Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 433 Cleaning

The besieging side of this battle was the Malay army dominated by Aceh and Johor.The number of people increased from 6000 at the beginning to 7000 a month later.The other side is the Chinese Army and the Chinese militia armed to defend the area around Malacca.A small number of Portuguese and Japanese living in Malacca.The total number never exceeded [-]-[-] during the siege.Hold on until the main force of the Nanyang Fleet returns from Ceylon and Java in the Indian Ocean.

On the night of the first day of the campaign.The Aceh people attacked Sanbaoshan.Many Chinese cemeteries were destroyed.a whole night.Chinese Army and Chinese Armed Forces.Some Portuguese and Japanese mercenaries are fighting with the Aceh people.the next morning.At the moment when half of the city of Malacca fell into the enemy's hands.A regiment from Zhao Xuanming arrived in time.

On the night before.Zhao Xuanming's troops were on more than a dozen brigantine big blessing boats.Escorted by three schooners, they came to the southeast exit of the Strait of Malacca.

At the narrowest exit of the strait.There is Temasek (the Ming Dynasty referred to Singapore as "Temasek". That is, the Javanese Temasek) island.The island used to be the port of the Malacca Sultanate in the 14th century when Prince Srivijaya Bailimisulan established the Sultanate of Malacca.The stronghold at the mouth of the river was burned down by the Portuguese in the last Nanyang War.thereafter.The Chinese army ignored the mangrove-grown, swampy island.Yin Feng was busy dealing with the Liaodong issue in the Ming Dynasty.Also forget the importance of Singapore Island.

In the past few years, Temasek Island has only a few Malay villages under the jurisdiction of the tutelary government of Malacca.There is also a sugar cane plantation of local Chinese immigrants.The Chinese Army has only one garrison sentry stationed in the small bunker at the mouth of the river.The total strength is less than [-] people.They are all children of local Chinese immigrants.Zhao Xuanming's troops supported the Malacca fortress after receiving Yin Feng's order.At this time, due to the various departments of the Chinese Army after the Liaodong War were still in the process of rectification.The Northward Detachment of the Nanyang Fleet is still waiting on Hainan Island to be equipped with a new bronze pull cannon.Too late to go south.therefore.After hearing about riots in Borneo, Java Island, Palembang and other places.The first thing Yin Feng thought of was the newly established Sixth Division.

Zhao Xuanming is a well-known defense expert of the Chinese Army.Now he has finally become a colonel teacher.Immediately after he got the order, he set off with the first regiment of the sixth division formed by the old Nanyang brigade.

On this day, we arrived at the mouth of the Temasek River.It was already dark.The best-sighted sailors in the fleet had seen the fire from the masthead towards Malacca.There were also faint bursts of gunfire.The beginning of the Malacca War.The Chinese army on the island has not yet figured out what happened.The vanguard of Zhao Xuanming's troops rushed directly into the loosely defended bunker at the mouth of the Temasek River.A bunker guard was not in the bunker.The soldiers below were also unready for battle.None of them saw the alarm fireworks in the direction of Malacca during the day.A faint cannon was heard.But I thought it was the fortress defenders who were practicing with live ammunition.

Suddenly a group of soldiers in black rushed into the half-covered bunker gate.More than a dozen garrison soldiers who were chatting together at the door woke up.But they have been restrained one by one by the opponent with muskets, bayonets and daggers.He was disarmed and unable to move.Zhao Xuanming and the soldiers of the guard directly under his division headquarters then quickly entered the fortress.The soldiers looked at each other.Someone saw Zhao Xuanming's helmet emblem and epaulets under the light of the torch.He said in a trembling voice: "This colonel, colonel, colonel. Why is this? We are soldiers of the No. 12 sentinel directly under the garrison regiment of the Malacca Fortress of the Chinese Army. Our own people."

