Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 404 Liaodong Recruit Battalion

In a corner of the playground, more than a hundred cavalry circled around the hollow phalanx formed by the Zhangpan sentry team, but they were still unable to break through the phalanx.

Soon, the recruits in the small phalanx suddenly threw training grenades in the same direction. The cavalry hurriedly pulled back their horses to dodge. Zhang Pan led the team to shout and rushed forward together. In the oblique thrust, he rushed through the scattered lines of the cavalry group.

The recruits and trainee officers onlookers gave a round of applause.

"This is useless in actual combat. The cavalry can retreat temporarily, and then chase the infantry that broke out from behind, and they can still kill them," Yan Siqi said to Huang Lue while watching the battle: "However, the head of the new sentry team is a Man, enough perseverance and blood, "

Huang Lue nodded and was about to express his opinion when the voice of Yang Dacheng, the commander of the second division, suddenly came from behind: "If our army lacks the advantage of cavalry and fights on a flat terrain that is conducive to the enemy's impact, we should fight with regiments or battalions. The phalanx as a unit seems to be the most suitable formation for resisting cavalry, and the cavalry confrontation exercise with the sentinel as the scale is too small to see any effect."

Yan Siqi and Huang Lue hurriedly saluted Colonel Yang Dacheng. Yang's qualifications were actually similar to Huang Lue's. He was also one of the early members of the company's guards who became famous in the battle back to Manila. Yang Dacheng was only 20 years old at the time and was born in the suburbs of Quanzhou. In the countryside, he took the lead in seizing the city gate of Manila in the Battle of Manila. He was No.1 in breaking into Manila. He was promoted to the battalion commander by Yin Feng on the spot. Later, Yang Dacheng was highly valued by Yin Feng and became the leader of the three vice presidents of the Chinese Army. One of them, the other two are Zhao Tie and Mai De.

Yang Dacheng pointed to the playground and said to the two commanders: "Two brothers, how about we conduct a regiment-level cavalry confrontation exercise to see how these recruits are trained, how capable are the trainee officers, and how about it."

The recruit battalion was established on the territory of the second division's defense area and was under the leadership of Yang Dacheng, so he had the right to decide to conduct a large-scale exercise.

Yan Siqi and Huang Lue had no reason to object. They nodded repeatedly. Huang Lue dispatched the cavalry battalion of the Sixth Division, together with the planned supplementary cavalry battalion for the cavalry brigade, and the cavalry battalion directly under Yang Dacheng's second division. The offensive side; more than 1000 recruits in the new barracks temporarily formed a regiment as the defensive side.

It took a long time to allocate troops and various weapons. After the cavalry units, weapons and equipment, and the military law enforcement personnel of the Supervision Department were all mobilized, it was already late, and the exercise could only be carried out tomorrow.

The three senior officers of the Chinese Army unanimously recommended Yan Siqi as the chief judge of the exercise, because Yan Siqi was the youngest and the most "capable", so Yan Siqi had to stay in the new barracks outside the Jinzhou Weicheng that night, carefully studying the trainee staff officers Some of the exercise plans submitted almost stayed up all night.

Yang Dacheng and Huang Lue went back to Jinzhou Acropolis, and had a peaceful sleep. When they woke up, the two division commanders, Shi Shiran, came to the new barracks surrounded by their own guards, and saw Yan Siqi, who had red eyes, was working in the camp. He was busy everywhere, surrounded by a large group of officers with red-tasseled helmets, all of whom belonged to the military law system of the supervising army, and were listening to Yan Siqi's assignment of tasks as the exercise referee.

Yang Dacheng and Huang Lue couldn't help but look at each other when they saw horses neighing in the new barracks, officers calling orders one after another, and preparations for the exercise were being carried out in an orderly manner.

"Yan Zhenquan has finally become a talent. The captain's vision is always good. This son's achievements in the future are limitless," Yang Dacheng nodded meaningfully.

Huang Lue said frankly: "In terms of talent, wit and adaptability, I admit that I am not as good as Brother Zhenquan. Back then, he repeatedly violated military discipline and the Fifth Regiment was disbanded. I thought he would never have a bright future. I didn't expect... ..."

"This person is only good for the ship owner. In today's troubled times, it is time for such a person to play his role," Yang Dacheng snorted coldly: "It's just his ambition..."

Seeing that Yang Dacheng's face suddenly darkened, Huang Lue couldn't help asking: "What kind of ambition, Zhenquan is loyal to the captain, this..."

Yang Dacheng waved his hand: "Forget it, let's just pretend I didn't say that, let's go," Yang Dacheng strode over, Huang slightly hesitated, shook his head, and followed closely to the camp affairs office.

Suddenly, a conch horn sounded, a series of melodious high-pitched sounds. According to the internal signal of the Chinese Army, this conch horn sound meant the arrival of the Supreme Commander.

The two stopped, looked at each other suspiciously, turned their heads to look at the main entrance of the new barracks, and saw a team of knights from Yin Feng's barracks entering the playground. Yan Siqi from the barracks office and a group of drill referees were also surprised , rushed out one after another, and saw Yin Feng riding a tall white horse slowly into the playground under the red Yin flag, and the slender guard captain Lin Tianping followed him closely on his horse. At the end of the team, the cavalry brigade Chang Lu Xiaotian also appeared, and seemed to have a bad face.

Behind them, large carts wrapped in canvas were pushed in, and teams of people swarmed into the playground with various machines.

