Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 428 Destruction of Ming. Mutiny

Yu Zigao has been in a trance these days, and has been hiding in the city of Hangzhou. Yan Siqi and his personal guards are with him. In fact, to be precise, Yu Zigao has been following the Chinese military situation. The ministries of the Ministry are hiding everywhere, and the Zhejiang government already knows that he is in Hangzhou, and has already begun to hunt him down.

When Yu Zigao left the flood area without authorization, the army under his command rebelled. According to the Ming Dynasty's laws and official customs, he could not shirk his role as a scapegoat no matter what.

Now the mutiny has spread to the provincial capital of Hangzhou, and its numbers are growing. No matter what the outcome of this mutiny is, Yu Zigao, who is in despair, understands one thing very well: his official career in Daming and even his personal life have been destroyed. Decided.

The city of Hangzhou was in chaos.

Since the "Japanese pirates" invaded the country and approached Hangzhou City during the Jiajing period, Hangzhou has always been a representative of the rich and prosperous south of the Yangtze River. Hangzhou, located on the edge of the West Lake, is also a "gold selling den" for dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and businessmen. , singing and dancing day and night to promote peace, almost no disaster for half a century.

Now, as soon as the new army's rebellious soldiers arrived, the four outskirts of Hangzhou City suddenly burst into flames of war. Jia, the home of the landlord and gentry, even rushed into Lingyin Temple and other places to burn, kill and loot. A day later, those rebels who lost the leadership of the officers used cannons and gunpowder kegs to try to blast the city wall of Hangzhou on the side of Fenghuang Mountain, and then attacked Yongjinmen, Wangchaomen and other places, however, these rebels did not have solid professional skills, there were problems with the excavation of the blast hole and the arrangement of explosives, and the offensive launched by the rebels was chaotic in terms of organization and command.

After the rebellious soldiers blasted the siege plan, the explosive shock wave after the explosives were ignited basically poured out from the breach in the city wall. It failed to blow up the city wall, but killed many rebel soldiers who did not know how to hide near the blast hole. Rebel attacks on several other city gates also failed.

In fact, there are only 5000 defenders of the Ming Army in Hangzhou City, and the main force is the personal guard battalion of Luo Qing, the commander-in-chief of Zhejiang Province. There are only more than 1200 people. In addition, a group of new soldiers selected from Yiwu have not yet been assigned to the Yuyao military camp due to lack of pay. More than 1000 Ukrainian recruits Danzi who had never received training were also driven up the city wall and became one of the main forces of the Hangzhou city defenders.

Luo Qing himself is not in the city of Hangzhou. He is supervising the army on the front line in Huzhou to deal with the increasingly active Chinese army garrison in the south of the Yangtze River. Personally, the sooner the Chinese army comes over, the better. Most of their Luo family's property He and his relatives have moved to Taiwan and Quanzhou, Fujian one after another. The Luo family has already planned that once the Chinese army launches an all-out offensive to destroy the Ming Dynasty, Luo Qing himself will surrender immediately, and then move to Taiwan Island or Nanyang to become a rich family. Weng.

The leader of Luo Qing's personal guard camp staying in Hangzhou is a general who is also a descendant of the Luo family, named Luo Yifei. This small officer is now surrounded by a group of the highest-ranking civil servants in Zhejiang Province in the Yamen of the Chief Secretary of Hangzhou. Asking various questions, usually, these high-ranking officials would never look him in the eye, but now, the magistrate Yang Wan was promoted by the chief secretary of Zhejiang Province and the bureaucrats of Hangzhou government as the commander-in-chief of the city defense. The only one under the prefect Yang Wan knew The only way to fight a war is to fly Zong Luo Yifei.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoming, the captain of Yu Zigao's personal guard and the commander of the Artillery Battalion of the New Army - Luo Qing's nephew was sneaking out of Hangzhou City through the water gate of West Lake.

Just when the rebels failed to attack the city, the secret messengers of the Chinese Army took advantage of the chaotic situation and entered the city of Hangzhou. They used the waterways of Hangzhou Bay to convey the order of Chen Zhongji, the general manager of the Chinese Army Jiangnan, to the intelligence of the Chinese Army who was waiting in Hangzhou. The personnel of the department, including Yan Siqi and others who were stranded in the city:

Order from the ship owner: The Jiangnan Chinese Army will not take action against the situation in Zhejiang. All members of the Chinese Army and the company's intelligence department must immediately withdraw from the rebel forces to draw a clear line with the rebel forces. The rebel forces are controlled by the Chinese Army Intelligence Department. The troops immediately left the brigade and moved northward, striving to contact the Jiangnan defense area of ​​the Chinese Army at the seaside near Haining, and then waited for an opportunity to enter Jiangnan.

Zeng Rui, director of the Domestic Bureau of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, arbitrarily instigated a mutiny in advance, but at this time Yin Feng did not plan to launch an offensive against Daming immediately; at the same time, the Chinese Army, which had just finished the Battle of Liaodong, was unable to launch another major war. Because regardless of arms, food, transportation ships, personnel organization, etc., the Chinese army needs to rest and reserve, and in order to control the vast land in the interior, it also needs to expand the army.

That night, Yan Siqi got Chen Zhongji's order in a secret house at the corner of Fenghuang Mountain. After reading it, he said to Yu Zigao, who had been frowning all the time: "General Manager Chen said in the order: The owner of the ship has made a clear order, and within this year there will be no orders." Tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

Yu Zigao smiled wryly: "What else can I do? If I go back to the imperial court, I will definitely die; the new army I raised with my own hands is no different from bandits now. What else can I do if I go back to the captain's side?"

