Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 439 Cleaning

The Chinese Army was on its way north from Johor.Zheng Zhilong repeatedly emphasized military discipline.The situation of massacres and looting has improved.Frightened by the tragic sight of the Johorese, the Malay states surrendered one after another.Bangguo, who did not participate in the war, sent people to see Zheng Zhilong with a letter of covenant.Send food and slaves to the Chinese army.

Almost without any fighting.Zheng Zhilong led the Chinese army to the Kelantan River within five days.Kelantan is also a small state.It is a small country that surrendered to Pattani.

On the banks of the Kelantan River on the southern border of Pattani.The Malacca garrison of the Chinese Army has 3000 people.The Chinese militia consisted of more than 32 people in 3000 posts.Camped on the east bank of the river.And got in touch with the Mai Dahai Fleet on the sea outside the estuary.

Lord of Kelantan.Sultan Yunus brought a cart drawn by dozens of oxen.Carrying food, eggs, chickens and ducks, as well as local specialty rambutan and so on.Come personally to reward the Chinese Army.To express their pro-China stance.In the Chinese army camp.Sultan Yunus asked to meet Queen Kunin of Pattani.

Queen Kunin of Pattani.He is about 36 years old now.The body and appearance are not outstanding in the eyes of the Chinese.Not as beautiful as those "Nyonya" in Malacca (Ming Dynasty merchants and local Malays intermarried children. Men are called "Baba". Women are called "Nyonya").However, due to her noble birth, she has been pampered for many years.In terms of temperament and gestures, he naturally has a noble and elegant demeanor.

but.Zheng Zhilong, who was born in a businessman's family, doesn't like people pretending to be noble in front of him.Especially his captives.

Zheng Zhilong intentionally let her stay in a donkey cart.Don't let her get out of the car.all the way.The queen is accompanied by only one maid in service.Three meals a day are the same dry food as soldiers of the Chinese Army.Eating, drinking and lazards were all settled in the donkey cart.Wait until Pattani border.Zheng Zhilong allowed her to get off the car.The other accompanying Pattani captured nobles and generals looked at their queen in shame.She could hardly stand anymore.Except her maid.But no one dared to step forward to help.

Their queen is a descendant of the Siamese royal family Zhaoshi Ripansa.It was not her turn to be Sultan.only.After the death of the previous generation of sultans.The children of the royal family are in an all-out civil war for the throne.All male members of the royal family died during the fight.then.After meeting with the nobles of the country headed by Prime Minister Pattani and the leaders of Islamic clerics.Reluctantly, he pushed the only surviving daughter of the previous sultan to the throne.Unfortunately, the lucky one is the current Pattani Queen Kunin.

actually.Queen Kunin's political revision.Treat foreign nationals well.Develop trade.Make the people of Beida rich and the country rich.The Pattani Sultanate was under the rule of Queen Kunin.It has reached the most prosperous level since the founding of the People's Republic of China.If there is no Chinese company to forcibly monopolize the overseas trade east of Malacca.Cut off the economic lifeline of Pattani.It directly caused Pattani's economy to plummet.Pattani people do not want to participate in this war at all.Even after joining the war.Pattani fought passively under the city of Malacca.At the same time, it did not lay a poisonous hand on the Chinese in its own country.Just checked the properties of several rich merchants.The shopkeeper and others of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall were arrested.

Yunus, the Sultan of Kelantan, brought bad news to the queen: the Siamese army was [-] strong.Went south to Pattani five days ago.Pattani Prime Minister Daranus led only a few thousand troops left in Pattani.Declare obedience to the orders of the Lord of Siam.

Queen Kunin burst into tears on the spot.Lost her refined manners and appearance.The Queen personally decided to send troops to oppose China policy.Now it has brought the consequences of the imminent destruction of the country to Pattani.


