Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 426 Destroying the Ming. The Dream of the New Army

Shi Li is a sturdy girl from the Danmin fishermen family. Her skin is slightly dark, but she is still a beautiful girl. She smiled and replied: "Young master is right, the little girl sang "Huan Sha Ji"." At that time, Liang Chenyu The "Huan Sha Ji" was performed in various places in the south of the Ming Dynasty. Almost everyone in the old Nanjing courthouse knew the story of Fan Li and Xi Shi. In the fireworks and willow lanes of Hangzhou, this play was also spread everywhere.

"How about it, when will I go boating on the five lakes with me," Yu Zigao was in a good mood, planning to tease this beautiful boat lady.

Shi Li giggled, and immediately retorted: "Who will go boating on the five lakes with you? You are a military commander, and your armor is so heavy that it will sink the boat,"

Yu Zigao smiled slightly: "How does the little lady know that I am a general?"

Shi Li, a girl from the Dan family, smiled: "Look at your walking posture, vigorous and steady, all of your subordinates are men with sharp eyes and quick movements. Guess your origin, "

Yu Zigao sat up very curiously, he had never found such a straightforward and lovely girl in Fireworks Willow Alley, so he couldn't help but look at Shi Li with admiration.

He has been lazy to visit the West Lake many times. This is the second time he has been on the lake in Shijiaban's painting boat. He is also an acquaintance with Shi Li. He changed his address unconsciously and asked: "Where is Miss from? Why are you here?" This West Lake painting boat discusses life, "

Shi Li smiled sadly on her healthy and round face, lowered her head and said, "I don't care about my family background, the little girl is just a small boat girl on the West Lake, so why should the general care about it?"

Yu Zigao frowned, and was about to ask, when his bodyguard captain Luo Xiaoming suddenly came up behind him, and said in a low voice: "General, there are boats approaching at the front and back, without any signs, acting suspiciously."

Yu Zigao was taken aback, opened the cabin curtain and looked around the ship. Sure enough, there were three fishing boats with semicircular canopies approaching Yu Zigao's boat from three directions. The boat operators all covered their faces with wide bamboo hats.

With a wave of Luo Xiaoming's hand, several of Yu Zigao's guards had already stood up from the stern of the boat, and stood at both ends of the painting boat, pulling out the flintlock pistols they carried with them. Luo Xiaoming shouted loudly, "Who is coming? The general in charge of Ninghaiwei is here,"

The other party did not answer, and the three fishing boats continued to move forward in silence. It was almost dusk, and there were almost no boats on the water of the West Lake. Yu Zigao's painting boat was the only boat still in the center of the lake at this time. Few people in the West Lake are interested in taking a night tour.

Yu Zigao snorted coldly, stood up and went forward to grab Shi Li, a fisherman girl: "Go inside the cabin, it's dangerous here," he pulled out the flintlock pistol from his waist - this It was a souvenir presented to him by Yin Feng himself when he left the Chinese Military Academy.

At this time, an out-of-tuned singing voice suddenly came from those ships: "Ten thousand people are of one mind, Mount Tai can be shaken, but loyalty and righteousness are full of anger, the master kisses me like a parent, and the body is not free for violating military laws. Ming Dynasty reward and punishment letter, go to the water and fire, dare to stay late, report to the emperor, go down to rescue the head of Guizhou, kill all the Japanese slaves, and find a feudal lord, "

This is the military song written by the famous general Qi Jiguang: "Song of Victory". When Yin Feng led the Chinese company's army to expedition to Ryukyu and Kyushu more than ten years ago, this military song was sung by Chen Di in the army.

Yu Zigao had already guessed who was coming, so he couldn't help sighing, stood with his hands down, and shouted loudly: "Yu Zigao, a student of the third command class of the Chinese Military Academy, is here, and the person who came is that senior brother, "

Three fishing boats crossed the hull, forming a half-moon shape to surround the painting boat. The lean Yan Siqi appeared on the bow of one of the fishing boats, dressed in black, and bowed his hands to Yu Zigao and said: "The fourth student, Yan Zhenquan, is here. , Brother Yu has always been good, "

Yu Zigao was slightly surprised. He knew that Yan Siqi was one of Yin Feng's generals, and he was also a wanted felon who had issued arrest warrants in the imperial court. He actually appeared in the city of Hangzhou where the Chief Secretary of Zhejiang was located. He bowed his hands and said: "It turns out that Zhen Brother Quan, farewell to Hainan Island, I heard that you are an invincible player all over the world, and your reputation has spread to foreign lands thousands of miles away. I admire you very much, "

Yan Siqi laughed, and without a weapon by his side, he swaggered and jumped from the fishing boat to Yu Zigao's painting boat without hesitation. He said very directly: "Senior brother Yu, the captain of the ship is about to send troops westward to seize the world. You He is his favorite student, what do you want to do at this moment, "


At this moment, in Yuyao City North Regiment Training Camp, there was a clamor of noise, after more than ten thousand soldiers of the "New Army" had not received a penny of silver for five consecutive months, there was a mutiny.

The new army has 15000 people, one artillery battalion, one personal guard battalion, five infantry battalions and one cavalry battalion. More than 1200 people in the first battalion, which is completely controlled by Yuyao Xie's family, received half of the salary, and nearly 2000 people in the remaining troops were from Jiangnan The military officers placed by the major family forces can also get some military pay.

