They drained the livestock of a Khoi tribe.Turned to another tribe.Within a few years, they penetrated into the Khoi tribe in the interior of more than [-] kilometers in the interior of South Africa.

The Dutch hate the hard work of the Chinese.Because the livestock grain produced by the Chinese depresses the price of supplies.Devaluing the proceeds of their robbery - although they basically get these livestock products for free.and.Although the Chinese have also cheated black people when doing business.But never overtly robbing the black tribe.

therefore.The surrounding Khoi, Sarn and Bantu black tribes during the Second Sino-Dutch War.They are all trying to help the Chinese.A large number of Khoi nomads used the horses provided by the Chinese to launch guerrilla warfare against the Dutch.Help Li Dan's men defend Chinatown.

After the defeat of the East India Company.The Dutch rebuilt a military base, the Castle of Good Hope, on the basis of the Cape Town Fortress.Count on countering a possible Chinese counteroffensive.But at this time Li Dan only had more than 200 armed personnel.Also unable to attack the Dutch.therefore.The Cape of Good Hope Colony once again restored the temporary peaceful coexistence of the two ethnic groups in China and the Netherlands.

At this time.The British suddenly appeared.Three warships appeared on the Cape of Good Hope.Take the Dutch to concentrate on guarding against the Chinese on the land side.Captured Fort Good Hope in one fell swoop.But the Chinese did not surrender.It also took in some fleeing Dutchmen in Chinatown.The British fleet came from North America.I don't know that a Chinese fleet has just recently traveled to Europe.and is returning.They saw that the Chinese had poor weapons.Staff organization is chaotic.Decided to attack Chinatown.Solve the Cape of Good Hope Colony once and for all.Turn this place into a British colony.

When Yin Feng sent the European fleet to Europe.They were once asked to try not to conflict with European powers.Because the Chinese company does not yet have the strength to compete with the Europeans for sea power on the sea west of the Strait of Malacca.After the fleet sent to Europe received a report from the Dutch ship.Li Jin, Han Jing and others advocated negotiations with the British.Then Li Dan and others were picked up and left the Cape of Good Hope.

A group of young Chinese Army officers headed by Zheng Zhilong immediately expressed their opposition.Unanimously demanded war against the British.Zheng Zhilong said: "The owner of the ship once said that the flag of China is raised anywhere. It is not allowed to be lowered."

"But. The Cape of Good Hope was the territory of the Dutch. The flag of the Orange family was displayed here." Li Jin retorted: "Even if we beat the British away this time, then after we leave, what about the Chinese here?" manage."

Zheng Zhilong paused.Gritting his teeth, he said: "This is the land developed by us Chinese. The city was built by the people of our Chinese company. The purpose of our Chinese army is to protect the rights of my overseas Chinese. To the British, we can only use cannons to talk. "

He drew his command knife.He said decisively: "I am the supervisor of the escort fleet. I am in charge of all the use of force. Therefore, I have decided. Go to war against the British."

Li Jin and Han Jing looked at each other.He shook his head helplessly.

When the Flying Tiger and other five warships suddenly appeared on the coastline of the Cape of Good Hope.The British have blasted through the fence walls of Chinatown.Fires are being set everywhere.Thick smoke rose over the Cape Colony.Sporadic gunshots continued to come from the direction of Chinatown.

The flagship of the three British warships, America, was a three-masted frigate with 30 guns.However, it has no chance to show its speed.Too late to pull anchor and set sail.He was battered all over his body by repeated shelling from the Flying Tiger.The mast was also broken by a chain bomb from the Flying Tiger.Two other brigs were also sunk by the Chinese in a swift and heavy artillery battle.

600 sailors and marines landed in Hout Bay under the leadership of Zheng Zhilong.In one fell swoop, the Fort of Good Hope was captured.Chinese marines armed with light field guns defeated a force of several hundred British sailors west of Cape Town.Cooperate with Li Dan's men to regain Chinatown.Many Britons fled inland.Half a cup of local black tribe grabbing.They were then sold as slaves to the Chinese.

Zheng Zhilong sent the rescued Dutchman to the Dutch ship that came to report the news.Let them go back to Europe and tell the Netherlands.The Chinese company has "temporarily" taken over the Cape of Good Hope colony.Dutch people who are willing to stay and live with the Chinese.Will work as hard as the Chinese under the Chinese company.

The Dutch couldn't help but smile.The front door sends wolves, and the back door welcomes tigers.Had to leave the Cape of Good Hope in despair.

The Chinese company's flag was hoisted on the flagpole of Fort Good Hope.Declare that the southernmost corner of Africa has become a Chinese colony.

A fort at the commanding heights of Fort Good Hope.Li Dan met Li Jin, an old acquaintance.He was visibly thin and old.But the spirit is still high.The hands are still strong.

these years.Through sporadic Western merchant ships.The Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng secretly smuggled him a lot of weapons and ammunition.So he can still lead people to fight against the Dutch and the British.

"Boss Li. Wherever you are, you can make a name for yourself. Compared with you, I, Li Jin, have been working for Hongmao Yi for more than ten years. I have achieved nothing." Li Jin said to Li Dan.

Li Dan shook his head.Pointing to the east, he said: "Uncle Jin. What you said is wrong. Follow Yin Feng, Captain Yin. Your future career will be famous in history and passed down for thousands of years. Follow in the footsteps of Brother Yin. Please tell Yin Feng: I, Li Dan, entrusted my sister and family business to him."

"You don't plan to go back to Tangshan."

Li Dan laughed.Point to the area of ​​Chinatown below the Fort of Good Hope.Loudly said: "Let King Yin send more people to me. Wherever we Tang people go, we can make the land under our feet the same as Tangshan. Where there are our Tang people, it is Tangshan."

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