Zhao Xuanming is low-key.Not many people in the Chinese army knew him.He looked at the speaker and smiled coldly: "Where are you chiefs? Why don't you close the fort gate after nightfall. Why don't you set up a warning post in front of the fort."

The man was tongue-tied.It took a long time before he said: "...The post commander Zeng is a guest in a native village in the southwest. He hasn't returned to the fort yet. We are opening the door. We are waiting for him..."

Zhao Xuanming sniffed.He waved his hand and called his own guard captain: "You ask this soldier to find the head of the garrison team. At the same time, the whole bunker enters a wartime state. Let the brothers in the rear team stay on the boat and don't get off. Tell the sea admiral of the escort fleet .Let him immediately send a boat to Malacca to find out the situation..."

Zhao Xuanming's guard immediately took over the defense of the bunker at the mouth of the Temasek River.Thanks to Aceh people also ignored the critical terrain here.No troops were sent here when they attacked Malacca.The garrison commander of this bunker had a tryst with his girlfriend at the home of an aboriginal family that night.When found by his soldiers.I have long forgotten the rule that I must return to the castle at night.Hu Tian Hu Di is having fun.

The whistle chief was dismissed by Zhao Xuanming that night.Let the Sixth Division Supervising Military Department dismiss him.Cancellation of all ranks.Became a low-level soldier.Postmaster Zeng was an officer of the Malacca Garrison Regiment.It is directly under the jurisdiction of Zheng Zhilong.But now is war time.Zhao Xuanming has the right to dismiss him directly.

Zhao Xuanming added two posts and 250 soldiers to the Temasek Fort.Five bronze field guns remained.The admiral of the escort fleet is the admiral of Hai Yuntian, the fifth squadron of the Nanyang Fleet.He is only 30 years old.He is a descendant of Danmin from Qiongzhou, Hainan Island.He personally drove a schooner to the mouth of the Malacca River overnight for reconnaissance.Encounter with Aceh's army attacking the estuary fort.Hai Yuntian took advantage of the speed of the schooner and the cannons on board.Fleeing from the fiercely fighting waters at the mouth of the Malacca River.that night.Zhao Xuanming got the exact information that the Aceh people had begun to attack Malacca.

The situation is now clear.Street fighting in Malacca.All the farms, manors, and business houses outside the city are fighting fiercely.This is a massive battle.

Zhao Xuanming immediately released four pairs of pigeons.Respectively to the garrison of the Sixth Division in Borneo, the leader of the Chinese Army President in Taiwan, and Yin Feng, King of Jinghai.Pigeon with double backup is used.Every two pairs of pigeons go to one place.at the same time.He also asked Hai Yuntian to send two faster schooners to Java and Hainan.Request the detachment of the Nanyang Fleet to come to support immediately.

It stands to reason that the chief of the Nanyang March is Zheng Zhilong.Zhao Xuanming has no right to mobilize other forces in Nanyang except the Sixth Division of the headquarters.But now the situation is urgent.He also had to deploy troops to various places in the name of emergency help.The supervising officer stationed in the Sixth Division of the Supervision Department countersigned the request for help.Expressed the position of the Ministry of Supervision.

After Zhao Xuanming sent out emergency and rescue messengers.Immediately led the troops to Malacca overnight.He did not land at the mouth of the river.Instead, they landed on a beach ten miles from the mouth of the river.One of his regiments stayed at the Temasek bunker except for two sentry teams.The remaining nearly 1800 infantry. It took half an hour for 200 sailors and marines to land.Hai Yuntian, the admiral of the escort fleet, left behind more than ten lucky boats.He took the remaining schooner and headed for the mouth of the Malacca River.soon.His battleships carried 38 cannon.Hang out with hundreds of Malay dhows.

