Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 467 War and Peace

Although the emperor has made a plan to recruit money.but.For the dignity of the royal family and the majesty of the court.This matter cannot be raised by the emperor.In the morning after three days.Wang Chengji, a student of Ye Xianggao and Minister of the Ministry of Officials, first put forward the suggestion of "recruiting pirates".

If this is an opinion from someone other than Donglin.On the spot, he would be attacked by the Donglin party crowd, who accounted for half of the court officials.but.This suggestion was put forward by Wang Chengji, a member of the Donglin Party.Moreover, Ye Xianggao had already greeted the Donglin party members in advance.therefore.The Donglin party members were silent on this proposal, which obviously violated Ming's taboo.

And Wei Zhongxian's faction.And other court officials who have taken refuge in or are taking refuge in the eunuch party.On the contrary, quite a few jumped out to oppose the appeasement of the pirates.

Although the court meeting was unresolved that day.But Xu Guangqi has already begun to prepare for his mission.

This day is Sunday in the Western calendar.Xu Guangqi went to Xuanwumen Catholic Church to worship after he left court.

Inside the Catholic Church founded by Matteo Ricci.Except for Long Huamin, president of the Missionary Church of the Chinese Diocese of the Jesuits.There are also a large number of Jesuit missionaries in China such as Pang Diwo, Guo Jujing, Bi Francis, Ai Julius, and Shi Weizhen.They are waiting for Xu Guangqi's visit.at the same time.Jin Nige, the vicar of Taiwan who had just been expelled from Taiwan by Yin Feng's order, was also among them.Behind these foreign missionaries.There are also a large number of Chinese believers who have joined the Jesuits.Zhong Mingren, You Wenhui and a pair of brothers surnamed Qiu - Qiu Liangzhi and Qiu Lianghou were all in the crowd.There are also three Chinese-Portuguese mixed-race monks from Macau: Pang Leisi, Fei Zangyu, and Fei Zangyu.A monk of Chinese and Japanese mixed race - Ni Yagu.

Bishop Baradas of Taiwan is seriously ill.A letter has been sent to Beijing.Ask another bishop to be chosen to replace him.He will soon be heeding the call of the Lord.

The relationship between Vicar Jin Nige and Yin Feng used to be very good.Provided a large number of European books for the Chinese Military Academy and the Government Academy founded by Yin Feng.And helped Yin Feng translate many European scientific and technological works.But.Because he participated in the purchase of cannons for the Ming army by Han's father and son.Yin Feng was annoyed.So just expelled from the island of Taiwan.And was clearly ordered not to stay in Yin Feng's ruling area.therefore.It's just Jin Nige who helped write a letter of introduction.was expelled from the island of Taiwan.Desperately detoured to Guangzhou and came to the capital.

Yin Feng originally planned to interrogate him.Later, because Han's father and son were both dealt with internally.Therefore, one yard of Jinni Pavilion was also placed.banished him.Yin Feng passed You Wenhui, who was the clerk by his side.Message to the Jesuit China Mission Society in Jingshi: The next Jesuit Bishop of Taiwan.Must be Chinese nationals.otherwise.He will cancel the missionary rights of the Jesuits in Taiwan and the areas ruled by the King of China.Will get San Franciscans or Dominicans back.

Ricci before his death.Once determined the policy of living in harmony with Yin Feng's forces.After Long Huamin took over as the president of the China Missionary Society.Conflict with Matteo Ricci in missionary career.I don't like Matteo Ricci's sinicized missionary policy.but.After he personally went to Taiwan for inspection.Given that Yin Feng takes a tolerant attitude towards various religions.Still decided to maintain a cooperative attitude with Yin Feng in the area controlled by the Chinese company.

therefore.Jin Nige and others collected European scientific and technological books and translated and wrote scientific papers for Yin Feng.All got his approval.but.Due to the bad influence of the "Hongyi Cannon Incident".The current missionary situation throughout East Asia is very unfavorable to the Jesuits.after all.Yin Feng had just won the Third Nanyang War.The control over the entire waters of East Asia and Southeast Asia is more stable.throughout the Asia-Pacific region.The power of Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng.Already counts.The Jesuits cannot afford the serious consequences of fighting against Chinese companies: the Jesuits were banned by the Japanese Tokugawa shogunate.Has lost the missionary rights in Japan; if the situation in Jinnige really deteriorates beyond control.The Jesuits may be expelled from all of East Asia.

It is rumored inside and outside the Ming court that Xu Guangqi will go to appease the pirates again.The news made the worrying Jesuit missionaries overjoyed.

You Wenhui just came from Taiwan as Yin Feng's envoy.Sent by Long Huamin.Invite Xu Guangqi after the Sunday service.Deigned to meet key figures in the leadership of the Jesuit missionaries in China.

