Noon of the day.The sun peeked lazily out of the clouds.The banks of the Yangtze River, which had just snowed, were still white and lifeless.Lieutenant Colonel Shi Daxuan, deputy commander of the Second Fleet of the Chinese Navy and captain of the Feilong, ordered the Feilong to raise anchor and sail.ready to go.With two decks and 70 cannons, the Hiryu swings its huge body.Sail slowly to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.soon.The "Lancang" Galen-type cruiser belonging to the Taiwanese fleet carried 48 cannons and surpassed the "Feilong".The red vanguard flag was played.As the vanguard of the fleet, he ran to the forefront.

"Lancang" used to be the flagship of Shi Daxuan when he was the Admiral of the Second Squadron.Shi Daxuan watched it rush forward from the rudder cabin at the stern.Haha laughed.Said to his messenger: "Raise the flag of victory. Blow the Conch. Let the Lancang go strong."

The bow of the Flying Dragon.Mai Dahai's personal soldiers pointed at the main mast and shouted: "Master Commander. Look. Victory flag."

Mai Dahai, Yang Qi, and Chen Zhongji raised their heads when they heard the sound.Sure enough, a bunch of colorful flags were hoisted up the main mast.The semaphore means "victory".Known as the "Victory Flag".

The sharp-eyed soldier shouted; "Look. The Lancang has also hung the banner of victory."

Mai Dahai laughed: "The battle has not yet started. The banner of victory has already been played. It is too underestimating the enemy." However.There was no reproach in his look.After thinking for a while, he said to the soldiers: "Pass my order to Captain Shi. Tell him to prepare rockets. Firefighters are in place."


This afternoon, there was a northeasterly wind blowing on the river.This section of the Yangtze River is in the southwest-northeast direction.The Lancang took ten schooners and sailed towards Anqing with the wind.It will be there in a dozen miles.When Anqing City was faintly visible.The river also began to widen.

The lookout sailors on the Lancang had already seen the enemy.At this point a battle alarm was sounded.

On the water of the Yangtze River in the south of Anqing City.Layer upon layer, densely packed with countless ships of all kinds.At this time, the Ming army had also seen the Chinese warships.But about half of the ships in the brigade have already set sail.The rest were still scrambling to heave anchor, hoist sail, or lower oars.The sailors were busy running around.

In the south of the Yangtze River, there are temporary bases run by the Ming army.At this time, the cannon has been fired; Jiangbei Anqing Shuimen City Tower.There were also cannons roaring.but.These cannons were completely aimless.The shells fired were still far away from the Lancang and fell into the water.The Ming army's homemade cannons were of poor quality.No sights.They are all fixed gun positions - they cannot be adjusted in height or turned left and the beginning, the Lancang proceeded cautiously along the main channel in the middle of the river.Later, it was discovered that the Ming army fired hundreds of shells without hitting a single one.So he sailed boldly closer to the shore.Bombard the shore forts with naval guns.

Not long.After being ravaged several times by various shells such as flower shells, shrapnel shells, and solid shells.All the shore forts of the Ming army were silenced.

At this time.The warships of the Ming army have all set sail.The first fireboats began to sortie.

General Qi Zhongyue of Anqing brought back the information that the Chinese army was in Jiangxinzhou to the Ming army camp in the morning.Chen Daoheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, ordered a meeting of all the generals of the Ming army in the Anqing area to be called.but.He did not order the Ming army to immediately enter a state of combat readiness.certainly.Even if an order is given, it does not necessarily get much execution.

After Zhou Qiyuan heard the news.He ran to the Anqing government office where Chen Daoheng was.After seeing Chen Daoheng, he asked to immediately gather the Caojiang Navy and the Jiangfang battalions to set off first.Take the initiative to face the Chinese army.Chen Daoheng was drinking tea.While waiting for the commanders of the Ming army from all walks of life to arrive.Shaking his head, he said, "Don't be in a hurry. Brother Zhongxian. The military situation is like fire. Be quiet. You are so eager. You can't talk about the word 'mian'."

Zhou Qiyuan's character is Zhongxian.No. Mianzhen.Chen Daoheng made fun of him for being too anxious.It's a bit like relying on the old to sell the old.Zhou Qiyuan took a deep breath.Suppress the anger rising in my heart.He cupped his hands and said, "My lord. The military situation is urgent. The pirates' weapons are sharp. If they go to the river outside Anqing City, they will fire bombs on the city. People will be destroyed and everything will be destroyed. At that time, people in the city will definitely be in chaos. But..." His original intention.It means that the Ming army in the city was frightened by the cannon.Will be demoralized.