When Hai Yuntian attracted the attention of a large number of enemies.Zhao Xuanming led the team through the muddy ground through the mangroves.morning.He led the troops to suddenly attack the big market by the Malacca River.This large market is a newly opened trade bazaar in Malacca.Businessmen from various countries fled in all directions yesterday.Their goods are still piled in the market.A large number of Aceh soldiers seized this place last night.Now the large group of Aceh native soldiers fell into the cesspit like puppies.One by one dazzled and busy looting property.There is still a group of armed Chinese guarding the warehouse of the Chinese Commercial Center by the river.The sound of gunshots and shouts of killing continued.But Aceh's army commander has lost control of his soldiers.It is even impossible to mobilize soldiers to attack the warehouse of the business hall.Aceh native soldiers ignored the enemies around them.Dive headlong into the dazzling pile of goods.Don't grab enough.Say nothing and come out.

Zhao Xuanming's men suddenly rushed out of the mangrove.Over bushes and a crooked fence.The Aceh people who were in a mess were caught off guard.His just the right blow.The Aceh local soldiers, mainly the private soldiers of the Prime Minister of Aceh, were defeated.Soon they were driven out by the Chinese army from the south and east of the city.at the same time.The goods of a large number of merchants from various countries were thus safely preserved.

noon.Major Zhang Wei, deputy head of the Malacca garrison regiment, led his troops out of the fortress.Cooperate with Zhao Xuanming's troops to drive out all the Aceh troops who attacked the city.Hai Yuntian's battleship was escorted by the battleship Flying Eagle.It also successfully broke through the blockade of the Aceh people.Arrived at the mouth of the Malacca River.The Flying Eagle draft is too deep.After destroying the Aceh fleet.Docked at Temasek Island.In naval battle.Several warships of the Nanyang Fleet stationed in Malacca were burned by Malay sailing ships swarming like ants.

thereafter.The battle fell into a stalemate.Start on the third day.Aceh and Sumatra states have gathered around Malacca.The Sultan of Johor also betrayed the alliance signed with the Chinese company.Send troops to attack Malacca.Zhao Xuanming and Zhang Wei worked together in a division of labor.The main force of the first regiment of the sixth division is responsible for the defense of the mouth of the Malacca River and the side of the fortress facing the sea.Zhang Wei led the main force of the garrison and the militia to stick to St. Paul's Hill and the side of the fortress facing the land.

Chinese armed forces in surrounding villages, manors, and business houses.With the support of a small number of local Malay allies.They retreated to the city of Malacca one after another.Some plantation estates run by big businessmen were unwilling to retreat.Relying on the docks built by each to stick to it.Some were captured by the Malays.Some had to retreat to Malacca.Only a few Chinese strongholds were able to persist until the main force of the Nanyang Fleet returned.Hold on till the end of the war.

at the same time.The city of Malacca was surrounded by Malay armed forces.Those Chinese armed forces who tried to retreat into the city.It is often necessary for the Chinese army in the city to attack and respond.In order to be saved in a narrow escape.Countless Chinese women, children, old and young.and some Malay allies.In desperation, he fell on the banks of the river outside Malacca, in the bushes, and in the mangroves.St. Paul's Hill, the commanding height of Malacca city.Zhao Xuanming, Zhang Wei and others can often see thick smoke rising from the surrounding Chinese strongholds.Then the flames lasted all night.morning.There will be countless corpses of Chinese women, children, old and young outside the city of Malacca.

but.Malay attack on Malacca.Each time the besiegers were defeated.Lost a lot of troops.Aceh and other state armies.Only a small number of Portuguese and Dutch sold them matchlock guns.A dozen European-style cannons.The rest of the large number of firearms are guns cast by the Malays themselves.More Malay soldiers took part in the battle with spears, knives and iron swords.

When Pattani joined the anti-China camp.Instead, they brought dozens of bronze cannons.It is said that the Chinese pirates helped Queen Pattani cast it.

In terms of weapon firepower, the Chinese army has an absolute advantage.And relying on the solid Malacca fortress defense system.During the climax of the siege in March of the second year of Tianqi.Three general attacks by the Malays mobilizing over 4 troops were repelled.

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