Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 435 Cleaning

Zheng Zhilong walked out of St. Paul's Church.The resident priest and St. Franciscan Bishop of Malacca, Rhodes, respectfully sent him to the door: "God bless you. Dear general."

Zheng Zhilong looked up at the majestic church bell tower.Putting his hands on his chest and bowing slightly: "Thank you, Father. I will let the army withdraw from the church. The cannons in front of the church will also be removed. God bless Malacca. Such a long siege. The church has hardly suffered any damage. God bless ah."

According to Portuguese historical records in the 16th century.The church was not built by the Portuguese rulers.Rather, it was built by Duarte Coelho, a prestigious Portuguese captain.After his ship miraculously survived a storm in the South China Sea.Built to say thank you.The time is between 1520 and 1521.At that time, it was not only a religious holy place for the Portuguese.It is also a symbol of tranquility.

in 1548.The chapel was bequeathed to the Franciscan Order by the Archbishop of Malacca, Albuquerque. 1556.The Portuguese enlarged the church.Added a second tier of buildings. A further tower was added in 1590.so.The clock tower in the tower is the highest point in the entire city of Malacca.

Zheng Zhilong before he came to the Chinese Military Academy in Taiwan.He was sent to Macau by his uncle to study business.There he was baptized a Catholic.It is difficult to say how pure his faith is.He also rarely went to church to pray.But he has always had a lot of respect for the Catholic Church and its clergy.

This "Chapel of Our Lady on the Hill" is a religious shrine for the Portuguese.Zheng Zhilong is an official here.Take special care of this church.

that night.White flags were erected at the Beida Nian army camp, which had been bombarded by artillery and rockets from the Chinese army.Tens of thousands of Peking University troops were led by the Queen.Surrender to the [-] Chinese Army Pioneering Regiment.These pioneer militiamen looted the palace of Queen Pattani overnight.Zheng Zhilong announced to several militia leaders: During the war in the Malay Peninsula.Lift their military discipline.Some of these militia leaders are Chinese pirates who used to roam the South China Sea and Southeast Asia.Some are veterans of the Chinese Army.

Actually in this day.The Chinese army just kept bombarding the Pattani barracks with firearms.There was no direct attack at all.But the firepower of the Chinese army is too fierce.The Pattani people finally chose to surrender.

Zheng Zhilong gave the order that night.The regular Chinese army will go north to Johor tomorrow: all the way.Not a single Malay village town shall be left behind.Any resistance will be shot to death.at the same time.All captive Malays regardless of status.All must be detained in the prisoner camp at the mouth of the Malacca River.

"Most of the Portuguese and Japanese mercenaries have been sent to prison camps as guards. Most of the merchants who came to trade went to Luzon. Now they are sending people to demand the return of their goods. A large amount of food brought from Hainan and Borneo is being Distribute..." Major Zhang Wei, deputy guard, is reporting to Zheng Zhilong.At the moment they are in the old camp in the center of the castle.Zheng Zhilong summoned his confidantes to assign tasks.

It was already midnight.Malacca, which has been filled with gunpowder for several days, has calmed down.But many people in Malacca Castle are still busy.Zheng Zhilong and his group are the busiest.

"Insufficient manpower. Is it? I know that. But there is no way right now. Conquer Aceh in Sumatra in the south, and go north to Pattani. Tens of thousands of women, children, old and children must be arranged to return to their hometowns. The families of the soldiers who died in battle must be paid for. At the same time, the ammunition must be maintained. The start of the factory. Manpower is needed everywhere. Like this. You choose some of those Malay captives. For example, Pattani people. They are more obedient. Conscript them to do miscellaneous and hard work. Send Japanese guards to supervise. They will definitely be able to handle this matter .” Zheng Zhilong was very proud of the idea he came up with.Haha laughed: "This time the battle of defending the city. The Japanese have contributed a lot. I will ask the captain of the ship for some more Japanese coolies."

In terms of age.Zhang Wei is five years older than Zheng Zhilong.He also joined the Chinese Army three years earlier than Zheng Zhilong.but.Zhang Wei is very self-aware.Easy-going personality.No ambitions either.So he was in front of Zheng Zhilong.Zheng Zhilong has always been allowed to do as he pleases.Sometimes a little exhortation at best.

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.But he asked with some puzzled expression: "That shoot-to-kill thing. Why do you have to do it?"

Zheng Zhilong nodded vigorously: "Of course. This time our Chinese army has suffered a great loss. So many manors, villages, and plantations have been destroyed. This year's taxation will definitely be wasted. These destroyed places. Our brothers in the army also have a lot of land. The harvest of the Juntun farm will probably be much less this year. These have to be brought back from the natives. This time we will solve these natives in the Malay Peninsula once and for all. Drive them all away. The land left behind belongs to us .”

"Just do it." Some officers of the Nanyang Garrison Regiment and the Nanyang Fleet shouted.

Zheng Zhilong waved his hand: "Okay. Now I will start to assign the marching sequence going north."

suddenly.The living room door was opened.Captain Zheng Zhilong walked in quickly.Stand at attention and salute.Zheng Zhilong's face darkened: "Didn't I say that. No one is allowed to disturb the meeting."

The captain of the bodyguard looked serious.Answer softly.But it was just enough for everyone in the living room to hear: "A communication ship with a red flag has arrived at the port. It came from Taiwan Port."

Everyone in the hall looked at each other.Suspicious.Zheng Zhilong stood up: "Who is here?"

"Two captains and military judges from the Military Supervision Department. Captain Mai Jia from the Military Intelligence Department. There are also a few dressed as civilian officials. They have King Jinghai's handwritten order. I will hand it to you personally."

Zheng Zhilong put on his helmet.Said to the captain of the guard: "Take me to see them. Where are they now?"