Zheng Zhilong sent messengers that night.The Kelantan people lead the way to the sea off the mouth of the Kelantan River.Boarded Mai Dahai's flagship "Flying Dragon".He told Mai Dahai.The Siamese army has gone south.Rescue Pattani in name.In fact, it is necessary to annex Pattani completely.Grab territory with the Chinese army.

tomorrow.Zheng Zhilong will meet Mai Dahai at the berth of the fleet in the future.Discuss about fighting against the Siamese and Pattani coalition forces.

Night in the Malay Peninsula.The sea breeze blows the Chinese army camp.The campground was lit with lights.According to regulations, the soldiers live together in units of ten or ten people under various arbors.The roof of the pergola is made of canvas produced in large quantities after the Luzon cotton harvest.

Soldiers are not allowed to walk around at night in the barracks.Only sentinels on patrol and officers on patrol will walk around in the camp.

by contrast.The Chinese militia camp to the east of the Chinese military camp was very noisy.Although there are patrolling sentries, landmines, fishing nets and copper bells and other defensive measures.But there are still many local Chinese and aboriginal businessmen entering the camp.They were licensed by Zheng Zhilong.Come to have a drink with the leaders of the Chinese militia.

Figures moved in the camp.The sound of laughter and playfulness continued to spread.The officers in the Chinese Army camp frowned.

The military judge of the Military Supervision Department followed Yin Feng's newly promulgated "Land Development Law".The military discipline requirements for the militia have been relaxed a lot.However, personnel from the Ministry of Supervision were still sent.Civilians entering and leaving the camp were searched at the gate of the camp.

The third sentinel of the Quanzhou Pioneering Regiment camped on the grassy beach on the east bank of the Kelantan River has more than 100 people.It was established by the Han Ping family, the chief director of the Chinese company.The nearby Anping Pioneering Group has more than 150 people.It was established by the big director Huang Cheng and others in partnership.The two camps were near the north gate of the militia camp.

After the third watch.The party in the militia camp also came to an end.Officers from the Supervision Department led patrolling sentries throughout the entire camp.Carry out Zheng Zhilong's clearing order.In the dead of night.Two sentries at the north gate of the militia camp suddenly spotted three sailboats approaching from the lower reaches of the Kelantan River.Borrowing the sea breeze, they quickly approached the militia camp.

The two sentries were suspicious.Five red lanterns were found on all three sailboats.It shows that this is a ship of the Chinese Navy.

Sentinel A: "Brother Xiao Jin, he is one of our own."

Sentinel B: "It's so late. Why did the Navy Fleet send people here? Something's wrong."

Sentinel A: "What. What's wrong. Brother Xiao Jin. Don't scare me."

Sentinel B: "Look at you. You see, this is the signal of five red lanterns. It means that they are on an urgent mission. Could it be that the natives are calling?"

Sentinel A: "Do the natives have gunboats? If we want to fight, let's do it first."

The two sentries were chatting.At the same time, he woke up Shichang who was sleeping in the watchtower: "Wu Shichang. There is a situation. The navy fleet has a ship coming. It is the kind of single-masted patrol boat. Look. They have docked..." They were not nervous at all.Step by step, they lit torches at the gate of the camp.He is planning to send someone to report to Zheng Zhilong's old camp.A dozen men in black suddenly rushed out from the pitch-black river beach.

Sentinel A with sharp eyes: "Special Battalion." Then he opened his mouth wide.Nothing can be said.Wu Shichang and Sentinel B were also stunned by the scene in front of them.The black-clothed soldiers of the special battalion suddenly appeared ten steps away from them.He rushed over as if he was facing a big enemy.But.This is my own camp.Is this necessary?

The sentry guards except Sentinel A are descendants of local Peranakan Chinese.The other two are veterans of the Chinese Army from Fujian.They are very familiar with the special camp.During boot camp training.They have all seen the live-fire drills of the special battalion.on the land of East Asia.Except in the Chinese Army.No other country has such fighters.

Wu Shichang only had time to say: "We are our own people...".A dagger was already at his throat.at the same time.Sentinels A and B were also controlled by the soldiers of the special battalion without any resistance.