You Wenhui served as secretary beside Yin Feng.More often as a painter and map surveyor.Draw various maps for Yin Feng running east and west.Long Huamin expected him to contribute to changing Yin Feng's religious beliefs.But for a long time.Yin Feng just regards You Wenhui as a friend who loves painting and art.Never gave way to him religiously.even.Yin Feng also instilled preliminary nationalist sentiments in You Wenhui from time to time.Fight against the internal regulations of the Society of Jesus that Chinese people are not allowed to be promoted to bishops...

You Wenhui.The word contains Pu.The Christian name is Emmanuel, and the western name is pereiraYeou Manuel. Born in Macau in 1575.He traveled to Japan between 1593 and 1598.Received training in various subjects including painting in schools run by the Jesuits.His painting teacher was Giovanni, a Jesuit and Italian oil painter.The Madonna statues and other oil paintings that Matteo Ricci gave to Emperor Wanli.Many are works by Giovanni and You Wenhui.

You Wenhui's father was a Chinese smuggler doing business overseas.Before he was born, he was killed by Portuguese pirates somewhere in Southeast Asia.You Wenhui is a posthumous child.At birth, he was sent to a Jesuit monastery in Macau by his mother who was unable to support him.

After becoming an adult, You Wenhui inquired about his birth experience.It was also before the emergence of Chinese companies.Lived in Macau and Japan.He clearly sees the changing situation in East Asia: the most prominent one.That is, the status of the Chinese has never been more important in the entire East Asian region: they are no longer dispensable Chinese merchants.No longer a wandering smuggler without state protection who can be bullied at will.It is a member of the ruling class that any indigenous or Westerner must respect.

For the Ming government.You Wenhui didn't have much loyalty in the first place.As for religion.This is the environment in which he grew up.Yin Feng has no prejudice against religion.I just didn't like the discriminatory attitude towards the Chinese from various Catholic monasteries at that time.After You Wenhui stayed by Yin Feng's side for a few years.It is discovered that Yin Feng does not actually interfere with other people's religious beliefs.Therefore, You Wenhui soon became Yin Feng's personal painter.And politically loyal to the King of China.He first joined the Exploration Department under the jurisdiction of Zhonghua Company.Together with a group of fellow Jesuits, he drew maps for Yin Feng.Later, he became the secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Royal Palace.It seems to be Yin Feng's spokesperson for dealing with various Catholic missionaries in Europe.

so.He came to Beijing this time.It's all here to serve Yin Feng.Accompanied by You Wenhui was an important person close to the King of China: Zeng Yue.

at the same time.He also brought a document: "Five-Year Plan".

Long Huamin presided over the Sunday mass ceremony for Xu Guangqi personally.

When the chief priest, Long Huamin, recited the confession in Latin.You Wenhui, who was in charge of reading the scriptures, was a little distracted.Looking at someone in the lobby in a daze.

"... who sits at the right hand of the Father. Have mercy on us; for you alone are Holy. You alone are Lord. You alone are supreme. Jesus Christ. You and the Holy Spirit. Partake of the glory of God the Father .Amen."

Gloria is in Latin.Matteo Ricci once translated the Chinese version.After Long Huamin served as the president of the Jesuit China Missionary Society.Latin is still used in various ceremonies.

After the glorification in Latin was finished.You Wenhui was still in a daze.He was gently pushed by a church member next to him.He just opened the Bible in his hand.Read a passage from the Gospel.He learned Latin from an early age.Very proficient and fluent.

Xu Guangqi read along devoutly.Although I don't quite understand it.behind him.One of his entourage also bowed his head in prayer.A belt was exposed outside the gown he was wearing.A jade pendant hangs from the belt.A jade pendant engraved with a blue-green wind and cloud pattern.This is the token of the secret agents of the Chinese Military Intelligence Department.

You Wenhui before leaving for the capital.Received intensive training from the Ministry of Military Intelligence.So he recognized this jade pendant at a glance.This person is very young.And served in front of and behind Xu Guangqi.Obviously Xu Guangqi's personal servant Shutong.The Ministry of Military Intelligence has actually placed secret agents beside Xu Guangqi.This is something You Wenhui didn't expect.He was chanting.Subconsciously glanced left and right.I didn't see anyone else hanging the jade pendant.

. . . May the Lord be with you.

Also with your heart.

May God Almighty.Father, Son, Holy Spirit.Bless you all.


When singing the last Li Chengyong.You Wenhui knelt in front of the altar.He felt someone touch him lightly from behind.Sensitive You Wenhui squeezed into the crowd.Gently put your left hand behind your back.Soon I felt a small note was stuffed into the palm of my hand.