"In the detention room of the Military Supervision Department."

Zheng Zhilong nodded approvingly: "You did a good job. Don't let too many people know about it."


The detention room of the Military Supervision Department is a temporary detention place for those who have violated military discipline in the army but the crime does not result in death.Next to the warehouse in the center of the fortress.When Zheng Zhilong arrived.In dim light.Several military judges of the Supervision Department immediately stood up and stood at attention.Those civil servants in long gowns had already fallen asleep in their seats.

Zheng Zhilong read Yin Feng's handwritten letter.Take a deep breath.He looked up at the two military judges.He also looked at the plainly dressed and unremarkable Captain Mai Jia of the Military Intelligence Department behind them.This is Mai Dahai's nephew.One of the descendants of the Dan people in Yazhou that Yin Feng brought overseas the first time.Zheng Zhilong had heard of these people.Including the foster son adopted by Yin Feng, known as the orphan of the ship owner.They are all the most loyal direct descendants of Yin Feng.

Zheng Zhilong asked with some doubts: "I heard that the envoy Han Zhen and the storekeeper Han of the merchant shop did their best during the siege. They did a lot of things... Are they really the spies of the Ming Dynasty court? "

At this time.Mai Jia, the new Nanyang director of the Military Intelligence Department.The dark-skinned little man stepped forward.A casual salute.He said very bluntly: "Lieutenant Colonel Zheng. The evidence for this matter is solid. Do you doubt the prince's decision?"

Zheng Zhilong is a big celebrity that Yin Feng values.The acquaintances of the Chinese army and the Chinese company who met him.Generally very polite to him.He was very dissatisfied with Mai's attitude.But at this time, I had no choice but to suppress my dissatisfaction: "No. How dare I question the decision of the owner of the ship. It's just that this matter involves the shopkeeper Han. The Han family has a lot of power in the Malacca business community and surrounding plantations. They formed The pioneer group is also outside the city right now. Arrest the two of them rashly. I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Zheng Zhilong's uncle Huang Cheng is one of the board members.Zheng Zhilong was faintly worried that his uncle would be involved in this matter.So he hesitated and asked again: "The bosses of the company's board of directors. Do they all know about this?"

Mai's face darkened.He said stiffly: "Lieutenant Colonel Zheng. The matter of the company's board of directors. You have no right to intervene. You can just speak up. The prince's order. How do you plan to implement it. I brought a few brothers from the special camp. I can help you if necessary." You do it."

Zheng Zhilong was furious.Almost got mad on the spot.Finally, he saw the order written by Yin Feng in his hand.His face flushed red.After taking a breath, he calmed down and said, "I don't need the help of Captain Mai's people. Malacca was under my jurisdiction. I have the ability to handle the affairs here."

"Hey. This place belongs to King Jinghai of China..."

Zheng Zhilong immediately snapped back and said: "Do the job of the ship owner well. The most important thing is to think about everything. Be careful everywhere. The king of the ship owner has entrusted me with full authority over the safety of this place and all military affairs. I must obey his orders."

Mai Jia smiled: "I will wait and see. I will see how you carry out the captain's order."

Early the next morning.At the departure ceremony of the Chinese Army and the Chinese People's Militia Northern Expedition Pattani.Zheng Zhilong kept a gloomy face.When worshiping Guan Erye and Mazu.Zheng Zhilong did not go to offer incense.Only when Father Rhodes prayed for the Catholics in the army.He half-kneeled on one leg and made the sign of the cross in front of his chest.

Then.Lieutenant Colonel Zheng Zhilong, the chief of the Nanyang March and the garrison of the Malacca Fortress, got on his horse.Seriously watching his army set off.

After the logistics support personnel who were dragging the baggage vehicles finally walked away.Zheng Zhilong turned around immediately.He said to Zhang Wei, who had been frowning behind him all the time: "Brother Zhang, thank you for your hard work. After I leave, I will entrust you to handle that matter. I will leave most of the personal guards to you. These people are the most reliable."

Zhang Wei sighed: "Don't worry. I will do what you want. Hey. Such a troublesome thing. It's more troublesome than guarding a castle for five months..."

Zheng Zhilong laughed.Immediately hand over.He rode his horse and swung his whip away.Leave a sentence to Zhang Wei from a distance: "Thank you, Brother Zhang. I will bring you some Siamese beauties back..."

It was noon that day.The city of Malacca once again declared martial law throughout the city.The yamen of the tutelary government and the Chinese business hall located beside the Hekou market were taken over by soldiers of the Chinese army armed with live ammunition and bayonets.People who didn't know the details thought that the Malays had returned.After inquiring, I found out: "The Chinese army is catching spies."

"What spies are hiding in the tutelary mansion. Are they Malay spies?"

"...I heard that he is a spy of the Ming court."

"Who is it. Who is it?"

Various rumors and legends spread among the Chinese who had just gained a peaceful life.But no one was very interested.The Chinese in Malacca need to rebuild their homeland.There is so much to do.As long as King Jinghai of China continues to rule here.Restart trade with overseas.The Chinese people in Malacca do not have too many demands.

Han Zhenshou, the governor of Malacca, is the distant nephew of Han Ping, the chief director of the Chinese company.Shopkeeper Han of the store is a domestic servant of the Han family.They were arrested around the same time.at the same time.Five properties related to the Han family near Malacca were taken over by soldiers of the Chinese Army.Immediately, personnel from the Finance Department of the Taiwan Headquarters of China United Corporation moved in.Start a comprehensive inventory check.Military, political, and commercial departments such as the Malacca Fortress Garrison Corps, the Malacca Town Guard House, and the Nanyang Chinese Commercial Center.At the same time, they began to investigate and clean up people related to the Han family.

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