"That's not true, Brother Luo Xiaoming has already left the city, hasn't he?"

"His artillery battalion may be taken away, and the few Fujian soldiers I personally recruited may go with him, and the rest of the rebels, I guess most likely will not..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire and musket fire from the south of the city. This place is very close to the south of Hangzhou, so Yan Siqi, Yu Zigao and the others could hear it clearly: it came from the camp of the rebellious army outside the city.

Yu Zigao stood up all of a sudden: "It's Luo Xiaoming, it must be him, and he's starting to attack..."

Yan Siqi frowned: "Listen to the sound of the guns being fired, it seems that there are no fewer than a few thousand people fighting, and the artillery battalion is only a thousand people... Could something be wrong?" He turned to several members of the intelligence department and said, "Several brothers, It's important to find out the news quickly, brother Luo Xiaoming is the direct disciple of the ship owner, and also a hidden stake of our Chinese army, one of our own, "

After hearing this, Yu Zigao just smiled wryly, shook his head slightly and sighed.

Yan Siqi arranged people to go out to inquire about the news, and when he was done, he turned his head and said to Yu Zigao: "Brother Yu, Luo Xiaoming's matter is only now letting you know, this is the intention of the ship owner, and it is also to protect you..."

Yu Zigao waved his hand: "I don't mind,...Actually, I have long suspected that Vice General Luo is one of your people. He is very familiar with various military affairs during military training, and he has a faint shadow of the Chinese Military Academy...Now It is useless to say these things, the new army is finished, my two years of painstaking efforts have come to naught, I have nowhere to go,..."

Yan Siqi laughed and said: "You should have understood this a long time ago. The owner of the ship said two years ago: You are wasting your time training new troops for the Ming court; now, you have also seen that a mere new army, thousands No one capable of fighting can survive in this Ming Dynasty. As a soldier, what hope do you have for staying here? Waiting for the role models of Chinese soldiers, don't you want to be soldiers like Ban Dingyuan and Huo Qubing?"

Yu Zigao's eyes suddenly flashed brightly, he raised his head and smiled lightly, and pulled out a small gold-plated flintlock pistol from his waist: this is a souvenir that Yin Feng personally presented to each graduate of the Chinese Military Academy at the graduation ceremony. Touching this small flintlock pistol, which is basically an ornament, he said slowly after a long time: "I want to meet the captain of the ship..."


On the night of the third day when the mutiny soldiers surrounded Hangzhou City, the artillery battalion that reluctantly participated in the riot broke away from the rebellion brigade and headed towards Haining, where more than ten three-masted cruisers of the Chinese Army Fleet were waiting outside the seawall. .

It was Luo Xiaoming who led the team out of the rebel camp; his troops were the most organized and disciplined in the new army. Basically, after his sudden appearance, all the soldiers fell to him. Under Luo Xiaoming's command, the artillery battalion and A small number of Yu Zigao's Fujian soldiers abandoned heavy firearms such as cannons, assembled and set off to the north. On the way, the artillery battalion clashed with other rebel troops, and a gun battle broke out in the dark night before dawn. This is Yan Siqi, Yu Ziqi Gao heard the source of the gunshots at night.

After the artillery battalion left, the rebels became even more disorganized and undisciplined. There was smoke and flames everywhere around Hangzhou City, and more than [-] refugees abandoned their homes and fled in all directions.

Yan Siqi took Yu Zigao with him, and with the help of the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they sneaked out of the city near the Wulin Gate of Hangzhou City, left Hangzhou by means of the canal, and sneaked into the mountainous area of ​​northwest Zhejiang. When leaving Hangzhou City, Yu Zigao He didn't forget Shi Li, the beautiful boat lady on the West Lake, and insisted on taking her with him.

...Yin Feng looked at the documents of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, and asked Mei Xinlan behind him to massage his back. He was lying on the bed to read the documents. The place was Mei Xinlan's boudoir, which was surrounded by green gauze curtains On the big bed, the Eight Immortals table in the middle was lit with elegant and faint sandalwood. Because of the birth of a child, Mei Xinlan, who was slightly plump, was wearing only a small jacket and silk underpants. With a round arm, he tapped Yin Feng lightly on the back.

Yin Feng suddenly said: "Look, this Yu Zigao finally plans to quit, this kid finally figured it out..."

Mei Xinlan said "Hey," and slapped Yin Feng hard on the buttocks: "What dirty words are you talking about?"

Yin Feng turned around, hugged the almost half-naked Mei Xinlan in his arms, and said with a smile: "I didn't say anything dirty, I said that Yu Zigao has already decided to join me, that is, to quit..."

Mei Xinlan hurriedly covered Yin Feng's mouth with her hand: "This jump...is a dirty word,"

Yin Feng was taken aback, and it took him a long time to understand: in the Ming Dynasty, job-hopping had a specific meaning, which meant that after a prostitute had been with a client for a while, she found a richer owner, so she abandoned her old love and moved on to another. As far as Xinhuan is concerned, it is like a horse changing from one slot to another to graze. Therefore, this practice of climbing another branch is vividly called "job-hopping". , so he was particularly sensitive to this, so Yin Feng had no choice but to take action to make up for his slip of the tongue.


I'm so sorry that I'm so busy raising my family that I'm only resuming the update now

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