Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 420 The War of Destruction

Young Yang Qi was born as a pirate.He has been living at sea since he was a teenager.He has always been very quick to kill.The small Jurchen village in front of them was taken over by Yang Qi's men without even realizing it.Yang Qi's murderous nature is no less than that of Yan Siqi and Zheng Zhilong back then.There are only a dozen women and children left in the entire village of more than a hundred people.Take an old Han man who volunteers as a guide.Save your life.This old Han man is from Haizhou, Liaodong.He committed a crime and killed someone in his early years.Flee to this deep mountain and old forest to avoid the pursuit of the Ming government.Has lived in seclusion for decades.Full of Jurchen words, she was dressed exactly like the surrounding Jurchens.If it wasn't for him yelling for mercy in Chinese when the machete of the Marine Corps was approaching.No one could tell that he was a Han Chinese.

The old man's surname is Song.He told Yang Qi that this place is Naluwoji.It is the birthplace of Suzi River, Tumen River, Yajishan River, Santun River and other rivers.It is the deep mountain center area of ​​Changbai Mountain.off the beaten track.

Yang Qi immediately wanted to kill the Han hunter who led the way.They should have attacked Jiefan City westward.Now it has turned to the deep mountains and old forests in the east.

More than 1000 elite marines still have a few days of rations left.How can we highlight this mountain forest.

Old man Song said in Chinese with a Jurchen accent: "Don't worry, general. The little old man knows a small road. It can go directly to the Suzi River in the north of Hetuala. Back then, the old King Han, oh no. Nurhachi attacked Haixi Jurchen. Just walk this way.”

Yang Qi set the village on fire and burned it down.Let the original guide bring dozens of people to escort the women and children back the same way.Order old man Song as a guide.After resting for one night, they set out on the road again.

After eight days and nights of marching.When more than 1000 marines from Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Ryukyu finished their last dry food.They finally saw the remains of a large farmland at the end of the dense forest.

Said to be "farmland relics".That's because the crops on this field have been completely burned.Then it was trampled by horses and people and completely destroyed.

at this time.There were bursts of gunfire, gunshots, and shouts in front of the dense forest.Needless to say.There is a big battle ahead.You can tell by the sound: one of them must be the Chinese Army.Do not doubt.In today's China.An army that can make this battlefield noise.It can only be the Chinese Army.

Yang Qi looked at his subordinates.Everyone is exhausted.All of them were wrapped in animal skins and sackcloth seized along the way.Like an army of beggars.Although the battle ahead seems very fierce.But the reality of the Marine Corps told Yang Qi: The big guy needs to rest.He ordered a half-day rest.Reorganize weapons and equipment.

The marines came to the north bank of the Suzi River.On the south bank, [-] Mongolian cavalry are attacking the city of Hetuala.

at this time.It was half a day after Zhang Pan took the lead in launching a counterattack.It was just past noon.

Yan Siqi is gathering the militia battalion in the city of Hetuala in the South Fortress.At this time, the Mongolian soldiers who had been very passive in fighting before suddenly attacked aggressively.The Chinese Army was caught off guard.Thanks to the heavy artillery of the East Route Army of the Chinese Army, all of them are at the head of Hetuala City.Bombarded no matter the cost.When bombarding the Mongolian cavalry with heavy siege artillery, it even collapsed a section of the city wall.Then a team of sailor marines pushed five Thunderbolt hive guns to plug the gap.Thousands of rounds were fired continuously.The Mongolian soldiers were beaten back only after two cellular guns were destroyed.

Yan Siqi's current problem is that the Second Regiment of the Fifth Division of Zhang Pan's Department, which first launched the pursuit and counterattack, was surrounded by nearly 15000 elites from the Eight Banners, including Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner, at the foot of Zaotu Mountain;The brigade of Eight Banners cavalry has circled to the rear of the central front.They are attacking the South Fortress; and the two regiments who left the parapet fortifications lined up to prepare for the counterattack.At this time, it was attacked by tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers.

The facts are already clear.Nurhachi is killing his carbine.It is also possible that he had no intention of fleeing the battlefield at all.Instead, it is luring the Chinese infantry to leave their established positions.Then break it.

"Send cavalry to rescue the Second Regiment." Zheng Zhihu and several staff officers made a request.

Yan Siqi ignored this suggestion.Let the three regiments of the center line infantry unit open the parapet fortifications.With the indiscriminate bombardment of cannons, the Eight Banners soldiers attacked again.The infantry of the Chinese Army formed three hollow phalanxes in units of regiments in front of the parapet position.The First Regiment of the Fifth Division of the Chinese Army on the southern front has begun to slowly advance in a phalanx.

Yan Siqi insisted on maintaining the strength of three regiments after the parapet fortifications.And control the troops dispatched from Hetuala in your hands.Cavalry units were also recalled.Gather behind the three phalanxes.

The direction of Zhang Pan's second regiment.Three red warning signal rockets have been raised in succession.This is Zhang Pan asking for help.

Several Liaodong military officers came.Request to lead troops to attack to rescue the second regiment.Yan Siqi gave a strict order: "No one is allowed to attack against the order." The officers of the East Route Military Supervisory System were all ordered: "No one is allowed to launch a counterattack without authorization."