These people did not wear the uniforms of the Chinese Army, but craftsmen and engineers from the Weapons Research Department and the Firearms Factory in various uniforms, including all members of the Firearms Research "Group of Four", and several Westerners, including Yin Feng's personal advisor is Lu Ruohan, a Portuguese missionary.

"Why did the king come here? Could it be that he knew the news of the exercise and planned to come to take the school exam in person," Huang Lue said suspiciously: "But what are those weirdos from the weapon research department planning to do here? What are the things in the car?"

Yang Dacheng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't think about it, the military supervision department must have notified the captain of the ship about our organization of the exercise, our king is proficient in equipment, maybe there is something new for him to build Come on, hurry up and see the ceremony."

Seeing Yang Huangyan's three teachers coming to salute together, Yin Feng quickly jumped off his horse, stood at attention seriously, and then said with a smile, "I came here from Lushun overnight to show you the function of new firearms, and to fight against them on foot. held in the market place,"

"Report to the President, on the plain north of Jinzhou Acropolis, at the foot of Montenegro," Yan Siqi replied.

"Okay, let's send some people to help carry these treasures to the training ground," Yin Feng pointed to the dozen or so mysterious carts that were tightly covered.


In the afternoon, a burst of dark clouds floated from the northeast, as if attracted by the hustle and bustle of the training ground north of Jinzhouwei.

On the practice field, the riding confrontation exercise is entering the final stage.

At noon, the infantry team of more than [-] recruits marched in a hurry on the plains. On the way, the forward scout cavalry encountered enemy cavalry. After the cavalry outpost issued an early warning signal, the infantry regiment immediately began to deploy in four marching columns. A regiment has four battalions under its jurisdiction, and each battalion forms a combat front with the battalion as the unit. The two wings of each battalion intersect with the friendly army. The artillery sentinel of the regiment arranges all six light field guns in the direction where the enemy cavalry appears. They basically showed the results of the rigorous training, and quickly changed from the marching column to the combat horizontal team, and they turned in an orderly manner with the battalion as a unit. The two wings were connected to form a hollow phalanx. , Disrupted the enemy's cavalry raid attempt, and gained precious time for the infantry brothers to start their battle.

Yin Feng was sitting on the ground on a rock near a small hill, and Lu Xiaotian, commander of the cavalry brigade, was explaining to Yin Feng and Yang Dacheng and others: "... Whenever, on such a flat terrain, the cavalry suddenly encounters the infantry, the cavalry Occupying the advantage of mobility and flexibility, it can be attacked or not. The initiative on the battlefield is in the hands of the cavalry. The combat department and military academy instructors have repeatedly tested and deliberated. They believe that in this case, the infantry should form a square formation, or a rectangular formation Hollow formations are able to withstand the impact of cavalry. In regimental-scale encounters, infantry brothers can use regiment-level rectangular square formations composed of sixteen sentry teams, ten of which form the front and rear. On the rear edge, there are three sentry teams on each side. This kind of phalanx is easier to attack and counterattack than a battalion deployed in a line formation. Of course, this kind of phalanx is not as good as a line formation in terms of concentrated firepower. formation, but it is more stable and reliable, all sides can use crossfire to cover each other, the formation has greater flexibility, and occasionally cavalry breaks into the formation and will be killed by the reserve team, which is more conducive to repelling the impact of the cavalry."

Yang Dacheng interrupted at this time and said: "Infantry fighting against cavalry, in addition to strengthening firepower, we have to rely on mobility and perseverance. If our soldiers are thrown into disorder by the cavalry like the officer army, that will not work. We must fight against the cavalry." The soldiers are trained to face the enemy's iron cavalry rather than retreat, in addition to strengthening the discipline before the battle, I suggest that rain guns and light field artillery should be added to the team's firepower."

Lu Xiaotian nodded to Yang Dacheng, and then said: "The cavalry equipped with sabers can start galloping at full speed from a distance of [-] steps from the enemy line waiting for my assault. If the cavalry is equipped with spears, it is the most suitable The best footwork is the stride, because the advantages of this weapon can only be fully utilized when the formation is kept intact. Once the cavalry runs too fast, the forward line of the cavalry will be confused, and they will fall into a fight after contacting the enemy. The spear will lose its use value. When the cavalry is fighting in close combat, the spear is useless. In fact, it is obviously unwise for the cavalry to attack by running at the beginning, because the cavalry will not be able to get close to the enemy's dense group of troops. Your own formation will be chaotic, the Jurchen Tartar cavalry charge, and sometimes the formation is not neat, just rely on the overwhelming momentum of the cavalry group to disrupt the formation of the official army, and then defeat the scattered official army, "

Yang Dacheng laughed: "Those soldiers in the official army can't be regarded as soldiers. A real soldier has to do without orders, and even if the saber is approaching, he must stand still."

At this time, guns and guns were firing on the training field, the recruit phalanx was fully fired, and all soldiers were firing bullets and shells at the maximum rate of fire, and the two rainstorm guns temporarily assigned to the recruit battalion were also spewing smoke and bullets.

The cavalry could not break through the firepower net. Occasionally some cavalry broke through the infantry line, but the infantry line was only four thin rows with an open space in the middle. Once the cavalry rushed past, they were powerless and were killed by the infantry reserve team in the center of the phalanx. .

The cavalry began to circle around the phalanx, trying to find a gap and break in. Originally, when facing a solid infantry, the cavalry could use their mobility to attack the two wings of the infantry and swirl around the enemy's rear. The problem is that the recruits of the Chinese army The battalion formed a hollow phalanx, and each side was used to fight against the enemy. There were no two wings to turn around.

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