When Long Huamin warmly received Xu Guangqi into the back hall.You Wenhui hid in the corner of the room and quickly checked the note.

That evening.Xu Guangqi returned to his house with a group of servants from Xuanwumen.After returning to the inner study.He shuns the servants.Only one person remained.The man takes off his servant clothes.It was You Wenhui himself.

The two didn't talk nonsense.You Wenhui just bowed his hands in the courtesy of a junior: both are Catholics.Xu Guangqi doesn't like being polite.You Wenhui has been living among European missionaries.Knowledge of domestic etiquette is limited.But Yin Feng is informal.

"Your master intends to take care of the bureau. This matter can be discussed. The court is now discussing the matter of payment. It's just. No matter what. The king of Chu must be safe." Xu Guangqi said bluntly.

Just now in the church.When Long Huamin asked Xu Guangqi to negotiate with the pirates.Bring You Wenhui with you.and.I hope that when he contacts the pirate army.Recommend You Wenhui as bishop of the diocese of Taiwan.This is actually asking Xu Guangqi to contribute to the Society of Jesus.Help them keep the missionary rights in Taiwan and even the entire East Asian waters.

at the same time.You Wenhui showed the "Five-Year Plan" in time.And conveyed Yin Feng's willingness to cease war with the imperial court.He is actually very familiar with Xu Guangqi.It was accompanied by him that Matteo Ricci entered the interior of the mainland.During the relationship between Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.You Wenhui has always appeared as an assistant to Matteo Ricci.

Xu Guangqi also knew that You Wenhui was working for Yin Feng on Taiwan Island.This is what he learned through Jesuit internal correspondence.

The intelligence work of the Ming Dynasty against the Zhonghua Company has been very unsuccessful.Especially after Yin Feng conducted a major internal cleaning last year.Almost all the hidden stakes sent by the Ming government have been pulled out.therefore.The whole Ming Dynasty knew nothing about You Wenhui's identity.so.You Wenhui moved very freely in the capital.

But Xu Guangqi was still very careful.Let You Wenhui disguise himself as his servant before leaving the church to go home.

You Wenhui stood in front of Xu Guangqi.Respectfully said: "The king of Chu is in Suzhou. His whole family is there. My master said so. As long as the court is willing to negotiate peace. As soon as the peace talks start, release the whole family of the king of Chu immediately."

You Wenhui knew about Xu Guangqi's problem a long time ago.Because this is one of the main points of debate among the officials in the court today.The news was delivered to You Wenhui by an unknown servant around Xu Guangqi during the mass ceremony.

He went on to say: "This peace talk is the intention of my master. The prerequisite is that the court recognizes the fact that our army occupies the three southern mansions, the two Zhangquan mansions, and the Qiongzhou mansion in Hainan."

Xu Guangqi shook his head: "This is impossible. Such a condition is absolutely impossible to appear in any edict. There is also the land of Liaodong. How to say it."

You Wenhui clasped his hands and said: "My master said it. Liaodong was taken by our Chinese army from the Eight Banners of Manchuria. It has nothing to do with the Ming court."

Xu Guangqi's face became even more ugly: "This. This. Your master is too greedy... The land under the jurisdiction of Liaodong is originally an important border area under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. How could you easily sell it to Hai,... to your master... You have no sincerity at all. "

You Wenhui drew a sign of the cross on his chest and said, "God is my witness. My master wants a truce. It must be done sincerely. He proposed it. It can follow the old example of Haojingao. Every year we give the imperial court a certain amount of silver as rent. .”

"Hao Jing Macao." Xu Guangqi smiled bitterly: "Your master is really funny. Isn't this Macao already taken away by you?"

You Wenhui smiled lightly: "The land of Macau probably has nothing to do with the imperial court."

Xu Guangqi took a sip from his teacup.Shaking his head and sighing, he said, "Your ship is strong and powerful. Firearms and armor can be called the strongest. However, since your master wants to negotiate peace with the court, aren't you willing to make some concessions. Brother Emmanuel. I know You are very familiar with the internal affairs of the court..."

He called You Wenhui by his Christian name.You Wenhui involuntarily made a sign of the cross on his chest.

"...That's the case. You should know. Such a peace negotiation condition. The imperial court will not agree to it anyway."

You Wenhui nodded.He said solemnly: "My master knows this. But. During the previous imperial appeasement, the imperial court did not open the sea ban. It did not fulfill the promise made in the negotiation. At the end of last year, it even gathered a large army in the south of the Yangtze River in an attempt to start a war. ...Therefore, my master said that this time the peace talks must be a high price. Only then can we bargain with the court..."

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