The Chinese army could not advance in the form of a phalanx.Therefore, it has remained in place to resist the attacks of tens of thousands of Eight Banners cavalry.The three squares are roughly in the shape of "pin".In terms of firepower, they can just support each other.The Eight Banners soldiers who swarmed fell to the ground in the dense crossfire.The blood of the people and horses flowed on the land with ravines and ridges.Gathered into streams of blood.The Eight Banners cavalry was in the field soaked in blood and mud.Has completely lost the advantage of speed and maneuverability.It became the massacre of the Chinese army's continuous musket bullets and shells.

While Yang Qi's troops were resting on the north bank of the Suzi River.The Eight Banners soldiers have been madly attacking the infantry phalanx of the Chinese Army's center line and left the fortifications.but.The muddy land made the Eight Banners soldiers the target of unilateral massacres.Yang Qi didn't know these things.But he held his breath.I know that I don't have many troops.In such a large-scale battle.It needs to be used at critical moments to be effective.He patiently dispatched a novice to investigate the situation on the front line.Has been hidden in the edge of the jungle.until the sun sets.Bursts of low-pitched horns sounded.The gongs behind the Eight Banners soldiers immediately rang together.The Eight Banners cavalry turned their horses and retreated.The Eight Banners soldiers now know that the Chinese Army positions behind the parapet fortifications are invincible to them.Even the hollow phalanx of the Chinese Army.They are also powerless.


Zhang Pan's second regiment was mainly from Liaodong.Most people have a blood feud with the Houjin Eight Banners.They were the first to counterattack.With the help of the cavalry, he went all the way to the foot of Zaotu Mountain.When the cavalry was recalled.Zhang Pan found that he had been fooled: a large number of Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner troops poured out from the mountain and behind the mountain.Surrounded the second regiment.

The Chinese Army is an army that Nurhachi has never seen or heard of.Their infantry commanders worked hard to train their men.The purpose is to enable soldiers to achieve even knowing that they are facing death.It will still step forward without hesitation.The deadly Pickett's Charge of the later American Civil War.The regular infantry units of the Chinese Army can launch at any time.therefore.Although there are members of the original Ming army among Zhang Pan's subordinates.But he has been trained as a standard professional soldier of this era.Moreover, according to the discipline and tactics designed by Yin Feng, they are constantly training every day.The Chinese Army is not the Ming Army.In strict discipline and day-to-day training.They are all working hard towards the standard of not being afraid to fight or not hesitate to die.And the Ming army that Nurhachi encountered before.Just use gunpowder as a life-saving weapon in the army.In addition, spears, knives, arrows and stones cannot be used at all.The ability to fight in close combat has no courage at all.

Soldiers of the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Division of the Chinese Army Infantry in front of the swarming enemy.There are very few panics.The vast majority of people can change from a four-way column to a four-way combat horizontal formation in time.Concentrate rapid-fire firearms to block the Eight Banners soldiers in the middle.Then, with continuous bursts and volleys, they just blocked the two charges of the elite troops of the two yellow flags.

Then.The second regiment was converted into a hollow phalanx in time.Arrange a battalion horizontal team on each side of the four sides.More than 1000 sailors and marines lined up in the center of the hollow square.Be the reserve and second line defense team.

The second group runs from morning to afternoon.He insisted on withstood many attacks by the soldiers of the Two Yellow Banners and Eight Banners whose strength was nearly ten times that of theirs.

but.Zhang Pan also discovered a problem: when the Eight Banners soldiers attacked his troops.Basically just a taste of it.Back off immediately if you encounter a burst of fire.The defeat in the battle also quickly retreated.It seems that there is no intention of eating their group at any cost.

Zhang Pan ordered the old battalion guards of his regiment headquarters to stop firing rescue rockets.

"Brother Zhang. Could it be that Manager Yan doesn't care about us?"

Some brothers who joined the Chinese Army with Zhang Pan came to ask Zhang Pan.Zhang Pan smiled wryly: "No, the reinforcements will be here soon. Everyone, go back to the front line. Keep shooting..."

"Regimental Commander Zhang. There is not much ammunition left." The supervisor officer of the second regiment brought a small officer from the logistics department of the regiment to report: "The ammunition we brought with us when we set off has basically been used up."

Zhang Pan smiled wryly again.Then he said solemnly: "After the bullets are finished, everyone use bayonets. Remember. Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one."

A brother from Liaodong shouted: "All my family members died at the hands of the Tartars. I have to kill five to make enough money."

Zhang Pan laughed: "That being said, I would have to kill a dozen or so to make enough money. Which brother is willing to help me kill a few."

"Head Zhang. Don't worry. I'll help you."

In the laughter of all the brothers.The bayonet was mounted on the plate.Shoot the last bullet at the Eight Banners soldiers who swarmed again.Then he rushed up with a bayonet.

Zhang Pan's troops began to fight hand-to-hand with the Eight Banners soldiers after noon.After several fierce battles.The formation was cut into many gaps by the Eight Banners cavalry.When the Eight Banners soldiers rushed into the hollow phalanx.The marines, who have been practicing melee combat tactics according to Qi Jiguang's mandarin duck formation for many years, greeted them.

Nurhachi waited for a long time behind Zaotu Mountain.Still haven't waited for any good news.

Huang Taiji, who was in charge of the investigation ahead, hurried back.Fudi reported: "The pirate army in front of the low wall maintains a phalanx formation. Move forward slowly. It is to rescue the pirate troops surrounded by us regardless of division."

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