The rest of the troops were raised by their second mothers, and there was not enough food for a day, and they couldn't get their salary. The weapons and equipment were picked up by others, and they had to be the servants of the Xie family in Yuyao.

On this day, because Yu Zigao sneaked off to hangzhou city to be lazy, the military law team composed of the personal guard battalion did not go out to patrol, and the starving soldiers took the opportunity to riot.

Many of the soldiers who rebelled were soldiers from the original Ming army guards, and some were farmers recruited by Yu Zigao in his hometown in Fujian. These people were the most excluded in the new army, but they had the largest number. Many of the troops under control are local people, and they are more united in gangs, and many of the officers are local people from their hometowns. Therefore, soldiers from the Ming army and people from Fujian are usually the targets of oppression. Now they are finally united because of the lack of pay. .

The disturbance first started from the Fifth Battalion, where the majority were Fujianese. They rushed to the armory in groups with tables, chairs and benches in the barracks, wooden fake guns for training, a few flintlock muskets and bayonets hidden in advance .

The guards of the armory were more than [-] people led by a family servant (family servant) of Xie's family in Yuyao. A large number of troops began to make trouble, except for the first battalion, the personal guard battalion, and the artillery battalion, the rest of the troops took part in the trouble one after another.

At this moment, there are no officials in charge in the new army camp. Yu Zigao went to Hangzhou, and Yao Zongwen, who was in charge of money and food, went to Nanjing. Some prestige officers among the soldiers, such as Luo Xiaoming, the commander of the artillery battalion, followed Yu Zigao. Gao left.

In the northern battalion of Yuyao City, there was only an officer with the rank of a thousand households sent by the Xie family in Yuyao. To suppress the rioting soldiers.

As a result, the riots caused by the soldiers of the new army quickly developed into a mutiny in which most of the soldiers of the new army participated.

Led by low-ranking officers, the rioting soldiers who had seized their weapons began to shoot at the troops controlled by Yuyao's Xie family. Suddenly, gunshots erupted, smoke rose from the north of Yuyao City, and the people of Yuyao were in commotion.

The mutiny quickly spread to the entire barracks. More than 3000 soldiers stood on the side of Yuyao's Xie family to fight against the rebels. Yu Zigao's personal guard battalion and artillery battalion did not participate in either side. They also grabbed weapons, but He just stayed in his barracks and couldn't hold on.

In other parts of the camp, 10000 mutiny soldiers were setting fire and firing guns everywhere, and some soldiers had already rushed out of the camp, shouting "Yuyao Xie's family is the culprit," and rushed in groups to the Yuyao Xie's house ten miles away go.

Yuyao county magistrate and officials at all levels in his yamen closed the gate of the county yamen tightly, hid under the desk and shivered, and the envoys who reported to the officers and soldiers of Ninghai guard station and Hangzhou were already on their way, but they also understood that the rioting army wanted to It was easy to kill them. Fortunately, those troublemakers just passed through the city and went straight to Xie's house in Yuyao.

The Yamen of the Logistics Department of the New Army in the city was set on fire. Amidst the sound of gunshots and shouts of killing, several civil servants in charge of accounts in Yao Zong's Civil Office were hung by the soldiers of the New Army on the light poles on the cross streets of Yuyao City. Hanged alive, the fire quickly spread in the city and approached the county government.

Large-scale mutiny was a common phenomenon in the early Ming Dynasty. However, in Jiangnan and Zhejiang, such mutiny due to lack of payment was rare. It was incomparable to the Japanese pirates invading the country back then.

The soldiers of the new army, who possessed the best firearms of the Ming Dynasty, were forced to mutiny due to the lack of food and pay. No one expected it. The mutinous soldiers blasted the big house of Xie's family in Yuyao with gunpowder bags, and killed the stubborn servants of Xie's family. They were all killed. The head of the Xie family was in Hangzhou and escaped the catastrophe by chance. The rest of the Xie family had hundreds of people, most of them were killed by the mutiny soldiers, and their wealth was plundered.

The soldiers of the Xie family in the barracks heard that their master's house had been robbed, and rushed out to try to rescue them. Compared to them, the rebels were disorganized and the troops were not affiliated. A big war broke out in Yuyao City, and Xie's soldiers and mutinies launched street fighting in the city.

At this point, military discipline disappeared, and some of the mutineers and Xie family soldiers began to rob, set fire, and kill people from house to house. The new army units controlled by various big families in the south of the Yangtze River also began to disintegrate. The guard barracks were ignited by the fire, and they had to rush out to fight with the mutineers and counter-mutineers.

More heavy firearms were brought out, most of the houses around the barracks were set on fire, and some were blown up by gunpowder kits. All the rich and powerful families in Yuyao City were robbed.

The villages and towns outside the city were also affected by the rebellion. Those mutinous soldiers who planned to disperse and go home after grabbing a handful carried out the city with large and small bags. The members rushed to the city, trying to rescue the master's family, but they happened to meet the mutiny soldiers who were leaving the city. Beginning in the early morning of the [-]st, the turmoil in Yuyao City began to spread to surrounding villages and towns.

Some tenants took the opportunity to make trouble and rushed into the landlord's house to burn the title deeds and IOUs. Several bandits in Siming Mountain took the opportunity to go down the mountain to make trouble.


The filming is almost finished, and the update will be resumed soon

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