Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 469 War and Peace

After the gate of the south gate of Yangzhou was opened.The sailors and militiamen of the Chinese army were divided into two groups.Along the city wall, go straight to Ximen Wengcheng and Dongguan Lijin Gate.The Ming army who escaped from the barracks in the south of the city was defeated.At the entrance of Nanmen Street, he was bombarded by the infantry of the Chinese Army.There is also a Thunderbolt Beehive Gun mounted on the tower of the South Gate.Constantly shooting Ming army officers and soldiers.The Ming army broke up and fled to the north of the city.The few Ming army units that were able to maintain their organizational structure and intend to persist in resistance.Therefore, it was disrupted by the rout.

The militia used matchlock guns eliminated by the regular army for training.But Liu Xiang gave them a lot of grenades.So they rushed to Dongguan Lijin Gate.No matter what, he threw a grenade at the Ming army guarding the east gate.

The officers and soldiers of the Ming army guarding the Lijin Gate were already stunned by the sound of the cannon.This time, they were immediately blown away by the grenade.The East Gate of Yangzhou City was controlled by the Chinese Army.Another group of Chinese navy sailors coming along the canal entered the city of Yangzhou.Start attacking the city center.

In Ximen Urn City.The sailor marines fought hand-to-hand with a Ming army bearing the flag of Fengyang T-shaped.Then relying on the fierce pirate style, the Ming army was knocked down the city wall.Many officers and soldiers of the Ming army were eager to flee for their lives.Jump directly from the city wall to the roof of the residential house.Most fell off the roof.

soon.There was no more Ming army officer and soldier who resisted in Yangzhou City.All the Ming troops were fleeing north of the city.

actually.Liu Xiang's troops are simply not enough to control the entire Yangzhou city in a short period of time.

If there is a Ming army that can resist resolutely.As long as the melee situation can be maintained until dawn.The truth of Liu Xiang's emptiness will be exposed.

but.Facts don't exist if.The Ming army in Yangzhou City made a slight resistance that night.It completely collapsed.After Ding Yaomin, the new general of Huaiyang, woke up from the gentle township.He didn't even go back to his old camp.Don't care about Guan Fang Da Yin.He fled directly to the north gate with dozens of soldiers.After opening the north gate, escape.Most of the Ming army officers behaved like him.It was the magistrate of Yangzhou who led a group of Ming troops to resist on Yaqian Street.He was later killed by cannonballs fired by the Chinese Army.Almost all of them were wiped out.

It was noon the next day.The Chinese Army basically controlled the entire city of Yangzhou.Liu Xiang has been a pirate since she was a child.At this time, the leaders have already started to move the things in the Yangzhou government treasury.Yangzhou was originally an important base for water transportation.At this time, it was an important logistics base for the Ming army in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.It has a large amount of food, gunpowder, armored equipment, clothing and cloth for the officers and soldiers of the Ming army.in addition.There are a lot of hoarded goods inside and outside Dongguan.They are all items from various merchants that cannot be transshipped because of the war.Liu Xiang doesn't care about Sanqi 21.All ordered to move away.

He is not manned enough.Only rush to transport those gunpowder and better quality military equipment.and valuables.The rest of the food and other items.Including various things in the government office.He directly issued an order: free distribution to the people in the city.No matter who is in Yangzhou city.You can come to the government treasury and official warehouse to carry anything.This order was escorted by soldiers of the Chinese Army to the local yamen servants and land security guards.The streets were full of gongs and drums, and the announcement was made loudly.

All government offices in Yangzhou City were opened wide.Anyone can come in and out.Soldiers of the Chinese Army want to carry things conveniently.The thresholds of all yamen were dismantled.The door was also removed.As a result, these government offices and government offices completely lost their sense of majesty.In the beginning, some bold hooligans followed the soldiers of the Chinese Army into the official storehouse.Then those locals who were caught by the Chinese army also began to act boldly.soon.In the evening.The criminal activity of robbing government supplies became a carnival involving the whole city.

at the same time.Liu Xiang's hands were itchy.He led the sailors of the Marine Corps and ransacked the houses of several evil gentry with a bad reputation.All his belongings were thrown on the street.Still at the disposal of the citizens.

The carnival reached its climax that night: countless silk loom households rushed into the tax office.After ransacking this place.A fire burned to the ground; coolies at Dongguan Wharf.A fire burned the tax card here.Killed the tax collector.Then.Some thugs of the local gang "Daxing" rushed into the prison.After rescuing his accomplice.A fire burned Yangzhou Prison to ruins.

The fire shines on the city of Yangzhou.Some looters began rushing into the streets.Wanton burning, killing and looting.only.It should be after someone was shot dead by the Chinese army on the spot at the door of the store or business with the Chinese flag on the blue background.All the robbers bypassed those merchants that carried the banner of Chinese companies and were protected by the Chinese army.these merchants and shops.They all belong to the underground branch of Zhonghua Company.Or owned by secret shareholders of the company.

that night.The Chinese Army completely withdrew from Yangzhou City.Return with a rewarding experience.Liu Xiang left countless posts.Announced the capture of Yangzhou.It is revenge for the surprise attack on Guazhou by officers and soldiers a month ago.Warn the Ming army to stop making unnecessary provocations.

The people of Yangzhou who were honest and responsible.At this time, many people rushed to the street.Unscrupulously moving things out of government offices, government offices, and government treasury warehouses.They want everything.In the back house of the prefect who died in Lian Zhan.Clothes, shoes and socks and even pillows were also looted by ordinary people.at last.Those government offices and servants began to join the ranks of moving government assets.