In the dim torchlight.A military judge in his thirties wearing a red belt stepped out from behind the soldiers of the special battalion.Look at the rank on the shoulder.It turned out to be a lieutenant colonel.At least he is the supervisor officer of the first-level infantry division.

The military judge said in official language with a strong Hakka dialect: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Yu Hua, the headquarters of the Chinese Military Supervisory Department. I am here to do business under the order of the King of China. This is a warrant written by the King. Here is the Great King's seal. and signature."

Wu Shichang and his two soldiers were in a daze.He looked at Lieutenant Colonel Yu Hua, the military judge, in a daze.

Yu Hua waved his hand.Let the soldiers of the special battalion in black let go of the three people in front of them.Then he said to the three people who were still in shock: "The king sent me to carry out an urgent task. And it must be carried out quietly. Therefore, you are now under my command. You must obey my orders. Understand."

The three looked at each other.Immediately nodded yes.

Lieutenant Colonel Yu Hua nodded: "Okay. Open the door for us. Don't disturb any sentries. Don't send anyone to report to the old camp. Also. Take us to the campsite of the Anping Pioneering Group."

Three hundred Marines entered the militia camp silently.Divide into two paths in a double column and rush straight to the Anping Pioneering Group.

Zheng Zhilong is for tomorrow's meeting with Mai Dahai.I studied the map of Pattani on the table for a long time.It was very late before I got dressed and went to bed.When he was awakened by the guard's report.He looked at the clock in the tent.It's only been an hour since I lay down and rested.

There seemed to be gunshots outside the tent.Zheng Zhilong turned over and got up: "Guards. What's going on."

The guard reported outside the account: "There was gunfire from the militia camp. It seems that something has happened. Captain Li of the pro-guard has sent someone to inquire about the news."

Another burst of gunfire came.Zheng Zhilong could even tell that it was an improved version of the Portuguese arquebus that the Chinese Army had eliminated.Only those in the Chinese militia still use this weapon.

Then.Another burst of louder gunshots rang out.This is the firing sound of the latest version of the Chinese Army's standard flintlock musket.

"Oh my God. Something really happened." Zheng Zhilong quickly put on the breastplate and helmet.Take two flintlock pistols.A Japanese sword is hung on the waist.walk out quickly.The members of his SS had all woken up.A chaotic crowd gathered outside his tent.Zheng Zhilong began to assign tasks: "Brother Shui. Let the garrison brothers gather urgently. Enter the state of battle. Zhang Boning. You go to the artillery camp. Let them guard the barracks. Without my personal warrant. No one is allowed to enter or leave the camp. And You, the young man of the Lin family. Go to the militia camp and look for Lieutenant Wang of the Supervision Department. Gather as many people as you can. Immediately enter the battle state."

"Captain Li is back."

"Did the Malays steal the camp?" Zheng Zhilong asked impatiently.

Zheng Zhilong's personal guard captain always seems to have only one expression: serious.He saluted Zheng Zhilong meticulously.Then he said: "The militia camp was not attacked by the enemy. However, the militia sentries in Anping and Quanzhou were disarmed by the navy and marines. The gunshots just now should be a small number of militiamen who escaped from the camp and were shooting at the pursuers."

"What nonsense are you talking about. The navy and marines raided the militia camp. What's going on." Zheng Zhilong was stunned by the news he heard.Everyone showed a look of disbelief.

"The one that was disarmed was the sentry team of the Anping pioneering group. The third sentry team of the Quanzhou pioneering group." The captain of the guard continued calmly: "None of the other pioneering team sentries were attacked. I also saw a person from the headquarters of the supervising army." Lieutenant Colonel. It seems that he is directing the operation. He showed me the king's handwritten order. Ordered me to cooperate with him."

"You mean. The military judge sent by the headquarters is on the spot to command. The ship owner's king's warrant. The Anping Pioneering Regiment. It's my uncle's men..." Zheng Zhilong had a very bad premonition.

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