Chen Daoheng understood.But he still shook his head: "Brother Zhongxian's words are different. Since ancient times, siege battles have to be fought on the shore. There should be no exception for the pirate army. The pirate army does not know the art of war. Thousands of miles against the current. The lone army goes deep into the river. There is no cover on the left or right. The so-called General Qianli Pou is also. South of Anqing. The river is open. It is the place where more than a thousand fire boats show their power. I am waiting here to repeat the old events of Chibi. It is very happy."

Zhou Qiyuan works in Suzhou.From time to time, the Chinese Navy's squadron based on Chongming Island will come to the river below Jinling for "drills".He had personally witnessed the scene of Chinese warships firing salvos.He had not seen a salvo from a battleship.I have only seen shooting scenes of three-masted cruisers carrying 40 cannons.

He is not a man with military knowledge.But he is very clear about one thing: the Chinese fleet has no direct opponents on the Yangtze River.They only sailed westward alone.It is indeed a taboo for military strategists.But their enemies must be able to defeat them.Only then can this "big taboo" become a reality.With the firepower of the Chinese fleet.That's how it came straight through.With the strength of the Ming army.Really helpless.

"My lord. Soldiers are precious and fast. When the pirates cross Jiangxinzhou, we divide the troops into two groups. We release the fireboat at the exit of Jiangxinzhou at the southern end. It is just right to take the opportunity to burn them. The exit at the southern end of Jiangxinzhou is narrow. The pirate ship is so big that it is not easy to turn around. It is a good place for our military fireboats to intercept." Zhou Qiyuan further elaborated on his combat concept.If the Ming army attacks according to his method.It can still cause a little trouble to the Chinese army.

but.Chen Daoheng just hesitated for a moment.He still said: "My brother's plan is very clever. However, there are already dense fortresses inside and outside Anqing City. When the naval bandits come here, they will attack by land and water. It can also perform amazing feats. Why don't you just listen to the opinions of the adults." Chen Daoheng pointed to the door.The coaches and generals of the Ming army from all walks of life have already rushed over.From the original intention.Chen Daoheng didn't want to listen to Zhou Qiyuan's opinion at all.He thinks this young man is not stable enough (Zhou Qiyuan is actually 50 years old).I don't know the art of war.Chen Daoheng's military experience comes from dealing with the riots of the White Lotus Sect.So he insisted on dealing with pirates.It can also be stopped statically.

It took half a day for the commanders and generals of the Ming army to hold a meeting.When everyone decides to take the initiative.It's already noon.So Chen Daoheng thought that soldiers should not be allowed to fight hungry.I decided to go out after lunch.

result.When the cruiser Lancang of the Chinese Navy appeared.The Ming fleet was caught off guard.When the Lancang and its gunboats bombarded the Ming army's fort in turn.After removing all the firepower points of the Ming army on land.Only then did the warships of the Ming army begin to surround them.

"The warship of the Haikou army is so big. It can be said to be a boat. Our fire boat is on fire." Yu Jiang, the prefect of Anqing, shouted behind Zhou Qiyuan.

"Don't light the fire. Their large troops are behind." Zhou Qiyuan shouted from the tower of Anqing Shuimen.But it didn't work.Although the Ming army knew that the Chinese warships in front of them were just vanguards.But some people couldn't wait to set fire to the boat.

Both the Lancang and the ten gunboats lowered the fire-proof boat poles beside the ship.Fire the cannon and circle around in front of the fireship attack formation.Destroy and sink those fireships one by one.

General Cao Jiang of the Ming army was very angry.Desperate to ignite all the fireboats in the headquarters.A large number of hand-rowed boats were sent to drag the fireboat forward.There are more than 300 fire boats lined up on the entire river downstream.Block all the waterways on the river.Don't let the Chinese naval ships have only room for maneuver.

The Lancang turned around and retreated.

On the upper floor of the Water Gate in Anqing.The officials of the Ming army watching the battle let out low cheers together.Only Zhou Qiyuan frowned.Muttering under his breath: "This is just the beginning..."

The main force of the Yangtze River Task Force of the Chinese Army has passed the Jiangxinzhou waterway.They are lining up on the river.The fireworks and rocket signals of the Lancang ahead have been rising one after another.The Ming army has been lured to pursue them.

From the bow of the boat, Chen Zhongji watched the thick smoke rising gradually to the west.He sneered and said: "The defense of the Yangtze River in Ming Dynasty has always been in vain. Our army fought all the way to Anqing last time. This time we will definitely be able to fight to Wuchang."

Holding up his binoculars, Mai Dahai said, "Information from the Ministry of Military Intelligence. All you need to do is sink all the Ming warships in Anqing. From there, go up to Wuchang. There are no naval troops in Ming Dynasty anymore."

Yang Qi's marines were responsible for capturing Anqing.Do it last.At this time, I was very leisurely carrying a wicker chair and sitting on the bow.He smiled and said: "This way. We are almost invincible. On the water of the Yangtze River. Probably no one has ever been so majestic."