It was the morning of the second day when we arrived at the city of Yangzhou.Liu Xiang and the Chinese Army have already begun to evacuate.Basically moved all the things that could be moved to the canal outside the Lijin Gate of Dongguan.All kinds of confiscated ships were piled full.The waterline on the side of the ship has reached its limit.

And the carnival of the people in the city has not stopped.Originally, the Chinese Army could only maintain order in some areas of the city.Almost the entire city of Yangzhou is now in a state of anarchy.

Not all the original bureaucrats in Yangzhou City were killed.Liu Xiang just caught them and put them in prison.but.Gang members from the Yangzhou "Daxing" rushed into the prison to save people.A fire burned the prison.As a result, those Yangzhou officials were basically burned to death.thus.When the Chinese Army completely withdrew from Yangzhou.There are basically no figures who can represent the authority of the Ming Empire in Yangzhou City.

Those shops and merchants protected by the Chinese army.Some have already temporarily evacuated Yangzhou with Liu Xiang.As the Chinese army left the city to seek refuge in the countryside.The Chinese Army also recruited some craftsmen.Even their whole family moved onto the boat and took them away.

The honest people in the entire Yangzhou city were jealous.More and more people rushed to the streets.Go to the treasury and official warehouse to rush to transport anything: food can be eaten, iron can be used, cloth and silk can be used to tailor clothes. …those who at first were timid and sheltered at home saw someone return with a rewarding experience.I started to regret it too late.Join the heist with an even crazier stance.The doors and windows of various government offices were demolished.The tables, chairs and benches in the government office have all begun to be moved.certainly.More people died in looting.Many merchants were also killed.The rich and the gentry stayed behind closed doors.The clan is guarding the gate.From time to time, there were conflicts with various robbers.There are several blocks.It was set on fire by looters.Thousands of people in the city were made homeless.

When Xu Guangqi and others came to the north of Yangzhou City.What was encountered was a city in complete anarchy.

Xu Guangqi's appeasement action.It didn't go well at first.They waited in fear for two days in the Bamboo Garden in the north of Yangzhou City.It was not until the soldiers from the Beijing camp arrived.Then.The Jingying troops set off to "recover" Yangzhou City.As a result, there was a "misunderstanding" with the Ming army under Ding Yaomin, the Huaiyang general who also went to "recover" Yangzhou.Almost fought among themselves.

Ding Yaomin was eager to "recover" Yangzhou's achievements.To atone for the capital crime of abandoning the city and fleeing.After he escaped from Yangzhou City.It didn't take long to learn some details from the subordinates who escaped one after another.Start to wake up.then.He gathered the scattered soldiers in Baoying.After gathering more than 5000 people.Go to Yangzhou city.They entered the city almost at the same time as the soldiers from the Beijing camp.

The two armies fought for the first place in "recovery".They collided head-on at the gate of the government office.Almost immediately they turned swords against each other.

at this time.The turmoil in Yangzhou has not stopped.But the officers and soldiers of the Ming army did not go to maintain order.Instead, he also joined the ranks of robbery and arson.They also have more convincing excuses: assisting pirates and capitalizing on enemies.

Many Yangzhou people who were slow to react were caught and beheaded on the spot by the Ming army entering the city.Many businesses that did not attract robbers a few days ago.Now it is openly looted by the government army of the Ming Empire.

Xu Guangqi had to come forward.As a second-rank senior official of the imperial court and the governor of Jiangnan, he ordered the Beijing camp to enter the city to maintain order.Ding Yaomin's troops withdrew from Yangzhou City.Set up camp outside the south gate to defend against the Chinese army in the direction of Guazhou.at the same time.He temporarily appointed some Yangzhou local officials.Order more robbers and murderers.Whether it is soldiers or civilians, the Fa will be executed immediately.

At this time.The reinforcements sent by the imperial court also arrived one after another.The Ming Dynasty tried its best.The soldiers from Shanshan and Shanxi and Shandong were transferred to Yangzhou in the south.The barbarians from Guizhou and southern Hunan were transferred north to Wuchang.At this time.The imperial court has issued an imperial edict.The share and scope of collection of sea rate and Liao rate have been increased.The rural society of Ming Dynasty was extremely exhausted.Once again will bear the burden of the entire empire.

Xu Guangqi did not wait for the situation in Yangzhou to be completely stable.I plan to continue going south.To carry out their mission of recruiting.

Sheng Yihong, the deputy envoy of Zhaofu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, and the imperial envoy of the capital.And Jin Yiwei Qianhu, the leader of the mission guards, persuaded him not to risk his life: the Chinese pirates around Guazhou are still moving around.The road is not safe.This solicitation.The imperial court did not explicitly issue an edict in the residence newspaper.That is.This time to appease the pirates.Still in a state of secrecy.

After starting from Beijing.You Wenhui has been standing behind Xu Guangqi very low-key.He stood up at this time.Claiming that he has contacts with Catholic believers in the sea merchants.You can go to Guazhou to inquire about news for the ambassadors.

Previously.You Wenhui has been wearing Confucian robes and a silver cross around his neck.Pray with Xu Guangqi.Those court officials always thought that this person was a church member or student of Xu Guangqi.None of them paid attention to him.

at this time.No one in the team that recruited the ambassador dared to venture into the pirate camp to make contact.Everyone had no choice but to count on You Wenhui to make a trip for them.

then.The Ming Empire's second recruitment operation against the most powerful rebel pirates along the country's coast.Finally, with the help of a bold action of a Chinese Catholic.kicked off.

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