Chen Zhongji has been in Jiangnan for these years.Jiangnan is the most prosperous literary style in the country.He was not less influenced.Still read a lot of books.Immediately, he corrected Yang Qi's statement: "Brother Qi is wrong. Just a hundred years ago during the Zhengde period, there was a pirate named Liu Qi. He went straight from Huangzhou to Nanjing and Zhenjiang. He only brought thirteen ships and more than a hundred Brother Hao. Over a thousand miles across the Yangtze River. The Ming army has more than a thousand warships and a hundred thousand officers and soldiers doing nothing. They can't stop them with such a small number of troops. This is your predecessor."

Yang Qi was fascinated leisurely.There was a look of envy and admiration on his face: "Really. This big guy also has a seven in his name. He is really my senior..."

"The Lancang is here." Mai Dahai suddenly said loudly.Both Yang Qi and Chen Zhongji lay down on the bow and raised their binoculars.I just saw the Ming army's fire boat brigade going down the river with thick smoke.The Lancang headed straight towards Jiangxinzhou.

Mai Hai put away the binoculars.Seriously said: "Everyone, it's started."


The fire boats of the Ming army were obviously lit too early.Wait until near Jiangxinzhou.Many fireships have disintegrated and sunk by themselves.There are navy officers and soldiers who understand tactics better.The ship was rushed to the vicinity of the Chinese warship before it was lit.but.There are very few Ming soldiers who can do this.Even less can be done.Not to mention the struts around the Chinese warships.It is the intensive artillery fire of the Chinese army.It has almost made it impossible for the fireships of the Ming army to get close to the warships of the Chinese army.

Almost all front-line officers of the Ming army on the Yangtze River.It soon became clear that the fireboat tactic had failed.

The Chinese Navy has always focused on long-range attacks.I don't plan to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army.Their dense firepower and fire struts are able to do just that.Fortunately, it was able to get close to the warship of the Ming army of the Chinese army.It is very difficult to climb on a Chinese warship: whether it is a battleship or a cruiser.For any warship of the Ming army.They are all behemoths.The bottom gun bays of those battleships are all bronze heavy guns weighing more than 40 pounds.When firing shotguns at Ming warships at close range.It was simply carnage.A single shot can wipe out the naked sailors on several Ming warships.However, the Ming army's Frangji, Wankou blunderbuss, and bird blunderbuss all had to shoot from the back.Hitting the Chinese warship is undoubtedly a nuisance.The sailors and gunners of the Chinese Army are hiding behind the gun windows and the ship's side.

Most prematurely lit fireships.Not self-combustion and disintegration.It was sunk by a Chinese warship.The warship of the Ming army tried to rush to the warship of the Chinese army for close contact.Most were sunk midway; some were held back by the battleship's fire props.Then burn itself out or be sunk...

In the evening.All fireships have burned or are burning.The still active Ming navy warships were scattered and fled.Yang Qi led 4000 Marines to land on the northeast coast of Anqing City.Start to attack Anqing City.The Chinese fleet with the Lancang as the vanguard.Carefully walk past the burning wreck of the fireship.When night falls, come to the river outside the water gate of Anqing City.

Mai Dahai wiped his sweat.Ordered at the bow of the Flying Dragon: "All warships fire at Anqing City. All artillery has the maximum range; Thunderbolt rockets fire incendiary types. It is also the maximum range."

a whole night.The artillery fire on the Yangtze River never stopped.Flames were everywhere in Anqing city.By dawn.Half of the city was shrouded in flames.

All the troops of the Ming army fled one after another that night.Chen Daoheng also ran to Wuchang with the remaining warships of the naval battalion.Zhou Qiyuan was with him.Completely disappointed with the situation.

Early the next morning.Yang Qi led the marines into Anqing City.No resistance was encountered.

after a month.The Yangtze River Task Force of the Chinese Navy appeared on the river outside Wuchang City.

Compared with those pioneers who trekked hard in the unknown fog in history.The biggest advantage of the traveler is to know the historical trend - not just the history of technological development.They know which constructions will prove successful through history.And which ideas were proven not to work.

therefore.The Chinese fleet built by Yin Feng.The purpose of the reference is clear.Coupled with the help of the materials Yin Feng brought from before crossing.Now in terms of battleship level.It has reached the highest level of another time and space, the seventeenth century and the early eighteenth century.And the navy of the Ming army.From the glorious giant ships of the Zheng He period to the point of using modified small fishing boats.Completely to blame.

After this battle.In addition to the government forces of the Ming Dynasty in Guangzhou, Weihaiwei, Tianjinwei and naval forces.Thousands of miles of sea, thousands of miles on the Yangtze River.There is no longer a warship.

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